HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-08-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 8, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bacon· Present: Bacon, Hefne..'~, Miller, Y. arsters, Lawrence., '.'i~ng (ar-lved .'.~t 7:24 ' ,'-nmerle Absent: '" ~ Also present: Er. Bryant represent~.ng Mr. ~ourke, Wheelock Brook, Hay worth. Movet by Lawrence sscond...:d by Mliler' that Minutes of May 25th be approved as mnlled. Carr.~.ed. Continued hear'~ng or.'ened ~t 7:31 on Am~:ndments to Ord :i nar:, ce No. 203, section 7.2~ regqrd'ng deletion O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .aquir,:-~ments of s~dewal~s from industrlsl zones. Ord ~ n'~nce No. 2n ~ Amendme~,t s ?:r. Whee!ock ~',~com.m~.~a~',,~ deferr-.i,':.'~' aceion or;. to Ordinance 203 until comm!ttec stud~ing intu~:tr'~al nr'~s h:~d met ~n~ m~de e redo. rt. " .,n :. th.'..~t hearing be Y..cv':~'~ h'0 ,.!l!er, s:.'; cor~.d e, d by H'~ continue,'.] to July 1]t.h - the f~rst re~5ulqr mestinf~ '~ ,:uly. ~.ot'on ~':'-'-'ted Mr. ~'5 °r'r~v'~a at 7'~,~· P.M. Recue-t .f SWP Co. for acce~t~'nce by the City of Street eonnectior; to Charloma Drive exF. lair. ed by Mr. Wheelock. SWP Co. Mr Gary S'e~I~ s.~'.,c, ke repr. es~ntlnc SWP Co Moved By M~ll.-'.,r, s~.~ccnde, d by Hefn.':,r that the Planning Commission advise the C~ty Counc~l to f~vorat:ly consider accer:t~,;~ .... ~edi~':ti.:~', ~.~ · .. of a ~t~.e~.t,~ ~of acc;-,,'''~,, t,o Ch~rloma Dr. from p~o~.~rty,. .... of S;'~~. Cn~,.. at s,;ch ~me.._. as ss~d oroo .... .ty ~ ........ ~,nn,.~d 'o ~he city. ,,ot~on fell~:.d - Ayes- .... Mil~er, .,ow ~,,=~, Noes: }[lng, La: ...... .........','~, .'.~ .... ', '.s, Bacor., Absent: End ~. ,-'.. e Eova.a ;,, :~:~ seconded by -¥~', + -~ tk~' . ,, ~ ,..,.~, ,.~rs~,::~ ..... rec~e.:t of S',4p Co. as nre;~ented b~.-: d'~n~el. Kot~on f~led to ~ass - Ayes: n~n~, Miller, E~r'sters, :':ae.'~: l.~wr'er:ce, Hef~t-.r-, Paten, Absent: hnd,~ rl e. Mnved by k:~'...r~.nce, second."..! l-..y M:tr'sters th'at '-'l~:nning t"- ,' Council. th.":~+' they fsv,o~'- Com~.isslon rec'o' mend to r~~ Cit~ ....... '".bly consider ecceF;t,~n~ dedi. cation of stre~-'.t connecttn~ wi. th Cha~oma,~ Drlv:.. from t[:e S'~'P ~o. ~ at such tim~., as p?'iO~ Se ol!~nS 8re r.r,c~;'er;tf:d ':~r,:] ~n~ rove! for develcFm~nt of nrooerty. Motio~ carri-.'~ ""~ ..... '-~ Marst,'.rs, . H~f~.~, , -~'~t'or.. ~'"~' ' " ' .............~ ~,(.;s . iii'no ~, e~ ...... ~ le . Abs,-~;t . End,~.rl~. ~ '" ~ N se" ~ ~ ' by h~ '~ l'~ovc:o by iller, ~o ..... ~ :';t:.~rs t:h~-:t t CO: ty P!~nntng Commias~on b.~: infcrme~ tk?:.t, this Commission re. commend--u:"~r'ov:~.! (}f Tent~tlv-':. Mn~' of Tract 5658. Carried. Tentat ~.ve · r:.ct Moved by Mil lc-r, seconded by Hefr:,.:.r that County Plannln5 Commis~ion b~ informed th,:~t thix Corniness!on has mo obo~ct cms t.~ ~.~:te No. ,. ~ (Seetlor:~~ Di~tr~ct Map I R S I1 Exh.!hit P.~) Carried· ..,oved by ~':w:"er_¢~?. r.,'.cz, r?,",'~ by H:.~'.:~ Lh :t F~r~al Map of 'Pr'~ct ~k~8 be 'al",~ uov..';d. Ct~rri~d Y~v~"] ~.'.' L, .... .r'., ~-.'., .:.;:;.'.:,-:r,.:] .... ) b.y ~'-'~-'st:enr that Final Mnf. of Pr'act ~"~0 t .... : -' ~.~, ..'.: a; [ ".~v':(.. Ca_ r'ted. "~ ........ :"th C. Poe