HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-30-63MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1963 i~,,UT~$ OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETI .G TUSTiN PIA~'~,',iING COM~.iISJiON September 30th, 1963 Meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at the Tustin Youth Center and tnen adjourned to Tustin City Hall, 145 West Third Street. Meeting rec.nvened at City Hall at 7:42 P.M. PRESENT: Bacon, Morris, Mueller, Hefner. ABSENT: Sheridan, Hurd, Gibbons. CITY ENGINEER CARLSEN, present PLANNING ADVISOR REMLAND, present CITY ArT?RNEY ROURKE, present. Moved b Morris, seco.~ded by Hefner, that minutes of Seotember 10th meeting be aooroved as mailed and corrected. (correction-present Hefner, absent-Hurd. ) V.63_131 Hearing continued from S,~ptember 10th on Variance 63-131 of Louls West Louis West to oermit Drive-In Dairy Freeze on south side of Fourth Street east of Holt opened at 7:44 P.M. Correspondence from R. J. Larsen, owner of property req- uesting discontinuance of application read. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hefner, t~'~at Variance 63-131 be taken off calendar. Motion carried. UP 63-150 Don Ayres Hearing continued from Septem0er 10th on U.P. 63-150 of Don Ayres to oermit directional sign near N/W corner of McFadden and Tu.%in Avenue, opened at 7:46. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Morris, that on the request of the Applicant, U.P. 63-150 be taken off the calendar. Carried. ZC 63-129 Hearing continued from September 10th on ZC 63-129 of Mervin Mervln L L. Bose to permit change of zone from 'U' to 'PD' on westerly Bose ' side of Williams ~treet approximately ~54.76 feet north of McFadden, opened at 7:47. Application, location and zoning and use of surrounding area explained by Mr. Remland. Mr. M. Bose sp~ke in his own behalf and Mr. J. Siegel explained location of school site. There being no further comments and no objecti~.ns, the hearing was closed at 7:51. RESOL. 673 Moved by Morris, seconded by Mueller that Resolution 673, ZC 63-129 reco~n ~ending approval of ZC 63-129 to the City Council be PASSED passed and adopted. Carried Oy roll call. Ayes: Bacon, ADOPTED Morris, Mueller. Noes: Hefner, Absent: Sheridan, Hurd, Gibbons. ZC 63-130 Hearing continued from Seotember lOth on Zone Change 63-130 Caroline H. of Caroline H. Borchard to oermit change of zone from 'U' to Borchard PD on prooerty at 15571 S. Williams Street, opened at 8:07. Mr. john SYegel spoke on beholf of applicant. There being no objections or further com:.ents t?:e hearing was declared closed at 8:15. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Morris, that Resolution 674 recommending approval of ZC 63-130 to tne City Council be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Muel er, Morris Hefner. Noes: NOne. Absent: Sheridan, Hurd, Gibbons· · -~ ~ ^~. Hearing to amend plot olan of orisinal U.P 62-126 for Veterinary ~::' ',, ~', .. ~. ,., · :r,...;.t. .... ,'c:~:'. Hospital on north side of West First Street at Newport Freeway opened at 8:32 P.M. Mr. Remland explained original U.?. and amendment and presented 8 suggested conditions. Mr. W. Gray spoke on behalf of the applicant. There being no objections c~ further comments, the hearing was closed at 8:40 P.M Moved by Morris, seconded by Mueller, that Resolution 675 a:~proving amendment to plot plan of U.P. 62-126, subject to conditions as recommended by the Planning advisor, be passed and adopted. Carried by to'il call. Ayes: Bacon, Mueller, Morris, Hefner. Noes: none. Absent: Sheridan, Hurd, Gibbons. Hearing on U.~ 63-151 of First Assembly of God of Tustin, to permit the use of property and building at 250 Pacific Street as a church, opened at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Remland explained application, location of property, zoning of area and presented 6 recommended conditions. City Clerk reported on Petition filed of approximately 100 names objecting to U.P. 63-151. Those present with objections: W. B. Taylor J. S. Han sell Mrs. R. Best V. Goldsworthy P. Brown Mrs. J. Hansell Those present speaking in favor of said change: Pastor D. Thomas F. Carter J. Duff M Summe rs J. Whaley L. Thomas There being no further cotangents or objections, the hearing w:~s closed at 9:10 P.M. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hefner, that U.P. 63-151 be disapproved· Motion failed. Ayes: Mueller, Hefner. Noes: Morris, Bacon. Absent: Sheridan, Hurd, Gibbons. RESOL. 676 Moved b.~ Morris, that hearing be reopened and continued to next meeting. Motion died for lack of second. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Morris that Resolution 676 initiating rezoning proceedings on certain property between First Street, Fourth Street, Prosoect Avenue, and Newport Avenue, be read by title o~ly. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mueller, seconded by Morris that Resolution No. 676 be passed and ado:'>ted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Mueller, Morris, Hefner. Noes: None. Absent: Sheridan, Hurd, Gibbons. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hefner t?::~t general development olans for Tustin Vi lage, Unlt # 2 be referred to the architectural co~mi%tee for study and re.~>ort. Ca ried Moved by Mueller, seconded by Hefner, t?mt the Co~nty Planning Com- mission be notified that this Co~.~ission has no objections to U.V. 5220. Carried. Mr. Remland to contact Union 0il o. of California regarding their request to post a bond in lieu of erecting wall. Moved by Muelier, seconded by Morris, tr. at the County Planning Commission be notified that this commission ~bjects unequivoca_ly to change of zone, designated as Case No. ?14 ( Sectional District Map 10-5-9 Exhibit J.) Carried. Moved by Morris, seco ,ded by Mue!ler, that the ~ounty Planning Commission be notified that this commission has no objections to zone change designated Case No. 717 (Sectional District Mat IRS-11, Exhibit Z) Carried. Mr. Hefner voting "no". Moved b/ Mor?is, seconded by Hefner, that the County Planning Commission be notified that this commission objects to the granting of UV 5221. Carried. Moved by Hefner, seconded by Morris, that Petition from the Tustin Savings and Loan be referred to the City Engineer for study. Carried. Moved by Mueller, seco~ded by Morris, that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. There being no furt,':er business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Case 714 Case 717 UV5221 "Ru t]~C.. Poe Secretary