HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-09-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION November 9, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Vice Chairman Hefner. Present: Hefner, Enderle, Halus, Brand. Absent: Marsters. Attorney Rourke, present. Moved by Halus, seconded by Enderle that Minutes of October 26th be approved as mailed. Carried. Hearing opened ~t 7:34 P.M. on UP64-179 of C. R. Bauman to permit the erection of one 8' x 12' directional si5n on North side of First Street, about 150' East of Prospect. UP64-179 C. R. Bauman Application explained by Mr. Haworth. Mr. Don Hayden, Agent, spoke in behalf of ap01icant. There being no further comments and no objections, the HearlnE was declared closed at 7:37 P.M. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Halus that Resolution No. 751 be passed ~nd adopted aooroving UP64-179 with seven conditions ss set forth by the Plsnnlng Staff. Carried by roil call - Ayes: Hafner, Enderle, Halus, Brand; Noes: None. Absent: Marsters. RESOL. 7 51 PASSED ADOPTED UP64-179 WITH CONDIT. Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. to consider a Variance application 64-152 of Nancy Ls Shelle to permit a Nursery School in the E-4 zone on property located at 1;~8.51 Yorba Street. VAR. 6~-1~2 NANC~. LA SP,~ Mr. Haworth explained plot plan, location, past history of similar application filed by applicant with the county and their approval with conditions, and presented Staff, Fire and BuildinE Departments' recommen,~ations. Correspondence from Mrs. V. Mitchell, Mr. H. Tancredi, Mr. ~nd Mrs. C. Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Newcom read. CORR. RE CE I VED Nancy La Shelle spoke in her own behalf st~tlnM she wqs a~reeable to conditions includin~ the erection of block walls on North and side property lines. There beinE no further comments or objections, the HearinE was closed. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Brand that Variance 64-152 be approved with recommendations outlined and block walls be erected on North and South property lines. Motion and second withdrawn. VAR. 64-1 52 APPROV. WITH HECOMM. Moved by ~nderle, seconded by Brand theft Resolution No. 752 be passed an~ adopted approving V.~riance 64-152 subject to recommended conditions of Fire Department, Building Department, and Plannin~ Staff ~nd that a block wqll be constructed on North and South property lines and that siMn be no larEer than ~' x a' with exception of lettered siqn on wall. Carried by roll c~!l - Ayes: Hefner, Enderle, Halus, Brand. Noes: None. Absent: Marsters. RESOL. 7 52 PASSED ADOPTED WITH CONDIT. AMENDMENT TO ORD. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Brand that above motion be amended to include that walls on North and South prooerty lines be as designated on plot olan - Exhibit "A" - carried by roll call: all members oresent voting Aye. Hearing ooened at 8:30 P.M. to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 157, as amended, settlr, g forth stsndards and requirements for wall regul~tions in certain zones. Amendment explained by Mr. Haworth. AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL FOR THEIR APPROVAL HEARING CONT. TO NEXT MEETING ORANGE Moved by Ha!us, seconded by Enderle that amendment to Ordinance No. 157, as amended, be submitted to the Council for their aoproval. Motion 9nd second withdrawn. After discussion regarding certain changes desi. red, it wgs moved by Halus, seconded by Enderle that Hearing be continued to next regular meeting. Carried. Mr. Hsworth presented Staff Reoort re~-~rding OranEe County Case 8~1 with recommendsttons and draft of COUNTY CASE suEgested corresooudence to be forwarded to the County. 831 Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that modified letter strongly objectin~ to County Zone Change 831 be forwarded to the County Planning Com~ssion- csrrled by roll call Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Brand. Noes: Nome. Abstain ed: Enderle. Absent: Marsters. C.M.Sexton Corresoondence from C.M. Sexton requestin~ information CORR. as to whether a "Prescription" DruM Store is allowed "PRESCRIPTIONin a Pr zone was re~d by Clerk. DRUG STORE Moved by En,,~erle, seconded by Halus that Mr. Sexton be informed that thls is not an allowed use [n Pr zone and if he wishes to pursue th~s further, .be must apply for ~ variance. C~rrled. "~':'~ERAT1 ON NEW TOWN" Mr. Haworth ~nformed Commission of the workshop called "Ooeration New Town" to be held November °Srd as a joint venture between the Staff and the Chamber of Commerce. CORR. RECEIVED Moved by Enderle, seconded by Halus that corresoondence be received and filed. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared ad j ourned SECRE~I~R~Y OF THE PLANNING COMMISE, ION 6%WAIRMAN OF THE PLA~'ING COMMISSION