HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-08-62MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
OCTOBER 8. 1962
Pres(?nt '
.City Engineer' Mcbride - nresent
Cit. y Attorney' Hourke - rresent
·. 2~T !4.
UTi-: S
Moved by Mr. w~t.~e~
.. ., .. ~ ..... , seconted by Mr. Morris that
m~m~+es of Se--+ember ~.~th m~.et~ng be a[mrove.4 as
m..':~i].e.J ar.d rece~ved. Carried.
A¥,pl!catior and corros"on::lence reqd by f';ecretary.
T¼oa~ r. res~nt w~th ,-,...,..m t:~ ~ -
.. , ..... ~.~. er, and questions and request
inS +bot..~ .., ,.~,,rno.~ C zon;~..,.~, fac~~. ~ on. Nev~ort /..v~ . were'
dq.mo~' }'r~p. !!~1o]
J'-m(-'s W~,'nmc.~t.¢ Ncw,'nrt Avenue
. :. i '~ i "
Julia Johnston tS~neta Lane, S A
'Ir..art t"ilant, rc:',rosent!n~ Kyrand Co. and Carl
S~ ,:+.~,~,.--~, snoke ir e~vor O~ zone C~{~ ;~S PCP
ap!'l icat.~ on.
C[ :.[ t
i/earing declar'ed cloaed at 8 P.I",.
,",ovee ~": i":r. b.mith, seconded b~:.' Mr. I'Iorris that
decision on Kyrand ap[licat;on be deferred to
Uctober 22nd ~eetJnE for the p~r~(:...qe of a joint
~t..udy with Count.., v .., ..
,. ,, ani Cit Planners aaa ~ direct
recommcnd~t!cn from the County can be obtained
regarding this ~articulnr application. Motion
cart3 ed.
AFq'!.,h .%"' .'. ] T'T'¥ ,..
z,:'-u-'~--.'*- A¢te," a, ,r'.l~ng, r~s tr,.. . the l¢irality,.,, of *~,cl~c~'t~on, ,
HUL. BY ,,,T,. ho. 62-108 by the City Attorney it was -roved by
KYi{t,"',,D C(,..; Fir :,-,~th" second~fi b,, ~.l~ I,,~tcheq~" that apr, lination
· ~ ., .. t ,/ . · .. ~ ,- '
,',' PPI.. I' .... "i"': ~ . be accented without
,~.:,~ ut~ Lo 6~ ]08 K,rw, nd. f:o-,nr~nv, .
,',CCEf'TbD orejudice. I'[ct, ion c'~rri,d.
Hear.~..ns et- tiezonir:;.r r':f North side of Third 3treet
betwec, r "C" qn! "D'; Streots OFO, ne~ at 8']5 P.:''I-
'?h~-re. '~'~'~:,'~:'..., ..~., nc, objectiono,, or e,',~mcnt:'-~,, .. .., the. tleaing
war~ dec!::'-'ed closed e.t 8'18 i'.N.
F'ioved b.v ,'"~r. Mitchell., r;econd~d by ['ir. Smith that
itesclut :i nc No. 594 recomme, nJin~z to the Council
t}':at ss ~ d o~,". .... [;~,~t. ,,.," b~ zoned. C-2 be passed and
adoptc.:]. ?lot~on carried by roil cal. 1. Ayes' ?'lueller,
,..: (., . -
· , '~ -~,~'i th Noes None; Absent Bacon
[{i +'ch~n a '"(/.~r'~ .... , ,
· ~ .~ ~ .. ~ .,. · . . ,
~heridan, Bcurret.
DIST Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Mitchell
MAP 10
5-9 that the Secretary write the County Planning
' Commission that this Commission has no ob-
~ections~to SeCt~,gnal Distract Map 10-5-9,
xhibit I. Motion carried.
NO COMMENTS TO Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Morris
MAP that due to lack of sufficient information
IRS 13, EXHIBIT this commission has no comments at
as to Sectional District~Map IRS 13 this time •
• • $. ~IQt ion carried. ~ .,
,. - ~ : ~ ire
C08BESPONDENCE Move; ~! Mr.. Dorris, secpnde~ bar--Br
that"correspondence ~e 'received and .Mitchell .~., : ..~.
filed . `
FILID Carried
r'bved by Mr. Morris $pondec~~,by._ Mr.S~~~~t~ljT'~` „ , ,
that architectural-~~tiscape 'pl ~ fo ~~ lc
PACIFIC DRIVE...IN Drive-In Theater be. accepted as, presentq~ t~b-,
THEATRE * ARCH._ sect to the fences ~ri rlortheasti'ahd e~utha~l~t ''
LANDSCAPE ,PLANS bein sold,fences and chain linl~ per~itted_on .
ACCEPTEi! ~ ~ ~ side~!'ac iirfg'; rai road. Mot ion .carried. - ', ~ '
HEIGHT LIMITS Report oneheight limits in all zones in the`~~
DEFERRED city deferred. _.
.. ~ - _
'Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by~Mr.. Smith
B.P. ZONE LAND than ~on$~derat.~Qn of ,R.P.. zone. be referrer"
0$DINANCE ~~~~~E"' to City -Attorney Bourke, City 'Engineer McBride
SUBMITTED AT anc~ Mr, N lscn cf ; bounty Building ;and Safety,
NEXT `RE~#UL~iB Land"Use" ~ivisiem and a tentative B.P. Ordin-
MEETING ~ ~ ~ ance be submitted at next regular meeting.
TRUXTON CORP.TRACT Tentative mad of~Tract 4d54~ Truxton Corp.
MAP REFERRED TO deferred to a~ipropriate Department Heads to
DEPT. HEADS., be referred ~iaGk;to the Commission at the
. ~ October 22nd meeting.
QUESTIONING BY Mr. Tancredi asked Por the Commission's-feel-
MR. TANCREDI 8E innggss asc to the dexeJ,oomeut of-his ..property , ; __
HIS P80PERTY ON on~Fourth Street and was told to work up and
FOURTH STREET submit tentative plans...,
_ ~~ .,
GRADING 0 ANCE `~Movad~b Mr. Morris,, ,eecq~ed,'.~~r~.'~1r. Smith,~4,,~~; . .,
that a : ~radir}g, Qpdf nan~g b taken ;under con4
BE TAKSN ~ES. ~ `sid~r~~~pn arr„}}~. study ~, iv~dua~~x, nd sub- "
CONSIDERATI(~l~t ` " sequ Atl'y referred ' to :• t~~ ar~hi~~c~ural committee.
Moti~n carried.
..Moped by. Mr,~, Dorris seconded by Mr. Smith .that ,.r ;.
maeti,llg ba ae~~4uahn~~.- Carried. _..
.. _ .. .. .
,; ; .. oe
. .. ~ 'Sea ary _ .. ~ ,
. .~,
... : .
~. ~~.~ `"~ ~'~~ ti~ 2.,f e:i..: -. .e .4d ~ SLr.4c, _,.fii.,~l~i"`~'n1B'~~Bkc~....., t~` ,. ::.