HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-14-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION December 14, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mr. Hefner. Present: Hefner, Bacon, Enderle, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sharp. Absent: None. Mr. Ken Bryant represented City Attorney Rourke. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Marsters that Minutes of November 23, 196a, be approved as mailed and received. Hearing ooened at 7-°7.~ P.M. on UP62-180 of Follls UP64-180 Custom Millwork to permit a custom mi/lwork operation FOLLIS in M-1 Zone at EdinKer and Del Amo Avenue. CUSTOM MILLWORK Application explained by Mr. Haworth and Staff recommendations resd. Corresoondence from County Plannln5 Department read. CORR. FROM COUNTY Discussion omene~ to eudlence. Mr Richard Gre~= and Mr. Raymond Schmacher, reoresentin.~ Follis Custom Mlllwork, ~xolained aoolication. .. , There bel-g..... ~o,. comments or obJ~ct%c~s,., the Hearin~ was declared closed at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Marsters that Resolution RESOL. No. ?55 be passed snd adonted, apnrovin~I UP 6~-180, ?55 PASSED subject to the conditions of the Planning Staff as ADOPTED follows: UP 64-180 1. That all landscaDin~ be maintained. 2. That thelandscaping alon,.7 Edinyer Street be maintained ~nd when Edin~er Street is widened to the ultimate width, the landscaoed ~re.~ will be moved southerly on to the subject prope, rty to ~llow for th~: wldenin~ of the street or aor.~llcant h.~s ootion to ol~ce trees initially in ultimate Parkway area. 3- That the orooosed structure meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. 4. 'that shy trees ol~c~d in the Parkway be approved by the Parks and ]Recreation Commission. Motion carried by roll call: Ayes: Bacon, Marsters, Enderle, Halus, Brand, Sherp, Hefner. Noes: None. Absent: None. CONDITIONS Hearin~ ooened ~t ?:50 P.M. on UP 64-181 of Walter J. Fredriksen to oerm~t construction of a Rest Home for the Aged at 2~0 E. Third Street. Explanation by Mr. Taylor, Planning Technician, on location and proposed use intended by applicant and Staff recommendations that it be %ranted. UP 64-181 WALTER FREDRIKSEN REST HOME There beinE no comments or objections, the Hearing was declared closed at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Walter Fredrlksen applicant, sooke on his own behalf and explained olans for future exoanslon. No further comments or objections. RESOL. 756 PASSED ADOPT I NG UP 64-181 RECOMME NDA 'PI ONS Moved by H;~lus, seconded by Marsters that Resolution No. 756 be .massed adopting UP 6a-181 with Staff recommendations as follows: 1. That the applicant comply with the conditions set forth by the Fire, En~neer[n~ and Building De pts. 2. Prlor to the issuance of a buildin5 permit, a landscaoe olsn must be submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Motion c~rr~ed by roll call - Ayes: Racon, Enderle, ~rand ~n~ Hefn,'~. Noes' Nor:e. Marsters, Ha]us, Sharp, ...... Absent: None. Z.C. 6a-l~O TUS'f IN EI.,EM. SCHOOL DIST. Hearin~ onened at 8:20 P.M. on. Zone Change No. 6l~-140 of Tustin Elementary School District to permit a change of zone from E-4 to Pr on property at N/W and S/W corners of Fourth ~nd B Streets. Mr. Taylor exelalned the existirg conditions oertsi, n[n~ to this subject Zone Chan~e Application. . . Sch '~' . Mr. Archir Uurrie, reoresentin~ ool ~istrlct ssoke, explaining the history of subject property. ~P~o-~,-,....~. bei~..~ ~..~ f,~rther, comments and no objections, H,::a ri ~.,~ '~'s .. ~ · · ,~. ~.,.s declared closed at ,~:]O ~- M Mr. Haworth, Plennin~ Director, exolained the existing ~ocent Pr zone. front setback line in the ado.~ F~ESOL. 757 ~aDOP~ ~tu Z.C. 6~-laO Moved by Brand, seconded by Enderle, that }{esolution ~o. 757. be n~sed., ar:d ..sale,ted, recommendin.~..~ to the City Counci! the approval of Zone Change gd-l~0, from E-a to Pr, subject to Staff Recommendations, .and recommending th-~t the 10 foot buildi.%~ llne gdootod be approved on the easterly properties sad bc extended to inclu~.]e the subject properties. Motion carried by roll call: Ayes: Bacon, Enderle, M'~rst~s,,._ Sha~''~, Brand, Halus, }.:,.',f~., ,~ Noes'. None. Absent: None. Mr. Ha!us drew attention to th~:, Co~miss.~_on and ~dio'~c~.~ .... .. o~.s,','~,t,. ~. ....... that several ~'~:~.,,. School students were i~ attendance and stated they ~..'~-~.~ to be commen~.~d for their interest in C~vi.c :~overnment. Chairmen Hafner also com~liment'd th,~ students whc were mrese~t. Z.C. 64_1al FRA N A RG OFI N Hearin:_~ or. er. ed at 8:;~0 P.M. on ZC6a-151 of Franargof~n to oermIt a change of zone~ from C-1 to C-2 on S/E corner of Laguua Road and Newport Avenue. CORR. from COUNTY Corresoondence read frcm the County. Mr. Dudley Fr~nk, representing Fran~rr.[ofln sooke in favor of applicati, on for the requa, ste~ zone change. Mr. George Ar.gyros also spoke explaining that they are planning to develoo the ~roperty to its highest use with consideration ~r tb.,~ best interests of the city. There being no protests or further comments, the Hearin~ was decl_~re, d closed at 8:50 P.M. Moved by M~rsters, seconded by Halus, that in order that further study can be made on application and for best interests of all concerned, the Hearing be continued to first meetin~ in January, 1965. HEARING CONT. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Bacon, Enderle, Marsters, '2rand, Sharp, Halus, Hefner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Wheelock, Director of Publ%c Works, recommended TRACT MAP that approval '~e given on Tract Map #5150, area located #5150 between Brow~ing Avenue ard Red Mill Estates. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Marsters th.~t approval on Tract Map No. 5150 be given, as presented. All in favor voted Aye. Noes: None. Motion carried. TRACT MAP APPROVED Chairman Hefner requested tbst Pl.~nn~n~ Director prepare an application for a Chan%e of Zone in the name of the Plan~.ing Commission to be heard at the next Planning Commission meetln~. The property affected is in the general area of the Newport Freeway and l?th Street. Chalrma~ Hefner dlrect~d Plannin~ D~rector to inquire from County Plannin~ Department regardln~ the status of County Zone case at l?th and Deodar ~.nd whether Commission will receive correspondence on Alpha Beta Zone C.ban~e at Newoort and La Colir. a which is scheduled ~ -~ 1965 and to reoort his findings to for oanu:~ry 13, , . Commission at next re~ul,~r meeting. Mr. Halus commended the Tustin Fire Department on their very successful Seminar held recently and a reauest that the Secretary wr[te a letter to Fi're Chief Hilton and Department for their fine work and successful venture. TUSTIN FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMENDED Moved by !{alus, seconded by P-rand that Planning Department review ond ascert~in ss to whether a comorehenslve study is needed to determine the future needs in the. way of water supply. Ail in favor voted Aye. Noes: None. Absent. None. Motion carried. COM PREH ENS I VE STUDY ON WATER SUPPLY Mr. Enderle asked to be excused from meeting. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Marsters that the meetln~ be ad journed. SECRETAi{t~ TH~" PLA~' ~,~ING COMMISSION (DEPUTY) CHAI~RMT~N-OF THE