HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-28-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
September 28, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:3~ P.M. by Chairman
Bacon, Hefner, Ring, Marsters,
Lawrence, Enderle, Halus.
City Attorney Rourke, present.
Moved by Hefner, seconded by Enderle that Minutes
of September l~th be approved as mai]ed. Carried.
ORD. 1 57
Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. to consider ~m amendment
to Ordinance No. 157 by .~dditiou of P.C. District.
?.AL ?H$ !ND.
Mr. Haworth exola]ned the action of the Council
regard in~ Halohs Industries application which has been
referred b~ck to the Pl~nnin~ Commission for hearing
October 13th and re,sore for" oronose~ amendments to
the Zo~nE Ordinance to either cre,:~te a Pl.~nned
Commercial D~.striet Zone or to require a Use Permit
for all commercial, developments of fiv~'~ (~) acres or
Mr. C.A. Nlsson, attorney for Ralphs Industries, szoke
in favor of Amendment requiring a Use Permit.
Mr. T. u~z of Ralohs st'-~ted thet they were in favor
of the Use Permit der~endlnM on how architectural control
is utilized.
RESOL. 746
A X E ~ .
N~. Ord
There being .no further comments and uo objections, the
Hearing was declared closed at 7:58
Moved by il[nE, seconded by Marsters t?:at Resolution No.
7a6 be adopted recomme.~ng to the City Council the
adoption of Amendment to Ordinance No. 157 to provide
the requ.lrement for Use Permit for all commercial
develooments of five (5) ~cres or more. Carried by
roil call. Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, Rip~, Marsters,
Lawrence, Enderle, :--{alus. Noes: None. Absent: None.
HALUS TO GEN. Chairman Bacon appoir:ted Mr. Norman }{al. us to the
PLAN COMMITTEE General Plan Comm~tee.~ to replace Mr. R-',~5...
C~R..~. FROM Corresr~ondence read from C~aa Yorba Deve].orment re~ardin~
CASA YO~iBA DEV. fencing reo. uirements in Pr zone where it adjo~.ns R-1.
FENCING i'{EQU!RE.Moved by Enderle, second~?d by !{alus tb~at Er.. Ha~orth
Pr ZONE be directed to look into fenc%n5 reeul~ements in t~,e
°r zone and report at next regular m~.,'ti~ Carried
CO!iR. FROE Corresnondence from County Pla.vnin~ re::~.'~r~.nT amemdment
COU~.,.YY ?LANNINGto C-1097 oresented.
DRIVES INCHEAS.Mr. Haworth recommended that drives as shown for 20'
TO CITY MIN. widths be increased to 25' to conform to City minimum
requirements and to facilitate fire
Moved by Enderle, seconded by Ring t'.'at this Commission
recommends to the County P.l~nn~n~ Comm~ssior that they
adhere to 25' ro?.dways due to the City' minimum requirements
and to the f":~ct th,3t there is one entr'~ace to the
~ ~.veloom~'~nt Carried
County ~.rooosed zone chan~e - Case 8].3- taken
under consideration.
CASE 813
Mr. Enderle excused from meetin~.
Mr. Halus reeuested to ~o on record .as ob,j
to t~.ese proposed ch':~n~e:.s sn,.fl ~ ~
.. ~ .:o,.,e~, t,~nt the ~ress
would call these che~,~es to the attention of the
~ubl ic.
Mr. Rin:_~ stated his feelim.~s as bein~ against
commercial on l?th Street east of Yorba, as not
belnq in the best interest of the community as
a whole.
Moved by Halus, secondeU by Rln~[ that the Tustin DENIAL OF
Plamnin~z Commisslom send '.an official recommendation R-1 and
to the County Plannin.K Commission and tb, e City Council 100-E-a
st~tin~ that the Tustln Plannin~ Commission unanimously ALONG l?th
requests the Orange County Planning Commiss~on to
cata~orieally deny ~ny chanues fr.~m R-I ..~,~.~ 100-E-~
alon.~ l?th St~t between ..... ~ on th~ W~st and
Newport Avenue on the Rast smd s~eclfically to deny
any ch~m~o.~,,~., to C-1. Further, t~nt ..... t~is reou~st, is just
a further co'nfirmat~.on of t~e pre. or Agreements
between the City and the County - motion failed.
Ayes: Haulus, R!n~, Noes: Marsters, [,~.~wrence, Hefner,
Move,:] by Lnwrence, second~.d by Hefner th'~t thXs
Commlsslon advise Mr. Hawo~th to .develoo a ~ood o£fen::e C-1 on
in ~n effort to combat any encroachment of C-] on l?th ST.
l?th Street, East of Yorba, ~re~ared in !xood form.
These studies in coordirstion with 0range County
Planning Commission to be forwar.~ed to this Commission.
Mot~on ca-:'l.~d Mr Halus voti.-~-~ No.
Move::] by Halus thst the 'fustin Pl~'~nning Commission
convey a r, relim!nary r~:action to co~resmondence from
the County steti, nq uranimous prel!mlnery omlmlon is
that th-'.~ County deny ~ny change in lard uses East
of Yorba and th:at this Plannin,g Commission ar.-J Staff
will pr-~mare ~ ,detaileU re~ort ~s to why. Motion
d led for leek of second.
n,. regard ln~ Case 857 preset.ted.
County correso .... ~ence .
CASE 8 37
Moved by .~in~, seco.~ded by Halus that County Pl. snninK
Comr,.ission be informed thet this Commission has no
~dverse comments to Cqse 83? - Carried.
There being no further business, the meetlnff~ was
sdjournod to Tuesday evening, October 1
sECiiETA,'~Y~. '0]~"THE ~PEi~NNI NG C01~ISS I ON