HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-27-64MINUTES OF A TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION July 27, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:75 P.M. by Chairman Bacon. Present: Bacon, Miller, Marsters, Lawrence, Ring. Hefner, Enderle. Also P~esent: Ken Bryant ~eoresentln...g Attorney Rourke, B. Wheelock. cz,-175 SHELL OIL COM :'ANY Moved by Killer, seconded by Marsters t'~':~t Minutes of July lJth be approved ns mailed & corrected. (correction Minute Order re~arding Variance No. 64-145 to read that Mr. Bacon abstained from vot!n.5) Cont'.hued hearln"~ opened at 7:~0 P.M. on U.P. 6/*-175 of Shell Oil Co. re.zard~n~ sign at 13891 Red Hill Ave. A?,p].ic'::tlon explained by Mr. Wheelock with recommendations from staff that sign be approved for ms~.[mum hei,sht of 50' to bottom of sign. oh_l]. Oil Co. objected to Mr. James Fletcher represonting ~ ~ 50' 1 imit. }~,~SOL. 734 UP 64-175 PASSED ADOPTED There be~n~ no further comments or object~ons the hearing was closed at ?:aS P.M. Moved by Miller seconded by Lawrence that Resolution No. 73g yranting UP64-175 on the basis of 50' m.axtmum height to top of sign and t,}:~t the sign meet all other applicable zoning and b~ildlnU reouirements be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. ~yes: Escort, Miller, Marsters, Ring, Lawrence. Ncc, s: None. Absent: Hefr. er, Enderle. Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring that the City Council be requested to ore'pare .a proposed Ordinance for a 50' maximum overall, height limit for signs i.n unclassified districts. Cart.led. UP64-166A He,arin~ ooened at 8 P.M. on UP64.-166A of First Church of FIRST CHURCH Christ.Scientists revised olans to oermit construction of CF CHRIST church at /,40 W. Main Street. scl .~;?~TISTS Locat~on,a'pplicatlon snd ~lans explained by Mr. ~nee~ock with recommendations th'~t the commission re-affirm their original recommendat' , ~on of denial. Mr. H. Robertsham spoke reoresenting church and presented followinT exhibits. a. Petition of 12 property owners in favor of appl ic<~nt. b. 6 names not objecting b~t not wlshlnE to sign any petition. c. Copy of deed to oror:erty d. Photographs · Those oresent with objectlons Paul Snow - Main St. ,~onn Sauers - Pacific St. ti ['~.-'", ~{1 NG CLOSED There being no further comments or objections the hearing was closed at 8:15 P.M. l'>[ ":2 ,'"'. 1 .--' ,.~.o~,,. 7~5 Move:'] by Marsters seconded by Lawrence that Resolution 7~5 UP 64- be passed and adopted approvin~ UP 64-166A subject to 166A conditions set forth by staff in original application plus PASSED a minumu;; of 4~, black topped parking spaces and that a ADOPTED masonry wall be 6' ab~,ve finished grade. Rear portion of .oroperty not black topped to be. blocked off to prevent traffic use. Carried by roll call. Ayes: B~con, Miller, Marsters, Rir~, Lawrence. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Enderle. Hearin5 opened at 8.~50 P.M. on Variance No. 64-147 of Ted VAR. Mar Co. to oermlt the ere~*]on of a 6' chain link fence 64-147 adjacent to sidewalk For playEround ourposes at 15962 Myrtle TED Ave. MAR CO. Application exolained and recommended by t~e staff for approval subject to same orovisions for landscao~ng portion of fence adjacent to sidewalk. Mr. Ted Fish of Ted Mar Co. spoke on behalf of anclicatlon. Moved by Lawrence, s~.conded by Marsters that Resolution No. RESOL. 736 be passed an~ adopted approving V 64-147 subject to 736 landscaping fence adjacent to sidewalk to the satisfaction PASSED of the Public Works Dept. and access provided satisfactory ADOPTED to the Fire Department. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Ring, Miller, Marsters, Lawrence. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Enderle. Hearln5 opened at 9:03 on amendment to Variance 64-139 of Mayor Jewelry Co. to oermit swimming pool to be located on portions of Lots 5 and 6, Tract 5203 instead of all on lot 6 as originally ~ranted. V.64-139 MAYOR JEWELRY CO. Location ~nd amendment explained by Mr. Wheelock with recommendation that record of survey be filed consolidating lots 5 and 6. There bein5 no comments or objections the hearing was closed at 9:05 P.M. Moved by ~iiller, seconded by Marsters that Resolution No. RESOL. 737 be passed and ~donted ~rnnt~n~ amendment to V. 6~-139 737 subject to the filing of record of survey making one lot PASSED out of lots 5 ~nd 6. Carried by roll call· Ayes: Bacon, ADOPTED Ring, Miller, Marsters, Lawrence. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Enderle. Hearin5 opened at 9:10 P.M. on Zone Change 64-139 of Ralphs ZC Industries to chanEe zone from PD to C-1-P 20,000 and from 64-139 PD to Pr on certain prooerty on Northwest corner of Seven- RALPHS teenth and Yorba Streets. INDUST. Mr. Wheelock explained application and presented 3 staff recommendations for consideration. RECOM. · . Continue to hold to the ool!.cy that the PD-3500 zone be retained. That commission look favorably uoon the extension of the commercial zone 651 into the PD zone. That extension of Pr zone over to Yorba St. be denied and Pd 3500 be retained alon5 Yorba. Those soeakin5 in favor of c'~an,~e. Mr. A. Nisson- Attorney represent ~ nM aoulicant. Mr. T. H.%nds- Of Ralohs Industries, reores~ntlng aopllc.ant. Mr. A. Theur~ch reoresent~,ng TAHOA sooke requesting that application be denied. There being no further comments or objections the hearing was closed at 9:20 P.M. HEARING CLOSED Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring that denial of ZC 64-139 be recommended to Council. Motion failed. Ayes: Miller, Ring, Noes: Ma rsters, Lawrence, Baco. ZC 64-139 ZC Moved by Lawrence that ~t be recommended to the council that 6~-i~,9 ZC 64-139 be approved. Motion died ~'or ~ack~ of second. Moved by Lawrence that commission recommend approval of 65' encroa',hment on ?D zone and balance of app].i.c~.t~.on Pr be held over to next re~ul':r meetln!~. Motion died for lack of second. Moved by Marsters, seconded by ~awrence that discussion on ZC 6g-139 be continued to next regular me.~tln~I. Carried. ZC Hearin5 ooened at 9:33 P.M. o~. ZC 6~-138 to consider rezon~n5 ~4-!58 of certain prooerty at Northerly corner of La,suna and Red Hill from "U" to R-3, R-4 and C-2. Location, zoning and oresent use of orc~erty explained by Mr. Wheelock. HEARING There bein~ no comments or objections the hearing was closed CLOSED at 9:25 P.M. RESOL 738 PASSED . .,esoluti. on 738 Moved by L~w~ence, seconded by Marsters th'._~t ~ recommendin~ aporoval of ZC 6a-138 to the council for R-3, R-4 and IO0-C-I-10,O00 be passed sad ador:~ted. Carried by roll c. all. Ayes: Br~con, Hing,Marsters, Lawre::ce. ~oes: Miller, Abse..,~t: Hefner, Enderle. AYRES REAL~Y Moved by Ring, secor~5~?d by Marsters th.at a one y,~sr extension be ~ranted on lip 63-1a2 of Ayres Realty! for directional si~zn at corner cf McFadden ;~nd Newport Blvd. Carried. Mr. Miller re,vorted that he and Mr. Hefner and Mr. Brook had insa, ected deve].o~ment at Bryan and Main St. ~nd found it not up to ¢.slled for plans an~~ ~oorly maintained but that tb.e situation was be~,n:~ rectl~.'ed. Mr. Miller requested that in the future steps be taken to assure bett~r lookin~ developments. There bel. ng no further business the meetin~ was declared ad Jour~ed. o,,~C]~~tY OF ?HE PLANi.~IN.2 COMMISSION C~AIHMAN OF THE PLAN~ING COM~,~J~JSION