HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-23-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETIN6 TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION August 23, 1965 Meeting called to order at 7.'30 P.M. by Chairman pro tam Harsters PRESENT: Commissioners: Marsters, Bacon, Brand, Oster ABSENT: Commissioners: Hefner, Halus, Sharp OTHERS PRESENT: Harry Gill, City Administrator James Reurke, City Attorney Edward E. Haworth, Planning Director James E. Taylor, Planning Technician Lois A. Ault, Secretary III. APPROVAL Moved by Bacon, seconded b~ Oster that the minu~es of August OF 9, 1965 be approved as mailed. Ayes: Marsters, Bacon, Brand, MINUTES Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Halus, Sharp. Carried. PUBLIC HEAR- INGS 1. ZC-6~...143 - A.ssociates Fun .din~ - (contime~ from 8/9/65). To permit a change of zone from E-3 to C-1 on the property located at Newport Avenue and Sycamore. (Freeway off-ramp). ~earing opened at 7:31. P.M. Staff Report was presented by Mr. Baworth, recommending that ZC 65-143 be continaed until the next regularly scheduled meet- ing September 13, 1965. The Planning Department received a letter from Mr. Argyros stating that he would be unable to attend tonights meeting and requested that a continuance be made until the next regular meeting on September 13, 1965. There being no fUrther comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at ?: 33 P.M. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Brand that ZC 65-143- Associates Funding be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on September 13, 1965. Ayes: Bacon, Brand, Oster, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Halus, Sharp. Carried. 2. ZC 65-14~- JOHN B. HUN~ (continaed from 7/Z6/65). To permit a change of zone from R-1 to PD (Planned Development), located on the West side of Yorba St, approximately six hundred seventy (670) feet Northe of ~eventeenth Street. Hearing opened at ?: 40 P.M. Staff Report was presented by Mr. Haworth, stating that the Planning Staff could find no correlation between density and the relative success or failure of the developments that were surveyed. (Both the highest and the lowest density developments had completely sold out). He also expressed that if the change was approved it would be the recommendation of the Staff to change the zone to FD 4500. ~r John Stanley, representing John B, Huntley, spoke in favor of application. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:~8 P.M. It was moved by Bacon, and seconded by Oster that Resolution No. ?89 be adopted recommending to the City Council that ZC 6~-145 be approved allowing a change of zone from R-1 to FD 4500. Ayes: Marsters, Bacon, Brand, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Halus, Sharp. Carried. 3. Up_65-1 ? - ,RALPH,S To permit the enlargement of a building unit by 3,190 sqUare feet, located at Seventeenth and Yorba Streets. (An amendment to the approved Use Permit (UP 6~-182). Nearing opened at 7:59 P.M. Staff Report was presented by Mr. Taylor, recommending approval. Mr. Bruce Odell spoke in favor of Application. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8:02 P.M. Moved by Oster, seconded by Brand that Resolution No. 790 be passed and adopted granting UP 65-197 subject to the condition that except for the landscaping lost in the proposed addition to the building, all other landscaping to be installed as sho~n on the original plot plan. Ayes: Marsters, Brand, Bacon, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Hefner, Halus, Sharp. Carried. 4. UP 6 -1 8 - WLNO , AMBULAN¢ To permit the establishment of an Ambulance Service, located at 722 First Street, Tastin, between Pasadena and Myrtle St. Hearing declared opened at 8:05 P.M. Staff Report was presented by ~r. Haworth, recommending approval of UP 65-198 for Windh Ambulance Service. The Staff recommended that some provisions be made for parking the ambulances other than on the streets. The Zoning Ordinance allows the Planning Commission to determine the parking requirements not specifically stated in the Ordinance. Mr. John Siegel spoke in favor of Application, stating that there are 8 off-street parking spaces at the rear of the building, two of which are designated for the use of the Windh Ambulance Service. Mrs Aquino, owner of Windh Ambulance Service, also spoke in favor of Application. The Planning Department received a letter from the T~stin Fire Department, making the following recommendations: (1) I£ o~vgen cylinders are stored, they a~e to be fastened securely to the wall, (2) Heaters are to be removed from the room where oxygen cylinders are to be stored. The subject of a Radio Tower, presently constructed at Windh Ambulance Service, was brought up. Mr. Haworth explained that the tower is in excess of 35 feet, the allowed height for this zone (C-I). He stated that the Zoning Ordinance requires a Use Permit for such structures. Attorney Rourke explained that since there was no mention of the Radio Tower, that this would have to come before the Planning Commission under a new Use Permit. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8:18 P.M. ,/b ( .,' Ve N ~-:W EUSi- i,~ E S.'J VI. CO R:IES- f' OND i: ?'i CE Moved by Oster, seconded by Bacon that Resolution No. 791 be ~'assed -~nd ado~oted ~rant~.n.~ UP 6.5-]98 subject to the conditions as :.utlined by the Fire Den~rtment. Ayes: M~rs~ers, Briand, Oster· Noes: No~.e. Absent: Hafner, H.-~lus, Sh~rc. Car.tied. ~. V 65-160 - John Aschieris To ~:.ermlt a reduction in the required front yard setb~ck loc.~ted a.-.~r'rox!m~:te!y ~00 f':-:~,t East of Pros~ect Avenue ~ ',"~ich ~s .~resently on the South sude if Fourth S~reet, ..... zoned 1C0-C-1-P.- l~,C00. H.;:,;:rin~ o~:.sned a~' ~:20 P T':' Staff ReFort w~s ~resented by Mr. T',.ylor, recommendin~ ac~rcv~l of V 6~-[60 for ~.~hn Aschi~ris. Mr. Bob Hall re~.~reser, tinz Arr:!ic'~nt, sooke in favor of A~r]. ~ c'.~ ~ ~ on. There being no further comments or objections, he~rin~ was declared closed at 8:}~ ?. M. Eoved by Brand, s,:~c.cnded by Bacon that Resolt~tion Nc. ~9?, ~ be .-.?.~:.~--d~ ':~,~.~.~ sfior"tefl gr~tin~._ _. V 6~. -~60,~. to a re~uctlon ~.n the r~..~uired fr~:nt ye. rd setb'.~ck from 1].C f~-:et from th~ centerline of Fourth Str:~et to a 15 foot front setback 'as me~sured from th~ zro~:.erty line, subject tc th~. cond~.t~on~ ~h~t ~ co~y. ~f.~ the .~o~.'~ed~...~..~ ~sement~ ~ for the uro~osed co,-on driveway on the Westerly side of the devalc~ment b~: .~'!aced o~ file with the Planniag Department ~ ~ : M.~+'~.rs, Bf~con Briand Oster· Noes' Abtent: Hafner, Halus, Shar.~. Carried· PER~.'"..INI"3 '[0 SIGi[$. He:~ring craned at 8:~0 P.E. Er Haw,~th of the Pl'.n'.q~'n~ ~ _ · . .,... o.~:~fr recommended that this h~:-~ri, ng~., be continued u-t~l. .. _ S,~'"t~b=~~. ~.... ~. 1~., 19o5 ~t.~ :.'~ich... ti~e ~ revis,:~d retort on the D~ ,~ be r'~s~-':nt.:~d t~ ~he Plan~:~ Comm~s~i. on ~ct ~ oas t'~.o There bein~ no further com'~ents or ob~ hearin~ '~..'":~s ~ec]= d closed ~t ~:l~ ~.M. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Oster that Amendments of Sections of Ordin:'~nce No. 157, ~ertainin~ to signs be continued until Sentembar 13, 1965 as recuested by the · ~[a r'sters _~_anni~g De~t·., . Av,~s~. . Oster, B~'-nd. ., , B'~con, . Noes: N~ne. Absent: Hafner, Ha!us, Sharr.. Carried. Mr. M~.~t,~rs_, ..... i~troduced a~ articl,~. Crom a ~','sr. ar~er.,..,~ ~rdin~ "T'ne r,.~ ~ , .. .. .... ~ .... ~..,~iness of Poles and Sizns" w'~ich he clrculoted among the Commission. Mr. Brand ~rese:cted to the Commission Members a co.~y of "Tot~l Under~raund Utilities" .., _ , su.~esting that many of the ~de~s cont~.~.tned ther'~in mi~ht be a~,.~!ic':~b!e to Tustin. To hermit the est~-~b~ishment of a coin o~erated car wash on a ~arcel which h:~s an exist!n~..~ service st~-~tion in the C-1 Locul B~sincss District, lcc'.~te.~ st the W ster].y corner of Newrort Ave. and Mitchell. (Present use of ....... ~rty is a Service Stq~-ion) · ./.4. ',., ,.... ',~ · VIii· IX. .,,...,, ~ ...~ ..,~ ..... ~ ,.. ........... ~o... t?:e Co ..... '~s:'-'i'''~._ th':~t., th*.. St~'~-''.. has no object.tons to this f'!ov':d., by ..~"~on.,v , s,:~'~,~~,.. ~v~ by Br-~'nd t;,ot, a letter '~,',. _ sent to the ~'.:~, ..,.~. County PI':,~'-~.. ...... ,... Commi~s~o~~ _ .; st"~-in~ th'.~t the T,~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ela~,'~in~ Commiosi..:~n h~s r.o object~cns to County ~6 6 Ay ~'~ on ~ Case !~V 0 . es: Brand, ..~_.: ..... c t'~t~r. No~s: ~'~"ne. Abg;~nt: H~fner, H3].us, 3hurt. Cnrrled. To '~.~rmit.. ..... th,~ est'-~'~.,._ishment of 3 d ire~t:'.ry.., si;Tn in co;n.'tection with .ar. ex~.st!n![, c.'.ff!ce i':ut]din~ i.n the E-~ o,,.a.1.] ;;'*t"~tos District ~ ,. · ............. . ~ ,^ ._ : · St'-'ff.., Report w'.:s., ,-: -.. , ::; .~ n ~ ,-- .~..._ ._ .~ by Mr. H:~:,;orth, ~'-~coz"'end in_g.. to the Pi.-~in~ Commi~.~ th3 he :'~' ~ ~ on t t ~-~'~ St3ff would .... "! ~rovided th3t h'~ve no objections to County u~se UV 56.,.. ~ .,. si s~ze be m.~de ~o ~' '-'~ .. .... ~ .. . ~ ~,.~m .... y wit~ the s..z~-~ a owed in th,* City ,*nd C3u~,y n-o ,'nd lip Z-'¢~s Move! by Oster, s.,':cT.,..d :~ by Er.~nd theft a letter be sent to the County of Or, hq, :.'l'-~n~:i-:.~ Comr::!cs~on str~tir:~ thnt the Tustln flanr:in~ Com~.isclon has no obj~:~ctlons Lo C'3:~nty Case. UV 56n~,.~, '.~i"~d~., .... tt:~-., s~z,~,. of th~, s~n .... to be erected not to exceed 12 snu3re wlth ''ha size slzn as "~]lcwed in the PR zone, City of '?ustir:, and the i.~P znne, County of Orange. Ayes: Br':nd, B'~con, Ozter. Noes: None. Absent: Herr,r, Halus, Sk~r~,. C,.~ ?ri ed. a 3et['.er. !-;.-.'.~ :.:ritten t~. thc~,.u._.,y.~', ~'- of '~..r~' ~¢...... F,i,:~ .... i...o~.~ ~" .... "rtmc. nt ' .... ~st'.-~~' i:'~h 3 t.i~,~ and '..'la-~ for a ~ ir:t works?:oo to '~!sc'dss -"~.e re ,' ...... :.,. r,': .... 3 on tn~ .... c :.ntly ~u'~ ....itl'~.'~ rt .' ¢ $o~th Tustin Area. Ch3irmn~.,, Mn~'-~t:,-'.-s. .., d~,.c+~-,d,,., ~,"-,... Haworth to mgt, e.. the necess3ry ~ar,'gn~e~:ents : ..... th~s meetin~ nnd to eont3ct th~,,_, _:~snn~n~~. .. Commlsston 3nd let +hem.~ know when I.~ win'~.~ be. The f;l?~n'cln~ Director ~sked the Commission Chairman if he would an~olnt a second alternate member for the Architectural Committee to serve in the absence of either one of the two regular ~,., . . . .....-.r,,b.2rs of th3t Com~'ittee Mr M'~rsters 9 ..... nted Kr. Oster as a t.emcorary alternate to +he A~c~'it~ ~ur?~ ~ .~ ..... c~ 1 u(:~ittee. ~ -, Moved by Oster, second,ed by B..3,-:on th-at meeti'n,i be ad Jcurned. Ca !"ri ed. Ch3 Irman r.,ro tern Sec-etary