HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-11-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
January 11, 1965
Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Chairman Hefner.
Present: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, Halus, Brand, Sharpe.
Absent:. Enderle
City Attorney Rourke, present.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Bacon that Minutes of
December 28th meeting be approved as mailed and
received. Carried.
Continued Hearing opened at 7:33 on ZC64-141 of
Franargofin to permit a change of zone from C-1 to
C-2 on S/E corner of Laguna Road and Newport Avenue.
Mr. Haworth explained location and size of property
(approximately 4 acres) and past history of }{earing.
Mr. Hawo,th ~tated that at original Hearing, there
was discussion of proposed Orange Julius, or other
drive-ins as well as a bank. There had been no
definite plans for development of property. C-2
zoning was requested for more leeway for a package
deal. At original Hearing, the Staff recommended
approval with the reservations that a complete study
is going on for types of uses in C-! and C-2 and uses
compatible in downtown area and that there were no
precise plans to base recommendation on.
After further study, a report from Police Department REPORT FROM
stating that Drive-In stands average 9-10 calls per POLICE DEPT.
mont~ and considering study of types of uses compatible ON DRIVE-IN
to downtown area, the Staff recommends denial until STANDS
substantial plans are submitted or that Hearing be
continued if applicant desires to present plans.
Mr. Dudley Frank of Franargofin stated he felt the
area is on fringe of the downtown area but aIthough
with a bulk plant to the North and the Freeway to
the South, it is now considered downtown. He
stated they were turned down by a bank because of
this bulk plant and are now negotiating witha
pancake house.
There being no objections or further comments, the
Hearing was declared closed at 7:45 P.M.
Following comments voiced by Commissioners:
Appreciate potential hardship but sensitive
to nearness of High School.
In an area to consider proper development.
Would like a well thought-out plan for
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharpe that Resolution
759 be adopted recommending denial of Zone Change
64-141 to the City Council.
RESOL. 759
CHANGE 64-141
Upon questioning Mr. Haworth informed the Commission
that the General Plan Study of area would propably
be available within 12 to 15 months.
Mr. argyros of Franargofin stated they had no plans
for an Orange Julius and sorry it had been brought
UP to cloud the issue·
The Staff and Members of Commission st@ted they
were not being prejudiced against drive-in stands
but did not feel they were comoatlble or a proper
use in the area.
Above motion recommending denial of ZC64-1~1
carried by roll call: Ayes: Hefner, Msrsters,
Bacon, Halus, Sharpe, B~and. Noes: None.
Absent: Enderle.
RESOL. 672
ON 63-132
Hearing ooened at 8:01 P.M. to consider amending
Resolution 672 of the Tustln Plsnnin~ CommisSion
granting a Variance on application V~3-132 of
Union Oil Co. by the deletion of Section 3 (F)
requiring the erection of a block wall on the
NOrth and West lines of property located at N/W
corner of McFadden and Village Way.
LOcation and original application explained by
Mr. Haworth with recommendation for approval of
Mr. C. 9reenwood, owner of prooerty to North
and West, .stated that both property owners wish
to eliminate the wall. It cuts off visibility
of orange grove and ~f the adjoining C-1 property
is developed, they would want access between
There being no objections or further comments,
the Hearing was declared closed at 8:10 P.M.
RESOL. 760 Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that
PASSED AND Resolution 760 be passed and adopted amending
ADOPTED Resolution 672 by the deletion of Section 3
AMENDING RESOL. (F). Motion carried by roll call: Ayes:
672 Hefner, Bacon, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sharpe.
Noes: None. Absent: Enderle.
Plans for addition to Foster Art Book Co.
presented. Mr. Haworth exolained that no use
permit is required and recommended approval of
plans with following conditions:
1. Comply with Building Code.
2. A 25' turning radius be included'in
parking area.
3. Landscape plans be oresented to the
Commission or the Architectural Committee.
Mr. J.W. Putnam, representing Mr. Foster, stated
that the height, architecture, and landscaping
will be the same as existing building and that
they will gladly extend black top area to orovide
25' turning radius as recommended.
Moved by Sharpe, seconded by Halus that plans
submitted for Foster Art Book Co. ~ddition be
approved subject to submission of plans to the
Architectural Committee for elevation and planting
including plants to be used, and that building
comply with Uniform Building Code and Parkway
Area include a 25' r~dlus truninE area. Carried.
by roll call, all members oresent voting Aye.
Mr. Haworth recommended that due to the lack of
actual data collected that the Planning Staff,
Engineer, Public Works and Fire Chief continue to
work with the Water Co. He felt that the problems
must be definitely established before corrections
can be m~de. The water Co. shows interest and he
believes they will make corrections as able.
Mr. HaWorth plans to develop a map outlining all
water, sewer and utility facilities and work from
Mr. Hefner suggested an overlay showing existing
facilities and deficiencies and work from there.
Chairman Hefner asked Mr. Bacon and Mr. Halus to
work with the Planning Director, P.W. Director,
Engineer and Fire Chief to come up with recommendations
as to what steps shoud be taken to identify and
correct problems.
Report presented with proposed correspondence to the
County Plannlng Commission regarding Case 862.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that letter to
County Planning Commission objecting to Case 862
for zone change at Newport Avenue and La Colina be
approved and forwarded to the County - Carried.
Case 879, Sectional District Map 35-4-9 Exhibit Q
amending Fifth Revised Peacock Hills Development
plan to add a Riding Club to the oermitted use and
add additional oroperty to the Planned Community
District oresented an~ Mr. Haworth explained that
the following uses only would be permitted:
a. Show rings and seats
b. Barns
c. Barn stalls
d. Picnic Facilities
e. Day and locker rooms
f. Grooms' Guarters
g. Trainer's ouarters
h. Children's play eGulpment
i. Hay and Eraln storage
J. Pastures and paddocks
k. Swimming pools
1. Archery range
m. Putting greens
n. Horse shoery (no blacksmith)
o. Care, grooming and training of horses
p. Boarding of horses
q. Ridlng school
r. Horse shows
s. Ranch house
Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that based on
faets available to this Commission st this time and
our understanding of prooosed use of land, this
Commission has no adverse comments to make on Case
879 - carried.
County Tract 4542 presented. Mr. Hsworth explained
that it shoud be noted that many lot frontages and
private drive widths are lnadeauste.
He felt no negative feeling on concept of cluster
development is not acceptable to our city standards
~nd thereby recommends denial.
CASE 862
CASE 879
TRACT 4542
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that this
Commission convey to the County Planning Commission
that we are in favor of the general conceot of
Tract 4542 w%th emphasis on cluster development
and green belt but feel there are inadquacles which
should be corrected.
SI8N~ Mr. Halus asked what aor:roach could be taken to
DESIGNATING install large appealing signs designating entrances
ENTRANCES to the City on major highways such as 17th Street
TO THE CITY and 4th Street. Mr. Haworth informed the Commission
that these sI~ns are being considered for various
locations by the Chamber of Commerce.
Moved by Sharpe, seconded by Halus that the Planning
Staff be directed to undergo a study of signs
including size etc. of dir~ctional signs and draft
a revised sign ordinance. Carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was
declared adjourned.