HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-26-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
April 26, 1965
I ·
Meeting called to order at 7:34 P.M.
by Chairman Hefner.
Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Msrsters
Macon, Halus, Brand, Sharp
Others Present: Harry Gill, City Administrator
James Rourke, City Attorney
Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk
Edward Haworth, Planning Director
J. Taylor, Planning Technician
Following corrections noted:
Item III - motion made by Bacon, seconded
by Marsters.
Item VII-2-motlon to read -Mcved by Bacon,
seconded by Marsters that a letter be
written to the County Planning Commission
stating that this Commission has no
objections to UV5533. Carried.
Item VIII-3 - Meeting held at Aeronutronlcs.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Bacon that
Minutes of April 12, 1965, be approved
as mailed and corrected. Carried.
1. Zone Chsn~.. 6~-14~ - Associates Funding
To permit a chan~e of zone from R-3 to C-1
on r~.rooerty located at Newoort Avenue and
Sycamore (Freeway off-ramp).
Mr. Haworth exo!alned history end location
of aoollcation nn:~ =xolalned th~,t the
Commlsslon has been invited to a Workshop
with the County Planning Deot. regarding
a oolicy for type of use on Newoort Ave.
South of Santa Aha Freeway - tentative
dates for Workshoo are May 3rd or May 17th.
Mr. George Ar~yros, represen'in~ Associates
Fundln~ explained reasons for spplicat~on,
land uses of surroundIn~ area and type of
businesses orooosed for this develooment.
There being no further c ..... ~-~ts ond
~:,~... u, ..... nO
objections the hearin~ was declared closed
at 7:55 P.M.
Moved by Bacon, seconded by Brand that
hearing on Zone Chanye 65-123 be continued
to next regular me-tinE. Carried by roll
call - all members voting Aye.
2. Zone Change 6a-141 - FranarMofin
To oermit a chan~e of zone from C-1 to C-2 on
property located on Southeast corner of
Laguna Road an~ Newport Avenues.
Mr. George Arsyros, representln~ Franar:~oflm,
requeste, d a 90 day continuation.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp, that hearin~
on Zone Chan~e 64-141 of Fra.~ar~ofin be
continued for 90 days belr~ the meetir_~ of
July 26, 1965. Carried.
Use Permit 6~-189 - Mullin Lumber Co.
To permit construction of an Automatic Auto
Laundry in C-2 zone on First Street at
intersection of "D" Street, Tustln.
Hearing opened at 8:15 P.M.
Staff findings sad recommendations presented.
Mr. R. Cramer introduced Mr. H. Miller who
described functions of a moder~ °ar wash,
buildin~ d~si~n, Darklnq facilities, noise
control factors etc.
Mrs. V. Walzak, 1~5 Lockwood Park Place,
spoke against a car wash in this location
an~ ~resented a ~etition with twenty-eight
signatures re~.uestln~ denial of UP65-189.
There boln~ no further comments or objections
the hearing was closed at 8:55 P.M.
Upon ~uestlonim~, Mr. Haworth stated that thls
area would be considered in the studies niade
by O~eratlon New Town.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that UP65-189
be denied. Carried by roll call - Ayes:
Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sharv, O~ter:
Noes: Bacon.
1. Special Stud~ No. ] - Newport Avenue -
Fourth Street to Laguna Road
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that Special
Study No. 3 be subject to a Worksho~ of this
body. Carried.
2. Si~n Ordinance idevlew
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that Si~n
Ordinance review be continued for further study.
Report on Zonln~ Ordinance Amendments
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that date
be set and advertised for hearln5 to consider
amendln~ the Zonln~ Ordinance to reouire a
Use Permit for Gas Stations. Carried.
Colonial Outdoor Advertisin~ - Si.~n Extension
Recuest ~re.~e~. r r
~ ~ted fo one yea extension on
Use Permit 6~-157 (exlstlnq 10' x 10' sub-division
si~n located southeast corner of Bryan and Newport
Avenue ).
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Bacon that a six
month extension be ~ranted on UP6~-lS?. Csrried
Mr. Halus and Mr. Shar~ votin.? No.
1. UV5320 of the County of Oran{e
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster that
UV5320 be deferred,., to next me=,t~.
Ca rr i ed.
2. C.P.11?? of the County of Orange
Moved by Oster, seconded by Y. arsters th.et
it be re .~ ' ..
com..:enned to the County that C.~
1177 be denied for the following reasons.
1. Not in keeping with surroundin~
residential ch.~racter of the area.
2. Potential traffic h~zard bei~ on
Red Hill just South of Irvine.
3. Spot commercialism tend to spread
commercial in area.
Motion carried.
Mr. H~worth requested that the Commission
take some action to instigate proceedings
to amend the existing parkin~ standards
for residential units.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that
proceedings be initiated to b. old Public
Hearing on May 2~, 1965 to consider an
amendment to existing perkln~ standards
for residential units. Carried.
Mr. Halus commended the Plannin{ Staff
for their complete and thorough studi,',s
and reports aresented to the dommission.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Brand thet
meeting be adjourned. Carried.
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