HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-09-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
MARCH 9, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bacon.
Hefner, Engle, Miller, Marsters, Bacon
Also Present: City Attorney Rourke and Mr. Bryant
Planning Advisor Remland, Building
Inspector Brook
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Engle that minutes of
February 24th be approved as mailed. Carried.
Vat. No Hearing opened at. 7:32 P.M. on Variance No. 64-140
64-140 of Westmont Investment Corp. to permit a 10' front
Westmont setback for structures in Pr zone- 130' E~st of
Invest. Corp "A" Street on South side of Fourth.
Location and zoning and three conditions presented
by Mr. Remland and application and correspondence read
by Secretary.
Mr. Bob Hall spoke on behalf of applicant.
There being no further objections or further comments,
the Hearing was closed at 7:43 P.M.
Mr. Remland informed the Commission that the Engineering
Department is instigating a traffic count on Fourth
Street to determine whether it will be an arterial or
major highway - major highway would require additional
10' on either side.
Var. No.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Miller that Resolution
No. 712 denying Variance 64-140 be passed and adopted -
carried by roll call : Ayes: Bacon, Marsters, Miller,
Hefner Noes: ~ngle Absent: Ring.
z.c.63-133 Discussion of Zone Change 63-133 of Ralphs Industries
Ralphs Ind. commenced and Mr. Remland presented following three
"A" - Adslt recommendation
"B" - Revised Ralphs
"C" - Original Ralphs
Approv. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Hefner that Resolution
of z.c. No. 706 be passed and adopted recommending to the
63-133 City Council that Zone Chan~e 63-133 of Ralphs be
with Amend- approved with easterly 270' from centerline of Yorba
ments. Street - PD-3500 and next 390' CZl-P, total of 660'
West from centerllne of Yorba to uniform depth of
670' north of Seventeenth Otreet. Streets to be fully
improved - all as shown on Exhibit "A~ and that
building setback of ll0' from centerllne of Seventeenth
Street be established.
Above Moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that above motion
Motion Amend be amended to read 100-C-l-P-20,000 to encompass all
C-1 in above motion. Carried by roll call, all members
to Encompass
all C-1 present voting Aye.
Mr. Hefner asked Mr. Bowie, representative for Ralphs,
Ralph's will if they could comply with Exhibit "A" - Mr. Bowie informed
hold to Exhib the Commission that Ralphs would have to hold to Exhibit
#B" "B".
Previous motion made by Mr. Marsters and seconded
by Hefner regarding approval of Exhibit "A"
carried by roll call - Ayes: Marsters, ~ngle,
Hefner, Bacon Noes: Miller Absent: Ring
Hearing opened Hearing opened at 8:30 P.M. on ZC 64-137 of A.W.
ZC 64-137 Stutsman.
A.W. Stutsman
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Miller that in
Accordance with Mr. Stutsman's request, the
hearing ~n ZC 64-137 be continued to next
regular meetin~. Carried.
Hearing opened Hearing opened at 8:33 P.M. on UP 6~-157 of Smyth Bros.
on UP64-157 #1 Inc. to permit a 10' x 10' directional sign at most
Smyth Bros southerly corner of Newport and Bryan.
Mr. Remland explained location and presented six recommended
Mr. Harry Fulton spoke reoresentlng applicant.
He'~rlng closed There being no objections or further comments,
the Hea~ing was declared closed at 8:38 P.M.
Resol. 707
adopted apo.
Moved by Engle, seconded by Miller that Resolution
No. 707 be passed and adopted approving UP 64-157
with recommended conditions. Carried by roll call
Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, Miller, hngle, Marsters
Noes: None Absent : Ring
He-~-:ring opened Hearing opened at 8:40 P.M. on UP 64-158 of A.R.
Up 6~-158 Builders to permit construction in a PD-3~00 zone
~.R. Builders at N/W corner of williams & McFadden.
Mr. Remland explained plans and submitted
twelve recommended conditions.
Mr. Bob Aubrey spoke on behalf of application
Hearing closed There being no objections or further comments, the
hearing was closed at 9:10 P.M.
up 64-1.58
Moved by ~ngle, seconded by M~rsters that Resolution
No. 708 be passed and adoptod approving UP 64-158
subject to 12 conditions as stated by Mr. ~emland
and that all ~ara'res have doors and that garaqes
bordering on -llliams and McFadden Streets have gable
roofs which are consistent with adjacent architecture
and that trees he provided in parkways on McFadden
and "illiams Streets in accordance with requirements
of Parks and Recreation Commission - carried. Ayes:
Bacon, Miller, Marsters, Engle Noes: Hefner Absent:
UP64-159 of
Thompson Ass.
Hearing opened at 9:35 P.M. on UP 64-159 of Thompson
Associates to permit the erection of a double-faced
8' x 12' directional sign on East corner of Newport
and Mitchell.
Location and six recommended conditions explained
by Mr. Remland.
Mr. Fowler of Carter signs spoke on behalf of ap"licant.
There being no objections or further comments, the
Hearing was closed at 9:37 P.M.
Resol 709 Moved by Miller, seconded by Hefner that Resolut'lon
passed No. 709 be passed and adopted granting UP 64-159
adopted subject to six conditions as recommended.' Carried
UP 64-159 by roll call - Ayes : Bacon, Hefner, Engle, Miller,
Marsters, Noes: None Absent: Ring.
Six Cond.
Hearing opened at 9:39 P.M. on UP64-160 of Thompson
Associates to permit the erection of an 8'x 12'
directional sign on North point of ~ewport and
lustln Avenues.
Location and six recommended conditions explained by
Mr. Remland.
There being no objections or comments, the Hearing
was closed at 9:40 P.M.
Resol. 710
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Engle that Resolution
No. 710 be passed and adopted ap.-'roving UP 64-160
subject to six recommended conditions. Carried by roll
call. Ayes: Bacon, Engle, Hefner, Miller, Marsters
Noes: None Absent: Ring. ~
nearing opened at 9:44 P.M. on UP64-161 of Patrician
Builders to permit the erection of a double-faced
8' x 12' directional sign on property line on north
side of Seventeenth Otreet, approximately 632' '~est
of Yorba.
Six Mr. Remland explained location and six recommended
Conditions conditions.
Mr. D. Hayden spoke on behalf of applicant.
MOved by Engle, seconded by Marsters that Resolution
No. 711 be passed and adooted approving Up64-161
subject to six recommended conditions.
Carried by roll call - Ayes: Bacon, Marsters, Miller,
En~le, Hefner. Noes: None Absent: Ring.
City of
approv, on
Hearing opened at 9:49 P.M. on F~one ~hange 64-136
of the City of Tustin to consider change from R-4
to "U" on certain property fronting on Fourth Street
for a distance of 130' Easterly of Prospect.
Area and exhibit approved by the Council rezoning
entire parcel as applied for in ZC 64-135 to C-1 with
stipulated setbacks, explained by ~'~r. Remland.
Delay of Moved by Miller that the Council be requested to delay
second Read- second reading of Ordinance apn. roving ZC64-135 relating
lng of to the property on the South side of Fourth Otreet,
zc 64-175 East of Prospect until th~ Planning Commission and the
Council have had opportunity to act upon the pending
change in zone ordinance reis. ting to the requirement
for a Conditional Use Permit for service stations in
the "C" zone. Motion died for lack of second.
w i thdrawn
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Engle that zone change
64-136 be withdrawn and taken off calendar. Motion
carried - all members present voting Aye.
Delay second Moved by Mlller, seconded by Engle that the °ouncil
reading of be reques'ed to delay second reading of Ordinance
Ord. zc64-135 approving ZC 64-135 relating to the prooerty
on the South side of Fourth Street, east of
Prospect until the Planning Commission and the
Council have had opportunity to act upon the
pending change in zone ordinance relating to the
requirement for a Conditional Use Permit for
service stations in the "C" zone. Motion
carried - Mr. Hefner voted No.
Moved by Hefner.,' seconded by Engle that County Planning
Commission be informed that this Commission
has no objections to Tentative Map Tract No. 5391
There being no further business, the m:eting was
declared adiourned to March 23, 1964.
Poe, Secretary-