HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-08-65/' . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 8, 1965 I · CA LL TO ORDER 1I. ROLL CALL III. A Pr- :.{OVAL O? ~,INUTES IV H EA HI NGS Meetin~ called to or:let st 7:3.5 P-?i- by Cha i i-man Hefner. Present: Hefner, Eacon, Enderle, Hslus, Brand, Sharo. Absent: Marsters Others Present: City Attorney, Jam=s Rourke City Administrator, Harry E. Gill Plannln~ Director, Edward Haworth Planning Technician, J. Taylor. Secretary, Ruth C. Poe Moved by Enderle, seconded by Halus that minutes of February 2~, 1965 be approved as mailed ~nd received. Carried. 1. UP6~-182 - Ralphs Ind~stries Hearin~ ooened at 7:37 P.M. to oermit an amendment to Use Permit 6~-182 on orooerty located on north side of 3eventeenth Street, West of Yorba Street. Staff findln~s and recommendations ~resented by Mr. Haworth. Resolution of the Tustin Chamber of Commerce suooortln~ ~mendment read by Clerk. Those oresent soeaki,n~ in favor of a.oplication: Mr. C.A. Nisson, attorney, spoke on behalf of e~ooll cant. · . Mr. lialoh D' Ar.nell, re ore sent i'n,~._~ Chamber of Commerce. Those oresent objectir.~ to aoplication: Er. A. Bollesen, Olive Tree Circle, re~resentin~ TAHOA Mr. Cronowski, reoresentative of County area. Mr. G. Bourret, L~uri..=. Lane. · "l~he~ TAH CA Mr. A ri c.b, 'Phere bein~ no further comr:'ents or objections the hearin~ was declared closed at ~.-08 P On reouest of the Commission, CouncJlm.on Coco came forward and exolained that as the City Attorney advised the Council that in limltin~ the si~n hei.zb~t to 20' and Sign Ordlrance desi~natin~ a 10' Tround clearance, there was no reason for Council action to delete the slgn board. Resolution No. ?67 Moved by Bacon, seconded by Enderle that Resolution No. ?67 be ~assed -~nd adooted anorovlng Amendment to oP 64-182 of Ralphs Industries for sign and drive- ways as shown on drewin~ submitted with Amendment Application, Car.ried by roll call. Ayes: Sharo, Helus, Enderle, Bacon, Brand, Hefner. Noes: None. Absent: Marsters. Moved by Halus, seconded by Enderle that this body request the City Council to oroceed with center divider strio on Seventeenth Street when street i~orovements are installed and street widened. Carried. 2. Variance 65-153 Hearing ooened at 8:26 P.M. on V65-153 of Calvin and Dorothy Furman to oermit the construction of a swlmmin~ pool in front yard setback and a 6' fence 2' from oroperty line on prooerty zoned R-3 and located at 17042 Kenyon Drive. Staff findings and recommendations presented by J. Tr~ylor of Planning Staff. Fir. C. Furman spoke in own behalf. There being no further comments and no objections, the hearin~ was closed at 8:31 P.M. Resolution No. ?68 Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that Hesolution No. 768 be passed and adooted granting Variance 65-153 consistent with am~roval of the Architectural . . Committee for planting, sidewalk ~nd width of planter strip. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Bacon, ~nderle, Halus, Brand, Sharo. Noes :- None. Absent: Marsters. Variance 6~-1~4- John B. Halverson · ~ ~ ..... on 5-1.54 rmit Hearin~ o.o..~n~.d at 8'al P ¥ V6 to ~e reduction of minimum lot width, minimum lot area and minimum rear yard on .oroperty zoned 100-E-5 and located on South side of Santa Clara Avenue, 140' East of Laurinda Way, Tustin. Findings and recommendations of Plan~ing Staff explained by Mr. Taylor. Er. F. Zelki, er.,~ineer, s~oke on behalf of applic@nt. Mr. W.P. Brooks, area resident, stated he had no objections if it is the or. ly way ~ro~erty is developed, but is concerned with ty.oe of developments going in the area. There being no further comments, or objections, hearino~ declared closed at 9:01 P.M. Resolution No. 76? Moved by Enderle, seconded by Bacon that Resolution No. 769 be ossssd and adooted aporoving V65-154 subject to the following recommendations of the Planning Staff:. 1. Reduction of Lot Width Reouirements: Parcel #3 is the one lot that does not conform to the minimum let width requirement at the oroaerty line. In view of the hardshio olaced on this orooerty by the demands of accessibility, the Staff does not feel that the lack of six (6) feet in lot width would be detrimental to either the subject development or to surrounding d eve 1 opm ent s. V. Correspondence VI. .S I~HER BUS INES S 2. Reduction of Lot Area !';e.quireme~t: Both Parcels #2 and #3 do not contain the mini,mum !O,O0O souare feet as required by the zor.~..=,, ordinance. However, by Cour. t,¥ standards, the .,access drive need only to have been twenty (20) feet w.~de. Under this stan¢.~rd both n. arce!s would then ~ h3ve contained the necessary 10,000 ~.~ua~~. feet. In the o~inion of the Staff, it would be oreferable to resuire a lsr~er anU therefore more adequate access ,:~rive tham to require the minimum amount of lot ares. Minimum dear Yard Heduction: A reduction of the ,~'ear yard setback for the existin~ buildin~ on Parcel #1 is nec':.ss~.ry if th~. re.m. ai~in~ parcels are to contain mor~ than n~.ne (9) tb. ousa~.d souare feet. Since the applic!~nt intends t~o,t this structure will eventually be removed or modified in s~.~ch .s manner so ss to increase this setb-~ck, the Staff is of the oninion that the orimary concern is to create adjacent lots containing the hi~,hest eossible ssusre foots,we. Carried by roll call. Ayesr S,haro, Enderle, ~rand Hefn ~a con, -, ~arsters. 1. Zone Chan:~e 6~-~ Sectional District Mao IR'.S...-ll, County of Orange Eoved by Halus, seconSed by Enderle that ZC65-5 be referred to the Planning Staff for reoort at next regular meetir~. 2. Mel Shubi.m and Vic Caronna [~eouest for oermission to comstruct 3md o~erate a Car Wash in C-1 zone at TM ' ~ .,ew~,~rt Ave~u.e, Ma in Street and "H" Street. Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharo that this body consider a Car W,ash as a compatible use in this area with ~rovision that 1,~nUsca~in~ s-od elevations meet with annroval of Architectural Committee. ~oved by ~[alus, seconded by Enderle that above motion be am,~nded to consideration of Car Wash at this !ocat~om in C-1 be c.~rried over to next meetin~ but that it be recommended to the Planning Staff and City Attor.~ey that in their consideration this body feels th~s is a comps, tibia use. Carried. Plannin.? Staff d ir~ct~-'d to 9re,are an amalysls of UP requirements for Service St,~tions in commercial z one. VII. ADJOU HNMENT Moved by Bacon, seconded by Enderle that meeti'~ be adjo~rned Carried