HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-26-63MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 26, 1963 Hearing Var. 63-132 Union Oil Hearing Cont. Hea ring V 63-135 Res. 687 He · ring V 63-136 Stanville Res 688 Hearing V 63-137 Alto-Madre MINUTES OF A REGULAR M~TLNG TJSTIN PLA!,]NiNG CO~flSSiON November 26, 1963 Meeting cal~ed to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Bacon. Oath of Office administered to: Mr. D. J. Ring and Mr. L. Marsters. Present: Bacon, Hefner, Engle, Miller, Marsters, Ring. Absent: Muell er. City Attorney Rourke, Planning Advisor ~mland, Building Insoector Brook - present. City Engineer Carlsen - absent Moved by Miller, seconded by Hefner that Minutes of October 28th meeting be approved as mailed. Carried. Continued Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. on Variance 63-132 of Union Oil Company to permit a Surety Bond in lieu of block wall for station at McFad .en and Tustin Village Way. Moved by Ring, seconded by Hefner that Hearing be continued to next regular meeting and clerk to again contact Union Oil Company. Carried. Hearing opened at 7:45 P.M. on Variance 63-135 of Tustin Presbyterian Church to permit 42 parking soaces instead of the required 200 in connection with church expansion. Applic~?.tion exolained b.., Mr. Remland and reco~.~,endations of Police Chief read. Mr. Frank Morris spoke on behalf of applicant. There being no further comments and no objectins, the hearing was declared closed at 7:55 P.M. Moved by Engle, seconded by Miller that Resolution No. 6~7 approving Variance Appzication 63-135 as shown on submitted plans, be passed and addpted.' Carried by roll call - Ayes: Bacon, Engle, Miller, Marsters, Ring. Absent: Mueller. Abstained: Hefner. Hearing opened at 8:05 P.M on Variance Apolication 63-136, Stanville Development Company to oermit the connection of two single family dwellings by means of a temporary hall for sales purposes only. Mr. Remland exolained apolication and oresented recom- mended condit ions. Mr. I. Newhouse spoke on behalf of applicant. There being no further comments and no objections, the Hearing was closed at 8:08 P.M. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Hefner t~mt Resolution No. 65~ approving Variance application 63-163 be passed and adooted. Carried by roll call - all members oresent voting Aye. Hearing opened at 8:10 P.M. on Variance Applic.'~tion 63-137 of Alto-Madre Inc. to permit the construction of seven detached garages with openings 15' from property line on lots 6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 24 of tentative Tract 4234 - Yorba Street, Tustin. Those oresent with com,.ents : Henry Badger. There being no objections or further comments, the he,ring was declared closed at 8:15 P.M. Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Resolution No. 689 be passed and adopted to allow garages on lots stipulated in Variance 63-137 to be 18' from property line. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Marsters, Miller, Ring. Noes: Engle, Hefner. Absent: Mueller. Hearing opened at 8:20 P.M. on Variance 63-138 of Patrician Building and Development Corp. to permit the location of garages less than 20' from property line on lots 9, 16, 33, and 34 of Tract 5327 - Yorba St., Tustin. Those present with comments or objections: Mr. Theurich, J. McQuaid, and Don Anderson,representing ap ~,licant. Moved by Mr. Hefner, seconded by Mr. Ring that Resolution 690 be passed and adopted approving a minimum of 18' set backs on lots 9, 16, 33, and 34 mentioned in Variance Aoplication 63-138. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, Miller, Marsters, Ring. Noes: Eng.le. Absent: Mueller. (SEE CONCLUSION OF ~-!INUTES FOR OMMISSION) Hearing opened at 8:45 P.M. on UP 63-153 of Costa Pacifica Inc. to permit a 38 unit Garden Apartment Development on p~'operty in "U" zone easterly of Prospect Avenue and North of First St. Application explained and suggested conditions presented by Mr. Remland and correspondence from County Planning Deoartment read. Those present with comments and objections: Mr. J. McQuaid, Mr. E. McKown, and Mr. B. Wentheiser Those speaking in favor of application: .Mr. W. Wedge and Mr. F. Morris. There being no further objections or co~-.lents, the hearing was declared closed at 9:15 P.M. Moved by Engle, seconded by Miller that Resolution 691 denying UP a~oplication 63-153 be passed and adopted and that it be recommended to applicant that he re-apply for a proper zone change if he so desires. Carried by rol call, all com~..~issioners present voting Aye. Hearing opened at 9:30 P.M. on Zone Change 63-133 of Ralphs Industries to permit a change from C-2, R-3 and R-1 zone to C-2 zone on property at N~W corner of Seventeenth and Yorba Streets. Location, present zoning and surrounding area explained by Mr. Remland. Correspondence from the County Planning Department read and attached map submitted. Those ~resent speaking on behalf of applicant: Mr. N. Smettegard, Mr. Ai~worth, Mr. Heinz, Mr. W. Opp. Those present objectiont to zone change at this time: Mr. N. Halus, Mr. Boody, Mr. W. Davis, Mr. E. McKown, Mr. Q. Flemming, Mr. R. Shagney, Mr. J. McQuaid, Mrs. N. Burrell, Mr. R. Box~tein, Mr. W. Green. There being no further comments or objections, the Hearing was declared closed at 10:20 P.M. V 63-137 hearing Patrician Bldrs. Res. 690 V 63-138 Hearing Costa Pacific Res 691 UP 63-153 Hearing Ralphs ZC 63-133 Cont. UP 63-154 Chochran Res. 692 ZC 63-131 A.R. ~ldrs. Cont. amend. 157 Res 693 ZC63-131 re-opened Motion by Ring to deny ZC 63-133 died for lack of a second. Moved by Mr. Engle, secaded by Mr. Miller that Hearing on ZC 63-133 be continued to first meeting in January (January 13, 1964) Carried. Mr. Ring votin$ No. Hearing opened at 10:45 P.M. on UP 63-154 of Walter C~chran to oermit construction of living quarters on s~cond floor at 415-425 West First Street, Tus tin. There being no objections, the hearing was closed at 10:50 P.M. Moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that Resolution 692 granting UP 63-L~$ be passed ~ud adopted. Carried by roll call - all co~.~issioners voting Aye. Hearing opened at 10:55 P.M on ZC 63-131 of A. R. ~ilders to consider zone change from "U" to PD - N/W corner of Williams Street and McFadden, Tustin. Location and surrounding area explained by Mr. Remland Moved by Hefner, seconded by Engle that this Hearing be continued until later on the Agenda. Carried. Hearing on Amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 157 as amended ooened at ll P. M. Mr. Remland explained all sections of proposed amendments. Moved by Mr. Engle, seconded by Mr. Hefner that Resolution No. 693 be passed and adopted reco.v~nending to the City Council approval of amendments to Ordinance No. 157 as amended with the inclusion of Section 5.30 as presented by Mr. Remland. Carried by roll call - all commissioners voting Aye. Hearing on ZC 63-131 of A. R. Builders reopened at 11:25 P.M. Those present with comments: Mr. E. McKown Mr. M. ReynolRs, and Mr. W. T. Grant, both speaking on behalf of application There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 11:35 P.M. Moved by Engle, seconded by Miller that ZC 63-131 be referred back to the Planning Advisor for R-4 and P.D. study and hearing be re-opened at the next regular meeting. Motion ended in a tie vote: Ayes: Marsters, Miller, Engle. Noes: Hefner, Ring, Bacon. A!~sent: Mueller. Moved by Engle that property be divided as per exhibit "B" with changes of R-3 to R-4 and rear portion zoned PD with reco~.:.endation that 3500 Sq. Ft. suffix be added, subject to passage of amendments bo Ordinance No. 157 providing for said suffix. Motion died for lack of a second. Moved by Hefner, sec~nded by Ring that Resolution No. 694 be passed and adooted recommending that area be zoned PD with Lndicated density of 3500 sq. ft. Motion carried. Ayes: Marzters, Hefner, Ring, Bacon. Noes: Engle, Miller, Absent: Mueller. Moved by Miller, seconded by Hefner that County Planning Com~N. ission be requested to consider the area in plan designated case 747 (Sectional District Map IRS-12) for R-1 zoning due to the proximity of school and other R-1 develop~.~ents and the added burden to school district. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mr. Ring that Mr. Hefner be appointed to serve as Vice-Chairman. Carried Chairman Bacon appointed Mr. Miller to serve on the Architectural Co~nmittee thereby providing a committee consisting of Mr. Hefner, Mr. ~mmland and Mr. Miller. Moved by Mr. Engle, seconded by Mr. Ring that the City Council be requested to have the firm of Ted B. Adsit give special consideration to Seventeenth Street Area and ZC a~.olication No. 63-133. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Res. 694 Corresponden, Hefner Vice-Chairman Miller Arch. Comm. ** Hearing opened at 8:42 P.M on UP application 63-154 of Walter L. Cochran. Moved by Mr. Ring, seconded by Mr. Hefner that hearing on UP 63-154 be tabled to later time on Agenda upon request of a?plicant. Carried. Frank ~ Bacon, Jr. Chairman.TM ~th ~?oe, Secretary.