HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-10-64® O ~.3 MIP:UT::S OF A 3GULa3 "':~ETI~:1 T'JSI'IN PLA;:i1I:3G C~MMISSIC;~ August 10, 1A64 Meeting called to order at 7:35 ?.M. by Chairman. Bacon. Present: Bacon, ~:efr.er, Rirg, Marsters, Miller, Enderle. ~" Lawrence arrivea at meeting, 7:50 F.M. .. Absent : ?vior_e hl.:o _ went: :'.ed ~.oor:, ~aildin,, D,,..a.tT..nt; ~'~~: .awo. h, ?laming advisor. J. eur'<e, ~t Forney. Mcved by 3ir.g, seconded by Marsters, that P;inutes of July 27, 1Q64, be approved as mailed. Hearin, o:~ened at 7:40 P.i~1. on UF64-176 of L~atrician Building L'p64_ and Development Corporation to permit t'ne erection of a 12'x 176 24' Single-faced directional sigr. on Southside of 17th Street, between Yorba and Freeway. P':r. Dcn i:ayden, alert for Patrician. Builders, woke, explainin; use of sigr.. T'^.ere beir_~ no further comments :~r cb j~cticns, ~.earir.~ :,:-s d_clarec3 closed. "':cued by ~~~iller, seconded by Sing, that Resolution. ~tio. 739, Resol. ~rarting i1.?. arrlic=~ti :r. 64-176 of Pat rician Builders for 739 to erect a directional sigr. ner~nissior be reco~n.~ ended for aprroval, . wit': t'r.e following con'.itions a:; sit forth by this COivDIT. staff: PATBICI B'JIL~~=~ 1. r'his rermit shall extend fo~^ a cericr'. of ti^~e, r.ot to exce°d one year fr~^~: t:^. ~~ ~a-t° of final deter-~ir~atior. 2. The sign cor_y shall be limited to directional information only. 3. The sign shall corr.ply ~Uit'n all req+~ire^ents of t'ne Tustin Sign Ordiance ?:o. 1~3. 4. ~rh.e aprlicant shall re~^ove tY:e .,i;n ~ar,.-:n th, ~~•~niration of the ,'JerT:it ?t- no ~xrense to any public agency. 5. The applicant shall post a Ore ';undred Dollar (.~1GG) bor_d guar~~nteeing the removal of s-id JiJn• 6. A building permit shall b~_ ob`.aine~~ for the erect; or: of th- sign. 7. 1'he sigr. :-hall be loc.+t•,~' 20' frc;~ the pro~erty ~ 1 ine. ~, Carried by roll c-11 - Ayes: 3acon, ~9iller, ~~arst~rs, CtiRRIrD Ring, Lawrence, Hefn?r. iJoes: ;Dore. Abstained: Enderle. :'.eari.r_; o~ene:? ~t 8:c`0 ?.i. or. U? 64-177 of ,nark Ar_drews and rJF64_17 Associates to permit erection of a 8' x 10' directional si;n MARK on South+rre -t corner of McFadden ar.~? ~,valnut Avenues. A,dDRE:JS ASSOC. ^~r. Haworth, Planning Ad.vi:~or, explained ?r-~liratlon. Th°re being no objections o~ co:nTents, the ~=earir.~ was r~eclare~3 closed. ~'ar..'~ ::.^:rl?i t ;,-~~,,f,~ rr:~~ ,-.,7q'' ~ ~i^.P z ~:", :2'i:~ t?::~~ J 1 ~c..~ t;,.-.t • it :•culd re placed according; to rule^ -~`' 4h° ' ~y .,. ~ C_ _., ~i,;^L . ~~oved by Enderle, seconded by P4arsters, that Resolution 74~ i+o. 74^, ~rartin~ UP 64-177 of Mark Ardrei~:s end Associates, • to install d irecti o::al sism , be granted ~~ri th st i Nulated vVi~+LITI.'`.:uS follo-f:in3 conditions :• ti9A3~~ Ai;L=1 ~'~~'S S: A . GCI~,T~3 1. This pewit s:^,:11 extend fora r~eri~~~3 of time not t0 e:;C°e7 One year from. t'^.~ _ate o`' f ir.~l ~eterTin-'ti Ori. 2. The sign copy ;hall be limited todirectional infor~r.=~tior. only. ;. 'i'he sign sh?1~ coTr.ly ~n~itr, all re~ui~^ements of the Tustin Sign Ordinance ,yo. 1°?. '~. The applicant shall remove the .~i`n a^on the expiration of the Hermit at no expense to ar_yrublic agency. 5. 'the ar~plicant shall post a One Hundred Lollar ("1C0; bond guaranteeing „emoval of said sin. 6. A building per~^it s::^all be obtained for the erection of the sign., s ~~'~ ~~ '~iOt ion carried by roll call - aye ; : Pacor_, Hefner, °~~~ rsters, Sing, Eraerle, La~~irenc?, Miller. .~cns: :~or~. A;,ser.`.yore -- ^~, lac Lis^ussior Conti:^~ied on Zi, F~-139 fcr 3alnh's ln~.ustri°s. 3:~LPH' S IdD'J3T. r'ir. c?a~r~orth outlined request as previusly s~ ~ted and explainea nur-~ase cf arplicatior.. those mho spoke on be:,alf of the m:~rket were: C. Anther :~isson, re^resenting Ralph's Industries. Tho:,.as r . Hinds - Obi=ctin~: ~uer:ton Fleming - representative of ia. Tusti : Area Homeo~:;Tners Association ~~r. Seor~e Broomell spoke, reoreser_tin_, eraners of '~'~,i?'?Star cror~erty, Stating th~.t oraners cor.templeted not~iing but ~-1 to the ,north. M~~=red by 'r:efner, seCOnded by ;~arsters, that reco^:mendation o to the City Council t^-t they favora'oly apr~rove ry Resolution .;o. 741 to rezne the '.ve =terly 6[' of the er.istirg DD?5C0 Zone to 100 C-1P-20,000 and that the reque~~t for rezoning a portion o° the remaining PD ?500 Zone to a Pr Zone be denied. Motion carri°d by roll c.ll - Ayes: Lai~:rence, pin;, End~rle, Hefner, Bacon, M3rsters. woes : P~'iller. Absent : None. L'P6'~-149 eauest ry T~~stin Village Inc. proposed change to amer_d TUSTI',•1 UPb3-149. VILLAsB ItiC. P^.r. Haworth explained proposed changes, ~d gave recommendations Mr. Mike Jager spoke on behalf of T~.xstin Village. RZSC~L, CVO, ;loved by Miller, seconde~a by Ends rle, that Resolution :Vo. 742, 742 recommending the granting of Amen ded Use P er~:it or. i1P63-1'-:9, :i;~Ej,,D. Tustin Village, Inc. as follows: ~p6~-149 1. Charge buildings ?, ~, 5 aY~d 9 as shou:n on the • -lob n'. qrt F`rnrr 3 ~~ la':] t G:.lil'~ i!'r~ S t0 ~+ BR unit b~.zildj.~, ::. 2. .,~~~ :t~ 3s -A :nits fr~:n bu:l•_i~:~7 7 end E ;,~ _ :~t ,C'... , _ :~ 'E: ., , ''... -- . ~ ~'.~,C~o :, ^%:0:1`1 fir: ~~i~~~ `~l:"~. . Motion carried by roll call - Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, Marsters Enderle, Ring, Lawrence, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Frank Bacon, Chairman of Planning Commission, appointed ARCHIT. the following to Architectural Committee - Enderle and COMMITfEE Marsters. Mr. Brook and ~r. Haworth to serve as alternates. APPOINTED Moved by Hefner, seconded by iVlarsters that Architectural Committee for Planning Commission be rotated every six months. Motion carried by roll call. All voting Aye. Noes: None. Absent: None. ROTATED EVERY SIX MONTHS Correspondence read regarding Tentative Tract Map 5628. Mr. Haworth explained the requirements. TENT. TRACT MAP 5628 Moved by Enderle, seconded by Marsters that Secretary so notify the County of Orange, that this Commission recommends that the circulation pattern be brought up to City standards to include a minimum alley width of 25 foot driveway and that the dedicated street have a minimum width of 60 feet. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Correspondence read resardin~ application UV5407, regarding CORR. the establishment of a Home for the Aged. Planning advisor UV5407 e×plained apollcatlon request and recommended for a denial HOME FOR as application is not in keeping with e×lst%ng area. AGED Moved by ~iarsters, seconded by Enderle, and carried that this Commission notify county that they recommend denial of application as not in keepinE with area. All in favor voted Aye. Noes: None. Absent: None. There being no further business, the meeting was declared ad journed. CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING CO~~SS'ION