HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-12-65·
April 12, 1965
I ·
AP [; .~OVA L
7~ I i'~ U'fES
HFiARI' .....
Meeting. called to order at 7:30 P.M. by
Chairm~n Hefner.
Bacon Halus Brand Share
Present: Hefner, , , ,
Absent: None
~ ~' ~aworth
Others Present: Plannin.~I Directo. ,
Plsr~nin~ Technician, J. Taylor
City Attorney, J. Rourke
Secretary, Lois Ault
Moved by Bacon, s~conded.~ by .'v.'orsters.:~ that.
Einutes of March 22, 1965 m~.et~n~ be apnroved
as mailed· Carried·
1. Use Permit - 6,~-188 - "AP. BOi ~iA].,i_ CF FA!E
~..~-rin.:~ or, ened ~t o:}7 ~.l{. on liP 65-188
To oermit one double-faced 8' x 12' unlizhted
si,~n..~ on. ~ror~ty. ~_ , located on N/W co~ner._ · of
E. Seventeenth Street and Yorba Street, Tustin,
Staff findings and recommendations were
presented by Mr. Haworth of the '~-~lenning Staff·
Er. Donald Hayden, Union Si~n Com~,amy sooke in
o~._ behaif.
The'~-e being., no further comments and no objections
the hearin;I was closed at 7:.50 P.M.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that
Hesolution No. ~?0 be aassed ~nd adooted
aoprovin~ UP 65-188 subject to the 65' setback
reouirements on l?th Street· Carried by roll
Call. Ayes: Hefner, Marsters, R!~con, Halus,
~rand, Sharp. ~[oes: .None.
· = l'ustin Villase Inc
2 Variance 65-15.~ - ·
H=~sri~.~ ooened ~t 7:50 P ?i' on V 65-1~=
to p~rmit the construction of ~ 8' fence on
X/W boundary of Tustin Village II, 15500
Tustin Vi!!a~e Way, Tustln, Califormia.
Staff findings .~nd recommendation.~ were
presented by Mr. Taylor of the Plannin~ Staff.
Mr. Donald ayres, ap..o!icant, sooke in own
There being no further comments and no
·. ,~z~,,-~.,. ~. · ·
object~o~s, the h .... ~In~ was closed at 8:00 ~ M
~{~/SOLUTION NO. ??,1
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Hslus, that Resolution
ilo. ??1 be oassed and ~dooted aoorovln~ V 65-155,
subject to the review of the Architectural Committee.
Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Bacon, Hslus,
Morst~rs. ~.,]o~s · None.
Brand, Oharp,
3. Variance 6~-1~6 - First Church of Christ, Scientist
Hearin~ oeened at 8:05 P.M. on V 65-156. To ~ermit
aro'~erty at 440 W. M~in Street, Tustin, to be snlit
into 3 residential lots.
Staff findin~rs an~ recommend~tYons were ,~resented by
Mr. Haworth of the Plaurir.~z Staff.
Mr. Howard Robertshaw s~oke in own behalf.
P!r. Paul Sr~ow, 430 W. Ma.in Street, i'~stin w~s concermed
wlt~ re~rd to ~ro~~ dralna~e He stated that if this
.. ~ '~ ,.'~ ~ ..) ·
w~s tak~..~ care of ~ro~erly~ , that he did not o~ose. ~
V 65-156.
Mr. Hawortb vointed out that it was a normal function
of the En~ineerin~ Department to insure uro~er
drainage on all new develo.oments.
±care bein~ no further comments or objections, the
hearln~ was closed at 8:15 P.M.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that Resolution
No. ?72 be u~ssed and sdoated aDorovinz V 65-156.
Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Bacon, Halus,
Brand, Sharp, Marsters. Noes: None.
Zone Chanze 65-1~4- Shubin and Caronna
Hearing was opened at 8:20 P.X. on ZC 65-14a to
eermit chancre of zone from C-1 to C-2-P on orooerty
at 535 E. M.~.in Street, between Newoort Avenue and
"H" Street, 'fustin, Celiforn~.a.
No one sooke in favor or in o[opositlon to the
reouested zone chan=e.
Staff findings~md recom~'endations. .,= wot=.. .. or~sented. ~ by
Mr. Taylor of the Plannin~ Staff.
There being no further comments, or objection, s,
hearln~w wes declared closed at m:~5 P M
RE. OLaf ION NO .?73
Moved by Brand, secouded by Bacon, that Resolution No.
??3 be passed and adooted a..oprovinK ZC 65-16a.
Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Bacon, Halus,
Sharo, Mersters. Noes: None.
1. Soeclal Stud.y. No. 3
Newoort Avenue - Fourth Street to Lacuna ttoad.
Mr. Helus moved to defer Special Study No. 3 until
the next scheduled meetin~ of the Planning Commission
on Azril 26, seconded by Marsters. Carried.
_~L SIi,'~ESS
2. Si~[n Ordinance Review
Mr. Taylor explained that the staff is in the eroce~s
of comoil~.r~. ~ review which would be ore~"~r~ i~
reaort form by the next scheduled Plannin.%
Commission [{e.'}t~n~I on Aoril 26 and would also include
Staff ".ecomlend~tions ~t that tl~e. Meeting is
beln~ carried over until Aoril 26, 1965.
~o~ o .on Zoning{ Ordir.,o~ce Aren~ment Reouirinq
UP for Station
Nr. H'~:,'orta. ....... as~.~,. th.st t'~:.is., also be h~l.d,, over until
the next scheduled Plannlni~ Commission Eeet~n:r on
Ar. ril 26, et which time thn Staff would submlt their
recommendat ~ ems.
1. Te~tative.. M~o Tract ',~8}.r,..,
Mr. Haworth exolained that t~ ~-,vised ~"~
. ..... ~.,'~tet ive Tract
would reouire sn aoollcat~on for an amendment to a
. .
Use Permit.
The aoplicant is in the orocess of filing an ap~.lication
which should come before the Plannin% Commission in
the near future.
1. V 64-141
The Planning Deoartment received a letter from
Mr. Joseph E. Drocco of 181 S. "A" Street, lustin
a~kin~ ......... th:~t o~ extension of o~,~ y.~.~ '~ be ~ranted_ for
Variance of Aoril !3, 1964.
Moved by Bacon, seconded by n~.~-~.,~.., ~-~ ..... an extension
of one year be ~ranted to enable Mr. Drocco to effect.
sale and transfer of deed to r~rooerty.
2. Variance UV 5533 (County) 1572 La Col!ha Drive,
Tustin~ California
Mr. Taylor aresented the reoort from the Plannin~z
It was recommended by Chairman Hafner that a letter
be written to the County stetin~ that they have no
objections to UV-553~.
f'here being no further comments or objectives the
he,~rin~ was declared closed st 9:00 P.M.
Moved by Bacon, seconded by Marsters, that a letter
be written to the County Pl.~nning Commission statin%
that this Commission has no obj=ctions., to UV 55~3,.~.,
1. Date for Workshop on Architectural Control
Aoril 28, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. was scheduled for the
Plannin~ Committee, to discuss the Architectural
Committee and its functions. Mr. Haworth su~ested
that Mr. Gill be invited.
2. State Planning Act
Mr. Haworth pointed out that the State Planning Act
revisions are comi~ uo before the State Senate
Aoril 12. He feels th.pt this is one of the most
impor~tant revisions of the Stste Plann~.ug Act
since 1928. He recommended to the PlanninE
Commissioners th.st they review this in their leisure
time, .~nd that ir t~ey f-~.,,1 thst t~ese things have
merit to seud a letter ss a Planuin~ Commissioner
to the State Senate Committee in Sacramento,
showin= your aooroval ~nd why you feel th~se thin~s
would be of value.
3. Committe.e on Design Competition
Mr. Sharp announced thpt the,y met on March 25th,
1965 at Aeronutronics snd discussed a ~oss~b]e
Design Competition and at that ti~e assi~ed duties
to the members of the Committe~. The members sre
now workin~ to further the ~ro~vram.
Moved by Bacon, seconded by Halus that meetin~ be
adjourned. Carried.