HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-13-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 13, 1965 I · CAi. L TO 0 ilDER II. ROLL CALL III. OF IV. PUBI..I C H LA2I NGS Me=:tlng w.ns c,~lled to order at 7:32 :.M. by Chairman Hafner. PRES'-"NT: Commissioners: Hefner, Bacon, M~r.zters, Halus, Oster· -- ABS NT Co ..... i ssioners: ~r,'~nd. OTHE RS .:~HE 5 ENT: Harry Gill, City Administrator J..~mes R~urke, City Attorney " Pl~nnln~ Director Edward nov.'orth, . Planni~ Pechnlcian J,'~mes Taylor, ,.~ ~' Lois A. Ault, Secretary Moved by Bacon, secc'cded by O~ter that the minutes of Au:lust 23, 1965 be a?proved as mailed. C~r'"ied by roll call. Ayes: Hafner, B~con, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster· Noes: None. Absent: Brand· C;~rried. ./.,~ 6~-146 St.nnville Development ~om any A cha~~= of zone from PD (Pl:-~.ned Dcvelooment) to R-1 (Sln:~le Family Residential), located on the North side of San Juan Street at l~0l Sar.. Juan Street, ..~st of RedH[ll Avenue, Tustln. Hearing ozened ~t 7:3~ P.M. Staff Re~rort w'~s '~resented by Mr. Taylor, recommending ao.oroval of ZC 65-146. It was the feeling of the Staff that this would be consistent with the development trend in the general loc']tion. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing w'.'~s declared closed at 7:37 P.E. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Halus that RESOLUTION N0. 793 be oassed and ado:~ted reco ...... e.,ding to the City Council that ZC 65-1~6 be gr;anted as submitted by the Avo]ic~nt. . . B~ con M~rsters, Carried by ~oll call Ayes: Hafner, , Halus, SharE, Oster· Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Carried. 2. ZC 6~-lZ~ - Associates Funding - (continued from Auuust 23, 196~) To oermlt a change of zone from R-3 to C-1 on the property ~,,.:.w,..ort Av ~ue and Sycamore (~o:~,:~, off-ramr~) located at 'T~, ~ ~ He'.~ring ocened at 7:40 P.M. Staff reFort w':s 'eraser:ted by ~.~r. Haworth, recommending denial. The -:~nnin~ Stnff felt that a:..artment zor. ing would be .~.',,.ore lo~ic;~! for the ares as oresent!y zoned. Mr. Art Nisson seoke in behalf of ApTli. cant. He oresented s letLer from Mr. Bob J. McCord of the West~orter Apartments, 14771 New'oort Avenue, T..vstin w'~'ich stated that he felt that a neiw.~borhood tyy~e shopping center would be beneficial to the area. There being no further comments or obj.-~ctions, the hearing w-~s declared closed at 8:02 P.?. B.'~ccn moved".~hnt ZC 65-1~3 be ~?~nted chan~~.:ng the zone from R-3 to C-l, however, the r~cti, or, d.ted for ~.ack of a · -~'~ M . ,. ros he a~] Mr Hefner ao:~,~,d r Ar.~zy if .~lt that it w., .d be beneficial, to have ~-~nother worksho.v with the County PI.':~ ar. i ~g De .'..artment. ~..r. Art ~i:~-on.~ st,~ted "Yes, if a ,~.~."-oo~*'~lve~,.. ~,~,,~:.~, from Ac'~c~:~s Fun~im~ could b,~ ~res~nt to ~ '~ ~ ~ o~inions to the County." City Attor.,~ey, J~mes Rour.ke said theft a re~re, sent~tive of the aof !c~nt cm~ld be entitled to be ~res~.nt at the m~.t in,I Moved by .Oster, secouded by Sh-~rp that ZC 65-1~.3 be continued u~t~ the r~:t ~eetl,,,~ ~, October of the Pla~ui. ng CommLssion at which time the Tust!n P!ann!r~ Comm~.sslon could ~et to,~th~r..~ ........ For a workshom om the ~'.,ort recently com'~)leted by the Clty and County Plan,ting St:--affi. by . Ay ' ~.~ t~,~ Carried roll c,.~l '"~m lus, Shar~-.., O,~ter. ........ To'a,,.~nd~. ..... "us~ Permit ':~,..,., 65-1°4,. ,:~rant~n~.~ ., , an ext~s~on, ,~,,, _ of time to submit :r.~e~ise.. .~ ~'~,'~s., .. on ,~n exis~ing~ build~',', g ~35 ~ Ea~n Stre t, Tustl~ ].oc'~ted at ~ ~. ~ .e . Heo, rin~ o~.ened at 8:a5 P.E. St~ff retort w~s ,vresented by M~. Taylor, recom~'~nd~....., , ~n,~,~ a 90 day extens.ion to subm!t '.'.]ans on the old existing buYldln~. It was the recommendatlcn of the St'.~ff that fin.sl occu~.ancy of the 'newly constructed car wash not be held u~:. nending the remov'.~l or imzrov£.ment of the subject building. Er. M.:.:.I Shubin, Co-owner of the Tustln Car Wash sr.'oke in f;~vor of a,_..r,.: i cat !on. There bein~ no further com'~,zents or obJect lons, the he~rin~ w?s declgr.ad closed at 8:4.8 P.M. Moved by' Sh!:~~' s~cor!d~d by ?.,'ius thot R!':S'~''~'':~.~.~.,.~ ~ ...... .~, .,~,'~ ~ , ~ ._, _ x ~ · 794 be oa::.~.~:ed '~ ~ ~,ted ~ ~n~, r~:~c ~runt!..r~ an A~endm~nt to UP 65-194 a!lowin~ for the ooening of the Cgr Wash in two weeks, sad allow!n5 a n!nety (9C) d:~y extension for the old exi. stin~ buil~in~ to be brought uo to the st'.~r'd'~rds of the Bui. ldln5 Code, or be re:~:oved from the .-, ~ . : ~- .. ~fl premises. C'~.ried by roll c~i! Ay~:s nefmer, con, M.~rsters, H,'~].us, Shar~, Oster· Noes: Notre. Absent: Brand. Carried. 65-1oo A R ~u: ~ders To ~:erF,,]t the est?,~"llshmcnt of a P].~nned Res~denti~.~l Dovel"~ment in the PD (Planned ~:sldential District), loc'~ted ..... '~ the ~,,~-~h:,.',?~t,: cc. rn~r cf '",.,:.:" ',. i::~,.v.s ~r,d Mcfadden, . H.~'.-~Ing ooened at .P:5° '~.M. r~'~ ;~ ..... ~-*h ~.~'orted t~ the '.~'~ ...... ,-~ .................. A. ~. Bu~lJ~:,rs b. ave re.,:uested a co~tinu~nce of their h~-':~ ~ [~g~ u~til,_ the next~-~-'.'~-~ q rl y, .,.~ ~.,. scheduled of the ~l~ntn~ Comziss!on on o..n~ember ~?, ].~. There beln.'.ff ~.o fur~.her com"tents or ob,! ?.,'-;t ions , the he'.-:rtng was declared closed at 9:04 P.M. Moved by Bacon, seconded by Sharu~ that UP 65-199 be continued until the next regularly scheduled meet!nE of the ?ianuing Commission on Ser>tember 27, 1965. Ca~ried by roll c~.~i!. Ayes: Hefrer, Bacon, Msrst¢,rs, Ha!us, Shar~,, Oster. Need: ~,~one. Abe .... t: Brand. Carried· 5- V 6.5-161 DE" ' ~ ~, - ~.~ ELS C~R!-:.2RATION · ,, To allow th~ com:~tructi exist in~f lot ~. ~ to ~.e~it ~ reduction in th~ re.~uired f'~ont y:.~rd setbnck, ~nd tc ~ermit a ~r~:~'csed structure ht~her th~n the ul!cwed hel.~ht in the front ,~,,~rd ..... ~tbnck '~ea, ]oc'~ted at 16012 .and 160~1. Bliss Lane, Tustln. Heqrin,,~ o~ened at 9:~5 o M St~_~ff ret. orr w~s .':resented by ~<r. Haworth, reco:.~.mending ,'a"','~rov'o] of the sub jo. ct v~rJauce subject to the fo].lowin~ cond ~ t ] OhS: 1. T?:~:.t ~ .'lanter stn!:'~ be ~-r:.':v.~ded betwe':n the slda. w'~lk :~'~d the ero~osed f~nce su~.~ to the a"'~:,rov~] cf thc . ~ _ ~ ~) ,~ ~ ~ ~, . Architecturnl ~o~-'i~t~e.~ ....... : .... .visions should be made to insure the r~nlntennnce of this stri.~. Theft a dec].~r..-~t!on cf coven'~r'..ts, conditions snd restrictions be execut,d as ,"er the recom~:end~tions of the ~uildin~ Der~:~rtment. That a ferce be construct,ad to com,:'!etely surr".;und the oool lsolatin~ ':~ny arart.~:ent doors ~rom Fo":l area. No cne s~oke in favor or in .~c-oos~bion.. . to ax~o].ic.'~"1on.,. . a ....~,'~ ob ~ct the There b.elng no further .. .... · .... ~ts or j.. ions, hearing w'-~.s declared closed at 9:20 P.M. Moved by Sharp, seconded by B~con that 795 be 'r~ss'~d ° ~ ed 1~ .... ut V 65[161 subject ,.. =n,~ ado~:t '~'.'~ to the conditions ~s outlined in the St,~ff Re~:ort. C:~rried by roi.~ c~'~ll. Ayes: Hefn.~r, B~con, ~,,~rsters, H~:~lus, Sh~]rp, Oster. Noes: [',~oue. Absent: Brsnd. Carried. 6. V 6~-162 - Saddleb':~ck X~' lonal Bsnk 'fo -'.erm~.t reduction of front '-..~nd side setback lines snd a reduction in off-site recuired varkinE sr..aces, loc.~ted at the .':~orth-?:nst cc. rr:er of First St. and New"ort, Tustin. Hearing ozened at 9:25 St x~,~ ,.., ' .. re ort was resent=d...~ .. by Mr. T!~y].or, recommend_~.~.~_.~ that the ..... minu".um ~u'~b:::,~ of osrk~...: ~......~aces be .:'rovlded either on-~ite or on ad~ ........ ty '~ kine in e'.-:,,vor of ae::.!~c:~tion was ?r. o~es .... Leu H'.ardy, Board Chairman - Sa~leb.~ck N':~t!o~al B':r:k, Mr. Bob ..... ~ M 2.:~ y .. Schoeffl~r, Bsnk ~si.,d..nt, r. Chermak, Arc'~itect, ~nd Mr. Cec%l Suddaby, Pronerty Owner. Mr. Coc!l ,Su~aby,~ L,~nd O',~.~r,.__ ...a=~':ed;... to ~ive two .-, . .. "f ~ "', -,- . ~ .... a.fi'-~tional ~,'~rP.~n~ s~:eces to Sa "~ fi .. .. b,~ ck ,...st~onal ~:-~k ~n~ s.t'~ted thnt he did .not know :.,'h~t thc, future uses of the surroundlnz rro~:~rty is .~'~in:'t to b,~ There betn!~ no further com:ents or obj~'.ctions, the hc-'~r~'r~, ;,:~-~s ~.,~1-'.~.,~ c:.,-'~.~ at o:~0 o_ .K. F;ow~d by Ost<-r, sec:;uled by u,-, - "_ ,,.~.us l',h"': t ";~' .",T '",nT ."'.,T ~ UC~ ~ ,-~[~e~.~d ~r,~nt~*:~ V ~5 1~'~ ~h~ th3t thc A,tr].tcant obt'.'~~n a written merit .?or two, addit~c~a]. "~2.p~.'1z:~ st.. n!$ from ~ ....... j,2,~cnt lunfi owner to of the ~y A''~:~-,,-,,~ Co~.'i,~d by roll c::~l Ayes: I-{cf fieF, Becon, Ivl'f~z~.~'-~.~s u.. ].us 3h2pF.. ~ ~',"~ ~ ~- N',' ~ Aba , ,J S ;"] 0 .. ~:: . .... . .... ~ nd Ca i Thc.:re 'c:..:'~ ~ ,r --. ..... ,. .~ . _.l.::., no further c ~'"-':n s or ol-.j"~t".o~'s, ti''~-' :~,:';'~r'i~',..~ ..,:as d,.¢cl'~-ed c] ~'s,'d a+ lC :q, 2 TM :" Eov.,.:.d by Shat::, s,:c:)i'fied by H.'_:!us :hat subject ' ", ' "b:~ c3_ntinu..."d 'J~'~ ~ .3co~ .... ~-,-' "~ lo6. t..o ",r.:".','.?!c the ?%:'~:':r:"..%i~ 3t3f£ to m3ke th~ nec- ,."',~";"P~::'~:3rl'.~"'S ~:2~'?~ed '.?y ~,'~1" O:':]].~' .. ~, ..~. ~~ . = ...... · · .,, , , .... ~ ;'.. ~ us 3',,'.'~ ,..: 7; ... ~.l S · ]'!0 '~ '= ..., ~\ ,~ _ .- ... .., c. ar',:ln;; '.z",'~c,-'s ........ inst~.'.d, of two s'.'~-~c,.'-s. .. ~ _. two '-" :.,.i :"~o:r: t)~ its. ['ir. Bom WinJ o]. :.'h '-il'so s':o',-:,¢. ir! f3',:.t.r ,,.,~ ., ''.r].rir::- ?:.'"c.¢:'.'s i"'3L.:.:'.;fi :'~¢ t~,,'~ fo~ two b?d P .D :";fi', !., :l" t S . .... by oh..rr . Vov,-,'~ by E.;,1.~"on, s,'-c.. }nded ° ~ th":t ('.rd~n3nce Az; r. dr..:~nts be "ost'. o~:ed untLl the ....,':~xt re.'~larly, scheiul, ed meet'...n%-of t'¢¢ ..... n].an:q~-,%.. Co ...... ~ss on o~ 'Se~ t~.~',':,r 27, , ~ .... ~.,- : ~ e'. ut "'~' ich ~!.~'~: ........ · ...... I. O } ..... ~;¢ :',.~nr~'~ ''-S. 3t'-,F *. ,""- ch¢:ck ' ~ hh .... o ce , ~ ., .... ~ ~ .. .~ -. - 10:~-'3 !t. :; Cu, P,~'~'':~ t;..:.':S ~' :'P.i ..... ~ !-Q' P.ll !{"i"" ~ ' rri ed Vi. VII. OTHER BUSI X ~SS Tc) permit a ~riv:~te sc?:ec, 1 in the American Legion War Memorial Suildi. nS at First Street and ?roar cci Ave., Tustin. Nr. Haworth uolnted out th'?.t this was not a ~Isted use in. the C-2 zor:e ~nJ that the Plann[.ng Commission was to det~>r~ine whether it was a s]mll.~r use as .. - ~r~ v..'hether ~ Use =~"~it allowed .!~ the C 2 zone, ........ si~uld be re,~uired if it were an allowed use. Er. H:~lus felt th:~t this F, srticu]nr loc:-~tion is very bad for children w~:~!king to and from school. '~ ' ~ H:-~us that the h~.ari~g r. oved oy C.'st r, s~cordod by ' '. be continued until Sertc..mb~r 27, 196~ at which time the A".'r,].ic~nt must submit an a,:...~'ication for a Use Permit. Carried by roll c?~ll. Ayes: Hefner, Bacon, :.~rsters,~'-. n"..lus, Shar~,, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Brand. Carried. C:~r.~sideration of Zone Change to be initiated by the City of Tu:.~tln to hermit a cha~.~ of zsne From C-] (t-'.c~,vy Commercial) to Pr(i~esidentiai Profess'.onal), on a'~rrox!mntcly o.2 acres located on the Easterly -and Westerly sid~s~ .of :'~c~<'?rt Avenue, ~"'~"'ox~ot~, .. _.,.~ ~y 2~0 feet South of Main Street. ?<oved by Halus, s.~'~c:~nded by Sharr that consideration of chan~e of zone b:.: m-~d.e by the City .of Tustin on New:;ort Avenue,.. to come before th~ ~'~lan~i-~=...~ ~omm ~ is:'ion ~ ~o65. Carried by rol~ call Ayes:, Hefner, Bacon, Earsters, ~{alus, Sharn., 0ster. Noes: None. Absent: B~nd. Carried. Z,~i~E CU 3 · CCXSIDE.~ATION .iF ..... A~=E Mr. Sharp asked th".,t we initi.'--~te another zone change to oermit a chan~e of zone on the oroperty located at the o..'_utheast corner of New orr Avenue and Layuna Road, changing the zone from C-2 b~ck to the original C-1 zone. Carried by roll call· Ayes: , w.-. ~ - ' Oster uo~ner, B..con, Esrsters, ...~!us, ,~'o~'s:~ None. Absent'. ~':nd.., . Carrled. Z~ 2 -,.-, r,.:I IVE T:'; ": :' · __zo · _.7[ Staff rez, ort was :'.resented by Mr. Haworth. Moved by Ha!us, sec '~ded by X:~,r:.'.ters that Tentative Tr~t.. ~,v'o. 57'-~.e,,: be a:"~roved sub~ect~ to the conditions _'~ ~"- ~"':,ff Re.~.ort Carried by roll as st~..ul~.~ed in the ~ , call Ayes: Hefner, Bacon, Msrsters, Share Halus, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: Brand. Carrie~ 1. Mr. Hefner directed Mr. Haworth to exulore the f~cets of~::re-zori~.-. to ~.%~s~dor~,..._ _ ,_ the ~ossibility of making th~s a ~.nrt of the '" ' ~ .._ , ~on ng Ord!~nce. 2 ']?he Planni:~ Staff recommended that t~.e Arch- it,~ct:~r~;] Comm.:it. tee establish a reT,~]..qr tl.~e, t~,:ice a.,,-:,'.~n~.b,~ , for "~'~iew~r~, ._. r'!"~ns. Viii. .-- OQ- 3:..iiC'E l X · ah,.urc :';u:V:ve:st,'~4 t'~.'.~,'t ',,'~ .... :c.]ic!'='-~ the date's so t.h~.~t th,:: r~blic '.'ould be uw'~re cf the ~ates ';~nd ~zat their nlans in o.n t~me. '?he A, rc~., tect"ra'i Co?::'ittee will ;~::t to~ether r~nd decide on the days th.:.~t the Committee w~i~' meet, 3, Mr Hn~'~orth ir:formed the Plannln~ Commission that there would be a meeting of the General Co..mmitte~. on W~d~esday, Se~,te...b,,r 2': 1965 to b,~ held at th~ Tustin ~' ,.~_,-.s Youth Center at 7:30 o.M. 4. the Pl~n.~ing Commission declded on Seotember co ~065 as the d':~t= ?o~ a t~mt:-~tiv~ worksh'~ with the .Piannin~ Staff· 5 The P].~n~".. r,g Commissi.~? ,4,:c",d~-~d '-~" '"etcher ~ 1905 9s a tentg, t~ve d:'::te For a Joint Workshor betw~:e',: the "P:~stin ?lan'.':~n~ Commission and County of Orgn.:~e /'19,~,,~-~ Commissinr. '?o r:erm~:t the ~,oc.-~t~.on of ,~ subdiv~..s~'on di-,~ctiona]~,.. s~'~'~ ~or '-~' + me not tn ~xce.:~d ~ " ',.~:,rs on a ':'~rcel of land in the Ail Agricu].t~ral Res~denti.~l Dlstrict. Moved by Halus, sec nded my .~.~ .... .... tar th'~t C'~.untv C~se UV ~611 be d,en'~ed because of the fcllowi, ng re':~son:-~ "-~',.~',~ented~ ..... by th~, l-'i,nnr:.i n~ St~ff: 1. Such a Use as r:rooosed is not allowed ir~ the AR (Agr".cultu~':~l ~.~,sl~n.nt~a~ ~ ~ o~ther the ,City or the County. 2. Directional si'~ns are al. lowed in the City of Tusti~ only if they are to be erected within one mile of the subject subdlv'~slon. Dlrect]onsl :';i~ns in the City are restr'ct~'~d to one hundred sou2re feet in Directional si.~,'~s are oermltted to bc erected in the City of Tustin for '.a ,ver~od of o~!y or:e (l) ye?~r. "?;" ~-~, ,. .. ..,'~:st"~nce~ of the _r:rot-:osed s lsn from .n ......... ~.]aces it w~tbin the S¢ ta Ana ¢~.w,:.y ~... ~ro~.o~ed:. ~ by th~.~ ~etate of Cai~forr~i~'~. ,.. as landscu'~d ,, m,, ?'[.~ -~.,,~ Ca tied by roll c:-:il. Ayes: F. cfner, .... con, r~o rs, ' '~:~ "~ster ?'.~-,,~: None Ab.tent: Brand ~'~'.:].US, o..:,r?,, . . . Mov,.',d '~ Sh~r~:, seconded bV..,, L'";'] blS:.;' ...... t'~.'~t m=:etln~ be ad ~'our¥~e.d. Carried. Cha i r~a n Secretary