HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-22-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 22, 1965 OF A REGULAR ME~;TING 'T~ ! :~ rtl T ' ' ~.uo:~N PLANi{1 I CO}i?.iSSION March 22, 1965 I · CALL fO ORDEPt II. i~OLL CALL III. A :-~PROYAL OF l I NUT ES IV. PUBLIC H "";A RI ~'~ V· OLD BUSINESS VI. CO!~- ~a,'.~DE- ~..._,~. ,.,~, ~'.~ CE Neetins called to order at ?:30 P.M. by Chairman Hefner. Present: Hefnar, Bacon, Halus, Endenle, Bread Sh s rn Absent: I{~rsters Others Present: H.E. Gill, City Administr~tor J.G. Rourke, Ctty Attorney iiuth C. Poe, City Clerk -' P1 ~. ~l-~worth.~, ~.~..i=..... ~ D.'.~=ctor J. r~ylor, Plsnn!n~ T~chniclan Moved by Bacon, seconded by Brand that minutes of March 8th m ..... tin= be ~ aooroved ss mailed q"3 · , "' · Carri ed. 1. UP6J-18? - First Church of Christ Scientist I'o oerPit the construction of church buildln{ and Sunday School on oronerty loc'~ted at ~ W. Sixth Street and rear of ~t40 W. Main Street Corresoondence read from noelicant reauestiny that U.i:. a,.oplicntlon be w!thdra',...n. Moved by Enderle, seconded by Hslus that UP65-187 be removed from calendar. Carried. 1. Staff Resort - Zone Study Newport, South of Santa Aaa Freeway Mr. Haworth informed the commission that he had met ~wice with the County Plannin~ Staff and Mr. Dickerson. Mr. Haworth oresented a orooosed letter to the County Planninz Deoartment reouestin~ ~olnt study be undertaken to develo~ a that a ~ ,, nolicy re~rdiR~ the futu~ %rowth of th.ts area Moved by Halus, seconded by ENderle that letter as oresented be sent to the County Pl~}nnin{ Department from this body and si~ned by Chairman Hafner- Carried. Tract 5913 - County of Orange 'Pentstive Tract .5913 of County of Orange nresented .~nd exo!ained by Mr Uaw ~ " tra t · . ....: orth s -~ti~ c conformed to all City standards ~.,:ith the exceot%on o.f streets. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Br;~nd ~':~":st thl. s Commission inform the County that we have no objections to Tentative Tract 5913 exceot that we reconmend that streets be brought us to City standard of 60' width. Carried. VII. OTHER BUSINE ~S VIII. A DJOU RNME NT 1. "New Town" Meet i~ - Chamber of Commerce An ooeration "New 'f'own" Meetin~ to be held ~v~rch 23rd st 7:~0 P.M. iH TAYC Tuesday, .... ... -. was ~nnounced. 2. ["ir. Hefner exoressed the Commission'~s thanks to Mr. A. Enderle who ~as tendered his resignation as a member of this Commission ['ir. Hefner stated he regrets thet Mr. Enderle cannot continue due to business oressures and directed the Secretary to cause e letter of so'oreciatlon to be sent to Mr. Enderle. · Moved by B~con, seconded by Enderle that meetin~ be adjourned. Carried. CHAIRMAN ~J.!.TY CLERK