HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-25-64/I
May 25,1964
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bacon
Bacon, Hefner, I,awrence, Enderle, Miller
Ring, Marsters.
Also Present: Rourke, Wheelock
Moved by Hefner, seconded by ~-nderle that Minutes of
May llth meeting be aoproved as mailed. Carried.
He,nri. ng opened at 7:31 P.M. on Variance No. 64-143 of Variance
Clyde C. Simkus to permit the rer~,deling and extension No.
to r.,rooerty ].lne of building at 100 North "A" Street C.C.Slmkus
for use as a real estate office.
Appllcrtion and location exo].ained by Mr. Wheelock and
~ecommended conditions presented.
Mr. C.C. Simkus sooke in own behalf.
· e ~, ~...~ri ng Hear]ng
There bezn~ no cbj ctions or further comments, the '~
was closed at 7:35 P.M. close~
Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Hefner that l~esolution
No 72~ be oassed and ado'fred aoorovin~ Variance NC
64-123 with condition that right of ',~.;~:~ be de~cate5 on
First Street to 50 f~';et from centerllne. Carried by
roll call - Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, Lawrence, Enderle,
Miller: Noes: None: Absent: Ring, Marsters.
pa s s,=d
Hearing or,.ened at 7:40 P.'"'. on UP 6~-!71 of Standard
Pacific Corp. to permit lumber storage, cutti~-~.,,,~, and
packing yard on South side of Ed!nger Street between
Newoort and Hed Hill.
UP 64-171
Locatlon and application expla'ned an.3 fl ve recommended
conditions presented by Mr. Wheelock.
Mr. Max iieed spoke representi, n~ aoplic~ent.
There being no obj,,;ctIons or further comments, the
Hearing was closed at ?:45 P.M.
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Lawrence that nesolution
No. ?24 be passe',d and adopted, granti,n5 UP 6~-171 subject
to conditions as outlined and v:[th a~oroval of Fire
Deo.~rtment '~,'] Departmenl, of Pub] lc Works. i~'lot'on carried
co. re ce Enderle,
by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, H,,:fner, ,.:. n ,
Miller; Noes: None; Absent: Ring, y, arsters.
a d o r, t ,:-; d
HearlnE opened at 8 P.M. to consider amendin~ Ordinance
,No. 20~ Section ?.2~. by deletin~I the resuirements of
sidewalks from industrial areas.
Amend ing
Ord. No,
There bein.~% no objections or comments, the Hearin~ was
closed st 8:07 P.M.
Heq r'i ng
Moved by Enderle, secon'!ed by Lawrence that the City
Attorney be '~uthorized to draft a i~'esolutlon recommendin~
that sldewa]ks could be ellminate~ in industrial ar, as
through a Use Per'mit ,or V~rlance and that '~ea?in~ on
amendments to Ordinance No. 203 be continued to next
regular meet"r:5. Car~.ied.
to next
amc nfl ~-:d
~'~ O ·
7,. _~
Tract No.
H o d g, e
Fo,zed by Lawrence, seconded by Enderle that the
Original ~-o,~. ap~..llcat~on. 6~_~.~r~, be amended by
Resolutfon No. 725 to allow nu~o~ry.=,, shown on
oriel, hal plans to ~.. u as a ~,-nl~exce es re-
auested by develor:er. Passed an.~ adooted by roll
call -Ayes: Bacon, Hef'ner, La'~ once, EnScr].¢~.,
Mt.!] er; Noes: None; Absc. nt: R~ng, ~arsters.
Movie? by La:,'renc% seconded by ""~fi...t",'~'..~e that C.,C.,
& R., for' Tr:act, No. ~'~e0. , of Hod~e. b,', .as~rove~. . as
corrected. CaPri-:': un~r: imc. usl y.
Clerk directed to notify the County Plann~n(~ Commission
that., this Co'mi s~ion., h'~s no commenTM,.: ~rd~ n.~...o..~ . CPllC6
cr CPII07.
Mr. t!efner requested that joint zo'n:r~ study with
the County be .given to? ~rl. ority wh,~n the new Plan: in.w
Advisor takes ove~.
['here bein~[ no furthe- busines ', the mcetin~ was
d~.,c].ared adjourned.
. ..
Hu-"~. C. Poe, Secretary
Tustin Plsnnlng Commission