HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-10-65MINUTES OF A REGULA.MEETING
MAY 10, 1965
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May 10, 1965
I ·
I',! I N U T E S
n ~a~iNGS
Meetlnf_g called to order at ?:33 P.M. by
Chairman Hefner.
Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Marsters,
Bacon, Hslus, Shar~, Oster.
Absent: Commissioner: Brand
Others Present: J. Rourke, City Attorney nuth Poe, City Clerk
E. Haworth, Plannin~ Director
J. Taylor, Pl~nnin.~ Technician
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Halus that
Minutes of Aoril 26th meetin~ be a~.oroved
as mailed. Carried.
· - ... . ~'~u~rs
1 UP 65-191 Geor.~e E. "~
To permit the development of a Eobile Home Park
at 15~11 Williams Stre=t, T~stln, amcroximately
~39.99' South of Main St.
Hearln~ ooened at 7:37 P.M.
Staff reoort oresented by Mr. Haworth
Those soeaking in favor of application:
Mr. G. Muers - Property owner and a.oplicant.
Mr. Walters - Designer of Park
There betn~ no objections or further comments
the hearing was declared closed at ?:5~ P.M.
Resolution No.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Halus that Resolution
No. 77~ be passed and adopted a~proving UP 65-191
subject to the followin~ conditions:
1. Pool area must be fenced.
2. That schematic olans includin~ landscaping,
elevation of ~iecre.ation buiidi~ ~n.:] r, lans
~-~ ~ yard be submitted a~5 reviewed
for 9.:.a .vls,.. .,
by Architectural Committee srior to issuance
of a buildin~ sermit.
Privat~ drivo b~ ~aved ~s ~r the standards
set forth by the Enwineerin'~, Department.
4. Apolicant im,~:.rove ~illiams Street as her
standards set forth by the En~?ineeri.~ Dept.
5. Final ~lans be subject to the review o£ the
Architectural Committee.
Motion carried by roll call· Ayes: Oster,
M.~rsters, Bacon, Hefner. Noes:
Sharp, Hslus, .
None. Absent: Brand.
2. UP 6~-190 - Harbour Realty
To oermit one double-faced 8' x 12' directl, onal
si~n on orooerty located on east corner of-
Newoort and Mitchell Ave. Tustln.
Hearing ooened at 8:26 P.M.
Staff resort oresented by Mr. Taylor.
Mr '~ Tintle sooke reoresentir~ t1~
T,bere bein:~ no objections or further
comments the hearing was declared closed
at 8:30 P.M.
Moved by Halus that UP 65-190 be denied.
Motion died for !~ck of second.
Resolution No. 773
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Oster that
Hesolutior, No 775 be adooted ao.~rovi-~.~
UP 65-190. Subject to the following
1. Permit to extend for a ,veriod of
6 months.
2. The si.~n cony shs].l be !i-'t.=d to
directional information only.
~, The s~'n sh31l com~'].y ,,.'~th sll
~ · ~. , .. -
Ordinance No. 183.
~. The n nr:.licant shall rem.~ve tb{~ si~n
uFon the exoiration of the permit st
no ex,.ease to any z. ublic s~ency.
5. The asvlicsnt shell ~ost a one-hundred
~100.00) bond gusranteeln~{ the
removol of said si~n.
6. A building permit sh.$1! be obtained
for the erection of the ~ign.
?. The sign shall be located at a
minimum of 65' from the center line
of Newport Avenue·
Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner,
Bacon, Earsters, Sharo, Oster. Noes:
Halus. Absent: Brand.
3. Zone Change 65-143- Associates FuD. din..~
To oerm~.t a chsn~e of zone from R-3 to C-1
.ave ~d
on orooerty located ..st Newoort ~ . a
Sycamore (Freeway Off-ramp')
Hearlug ooened at 8:~3 P.M.
Staff reoorted that a Meeti.~.~ w~th the
County Plannln~M rem~rdin¢, this ares should
be entered into. Letter from the County
Plann.tn,M Department read·
George Ar~yros one of the applicants sooke
~... ',.,~.. 1' ~'~
on b~.alf of aoollcction o'~'~ shot,,.,d
oroo~se't ........ clot c. len ...,~d re'~.fi~ri~~..~ s~,:~,
resuest,~d a 5 minute r~cess.
Meeting reconvened and ap.olicant requested
a 30 day continuation.
Moved by Bacon, seconded by Marsters that
on re~.uest of the applicant this hearin~
be cont in'~ed to the second meetin~ in
June. Carried unanimously.
Amendment to Zonin,~ Ordinance
HE: ~us St -~ tion. s
To consider amending the Zonin~ Ordinance
Ordinance No. 157 as amended, to resuire
Use 'Permit for construction of Gas Stations
in the City.
HearIn~ o~ened at 9:20 P.M.
Staff findin~s and followin~ recommendations
~resented. 1. Amemdment requiring a Use
Permit for G~s Stations be adoated. 2. Some
form of standards be developed.
Mr. Oster asked reasons behind this amendment
and stated he felt it sho~ld hot be used to
~overn land use and economics.
Mr. Hefner stated it could be used to ~overn
number of stations in an area, archit~-ctural
and landscaping.
Mr. Halus ho~ed ~t could be used to be more
restrictlv re.~rdln~ signs on st~:~tior..s
Mr. C Gre-~,.,,ood s.~o~~ stat~ he fel
· . ............. q t it
was beyond ~'~
~.,~. scove of ~h~ Commission to
govern the location or economics of the number
of stations but thet stanSards :~hould be set
u.v. so that a flevelooer co~!d se~ what the
Commlsslon requlres.
On ouestloning, Mr. Rourke said he felt the
Commission could deci~e the economics or looks
of a station.
Hearin.~ closed at 9:~2 P.M.
Moved by Helus, tk.~t a ~leso]utiom be ~assed
reco..mmendin~ to the City Council that Zoni:n~
Ordinance 1.57 be amended to require a Use
P~r,..;t~ :~ for Gasoline or Service Stations in all
"C" and "M" zones. Motiom died for lack of
Resolution 776.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that
Resolution No. 776 re commend in~ to the City
Council that an amendment to Ordln.~nce 157
es amended by requlri_~ a Use Permit for
Construction of a Gosoli'ne or Service Station
be considered and f~rther that the Pl~mring
Director be directed to pre~are a list of
criteria to be used as a ~olicy for grantin.~
a Use Permit for Service Stations. Carried
by roll call. Ayes: Shar~, Halus, Earsters,
Hefner, Noes: Oster, Bacon, Absent: Br~d.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Halus t~..~t..
Planninz Department be authorized to enter
into a joint study session w~th the County
of Orange of land use on Xewport Ave., south
of the Santa Ana Freeway and that action om
zone ch-~n.':~e ~pplications be deferred ~:..endin~
comoletlon of thi.~ study. Carried.
1. $i~n Ordinance Review
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that a specific
time be established for consideration of si~n
Ordinance re~ort as ~re,vared by the Staff, as
p~rt of a separate workshop. Carried.
Meetin~ s~t for Thursday M~y 20th, at ?:~0 ~ M
2 Letter to Count[f of Ora,~ffe r~=ard1.~
~oint stud.~T.
i,lo"ed by f'~.alus, seconded by Oster that
Plannin~ Diractor submit a letter to
the County of Ora'n{e as outlined nnd to
include a recommendation re.auesting the
County. to defer action on any Zone
Annlicatlon in the area South of the Santa
_ ..
Ana Freeway until joint study e r..d ~olicy
have been resolved. Carried.
3. UV ~]20 of County of Orange
Moved by Hal us, s~.con.~ed by Oster that a
lettor be sent to the Orange County
Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ aporov~l
of UV 5~20 for a 6 month period· Carried.
COUN'fY Z.C. 65-20~ 6~-21, and 65-22
~[oved by Oster, seconfied by Halus that
letter be sent to the County of Orange
Planning Commission recom:T, endln.~ approval
of Z.C. cases 65-20, 65-21, and 6~-22.
2. '~equest from Franarzofin- RE: Hearinff
Da te
Moved by Oster, seconded by Halus that
Clerk be instructed to ~l.ace Z.C. 64-1~1
of Franar~ofin on the ager~.da at the earliest
n. ossible date. Carried.
Mr. Halus brouTht to the attention of the
Commission the two followin~ signs which
he fe,~ls are illegal:
1. Lighted sign located '~'est s'~de of
Yorba Str~et om~:osite Linda La.ne
advertising th~ ori.~inals
2 Directional si~n on North side ~
l?th St We~t of Yorbs advertisin.~
Tusti.n Estates - 2 miles ahead.
Moved by Hel~,~s, secon.4ed by Marsters that
the Pl-snnin~ Director be c~ir:scted to z, ursue
with other City Department Heads, to take
necessary steps to have dev~atior~s from
sign Ordinance ~orrect.,:d~ . ~n~o ~ried.
Chairman ........ r dlrec Y.r Haworth to
contact the Buildin~ Director to have any
violations re'.ro, rdi. n~ si~.rns, Corrected.
i'.'!oved bv ~:~lus, ~
~ ,,= s~confled by Shar~ that thls
Commission formally :~o o~ recor.~ by i~esolu"~o~.
ex.oressinK azpreciation of suvaort and
outstsndin.~ work ~rovid~ this body by the
Pla~nin~ Staff. Carried.
Moved by Bacon, seconded by Halus that
meetin,-~ be adjourned. Carried.
C~iA I ?.Y.A N ~ ~