HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-12-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
JULY 12, 1965
MI~'T~=,,~.~,,~ .... OF ~. :~EGULAR ME~TING
July 12, 1965
I .
Meeting called to order .at ?:38 P.M.
by Chairman Hefner.
Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Marsters
Halus, Brand, Sharp, Oster
Absent: Commissloners: Bacon
Others Present: City Administrator, H. Gill
City Attorney, Ken Bryant
Planning Dir. E. Haworth
.Planning Tech., J. Taylor
Secretary, Lois Ault
Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that
the minutes of June 28th, 1965, be approved
as mailed. Carried.
1. UP 65-19~ Paul L. Hume
To permit the establishment of an Auction
House which will sell new and used home
furnishln~s in the C-2 (Central-Commercial).
zone, located on the Southeasterly corner
of Main and "D" Streets.
Hearin.M opened at 7:40 P.M.
Staff Report was presented by Mr. Haworth
recommending approval of UP 65-195 with the
stioulation that a time limit of two years
be olaced on the oroposed use. This would
enable the Planning Commission an opportunity
to review the subject use at a later date
in light of the oroposed character of the
Central Area.
Mr. James Perez, Attorney, spoke in behalf
of the applicant. Mr. Hume spoke in favor
of the application.
There being no further comments or objections
the hearing was closed at 7:48 P.M.
Resoluti.on No. 784
Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that
~e'solution No. 784 be oassed and adopte~
approving UP 65-195 subject to the following
1. That a time limit of two years be olaced
on the proposed use.
2. That the off-street parking facilities
be improved as oer standards set forth
by the En~ineeri. n..g Deoartment to
including oroper strioing of the psrki~
3- That no sales displays be permitted
outside of the subject b~,~ildi~.
4 That ell si~s b~ submittod to the
Archit~ctural Committee.
5. That lsndscaoinM olans for the p~rkinM
area be submitted for approval by the
Architectural Committee.
6. That some form of landscaplmg be provided
in the front yard such as planting boxes
(A layout of some type of landscaping is
required in the front yard in the C-2-P
7. That the applicant meet all the requirements
as set forth by the Fire Department.
2. ZC 65-1a~ John B. Huntley
To permit change of zone from R-1 to PD
(Planned Development), located on the West side
of Yorba Street approximately six hundred
seventy (670) feet North of Seventeenth Street.
Hearing opened at 8:10 P.M.
Staff Report was presented by Mr. Haworth.
Mr. Jack Stanley, representing Mr. Huntley,
spoke in behalf of the applicant. He stated the
restrictions that would be placed on the development
(1) No children (2) Condominium and (3) Single
Story. There are 81 units proposed for this
Condominium at a density of 9.6 (density of Treeh~ven)
~ivin~ a total of 130 persons Mr Stanley
stated that a development such as the one proposed
would result in a lower population than if the
area were developed as single family (R-l).
Mr. Frank Morris, also representing Mr. Huntley,
spoke in behalf of applicant. He discussed the
physical layout of the preliminary plot plan.
(i.e. entrance, street, and fountain). Interior
Courts, etc.
Mr. Clark Bonner also spoke in favor of the
No one appeared in protest of subject application.
There being r~o further comments or objections,
the hearin.~ was closed at 8:51 P.M.
Moved by M~rsters, seconded by Oster to approve
ZC 65-145 to allow PD-4000 Zoning. Ayes: Oster,
M~rsters, Brand. Noes: Sharp, H~lus, Hefner.
Absent: Bacon.
Eovad by Sharp, seconded by Brand, to defer
ZC 65-1~5 until August 23, 1965 meeting of the
Planning CommissiOn to enable the Planning Staff
to make a comprehensive study of comparable
densities of condominiums in other communities
and report to the Commission on their findings.
1. Tentative Tract No. ~142 and UP 63-14~
Mr. Charles Greenwood submitted a letter reGuestlnE
a one year's extension on Tentative Tract No.
5142 and UP 63-149.
Staff Recommendations were presented by Mr. Haworth
of the Plannln~ Staff, recommending ap.oroval.
He explained that this is the second request for an
extension in two years.
Mr. Charles Greenwood spoke in own behalf
Halus moved to Erant one year's extension on
Tentative Tract No. 5142 Seconded by Sharp.
Carried by roll call.
2. County Case...UV 5583
To permit off-street parkIn~ in the
front half of a parcel in co.~nection
with the construction of a ~rofessional
office buildir~.~ in the 100-RP Residential
Professional Distr~ct.
Staff report was presented by Mr,. l'aylor,
stating that the Stgff has no objections
to uv 5583
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand th8t the
Planning Director submit a letter to the
County of Orange advlsin~ them that the
Planning Commission has no objections to
UV5583. Carried by roll call.
1. A Report of the Parks and Recreation
Commission Minutes of July ?, 1965 reeardln~
the Master Tree Plan Pro~ram was submitted
to the PlannlnE Commission by Mr. Haworth.
Halus moved thst the Planning Secretary
notify the Parks and Recreation Commission
and City Council Members that the Plsnning
Commission body is agreeable to a future
workshop on the M-~ster Tree Plan. Seconded
by Marsters. Carried by roll call.
2. A Workshop has been set up for Thursday
July 22, 1965 ~n the Old Council Chambers
between the Planning Commission and City
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Brand, that
meetin~ be adjourned.