HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-22-62 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1962 iNUT,,.S OF a HEOULAii MEETING TUS:i'IN PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1962 Meeting called to order at 7'30 P.~i. by ~hairman Bacon. Present' Bacon, Oheridan, Mitchell, Mueller, Morris Mr. Smith arrived at 7'45 P.M. Absent' Bourret City Engineer McBride, present City Attorney Hourke, present Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Morris Minutes Approved that Minutes of October 8th meeting be approved as amended. Carried. HEAHING. ON ZC Hearing on Zone Change Application No. 62-111, 62-111 SMYTH BtiOS. Smyth oros. #1 Inc., opened at ?'35 PM. COMMENTS ETC. Clerk read application re,questing C_i zoning on property located at 1102 E. Main Street, Tustin, and at the property bounded by Main, Bryan and New[.>ort and correspondence from bounty Planning Department and ~ounty °uilding Department. HEA~lNG CLOSED 1'here being no objections or comments, the Hear- ing .was ueclared closedat 7'40 P.M. ADOPTION OF HESOLUTICN NO. 596 - FROM "U" TO C-1 ZONE ~'loved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Morris that Hesolution NO. 596, recommending to the City bouncil the approval of ~one Change Application No. 62-111, from "U" to C-1 Zone be passed, and adopted and that zone map show a 32' setback from present right of way line on Newport and 40' north and 40' south of center line of Main Street and on Bryan Avenue according to proposed precise alignment as submitted by the County of Orange. Motion carried by roll call - Ayes' Bacon, Sheridan, Mitchell, Mue]ler, Morris. Abstained' Smith. HEahlNG OPENED ON ZC 62-112 TUoTiN LAND CO Hearing opened on Zone Change Application No. 62-112, Tustin Land Company to change from H_l to P_D Zone the lower 2.1 acres South of AT & SF Railroad and North of Orange County Flood Control. COMMENTS ETC. Application and correspondence from County Building Department read by clerk. Mr. Eugene ~acobson spoke in behalf of said change and explained hardships due to topography of property. HEAHiNG CLOSED There being no objections or comments, the Hearing was declared closed at 8'15 P.M. ADOPTION OF HE$OLUTION NO. 597 - Z0i.ilNG TO BE P_D FOH TUSTIN LAND CO. Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by ~Vir. Mitchell that hesolution No. 597 recommending to the city council that application No. 62-112 amending zoning on said property to P_D Zone be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all members present voting Aye. HE,,:IilNG OPENED ON VAR. 62-120 Hearing opened at 8'21 P.M. on Variance No. 62-120, ~oyal Tow Service to permit auto storage lot on North side of Newport Avenue, West of I488 S/W Newport and East of S.F. RR. 244 COi,.MENT5 LETTEHS OF YtlOTEST READ HEAIiING Ci. OSED APPLICATION_VAR. #62-120 APPhOVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS DECISION ON V~il. 62-120 DEFEiitiED FOil CiTY ENGINEER' HE~iIING UN UP /J62-122, TRUXTON CORP. OPENED tiEPORT FHOM LAND USE DIV. UP NO. 62-112 DEFE~iiED TO NEXT REGULAR MEETING UP62-123 HEAti ING OPENED, FOSTE~ & KLEISEH CORRESPONDENCE FROM COUNTY HEAD ObJ~CTOiiS HE~,~iD HEaRiNG CLOSED HESOLUTION ~0. 598 DENYING FOSTE~ & KLEISEH APPLICATION RE SIGN Application and correspondence from County Building Department and County Planning ~epartment read by Secretary. Letter of protest from AT & SF Railraod read. Mr. J. Nelson of Cese Swayne Com- pany spoke objecting to said variance. Nr. Pate of noyal Tow Service spoke in his own behalf. There being no further objections or comments, Hearing declared closed at 8:30 P.M. Moved by Nr. Morris, that Variance Ap_ plication No. 62-120 be approved subject to stipulations as set forth in corres- pondence from County Building Department and with a two-year duration. Moved by ~r. Smith, seconded by Mr. Morris that decision on Variance No. 62-120 be deferred for further recommenda- tion from City Engineer as to roads etc. Motion carried, Mr. Mueller voting "no". Hearing on UP application No. 62-122, Truxton Corp. to permit P_D Zoning on property at end of access road West of Tustin Avenue, South of Freeway inter- change opened at 8:58 P.M. Application read by clerk. Mr. Nelson of Orange County Building De- partment, Land Use Division, gave report from Building Department. Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Sheridan that Hearing on UP NO. 62-112 be deferred to next regular meeting until re?orts fromail department are available and oral recom~nendation of land use is received in writing. Motion carried. Hearing on UP 62-123, Foster & Kleiser, to permit outdoor advertising sign at East First Street and "D" Street. Application and correspondence from County Planning Department and County Building Department read by clerk. Those present with objections were: Mr. Joseph Miller for ~merican Legion Post No. 227, Mr. W. Sheridan for War Memorial . Mr. Nick Barletta. Mr. aatthews of Foster & Kleiser spoke in behalf of the company. There being no further objections or com- ments, the Hearing was declared closed at 9:22 P.M. Moved by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Smith that Resolution No. 598 denying application No. 62-123 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call - Ayes: Bacon, Sheridan, Mitchell, Morris, Smith. Noes: Mueller. KYRAND COHP. ZC OPENED Oiscussion of Zone Change Application No. 62-108, Kyrand Corp. opened. DISCUSSION Mr. A. Pilant, representing Kyrand Corp. asked for some decision on tl-3 applica- tion and stated that a zone request for C zoning on property facing Newport Avenue would be filed. Others speaking in favor of zone change: Mr. Kyrand of Kyrand Corp. Mrs. Ruth Housley, Walnut Avenue Mr. Bob Politiski, representing eight property owners on Newport Avenue. asked that front of property facing Newport Avenue be zoned C_i. dames Willmouth of 5 and 10¢ Nursery asked for some decision on application. Mr. Kyrand was requested to submit a letter deleting justification paragraph in application and resubmitting said paragraph. KYRAND CORP. DECISION TO BE WITHHELD UNTIL JOINT MEETING WITH CITY AND COUNTY Moved by Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Morris that decision on Kyrand' Corp. application be continued to first meeting after completion of joint study between the city and county and that interested persons be so notified at that time. Motion carried. Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Bacon abstained. TEN.TRACT MAP #4854 DEFERRED Moved by Mr. Morris, .seconded by Mr. Smith that tentative tract map #4854, Truxton Corp. be deferred. Carried. ADOPTION OF RESOL. #559 AMENDING HESOL. NO. 575 GRANT. UP 62-I14 Moved by l~r. Sher%dan, seconded by Mr. Mitchell that hesolution No. 559, amending Hesolution No. 575 granting UP 62-114, and to include two future buildings as submitted to and recommended by the City hngin~er subject to conditions imposed by County ~uilding Department be passed and adopted. Motion carried, all members present voting Aye. City Engineer recommended approval of final tract map ~4535. ~ll~L THACT MAP Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by. Mr. Mitchell #4535 ~iECOMI,'iENDED that approval of Final Tract Map #4535 be re- To CiTY COUNCIL commended to the City Council. Carried. NO OBJECTIONS TO UV5056 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Mueller that secretary write the County Plannin~ Department stating no objections to UV5056. Carried. NO STAND TAKEN ON UV5057 Moved by ~ir. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sheridan that Secretary inform the County Planning Department that due to insufficient information and lack of time for study, this commission declines to take a stand on UV 5057. Motion carried. NO OBJECTIONS TO CONTINUANCE OF UV4855 ONE MOhE YEAR Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mitchell that Secretary write the Oounty Planning Depart- ment stating this Commission has no objections to the continuance of UV4855 for one more year. Carried. C ORHESPON DENC E kkCEIVED & FILED Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Smith that correspondence be received and filed. i~'~t i on carried. HESOLUTION NO. 595 aEAD BY TITLE ONLY Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Mitchell that Resolution No. 595 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. ADOFTION OF Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by Mr. Smith HESOL. NO. that Resolution No. 595 approving plans for 595 aPPrOViNG Drive-In Theatre be passed and adopted. Motion P~.ANS FOii DHIVE_ carried by roll call, all members voting Aye. .iN THEATRE ADU OUHNMENT Moved by Mr. Sheridan, seconded by l~ir. Mitchell that meeting be adjourned t~ Tuesday, November 13, 1962, at 7'30 P.M. Carried. · lerk - ~ ....... ~City C