HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-28-64MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION December 28,1964 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Hefner. ~esent: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, Enderle, Halus Sharp. Absent: Brand Mr. K. Bryant represented Mr. Rourke. Moved by Halus, seconded by Enderle that Minutes of MIN. DEC.14th December 14th meeting regarding approval of UP64-180 CORRECTED be corrected to include the option of applicant to place trees in present parkway and move to ultimate width when street is widened or place them initially in ultimate parkway area. Carried. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Halus that Minutes of December 14th be approved as corrected. Carried. RESOL. present.Resolution presented to Mr. Bacon commending him for F. BACON his years of service as chairman of this Commission. UP64-182 RALPHS IND. Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. on UP64-182 of Ralphs Industries to permit the development of a Shopping Center of five acres or more on.property located 165' West of Yorba Street on North Side of 17th Street. Property zoned 100-C-l-P-20,000. STAFF REPORT Mr. Haworth presented Staff report covering location, zoning, land use, acreage parking, and history of present zoning and reasons for UP application along with following Department and Staff recommendations: En~ineerlng Departm. ent 1. Street improvements be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Street lights be installed as required by the Public Works Department. Fire Department 1. That an opening be provided between the two shop buildings. 2. Hydrants be placed to the requirements of the Fire Department. 3- That all fire protection provisions meet the standards set forth by the Tustin Fire Depart ment. Staff Recommendations: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS It is the opinion of the Staff that the request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a shopping center in a 100-C-l-P-20,000 zone is a compatible use for this particular area. Therefore, the Staff would recommend approval of this application, subject to the following conditions: 1. That a 6 foot masonry wall be constructed on the property line between the proposed development and the adjacent PD 3500 zone, except that portion of the front setback distance, which shall be three (3) feet. 2. That the building on the ernst side of the property be set back ten (10) feet as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 3. That landscaping follow those plans as submitted on Exhibit "B". 4. That the landscaping be maintained and sprinkler systems be installed as indicated on the landscaping plans. 5. That the applicant comply with all conditions as set forth by both the Engineering Department and the Fire Department. Mr. C. Arthur Nisson stated both he and Mr. Angel, architect, were present to answer any questions. There being no comments or objections, the Hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.M. Mr. Halus asked what plans had been made for the proposed gas stmtlon on the corner and what is the planned width for streets on North and West of property and what the noise problem might be for abutting R-1 property. Mr. Haworth explained that when a gas station is considered an~ development must come before the Architectural Committee. Mr. Angel explained that road to North and West would be 60' roads and that rear of building will be approximately ll5' from prooerty line and trees and shrubbery will break sound to R-1 properties. Consensus of opinion Gf Commissioners was that they were very favorably impressed with new plans and renderings. Mr. Enderle questioned condition No. 1 of Fire Department requesting opening between buildings. Mr. Angel stated that Ralphs could live with this condition but it would cut down on floor space of satellite building. Due to the construction of the buildings and requirements for hydrants, the Commissioners felt that this requirement could be worked out between the Fire Chief, Planning Director and Ralphs Industries. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that this being a compatible use in C-1 zone, Resolution 758 be passed and adopted, approving UP64-182 according to plans submitted on Exhibit A dated 12-21-64 and with five recommended conditions of Planning Staff, two conditions of Engineer and conditions 2 and 3 of Fire Department, deleting Fire Dept. condition 1. Sign plans to be reviewed by Planning Director. Motion carried: Ayes: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, Halus, Ender~e, Sharpe. Noes: None. Absent: Brand. RESOL. 758 PASSED AND ADOPTED UP64-182 WITH CONDIT. Mr HaWorth reported that he had reviewed Water Report with Chief Hilton and that the Council had directed the Chief to work with the Planning Commission and the Water Company. Mr. Haworth requested that the report be carried over to the 1st meeting in January for further study and report. Mr. Haworth reported on Case 866 of the County rezonlng property at N/E corner of 17th street and Deodar from RP to C1 stating that property is now developed commercially and is on the West side of Newport Freeway and out of our area as far as being either an asset or detriment and recommended this Commission have no objections to this zone change. CASE 866 COUNTY REZONING PROPERTY 17th & DEODAR COUNTY CASE Moved by Enderle, seconded by Halus that this Commission ZC 866 go on record as having no objections to County of Orange ZC case 866. Carried. CASE 862 Case 862 of the County of Orange proposing change of zone from R1 to NC "Neighborhood Commercial" presented and Mr. Haworth asked that action on this case be deferred to January llth meeting. STRONG OBJ. Mr. Halus stated that he thought a strong objection could be lodged at this time and for the following reasons: 1. No need for commercial development in this area. 2. Not compatible w~'th General Plan. 3. Not good planning. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Marsters that Mr. Haworth work with the County and report .at next meeting with a letter prepared for the Commission's consideration Motion carried by roll call: ~yes: Sharpe, Enderle, Bacon, Marsters. Noes: Halus, Hefner. Absent: Brand. COUNTY TRACT 5849 County Tract 5849 (R-1 Subdivision) presented and explained by Mr. Haworth who recommended that Commission inform County that all lots should be a minimum of 7200 sq. ft. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Halus that County Planning Commission be informed that this Commission has no objections to Tract 5849 but that Lots 12, 13, and 14 are substandard and should be brought up to standard 7200 sq. ft. lots - carried. REPORT ON FUND FOR FIRE ENGINE Mr. Halus reported on contributions from Planners toward fund for 1913 Fire Engine and' that'°he'h~d contacted Councilm~n who are going to follow suit. JACOBSON MEMORIAL Mr. Marsters asked for information regarding Jacobson Memorial and it was explained that plans are underway for Memorial at "D" and Laguna. Request made that While the zoning ordinance is being reviewed that consideration be given to size of directional signs and also to parks and green areas in Residential Developments. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~CR RY 6F E NO COMMISSION ET~.. TH PLANN I