HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-24-63MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION June 24, 1963 UP 63-145 HODGE RESOLUTION NO. 653 Meeting called to order at 7:48 P.M. by Chairman pro tem Sheridan. Present: Sheridan, Morris, Mueller, Hurd Absent: Gibbons, Bacon City Attorney Rourke, present City Engineer Carlsen, present Planning Advisor Remland, present Moved by Mueller, seconded by M~rris that Minutes of June 10th be approved as mailed and received. Carried. Continued Hearing on UP 63-145 of Russell & Winston Hodge to permit development of property zoned P.D. opened at 7:50 p.m. Planning Advisor Remland presented revised plans, location, present PD zoning and zoning and use of surrounding property and seven recommended conditions including wall on S/E and S/W to be increased to 6 feet in height. Mr. Ed Cronin speaking on behalf of the applicants presented and explained rendering of developmen!. Mr. A. McKowen, after a meeting with proponents, stated that he was not protesting this UP but was protesting multiple zoning. Others present protesting any multiple uses in area: K. C. McDuff, Fielding Drive John Miller Mr. Macken, Cindy Lane Mrs. Macken, Cindy Lane Mrs. C. Ingalls, Tiki Lane Mr. Ballinger, Letti Lane Mr. C. Ingalls, Tiki Lane Mr. D. Babs There being no further comments or protests, the Hearing was declared closed at 8:35 P.M. Moved byMorris, seconSed by Mueller that Resolution No. 653 approving UP 63-145 subject to the following con= ditions as presented by Planning Advisor be passed and adopted. Conditions: 1. Disposal of sewage shall be by means of a public sanitary sewage system. 2. Development shall be annexed to Seventh Sewer Maintenance District. 3. Applicant shall dedicate the right of way for Bryan Avenue and ~.~ain ~treet to 40 feet from 'centerline, and improve with concrete curbs, gutters, drive approaches and paving to meet approval of City Engineer. 4. All fire hydrants a~ fire fighting equipment shall be located as directed by Fire Chief. 5. No overhead utility wires or crossarms to be located less than 13' above any paved areas used - as driveways. 6. All buildings and stractures shall be located as indicated on approved plot olan. And that landscapingo on S/E and S/W lines be 15'-20' trees, a minimum of 20' between buildings. All roofs to be shingled and a 3' planter space to be along driveways subject to approval of Planning Advisor. UP 63-141 TUSTIN ELEM. SCHOOL DIST. RESOLUTION NO. 654 63-125 RIC~ULRD R. KEITH Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Mueller, Morris. Abstained: Hurd A~sent: Bacon, Gibbons Two ~inute recess called by Mr. Sheridan. Meeting reconvened at 8:50 P.M. Continued !'Iearing on UP 63-141 of Tustin School District to permit construction of an Elementary School at Fourth Street and "B" Street extension opened at 8:51 P.M. Mr. R~mland explained location of property and stated that due to finalization of Fourth Street Annexation the entire area is now in the City of Tustin. Mr. Remland also presented plans of suggested alternate layouts for parking and read suggested conditions. Mr. Carlsen reported on a meeting with the cQumty and explained traffic conditions and traffic flow in event of an emergency. Mr. A. Currie and Mr. Edsan spoke on behalf of Tustin Elementary School District. Those objecting to through traffic from Amaganset and Westbury Lanes were: Mr. J. Crommet, Westbury Lane Mr. H. B~dger, Brookline Way Mr. E. Mall, Evanston Circle Mrs. R. Sterling, Westbury Lane Mr. R. Matheson, Westbury Lane Mr. H. Key, Brookline Wau There being no further comments or objections, the ~earing was declared closed at 9:50 P.M. Moved by Mr. Hurd, seconded by Mr. Mueller that Resolution No. 654 be passed and adopted approving UP 63-141 with tbs following conditions as stipulated in report of Planner and Fire Chief: 1. School Di~rict shall dedicate to tbs City oI' Tustin and improve the right of way for "B" Street within the City in a manner meeting the approval of the City Engineer. 2. School District shall provide one additional fire hydrant approximately 300' to the south of the proposed hydrant on West side of "B" Street, meeting approval of the Fire Chief. 3. All parking spaces shall be striped, meeting standards of the City of Tustin. 4. Site shall be fenced as indicated on plot plan. 5. The location of all buildings and structures shall be as indicated on plot plan. Motion carried by roll call - Ayes: Morris, Mueller, Hurd, Abstained: Sheridan, Absent: Bacon, Gibbons. Hearing on zone change application No. 63-125 of Richard R. Keith to rezone a portion of property to rear of 14851 S. Yorba Street from E-4 to R-3 opened at 9:58 P.M. Location and surrounding uses and zoning explained by Mr. Remland. Mr. R. l~eith spoke in own behalf. There being no objections or further comments, the Hearing was closed at lO:O1 P.M. RESOLUTION Moved by Morris, seconded by Hurd that Resolution No. 655 655 be passed and adopted recommending said zone change to the City Council subject to the dedication and improvement of Myrtle Street to property to meet with approval of City Engineer and subject to the amendment to Section 5.23 of Ordinance No. 157 as amended, regardinE architectural control of R-3 developments. Motion carried by roll call: Ayes: Sheridan, Morris, Mueller, Hurd. Absent: Bacon Gibbons UP 63-138 CAPITAL ALLIANCE Heargng on amendment to Resolution No. 641 approving UP 63-138 of Capital Alliance Corporation opened at 10:20 P.M. Mr. °~land explained revisions on plan and read seven conditions as incorporated in original UP approval. Mr. R. Smith spoke representing Capital Alliance Corp. There being no further comments and no objections, the Hearing was declared closed at 10:35 P.M. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hurd that Amendment to UP 63-138 be approved as presented: Ayes: Mueller, Sheridan, Abstained: Morris. Absent: Bacon, Gibbons Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hurd that Resolution No. 656 amending Resolution 641 approving UP 63-138 as amended above be further amended to include conditions as suggested by City Planner and included in original permit. Carried by roll call: Ayes: Sheridan, Mueller Abstained: Morris and Hurd. Absent: Bacon and Gibbons T~qACT 5234 Tentative Tract Mao 5234 of Costa Building presented by Mr. Remland. RESOLUTION 657 Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hurd that Resolution 657 be passed and adopted approving tentative map 5234 subject to the following conditions as presented by Planning Advisor. Conditions: 1. Disposal of sewage shall be by means of a public sanitary sewage system. 2. Sewer lines, connections and structures shall be installed of the size, type, to the grades and in the location meeting the approval of the city engineer and sanitary district. 3. The sewer easements within the tract shall not be dedicated to the city. 4. An easement of the right of way for First Street shall be dedicated to the city to a width of 40' from the center- line and improved in accordance with the approved section for a secondary highway meeting the approval of the City Engineer, said dedication may be by separate instrument. 5- The following requirements shall meet with the approval of and conform to city standards as determined by the city engineer. a. Street names and signs b. The water distribution system and appurtenances c. All provisions for surface drainage d. Street improvements, underground utilities and street lights 6. The subject tract shall be annexed to a street lighting and maintenance district. 7. Those segments of the existing irrigation lines within the boundaries of the proposed lots, shall be r~oved, collapsed and backfilled or toherwise made to conform to the specifications of the City Building Code. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Mueller. Abstained: Morris and Hurd. Absent: Bacon, Gibbons. ~MENDMENTS TO SEC. 5.23, 5.24 5.6 OF ORDINANCE 157 Hearing on amendments to Sections 5.23, 5.24 and 5.6 of Ordinance 157 as amended, opened at 10:45 P.M. Amendments explain-.d by Mr. Remland.' There being no comments or objections, the Hearing was declared closed at 10:50 P.M. Mov.~d by ~o.'-!~, ~.~c~'.~'~ h.Z ]heller that Resolution No. 658 be passed and adopted recommending to the City Council that Sections 5.23 and 5.24 of ordinance 157 as amended by amended as follows: SECTION 5.23. Architectural Approval. In case an application is made for a building permit for any multiple family building or buildings in the R-3 or "C" Districts or any industrical building or buildings in the "M" or "PM" Districts, said application shall be accompanied by architectural drawings or sketches, showing the eleva- tion of the proposed building or structure and proposed landscape or other treatment of the grounds around such building or structure. Such drawings or sketches shall be considered by the Planning Commission in an endeavor to provide that the architectural and general appearance of such buildings, structures and grounds be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious develop= ment of the city, or to impair the desirability of investment or occupation on the neighborheod. SECTION 5.24. The Planning Commission may appoint an Architectural Committee of three of its members, or one of its members, the Director of Building and Safety and the City Planner, or two members and either the Director of Building and Safety or City Planner. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Morris, Mueller, Hurd. Absent: Bacon, Gibbons. Hearing on amendment to Section 5.6 of Ordinance No. 157 as amended, opened at ll P.M. There being no objections or comments, the Hearing was declared closed at ll:O1 P.M. RESOLUT ION 659 Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hurd that Resolution No. 659 be passed and adopted recommending to the City Council that Section 5.6 of Ordinanc9 157 be mmended to permit the establishement of temporary real estate offices and signs within new subdivisions upon obtaining a temporary certificate of Use and Occupancy directly through the Dept. of Building and safety. Motion passed by roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Morris, Mueller, Hurd. Absent: Bacon, Gibbons. CASE 670 Moved by Mueller, seconded by Morris that the County Planning Commission be advised that this Commission has no objection to Case 670, Sectional District Map IRS-11, Exhibit S. Carried. DISAPPROVE UV 5188 Moved by Morris, seconded by Mueller that the County Planning Commission be advised that this commission disapproves of all requests and conditions of UV 5188 primarly due to the high density of this development. Carried.' Moved by Morris, seconde~ by Mueller that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hurd that meeting be adjourned. Carried. Clerk