HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-26-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION July 26, 1965 I · CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CAI,L III. APP.~OVAL OF M I NUTES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS Meetln~I called to order at ?:35 P.M. by Chalrman Hefner. Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Marsters, Bacon Halus, Bra_nd, Sharp, Oster Absent: None Others Present: Harry Gill, Clty Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Lois A. Ault, Secretary Moved by Oster, seconded by Halus that minutes of July 12, 1965 be amended to read: Section IV., Item I. -Ayes: Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Brand· Noes: Sharp, Oster, Absent: Bacon. Carried. 1. UP 65-196 - FRANARGOFIN To permit the construct~ on of an automatic car wash, gasoline installation and snack bar, located at the Southeast corner of Lacuna Road and Newport Avenue· Hearing ooened at 7:~8 P.M. Staff Report was oresented by Mr. Gill recommending approval of UP-65-196 subject to the conditions as cutlined in the Staff Reoort of July 22, 1965. Mr. Warren Finley, !010 N. Main Street, Santa Aha, sooke on behalf of Applicant. He explained that Mr. Harvey Miller, ooerator of the car wash, was out of town and unable to attend· Mr. Geor.:le Ar~yros also sooke in favor of Applicant answering. ~ cuestlons directed..., ..... to ~im by the °lannin~ Commission. There beln~ no further comments or objections, the meeting was declared closed 8:]4 P.M. Halus exoressed concern with re:lard to the hours of ooerstion, ~nd ~lso thou.Mbt that we should have a more orecise olot olan with rezard to traffic flow in and out of the car wash. The Plannln.~ Commission exoressed concern as to exactly .bow many feet of land is available for construction of the car wash. V~ Oi_D ~USINESS Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster, tha~ UP 6.5-195 be deferred to the next regula, r m~-'~'ti~.~....... .~: of t~,e.. ~annln~.~ ,. Commission August 9, 1965 at which time the Aoalicant should ~resent oreclse olot . . _ olans, survey and license, rendered elevatlons of all st.'.uctup-as on the ......~:.,..~y, la'~dsca~i~q~. . .~. plans, and ..r~hic lllustr~tions of the sl.:rns proposed for the ~ro~erty. Carried by roll call· Ayes: Oster, Shar~, Halus, Earste'rs, Bacon, Brand, Hafner. Noes: None. v. 65-15S-JOHN n. FOnD To perm~.t a reduction in .~e reoulred number of onrk~nZ spaces i~ th~ ~ ~ P · ~ ..... ~,- r~ - ZOne, Hearln:.x opened at 8:30 P.M. vo e seconded by [ialus that r,ioved by :~rst rs, V '~5-158 be deferred until later in the evenin~ because the Plannln~ Commission had several cuestions they war, ted to d']rect to the Applicant ~,~~ later. Carried who was ~,~.,~ .... , · r'o allow reduction of the required rear yard ~e.~t to t pro~erty 11 .... from 5 ~ ~ he . . ~. .Hesrin~ opened at ~:45 P.M. Staff Report was presented by Mr. Gill, recommending approval. A letter of corr~"soondence was read from Galyn and Geraldine Peterson to Walter Cochran stating- "Walter Cochrmn has my ao..orov~al to build a buildi~.= wall on th~-~: ~rooe~ty 1i~, adjacent to my o. rooerty Tract //347, Lot #.?2, Parcel #062-014-12." Mr. Leo Gleis spoke in favor of Applicant. e , ~ rth e Th re beinE no :u er commmnts or obj ct ions, the hearinM was declared closed at 8:~5 P.M. Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that Resolution No. 786 be passed and adopted .,Ira!':tin~ V 65-159 subject to the following conditions: (1) That a 12' hi. qb wall be built at the South face of the proposed new buil,Jin% alon~ its Westerly property line sd joiniuE the existin~M structure; and (2) That Exit Drtveway be improved and brou~{ht up to City Standards. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Oster, Marsters, Halus, Bacon, Brand, Hafner. Noes: N one. 1. County Ca se - UV 5570 To permit an auto dismantlin~ yard in the M-1 zone (Main and ,Newport Avenue) Hearin~ opened at 9:0? P.M. Mr. R.P. Buckner spoke in own behalf. He explained that there woul5 be no resale on the nrooerty, dlsm.antlln% only. VI. NEW £USINESS VII. CONT I NUED HEARi-.,~ A letter of correspondence received orevlously on June 13, 1965 was read from the Chamber of Co ........ rc stat~ ~, ~m~_ e, __.g that they strongly deny uv-557o. There beln~= no furthor., comments or objections hearln~ w~'.~s declared closed at 9:55 P.M. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Brand that the Planntn~ Staff write a letter to the County of Oran%e statln~I that UV-5570 has been re-vresented and we have no objections at t~is time, subject to the followinq conditions: (1) That adeauate screen~n~.~ or ol~nt~r,,~ be orovlded on the Southeast side of the building; (2) That UV-5570 be qranted for a oerlod of one year only. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hef¥~er, Sharp, Oster, ~acon Marst=rs. Noes: Halus. Brand, ~ , .... 1. SITE PLAN REVIEW - WALTER J. FOSTER Proposed olanred industrial buIldl, ng, located at ~30 Sixth Street, Tustln. Hearin~ ooened at 10:05 P.M. Mr. J.W. Putnam reoresentod~ Mr. Fostor..~ . He exolaIned that the proposed buildln~ 5s for offices. There being no further comments or objections hearln~ was declared closed at 10:12 P.E. Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand th:~t the orooosed Site Plsn be aor~roved ss oresented by Walter J. Foster, subject to the reouirements ss set forth by the Plo~nnln~ Stsf= . ~ ~, ~, .also l~ndscaoln~ plans are to be aoproved by the Architectural Committee pr%or to the issu~nce of a building oermit. Carried. CONTINUATION OF HEARI[i~'~ V-65-158 - JOHN R. FORD Hearing continued at 10:15 P.M. Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that Resolution No. ?8? be D~ssed .~nd adooted grantin~ V-65-158 subject to the following recommendations: 1 That a ~etgiled l~ndscaoi~ olsn be orovided to include an irri~gatlon system. 2. Detailed elevations should be submitted on the oroposef buildin:~. These are to be reviewed by the Architectural Committee. The oarking lot is to be caved and stri-~od ~s per standards set forth by the Englneerin~ De~.ar tment. That the alley be im.oroved ss oer standards set forth by tho ~n.~n=erin~ Deoartment 5. That they include bumoer blocks at the end of the oerkin~ stalls. 6. Some tyoe of screenin.~._, a.zainst_, single family residence whlch Is to be approved by the Architectural Committee for that oortlon of Lot 2 and Lot 3 of the existin~ structures. 7. Theft action taken is not to be construed as future considerat?,on for oerklng. VIII. CORR-.~D~ · - ~"CE Carried by roll call. Ayes: !{efner, Sharp Oster, Bacon, Marst~,,~.s Halus Erand ~ , , · Absent: :~one. Moved by Oster, seconded by Mr~rsters that i~esolution No. ?8? be ~mended to include. 8. "l'h~_~t n, rooerty be developed substantially in accordance with olot pl.~en submitted with the application and to the Plannin~ Commission. Carried by roll call. Ayes: . ,. ~ ~ M~rsters. Hefner, Sharo, Ost~ , macon, -O~S n~lus ~ .... Planning Commission read ~ letter from Ruth C. Poe extendin~ her that;ks to the Pl.annin~ Commission for servin,% as Secretary. Moved by M. arsters seconded by Sharo that correspondence was received. Carried. Bacon asked that the Plannin~.~ Staff look into the fact that a sidewalk does not extend in the front of Shakey's Pizza in Tustin and to what action is to be taken. Halus brou.:lht to the sttert~on of the Planning Staff that Ralph's at l?t~ and Yorba Streets hes not put t.~e ol~r:t~.nz stri..v down the center d~v~der "~s a~r,~ed. ['~ov,:.d by Holus, s.~co~ded by Ost=r that me~ting be -adjourned. Carried SECRETARY