HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-13-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
JULY 13, 1964
July 13, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bacon.
Present: Bacon, Hefner, Marsters, Miller, Enderle,
Absent: Lawrence.
Also present: Attorney Rourke, Wheelock, Haworth, Brook.
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Enderle that Minutes
of June 22nd meeting be approved as mailed. Carried.
Continued hearing opened at 7:35 on amendments to
Ordinance No. 203, Section 7.23 regarding deletion
of requirements of sidewalks from Industrial Zones.
ORD. NO .203
SECT. 7,23
Mr. Haworth reported on orogress of meetings with the
Irvlne Co. and the Industrial Parks Committee and
requested a continuance.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by ~nderle that hearing
on amendments to Ordinance No. 203 be continued to
the first meeting in August. Carried.
HearinE opened at 7:40 on UP64-175 of Shell Oil Co. UP64-175
to permit a non-flashing 8' x 8' modular "Shell" sign SHELL OIL
78' in height, 320 sq. ft. in area at 13891 Red Hill CO.
Ave, Tustln.
Mr. Haworth explained reasons for application and that
a U zone requires a Use Permit.
Mr. J. Fletcher, 1085 N. Harbor spoke on behalf of
Shell Oil Co. and explained problems of visibility
of station and that sign was needed to develop station
to its potential.
Mr. R. Mahoney, 13661 Wheeler Place, Manager of Lyons
Van and Storage objected to a sign of this height in
the area.
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Ring that hearing on
UP64-175 of Shell Oil Co. be continued to the next
regular meeting for study and reoort by the Planning
Advisor. Carried.
Hearing ooened at 7:54 on Variance 64-144 of C.M. Sexton V. g~._]!L4
to permit a reduction of front yard set back to 60' C.M.SEXTON
from centerline of fourth St. on property located on
North side of Fourth St. between Yorba and Prosoect
being lot 10, Tract 5311.
Location, plot plan and parking facilities explained
by hr. Haworth and stated that this application is in
keeping with 10' setback under consideration for all
Pr on Fourth St.
There being no comments or objections the hearing was
declared closed at 7:56 P.M.
Moved by ~nderle, seconded by Ring that Resolution 729
approvin~ Variance Application 64-144 for 10' setback
be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes:
Bacon, Hefner, Ring, Enderle, Marsters, l~lller. Noes:
None. Absent: ~'awrence.
Hearing opened at 8 P.M. on Variance 64-145 of George V. 64-145
E. Ludwig to perm~.t the construction of a Convalescent GEO.LUDWIG.
Hospital ~t 300 Myrtle St. l'ustln.
Plans & location explained by Mr. Haworth.
Mr. G. Ludwig and Rev. Stockdale spoke on behalf of
There being no objections or luther comments the hearing
was closed at 8:05.
Correspondence from the County Planning Deoartment,
Cecil Chambers and Mrs. Newcomb read.
CONDITIONS Mr. Haworth recommended the following conditions:
1. There be a 25' driveway.
2. 6' Masonary Wall on Northerly prooerty llne
and West and South oroperty lines.
3. Existing residence facing Yorba St. shall
not be used for Hospital ourooses.
4. 15' on West side of Yorba St. shall be dedicated
to the City.
5- Adequate fire protection provided by owner.
6. Extension of Myrtle Street be lmoroved according
to city standards and dedicated at the expense
of applicant.
7. Irrigation facilities be maintained for adjacent
oroperty owners.
RESOL. 730 Moved by Marsters, seconded by Enderle that Resolution No.
PASSED 730 granting Variance 64-145 subject to conditions set forth
ADOPTED by the staff be passe~ and ados. ted. Carried by roll call.
Ayes: Hefner, Ring, Marsters, Miller, hnderle. Noes: None.
Absent: Lawrence Abstained: Bacon.
V.64-146 Hearing opened at 8:25 P.M. on Variance 64-146 of H.H.
H.H. Hoopengarner to permit a Regional Office for Life Insurance
Hoopengarner Com~>any in Pr zone and a front yard setback Variance to
60' from centerllne of Fourth St. on property at 345 ~.
Fourth St.
Mr. Haworth exolained application and recommended approval
subject to 20' driveway on east side of property.
Mr. Kermlt Doreus soeaking for applicant reque-ted retaining
the 10' drive.
There being no objections or further comments the hearing
was declared closed at 8:30 P.M.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by ~ln~ that Hesolutlon No.731
approving Variance 64-146 subject to a 20' driveway ~nd
trees and irrigation in parkway be passed and adopted.
Moved by H~fner, seconded by Cnderle that 20' drive be all
on subject property or 10' on adjacent property if it can
be worked out with Drooerty owner to the east and that
easement for ingress and egress be recorded. Carried
Above motion adopting Resolution 731 Carried by roll call.
Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, Miller, Marsters, ~ing, ~-nderle.
Noes: None. Absent: Lawrence.
Hearing opened at 9:05 to consider the precise alignment
to "B" S.t. from 777.48 feet Northerly of First St. to
Fourth St.
Mr. Phil Grlset of ~orth "B" St. questioned the hazard of
crossing at Fourth and "B" Streets.
There being no objections or further comments the hearing
was declared closed st 9:15 P.M.
Moved by Enderle, seconded by Miller that ]~eso].ution No. RESOL.
?32 recommending Prances~. all,Rnment of "B" St. as oresented ?32
to thc City Council be passed ~nd gdor~ted. Carried by PASSED
~.~, f ne~ [i~ Marst~rs, Miller, ADOPTED
roll call. Ayes: Bacon,., . , n.~, .~
Enderle. Noes: None. Abs~nt: Lawrence.
He.~rin.% omen:~d at 9:16 to consider the e':tablishment of
a 10' setback in lieu of exist!~,Z 20' setback in Pr zone
on Fourth St.
There bein.% no objections .'~,r comments the hearin% was
declared closed.
Moved by End~rl~,~ ,, seconded by H~'fne"... , theft Resolution ?~3_..
be passe~ and adopted recommending a 10' setback ir. Pr
zone on both sides of Fourth St. 'I'ustin, and that trees
be olanted in ~nrkw'~ys as ~er recom:r, endat~on of Parks
Department. Carried by roll csll. Ayes: Bacon, Hefner,
R~n~, Enderle, Marsters, Miller. Noes: None. Absent:
! ' ~' I
Moved by Ring, seconded by Enderle th.~t it be recommended
to the Council that a study be made into a master plan of
trees for streets and highways in the City. Carried.
Correspondenc~.~ from the County rega. rdi~% case 826 changing CASE 826
~. ,.om the R~-?10C (PD) 5000 District
property on Yorba S~ ~ .
to R2D District read.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Marsters that this Commission
advise the County th,~t they do not approve of ~roposed
zone change since it is r. ot comcatable with density on
esst side of Yorba and recommend consld~ration be Riven
PD density. Carrie'].
Correspondence read r~:.~ardin~ amendment to C-1056 for
addition of a childrens swimm~n~ pool end nlay area I~
connection with construction of a Planned Development.
Mr. En.~erle excuse~ from meetlng at 9:a5 ?.M-
Moved by R]n~I, seconded by Hefner that the County be
advised th~.~t this Commission has no obj~ctio~s to C-1056
Moved by Hefner, seconded by .~iir~ that correspondence be COR.~{ESP.
received and filed. RECEIVED
Mr. Brook, Mr. }~efner, and Mr. Miller designated to meet
a~ 1 P.M. Friday to inspect amd -~view la~dscaming and
plans for Hodge Development at Main an~.?, Bryan.
There bein~I no further business the meeting was declared