HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 06-28-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION June 28, 1965 I . CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Meeting called to ord=r~, at 7:3~.~. _O.M. by Chairman Hefner. Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon, Hnlus, Brand, Sharp, Oster. Others Present: Planning Director - E. Haworth Secretary - Ruth C. Poe III. APPROVAL OF M I NUT ES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand, that minutes of June 14th meetin..M be approved as mailed. Carrled. 1. Zon. e.. Chan~e_65-1.~3 - Asso.c.i. ates Funding C~ontinued from May.,.lOt..h To oermlt a chanye of zone from R-3 to C-! on oroperty located at Newoort Avenue amd Sycamore Freeway off-ramo) Hearin~ opened at 7:35 P.M. Aoplication exolained by Mr. Haworth with recommendation that Hearin~ be continued 30 days fromcompletion of area study ,and .hint workshop with the County. Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that Zone Chan.~e 65-1a3 of Associates Funding be Continued to the first meeting of this body in August. Carried unanimously. 2. Amendin~ Ordinance No. 1~? - contlnued from June 6th To consider amending those sections of Ordinance No. 157, as amended, reEardinE signs in the City of Tust in. Staff report presented with recommendation that Hearing be continued to next regular meetin~ for possible worksho~ with the City Council. Wednesday, July 14th was su~.[~ested date for Commission-Council workshop. Mr. Haworth directed to contact the Council and set a definite date. Moved by Shsro,. seconded by Brand that Heari~ to amend Sections of Ordinance No. 157, as r~=~rdin~ siMns in the Clty be continued amended, ~o .. . to July 26th meetln.z. Carried. V. CORRESPONDE~CE VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT 1. UV5575 of the Count,y of Orange presented Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that the Planning Director be directed to prepare a letter to the County Planning Commission reauestimg postoonement of UV5575 for the following reasons: 1. Due to the fact that aoolication was received on the day of this Commission's meeting, we would like more tlme to study aD~olication and plans. 2. Concerned with heio~ht of bell tower. 3. Question lighted signs and ~moact of this in a residential area. 4. Traffic flow Onto Seventeenth Street 5. Prooosed plan ~.s attr'ective, and could asset to the area. Mot ion carrled. Secretary directed to advertise the follwing amendments to the C~ty Zoning Ordinance: 1. To eliminate the construction of side- walks as a requirement in the "M" (Industrial Zone. 2 To nhan~e oortions of th~ exlstin~ numerical designation In the Zoning Oral I nance. 3. To delete the introduction sentence "All uses allowed in C-1 District exceot reslde~tial buildings, schools, churches," and replace with sentence "All uses allowed in C-1 District." 4. Parkin.~ requirements for a'llowed uses if not comblned with the "P" District to be subject to the standards under the C-1 Zone. 5. To delete that portion of Section ~.13 of Zoning Ordinance stating that the parkln~ requirements for a hotel is one (1'[ ~arklng s~ace for each three (3) seats and insert the followimz Off-street parking for hotels-one : s~ace for each two guestrooms. 6. To include both a real estate office and food market as allowable uses in the C-1 District. Moved by Oster, seconded by Sharp thst the Commission extend a vote of thanks to Ruth Poe for her services as Planning Commission Secretary. Carried. Moved by Halus, seconded by M~rsters that meetln~ be adjourned. Carried. CHAIRMAN ..,/ ~ SECRETARY