HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-09-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION August 9, 1965 Is III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FU]E,IC HEARINGS Meeting called to order at 7:3} P.M. by Chairman Hefner, who then turned the Meeting over to Narsters, Chairman protein. PRESENT: Commissioners Hefner, Narste.rs, Bacon, Nalus, Sharp. ABSENT: Commissioners Brand, Oster OTHERS PRESENT: Barry Gill, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Edward Naworth, Planning Director James Taylor, Planning Technician Lois A. Ault, $eeretary Noved b~ Balus, seconded by $harp that the minutes of July 26, 1965 be approved as mailed. Carried by roll call. Ayes: $harp Nalus, Bacon, Hefner, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Oster. 1. ZC 6~-143 ,- ASSOCIATES FUNDII~ (continmed fre~ 6/28/65). To permit a change of zone from E-3 to C-1 on. the proper~r located at Newport Avenue and Sycamore. (Freeway off-ramp) Nearing opened at 7:40 P.M. Staff Report was presented by Hr. Naworth-, recommending that the above mentioned hearing be deferred until the next regular scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on August 23, 1965 to enable the Tastin Planning Commission and the Orange County Planning Commission time to have a Joint workshop to review this at that time. Nr. George Argyros, of 1621 g. 17th $treet, spoke on behalf of the application. There being no further comments or objections, the meeting was declared closed at 7:45 P.M. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Balus, that ZC 6~-143 be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on August 23, 1965. Balus suggested that we insure that a querum be present so that the subject application (Associates l~nding) would be heard at the next regular meeting because of the length of time they have been continued. 2. Moved by Hafner, seconded by Balus that the next order of business should be to clarify who will be able to attend the next meeting to make sure that there will be a quorum. Balus, Sharp, Hefner will be out-of-town on the 23rd of August. Attending will be Oster, Brand, Narsters, Bacon~ 3. UP 65-1~6 - FRANARGOFIN (continued from 7/26/65 To permit the construction of an automatic car wash, gasoline installation and snack bar, located at Laguna Road & Newport Ave. Hearing opened at 7: ~l P.M. Staff recommendations were presented b~ Mr. Haworth. He explained that we had not received any of the revised plans as requested ~y the Planning Commission on Meeting of July 26, 1965. Mr. Baworth at that time asked Mr. George Argyros if they planned to withdraw from the Use Permit. Mr. George Ar~yros, spoke on behalf of Franargofin, statin~ that he would like to withdraw the application for a Use permit at this time. There being no further comments or objections, hearing was declared closed at 8.'01 P.M. Moved by Hefner, seconded by Sharp, that the Flann~ Commission accept Fr. Argyros' s request for withdrawal from UP 6~-196. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Hefner, Balus, Bacon, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Oster. Hearing opened at 8:05 F.M. Hearing was closed to the public at 8:0~ P.M. due to no one in the audience. Mr. Halus asked to be excused from the meeting at 8:0~ P.M. Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff stated that all of these ~mendments have been discussed at previous Flanning Commission Workshops. Fr. ~aworth also explained that the reason for these Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance is to clarify the Zoning Ordinance in areas of ambigai~. Mr. Hefner expressed his approval of these Amendments, stating that he feels that these are good improvements to the ~oning Ordinance. Moved by Bacon, seconded by 3harp that Resolution No. ?88 be passed and adopted granting the following: 1. To eliminate the construction of sidewalks as a requirement in the #M# (~d~strial) zone. 2. To change portions of the existing numerical designations in the Zoning Ordinance. 3. To delete the introduction sentence "Ail uses allowed in C-1 District except residential buildings, schools, chnrches," and replace with sentence #Ail uses allowed in C-1 District. Farking requirements for allowed uses if not combined with the #P~ District to be sUbject to the standards under the C-1 Zone. TO delete that portion of 3ection 4.13 of Zoning Ordinance stating that the parking requirements for a hotel is one (1) parking space for each three (3) seats and insert the following- off-street parking for hotels one space' for each two guestrooms. 6. To include both a Real Estate Office and Food ~arket as allowable uses in the C-1 District. Carried bY roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Hefner, Bacon, Narstere. Noes: None. Absent:' Brand, Oster, Balus. V. OLD-, B~SINESS 1. Review of request made by Bacon regarding Shakey's Fizza House, 365 W. 1st Street, Tastin - Sidewalk along frontage on 1st Street. Mr. Taylor reported that the' Director of Public Works, Cit~ of Tustin, stated that at the time of construction, the City and representatives of Shakey's Pizza House agreed that in lieu of the sidewalk, Shakey' s Fizza House would remove a portion of the storm drain system on 1st Street. The subject sidewalk will have to be placed ten (10) feet' fUrther back from the centerline of 1st Street when the street right-of-way is widened to its ultimate width. It was the recomendation of the Public Works Director at that time that the sidewalk be constructed when the road is widened. VII. OTHER BUSIITE~ ~r. Hefner and ~r. Bacon both stated that they felt a sidewalk should be constructed to pr~,t~ct children that are going to and ~ ~..... .,.~ -.". ...? fro~ school. The Planning Commission suggested that Hr. Gill refer this problem to the Public Works Director to look into this further to see about getting the City to construct the sidewalk at the earliest possible date. ~oved by Hefner, seconded by Bacon that Mr. Gill request that the Public Works Department see if the City can provide some kind of walkway in front of Shakey' s Pizza House, 365 W. 1st ~treet, Tastin. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Hefner, Bacon, Narsters. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Oster, ~alus. 2. Review of request made by Halus who had expressed concern as to the Planting strip being placed in the center divider on l?th Street in front of Ralph's ~arket. In reviewing UP 6~-182, Hr. Taylor found that Resolution No. 182 passing and adopting this Use Permit shows no mention of them providing a planting strip in the center divider on l?th Street. 1. ~eso...l~tion No., 785 ~oved by Hefner, seconded by Bacon that Resolution No. ?85 be passed and adopted stating that ~Ath C. Poe has rendered long, valuable, efficient and loyal service to the Planning Commission of the City of TUstin. Carried by roll call. A~es: Sharp, ~efner ~arsters, Bacons Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Oster, Balus. z. C unt Ca. se No.. 1198 Hearing opened at 8~10 P.M. To pemit the modification of a condition of approval in connection with CF 1099 regarding the construction of an additional ~asonry wall in the front yard setback of a ?2 Unit Planned Development in the R-~ 5,000 (PD 3800 S~burban Residential Planned Develop- ment Distruct. ) Staff Report presented by Hr. Taylor, recommending approval. There being no further co~nents or objections, meeting was declared closed at 8:20 P.M. ~oved by Bacon, seconded by Hefner, that the Planning Staff notify Orange County Planning Department by a letter, stating that we have no objections to CF 1198. Carried by roll call. Ayes: 3harp, ~efner, Bacon, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Oster, ~alus. 3. Reoetved a letter from Hr. Ed Cronin, California Electric Sign Company of Los Angeles. Hr. Baworth read the letter stating that they would like to take the Flanning Commission on a tour, followed by dinner. Hr. Hefner stated that dae to this being vacation time that it would be better if they held it off until semeti~e in September. 1. Sharp wanted to know the current status on Greenwich Development, located at the Northwest corner of Red Hill Avenue and Bryan, TUstin, regarding Street ImDrovements. Hr. Hefner requested that Hr. Gill report back on the status of the steer improvements on the subject development. VIII. ADJO~ 2. A discussion followed on UnderEround Utilities instigated by a recent article in t~e Newspaper. Nsfner stated on Under~round Utilities that he would like to know wh~ the City Council passed a ~esolution rather than an Ordinance on this and asked if Mr. Gill would report on this for the Plannin~ Commission at the next Meetin~ on August 2~, 1965. The FlanninE Commission felt that we should re.emphasize Unde rE round Utilities because of the recent events which are influencir~ the trend towards UnderEround Utilities. Mowed by Marstere, seconded by Sharp that Meetir~ be adjourned. Carried,