HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-13-64MINUTES OF A RAEGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 13, 1964 · uo'l"I N, ,.2.~'~r, li,:tj COMMISSION Octo2~.;r ] ~ 196/+ ZC 64-1 39 RALPHS INDUST. APP1 ICATION EXP LA I N ED iSA" ~ n~.NS CLOSED zX~i,a,~aTION FitOM ifESOL. 747 PAi;S!:;D ""~' ADOPTED · .. C ~:;-.'1_ vA~. 6~-150 HARRIS & : .... NER APPI.] CATION EXPLAINED CORRES PONDKN CE READ ~cLSTIONS AND OBJECTIONS Meeting cali~d to order at 7:°0, P.?{. by Chairman B.a con. Present: Bacon, He.f ncr, Lawrence, Marsters, }!al us. A b s e.t.', t: End e rl e Ke:~ mry.a~t re~'.sentr-,,~ attorr:ey Rourke Moved by L-Rwrer. ce, seconded by i~:..:fner th;:~t Minutes nf September 2Sth .meet i.~o~ be approved .-as mailed. Carried. f~.earir:g opened at 7:31 P.M. on Zo,.',e Change Application No. 64-!39 of Halphs Industries Ir:c. to permit chan~e from PD to C-IP 20,OCO and from ED to Pr on oronerty located on Nort?'..we,~t corner of lyt.h ar, d Vorba Streets. A~,licst i.o':, :~n.,,~ 2.a'-s,,'; ' ' ~ :~" .... .... ~ :hC~.'.Dr:S C, . ~i'.iNl]i!'!rr ~(.3~;::I'!~ SSiC'r: and Counsel! exol. alr.,~.:d by Mr,, :{':','.',rth. ,:r. u.A. Ni:-::;or:, ritt.o:'~:.,~y s:;oke :',n b,,.':n::~lf o: [ndus hri ~s. r:o f,~rther com~.~ents and no obj,ectlor::.:, was ...:.~¢larc..'.! close..'] Further exrler:atlon ~ ~. : · , :r'o.:: the P]ann,n.% 'Staff i.,cluded fact that when this Zo::e Chan....%,,-'. is in effect, the a~pllce:':t :..,'hould the,,: have to a[:p.l..y for ,~ Use Permit. Y. ov't'd t:y Lo.'.,'r'~',~ca, seco'nded by }~" .a.~us that [iesol ut ion ,,o." ~"',.,+,, be n,a~ssed nnd adopted recommendin~ to the City Ccuncl! that oorticn of 'ZC6;~-1~9 for change from PD to C-1P-20,O00 be approved ~n'! request for ch~:nce from PD to Pr be dented. Carried by roll cal.] Ay ~.~r:-;t ~ rs "" ........... na.~ lJS. ~, . .,, i{ca,"i,';,~ .:3:.e-',e,~ at 7'40 r.~ ~. o.n . " 64-~ 50 ' ".o ........ :':. ~"~"] .'i~i Ce ~',C · .~. ,'. ,~, ........ ~...mlt w:~i. vc.:r of r'.3ar y~rd ~e t. hacr, e' .... ~ 0~ r., ow~.'ont Avenue. A~t~l~.ca' ton, locat ion and ,:,taff _cc, om.,end'~:tlor:s ex?].~4 ] lied b,y Mr. Hawort}~. Corr.~so:.rc. dence from Kr. and Mrs. C. Smith .'.~djointng pror'.erty owr~ers in fa,,or of this V'.~r!ance, pe;.]d by Clerk. Those present w.lt;', ,.:uest.",.ons :'~,n,:] :.'bjectio:~st ,. ,~ , 12102 l{.'.al~...,~: ]ace B.L. Curini~5?.~m, . , .... . .. '"' .':' " . .... oeh.'ai£ a,,. as c., permiss:.on :',r. -~. u,.'.~/'iNer sc0h''' "~ owp. ' - ' ~.,-] ],' ~r: ~ t c: r,~0co~c! with" ' v .. ,, ..... :r]vewa~ aooroaches :'~-'.fl exf~l, ained ~"-'t~.,. ~h,---,'~ ~... was no ..asem,.nt alo._o rear of orooerty._ , There bei~:.~ r:o further comments or ouest~ons, the i-[e:~r~n:[ w'.s dec]arer.~ closed at ?:4~.. T:.F,. i..;non f~rther explanation of the ol?,n$ '~n,] location ' ',,ct ions of b'.~l~l'~.~ Y.- Cunning'~an ',,i+~,d~, .... his obo Moved by Hefner, seconded by Marsters that }~esol~tion No. ?a8 be passed and adopted apFrovln~ Variance ~':o. 64-150 with followin~ conditions: 1 P.~rki~.~ and drivo, w~ys be approved by Pl~nning ,,, ~ ~ Staff an,:.~ that the ~rc'~ose~ d..~..]o..,._ ,t meet all other C~ty requ~rements. HESOL. 748 PASSED ADO?TED V.64-150 with CONDITIONS 2. Street improvements be made ,~er City Standards at the cost of the applicant. Street trees be al-qnted accor.'!in~ to speciflcati?ns set forth by the Parks & Recr.~aticn Commission. Block wall be installed as designated on olot plan. Carried by roll c,~ll - Ayes: Bacon, Hefner, ?!arsters, Lawrence, Halus: Noes: Nor. e. Absent: Enderle. Mr. H, aworth orescnted and explained re~ort on fence and wall requirements. REPORT ON FETM,,CE AND WALL REQ. Mr. Haworth, Mr. Brook ~n~ City Attorney Rourke were directed to work out an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance. This ordinance to include smecified fencing standards an:~ the following wall r~.ul~tions on the inclusive zone~ districts: A. Where any C, M or PR zo::e abuts u,r..on any residemtial zone, there should be provided a sol ld fence and/or m'~sonry wall not less ~ ~ ._ . ~'~ than 6' ~n he~,~ht o~. the zou boundary line. Sai5 wall should also be prcvided where R-3 and R-a orooerty abuts any R-1 zone or where ~ny M ~,romerty abuts C or PR zoned orooerty. HAWORTH, BROOK, AND CITY ATTOR. TO WORK OUT ORD. AMEND. '7 ,~ONI,~:~ ORD. This wal~ shall be measu .... d from the highest finished .srade level of the subject property or adjacent nrooerties, whichever is the .~ ~ and be subject to the a~nroval of h i..,h....st, , the BuI].din~ Department. C. Where a develomment is cor. tlguous to an existin~ dcdlcated a].ley which serves as access to residential orooerties, the wall roqulrcment may be modified or waived by the Plann',.ng Director. D. In ail such statefi oror,.erty, ~aid wall shall be six (6) feet in he%ght as per city standards e×cept that oroti, on of eoual .:teotb from the front property line to the reauired front yard on thc- abuttln~ R Classified property, which shall be three (~) f~,et~ i~ ',,eight Secretary directed to set hearin~ date before the SECRETARY Commission to consider ~bove Ordinance. TO SET DA TE FOR Correspondence read from Union Sign Co. requesting }iEARING extension of time on directional si~n at Fourth & Prospect originally granted October 14, 1,.o, 63 by UP63-152. U]qION SIGN Moved by i~awrence, seconded by !!al. us thnt six months extension be ~o~t~=d for direct[=~al si~n :'~t Fourth & :.D~ ~ ....... Prospect as Der ~bove request. Carried. Corres ,~,,d~,r. ce from Cou~.ty of Oran~,]e P1,.-qnnin~ Commission regardin~ CPl136 r~ad. EXTEN. OF TIME ON SIGN. CARRIED. CORR. FROM ORAN'DE COUNT CPl136 HEAD TO CP] 1~. COii[~. iiU, Ci'.]I VED ~l.,D FI Moved by Hefner, seconded by .Hal. us that the County be ~.~dv[sed t?:"~t this Commission has r..~ objectio:,.s to n, roperty develocme.~t .as shown ir, CPI136 with exception of mroposed dr~ve'^'ays which ~re below the city standard of 2.5 foot mini. mum. Carried. Mov,.'~.d by '!cf ne.P, seconded by Lawrenc, c- th':,t c'.orres~onde:lce be receive~ ~rd filed. Carried. Me,ati~z ~ecl.ared ,~dJourned ,H~ P~.~NI,~.;G COMMISSI SECRETAR'Y~F ~ ~