HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-11-63MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 11TH, 1963 I~INUTES APPROVED CAPITAL ALLIANCE 63-116 HARRY GATES RESOLUTION 628 63-116 63-117 H.E. BAIMER & ESTATE OF LAUNA LEWIS I'";eeting called to order at 7'35 by Chairman Bacon· Present' Bacon.., Sheridan, Mitchell, Mueller, Smith &, Morris arrived at 7'44. Absent' Bourret City attorney ~iourke, present. City Engineer Carlsen, present. ~oved by Mueller, seconded by Sheridan, that minutes of ~ · ebruary 25th be approved as mailed and received. Carried. Hearing on Zone Change Application 62-115 of Capital Alliance, to permit change of zone from n-2 to P. ~. ooened at 7:37 P. h. Application and correspondence from County ~uilding a: Safety and County Planning Oepartment and Fire Chief read by Secretary. There being no objections or comments the hearing was declared closed at 7'40 P. M. hoved by Mueller, seconded by Sheridan that hesolution 627 recommending approval of U. P. 62-115 of the 6ity Council be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Sheridan, hitchell, hueller. [~oes: None. Absent: ~orris, Smith, Oourret. Mr. Smith and ~r. l~orris arrived at 7'44 P. M. Hearing on Zone Change Application No. 63-116 of Harry Gates to permit a change of zone from h-1 to Pi-3 on oroperty at 505 W. Second Street, opened at ?:45 P. M. Mr. Morris excused from meeting. Petition from residents in surrounding area apposed to said change was received and read by Secretary. Petitions in favor of said change received and read by Secretary. Those present speaking against change were' a Charleton 460 W ~' · . oecond St. A. ~'~inenko 200 f~th A Street ~. hefner 525 W. Third St. ~. anderson Second St. Those speaking in favor of said change' ~arry Gates John Little Mr. ~agan Oob Hall Hearing declared closed at 8'20 P. M. I"ioved by Mueller, seconded by Sheridan, that i~esolution 628, recommending to the Council ~' C that ~,one han~e 63-116 be denied be osssed and ados?ted. Oarried b~. roll cell-av~s: Bacon, Smith, Nueller, Mitchell. Sheridan, Noes: l~one. Absent: Morris, [~ourret. Hearin~ on Zone Change Application No. 63-]17 of H. E. oalmer and ~state of Launa Lewis, to permit change fro~ i'~-1 to h-3 for pro[~erty UP 63-134 FREDERICES DEVELOP. CORP. UP 63-135 CARSON & GOIDING UP 63-136 TUSTIN MORTUARY on east side of Yorba St. north of Fourth otreet, opened at 8' 30 P. l-'~. i'~ir. Morris returned to meeting. Those present speakir~g against this zone change' Z. ,'.nderle K. i;elson Those present speaking in favor of ssid change' ~,. Lewis B. ~ ibbons H. balmer There being no further objections or discussion the hearing was closed at 8'45 P. i'.i. [~iotion made by Hueller that Zone Change 63-117 be denied--died for lack of second. ~oved by Morris, seconded by Smith that Z. C. 63-117 be taken under submission for study and recommendstions. Motion carried--Mr. ~iueller voting no. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Smith that above motion be amended to include a study of the area ~ong Yorba St. from Fourth St. to Seventeenth St. by both the City and the County. Carried. Moved by Mueller , seconded by Smith that the City Clerk notify interested parties as to future meetings. Carried. Hearing on UP 63-134 - Fredericks Development Corp. to consider plans for Planned Development of property at N/E corner of Pasadena & McFadden opened at 9:05P.M. Application and correspondence from Department of Buil- ding & Safety, Fire Department and City Engineer read by Secretary. Mr. Douglas of Fredericks Development Corp. spoke in behalf of application. There being no pr~tests or further comments the hearing was declared closed at 9:10 P.M. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Sheridan that Resolution 629 approving UP 63-134, subject to recommendations of Mr. Nelson of the County Bldg. and Safety, City Fire Chief and City Engineer, and that Fredericks Development Corp. con- form to minimum Building line set back on Pasadena Ave., be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all members present voting Aye. Hearing on UP 63-135 - Carson and Golding to permit the relocation of free standing sign at 305 S. "D" St. opened at 9:35 P.M. Application and correspondence read by secretary. There being no protests or comments, the hearing was closed at 9:36 P.M. Moved by Smith, seconded by Morris that Resolution 630 granting UP 63-135, providing that construction comply wi~ all plans and specifications as set forth in sign code, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - all members present voting Aye. Hearing on UP 63-136, Tustin Mortuary to permit erection of one double faced lighted sign 5'x12'4" and two entrance and exit lighted signs at 220 E. Main St., Tustin, was opened at 9:43. Application and correspondence from ~ounty Bldg. and Safety read by Clerk. Moved by Smith, seconded by Morris that Resolution 631 granting UP 63-136 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Sheridan, Morris, Mueler, Smith. Abstained: Mitchell. Absent: Bourret. NO OBJECTIONS SECTIONAL DIST. ~AP 16-5-9 EXHIBIT J NO OBJECTIONS SECTIONAL DIST. MAP IRS-11 EXHIBIT 0 NO OBJECTIONS CASE 609 OPPOSED TO IRS-11 EXHIBIT N GRANT CARTER SIGN CO. ONE YEAR UP 62-100 PLANNER TO STUDY RESTRIC- TIONS IN R-3 APPROVE TRACT 4934 Moved by Mueller, seconded by Mitchell that County Planning Commission be notified that this commission has no objections to case 599, Sectional District Mae 16-5L9 Exhibit J. Carried. Smith & M~rris voting No. Moved by Smith, seconded by Mueller that County Planning be notified that this Commission has no objections in principal to Sectional Dis- trict Map IRS - ll Exhibit O, subject to their interpretation of footing restrictions. Motion carried. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Mitchell that County Planning be no~fied that this commission has no objections to Case 609. Motion and second retracted. Moved by Smith, seconded by Morris that County Planing Commission be notified that this Commission is opposed to IRS - ll, Exhibit N. Motion failed. Noes: Mueller, Bacon, Sheridan, Ayes: Mitchell Morris, Smith. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mueller that County Planning be notified that due to lack of sufficient information, this commission has no comment regard- ing IRS-11, Exhibit N. Carried - Ayes: Mueller, Sheridan, Mitchell, Bacon. Noes: Morris, Smith. Moved by Smith, seconded by Mueller that Carter Sign Co. be granted a continuation of one yaar on UP 62-100 for directional advertising sign or until final sale of homes, whichever shall occur first, subject to continuation of $100.00 removal bond. Carried. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Smith, that corres- pondence be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Morris that request of City Council for study of restrictions in R-3 Zone be referred to Planner when available, for his recommendation and report and Council be so notified. Carried. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mueller that Tract Map 4934, J. Arthur Development Co. be approved subject to Declaration of Covenents, Conditions, and Restrictions being accepted by City Engineer regarding Lot 6 of said Tract. Carried. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Sheridan, that meeting be adjourned. Carried. Ci~ty Clerk