HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09-27-65I.
September 27, 1965
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by
Chairman Hefner.
Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Brand, Marsters
Halus, Sharp, Oster
Absent: Commissioners: Bacon
Others Present: Harry E. Gill, City Administrate
James Rourke, City Attorney
Ken Bryant, Attorney
E. E. Haworth, Planning Director
J. E. Taylor, Planning Technician
Lois A. Ault, Secretary
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Marsters, that the
minutes of September 13, 1965 be approved as
mailed. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner,
Brand, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None.
1. ZC 65-147 - Zqne C~..ange f~rom C-3 tq PR
(Initiated by the City of Tustin), located
on Newport Avenue Between Andrews Street &
Laguna Rd.
Hearing opened at 7:42 P. M.
Staff report was presented by Mr. Haworth recom-
mending that the Planning Commission recommend
to the City Council some other type of commercial
zoning than the existing C-3 zoning that presently
Mrs. Harry Pederson, of Estero Apartments spoke
in favor of Zone Change Application.
Protesting the Zone Change Application was Mrs.
Eleanor Dorsey of Skyline Realty, also representing
Mr. Ralph Humphrey. Mr. Nubuo Miyamoto of 1021
WalnUt Street, Mr. Donald Goodnell of San Juan ~.,
Mr. John Primrose of 1021 Bonita Street, Mr. R.
W. Weaver of Signal Oil Co., on the Southeast
corner of Laguna Rd. and Newport Ave. Mr. Lawrence
Splinter of 13472 Charloma Dr., Tustln.
Mr. Hefner asked Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff
to explain the different zones as listed in our
Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Halus and Mr. Marsters said that they would
rather see the zone changed to C-1 instead of
Pr as initiated by the City.
There being no further comments, the hearing was
declared closed at 8:14 P.M.
Moved by Oster, seconded by Brand that Resolutim
No. 798 be passed and adopted, recommending to
City Council a change of zone from C-3 zoning to
C-1. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Brand,
Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None.
2. UP 65-199 A. R. Builders- (continued from
To permit the establishment of a Plannied Devel -
opment in the PD )Planned Residential) District,
located on the Northwest corner of Williams and
Hearing opened at 8:40 P.M.
St~ff report was presented by Mr. Haworth stating
that the Applicant wishes a continuance until
the October 25, 1965 meeting of the Planning
Commission to enable them more time for submitting
more detailed plans, etc.
No one spoke in favor or against the Application.
There bein no further comments or objections, the
hearing was declared closed at 8:42 P.M.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster that UP 65-199
be continued until October 25, 1965. Carried by
roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Brand, Marsters, Halus,
Sharp, Oster. Noes: None.
, , ,
Hearing ooened at 8:45 P.M.
Staff report was presented by Mr. Taylor, who
explained to the Commission that additional items
have been added to this Proposed Sign Ordinance.
Section 6.10 on Identification for Sign and Sec-
tion 6.01 concerning Advertising Sign Definition.
Mr. Ed Cronin of the California Electric Sign
Company, 4461 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles offered
his assistance on the Sign Ordinance, He is
going to review the Proposed Sign Ordinance and
submit a letter to the Planning Commission on
his views and criticisms. Again, Mr. Cronin
extended an invitation for the Commission and the
Planning Staff to get together for a workshop.
Mr. Oster asked that the word "animated sign" be
defined for our Proposed Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Marsters suggested that anyone in the audience
wishin~ to make comments on the Proposed Sign
Ordinance to submit a letter with their recommen-
dations and opinions on or before the next Planning
Commission meeting on October ll, 1965.
Moved by Oster, secOnded by Marsters that the hearing
on the Proposed Sign Ordinance be continued until
the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning
Commission on October ll, 1965. Carried by roll
call. Ayes: Hefner, Brand, Marsters, Halus, Sharp,
Oster. Noes: None.
Hearing opened at 8:55 P.M.
Staff report was presented by Mr. Haworth who
reviewed the letter received from the Police Depart-
ment regarding lockable storage.
Mr. Frank Morris state that he felt it would be im-
practical to require doors on all garages.
Mr. Sharp'~s {h""favor of going.ahead with the parking
requirements .but. waiting until a later time before
going ahead on .the lockable storage.
There being no further ~omments or abjections, the
hearing was declared closed at 9:40 P.M.
Moved by Oster that the forme~ recommendations and
parking requirements in the R-l, R-2, R-3, and R-4
zones which was sent to the City Council previously
with regards to parking for two bedrooms to be
amended to read l~ parking spaces for each two
bedrooms. Motion died for lack of second.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Oster that the following
standards be adopted as recommended bo City Council:
A. Bachelor Unit (no bedroom)
B. One Bedroom Unit
C. Two Bedroom Unit
D. Three or more Bedroom Units
Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Brand,
Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that the
following definitions for garage or carport be
adopted and recommended to the City Council for
Garage: Private shall mean a detached accessory
building or a portion of a main building on the same
lot as a dwelling used primarily for the housing of
vehicles of the occupants of the dwelling, having
a roof and enclosed on not less thmn three (3)
sides with the fourth side being a lockable door.
Carport: Shall mean a permanent roof structure with
not less than two (2) enclosed sides used primarily
for automobile shelter and automobile storage only.
Roll Call. Ayes: H~fne~-, Halus, Noes: Oster, Sharp
Marsters, Brand. Motion failed.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that we recommend
to the City Council that parking standards be in-
creased to require a two car garage for all single
family dwellings. Carried by roll call. Ayes:
Hafner, Brand, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Noes:
1. EXte. nsio..n o.f. a Use Permit for the Presbyterian
Church, located a..t M. ain Street and Third S.t.., Tustin.
Staff report was presented by Mr. Haworth,
recommending approval.
Mr. Frank Morris spoke in favor of extension ex-
plaining that they would be starting the construction
around the first of the year.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that a 6 months
extension be granted. Carried. Abstained: Hefner.
2. Ame. ndm.ent, of Tract Map No. 5726
Staff report was presented by Mr. Haworth of the
Planning Department.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster that Amendment of
Tract Map No. 5726 be granted as submitted per plot
p~ns. Carried.
1. Tic, Toc Market. Sign
Hearing opened at 9:55 P.M.
Mr. Haworth presented Staff report recommending that
the height be reduced from 36' to 20' and the size
be reduced from 140 sq. ft. to 40 sq. ft. per face
as ou~ Proposed Sign Ordinance signifies.
Mr. J. R. Cruse spoke in favor of application,
stating that they have never had any trouble in any
cities with regard to this size of signs. He also
stated that they have already fabricated the signs at
a cost of $1,500.
Mr. John Kerr also spoke in fovor of said Tic Toc
Market Sign.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that this body
denies this sign and endorses the Architectural
Committee's requirement for signs as stipulated in
the Proposed Sign Ordinance. Carried. Abstained:
1. County Case No. UV5619
To permit the establishment of a Laundromat in a
Shopping Center under construction in the 10S-CI-10,000
local business district, located on the Southwest corner
of WalnUt Avenue.
Mr. Haworth presented the report stating there is no
objection to this proposed use.
Moved by Halus. seconded by Sharp that the Planning
Department write a letter to the County of Orange
stating that we have no objections to County case
UV 5619. Carried.
2. _Tentative Tract 6071 .and _60?2 - County Case
Report presented by Mr. Haworth recommending approval.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Sharp that Tentative
Tract plans for 6071 and 6072 be approved as submitted.
Carried. Ayes: Hafner, Brand, Marsters, Sharp, Oster.
Noes: Halus.
3. Wal. t, er Foster- Proposed. Bulld.in~
Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff recommended approval
of plot plans as submitted by Mr. Putnam. representing
Mr. Walter Foster.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster that the plot plans
be approved as submitted. Carried.
1. Planning Staff
Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff announced that there
would be a meeting for a Planning Commission Workshop
on the Newport Avenue Study Wednesday, Seotember 29,
1965 at 6:00 P.M. at the Tustln Savings and Loan
Building with Mr. Adair. Also, applic~nt from Associates
Funding will be present.
Mr. Hafner announced that he would be out of town and
that Mr. Marsters would be chairman pro tern.
A meeting was set up for the 21st of October ~or a
meeting with the County Planning Commission and City
of Tustln Planning Commission.
Moved by Oster, seconded by Halus that meeting be adjourned. Carried.
Se~re~'~rY ' Ch~a l~ma n ~