HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-08-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION February 8, 1965 Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Chairman Hefner. Present: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, Enderle, Halus, Brand, Sharo. Absent: None. Others Present: K. Bryant, representing Attorney Rourke. Harry E. Gill, City Administrator. J. Carl. sen, City Engineer, E. Haworth & J. Taylor, Planning Staff. Ruth C. Poe, Secretary. Moved by Mr. Brand, seconded by Mr. Halus that minutes of January 25th meeting be approved as mailed and received. Carried. Final Map Tract 5726 presented and explained by Mr. Haworth, stating that final map conforms to tentative map orevlously approved and that tract is adequately drained within itself. Moved by Mr. Enderle, seconded by Mr. Bacon that Final Map Tract 5726 be recommended to the Council for aporoval. Carried unanimously. .. Hearing opened at 7:41 P.M. on UP 65-184, Tustin School District. Construction of addition to the Helen Estock "'lementary School at 14741 North "B" Street, Tustin. Area, location and plans explained by Planning Staff. Mr. Haworth stated that there is adequate oarki~.g facilities and free traffic flow to Fourth Street. Mr. A. Currie, As, sistant Superintendent, Tustin hlementary School District explained reasons for locating the school addition to the north of existing facilities. Mr. Henry Badger, 14721 Brookllne objected to proximity of addition to the adjoinln~ E-4 property. There being no further comments or objections the hearing was declared closed at 7:55 P.M. Moved by Mr. Bacon, seconded by Mr. Enderle that Resolution No. 764 be oassed and adopted, granting UP 65-184 of the Tustin Elementary School District. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Hefner, Msrsters, Bacon, Enderle, Hatus, Brand, Sharo. Noes: None Absent: None. Hearing opened at 8:14 P.M. on ZC 65-143 of Associates Funding. Planning Staff informed the Commission that the applicant requested a 2 week continuance . CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES TRACT 5726 HEARING UP 65-184 TUSTIN SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION 764 APYROVING UP 65-184 HEARING z¢ 65-143 ASSOCIATE FUNDING ARCHITECT. COMMITTEE APPOINT. UP 63-1 55 COLONIAL EX'PENS i ON SIGN STUDY PLANNING CONFERENCE ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. hnderle, seconded by i;ir. Hslus that Hearing on ZC 65-143 be continued to the next regular meeting, February 23, 1965. Carried. Moved by Mr. Bacon, seconded by Halus that service on Architectural Committee be extended to one year and that ~ppo~ntments be staggered ~t six month intervals. Carried. Chairman Hefner, appointed Mr. L. Marsters for an a~'~lition.~l~.~ 6 month term and Mr. J. Sharp for a one year term. Request for extension of UP 63-155 taken under consideration.. Mr. Haworth presented Memo setting forth 7 differences between original approved plans and new plans submitted. City Attorney ruled that only original plans could be considered at this time for extension of UP. If new plans are to be considered a new application would have to be submitted. Mr. J. Brown of Newport Colonial Corp. spoke explaining reasons for extension request. Upon question, Attorney Bryant informed the Commission that any chan~es in the Zoning Ordinance since the UP was granted cannot be put in force on this application. Moved by Mr. Shar~., seconded by Mr. Halus tb..at extension of UP 6~-155 be denied. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Haworth reported that the staff has reviewed the time schedule for projects in the next 6 months. The Staff feels that they can submit an analysis of all sample sign Ordinances and possibly some recommendation as to short comin{s of our own Ordinance by the first Commission meetin{ in April. Mr. Hsworth reported that the Annual State Conference of American Institute of Planners will be held ~'ebruary ll, 12th and 13th in San Diego. Urged co~missioners to attend if at all possible. Due to Washingtons Birthday February_ 22nd the meeting was decl.~red adjourned to Tuesday, February 23rd at 7:30 P.~'~. APPROVED: CHAIRMAN, PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST