HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 10-11-65I · CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PUBLIC HEARINS MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION October 11, 1965 Meeting called to order at 7:37 P.M. by Chairman Hafner. Present: Commissioners: Hafner, Marsters, Halus, Brand, Sha~-p, Oster. Absent: Commissioners: Bacon. Others Present: City Attorney, K. Bryant City Clerk, Ruth Poe Planning Director, E. Haworth Planning Technician, J. Taylor Moved by Marsters, seconded by Brand that minutes of September 27th be approved as mailed. Mr. Halus stated that in ~is motion regarding defin- ition of a Carport, the word "only" was not used ahd should be deleted· Mr. Sharp stated that in Nearing No. 2 - UP 65-199, his motion should be corrected to include "this continuance to be the last." Motion carried as corrected. 1. ZC 65-143 of Assocl. ates Fundin~ To permit a change of zone from R-3 to C-1 on property located on the Northwesterly corner of Sycamore and Newport Avenues. Nearing opened at 7:40 P.M. Staff report presented and explained by Mr. Haworth. UD~n questioning by the Commission, Mr. Haworth stated that a workshop had been held with Mr. Adsit, Planning Consultant, and that the County had made no further comments at this time. Mr. Nelson Kogler, attorney, spoke on behalf of applicants. There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was declared closed at 7:45 P.M. Moved by Brand, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 800 be adooted recommending disapproval of th~s zone change to the City Council. ~arried by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Marsters, Brand, Hafner, Noes: Sharp, Halus. Absent: Bacon. Mr. Sharp stated that he misunderstood the motion and asked to go on record as voting for disapproval of ZC 65-143. 2. V 65-163 of Mr. & Mrs. Milford Pope, To permit a re~tuction in the required front yard setback and to allow the construction of a fence higher than the allowed height in the front yard setback on property located at 1311 Lance Drive, ~stln. Hearing opened at 7:55 P.M. Staff report presented and explained by Mr. Taylor. Er. J. Jamieson of ~estern Building Design and Mr. I.i. Pope spoke on b~half of application and stated that all residents ~ithin the 300' radius had been contacted and thsre had been no objections. There being no objections or further com~ents, the hearing was declared closed at 8:10 P.M. Moved by harsters, second~d by Brand that Resolution No. 801 b~ adopted aporoving V65-163 subject to a detailed elevation plan being submitted to the irchitecturtl Committee for approval. Carried by roll call~ ~ye~: H~fn~r~ K~rsters, Halus, Brand, Sharp, Oster. Noes: ~one~ Absent: Bacon. ~. Amendin~ Sections of Ordinance No. 157 Pertaining Hearing opened at 8:23 P.I.~. Changes, deletions and corrections explained by Mr. Ha~orth. Mr. Haworth ~lso e~bl~ined t~at this Ordinance will be more restrictive in number and size of signs allowed and to be more uniform in both design and construction. There being no objections or comments, the k~ ..... was declared closed at 8:~0 P.M. Moved by Iialus, seconded by I~iarsters that the Commission reco~end to the City Council that new sign Ordinance be adopted in the form of ~hibit "A" on file in office of the Planning Department and that Ordinance 183 be repealed. Mr. Halus and Mr. karsters withdrew their motion and second pending an opportunity to read corrected Ordinance in its entirety. 4. To Consider ~mendin~ P~rkin~ Standards on Residential Z~nes (R~l.0 R-2 R-3~ & R-4) ~ozi~tin--~ ~r~-~ ~p~-~r 27 ~ 1965.' Hearing opened at 9:10 P.H. Amendments explained by the Planning Staff. There being no components or objections, the hear- ing was declared closed at 9:13 P.E. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Halus that Resolution No. 802 be adopted reco~ending to the City Council that Parking Standard~ in R-l, R-2, R-3, and R-4 zones in Zoning Ordinanc~ be amended as follows: One pa~ing space per uni~ shall be provided in a garage. The parking rsquir~d in excess of one space per unit need not be located in a garage, but must be located on a paved area on the same lot or ps0r~~ of land or contiguous thereto. If two or more garages ar~ attached and serve more t~mn on~ dwcilln~ unl$, a partition will be re- quired to separate e~ch garage ~it, ~arrie~i ~y roll call. ~.yes: Hefncr, karsters, Halus, Brand, Oster, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: B~con. Moved by Halus, seconded by ilarsters that it be recommended to the City Council that definition for a garage and a .carpor~ as amended, and in Plannln~ St~ff reco~ud~!on be adopted, o~ ~~0 Page #3 V. OLD BUSINESS VI. · NEW BUSINESS VII. ."ORRES- PONDENCE 'rIII. OTHER BUSINESS IX. ADJOURN, I~ENT None. I.~oved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that consolidation of lot 36 of Tract 4974 and lots 9 and l0 of Tract No. 4237 into two lots rather than the existing three lots be approved subject to the condition that the applicant file a Record of Survey with the City, establishing boundaries of the new lots. Carried. 1. Appeal of Architectural Committee decision regarding commercial wall sign at Pasadena and McFadden Avenues. Architectural Committee recon~endations presented by ~r. Haworth. Mr. Roy Klapper, contractor and ;.~r. John Richardson, builder, spoke on their own behalf. Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that in matter of Appeal of the decision of the Architectural Committee for sign at S/E corner of HcFadden and Pasadena, that this body support the decision of the Architectural Committee and deny appeal. Carried unanimously. 2. County Case UV-5447 Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that this Commission inform the County Planning Commission that they have no objections to UV5447 being continued for a period of one (1) year. Carried. 3. Countx ZC.65~0_ Moved by Brand, seconded by Sharp that Planning Director inforn the County Planning Commission that we are not in favor of Zone Change 6550. In aspect it con~ltutes spot zoning and the total area should be taken under study regarding future use and development. Carried. Mr. Haworth reported that the County is unable to meet with the City as scheduled on October 21st and recommended November 4th as an alternate date. The Commission directed ~r. Haworth to proceed with plans for the meeting on Thursday, November 4, 1965. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Brand that meeting be adjourned. Carried. Cha I rm~an ~ .... ~Uth C ~ Po'~" ~*. lng Secretary