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OCTOBER 25, 1965
Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Hefner.
Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster
Brand, Bacon
Harry E. Gill, City Administrator
Ken Bryant, representing City .:ttorney Rourke
Edward E. Haworth, Planning Director
James E. Taylor, Planning Technician
Lois A. ~ult, Secretary
Moved by Halus, seconded by Oster that the minutes of September 27, 1965
be amended to insert Resolution No. 799 for Parking Requirements (Page 2).
Also moved by Halus, seconded by Oster that the October ll, 1965 minutes
be approved as corrected. Carried.
1..ZC-65r.l.~7 - CITY CF TUSTIN
Initiated by the City of Tustin, to permit a change of zone from C-3 (Hea'~y
Commercial) to C-1 (Retail Commercial), on approximately 9.2 acres locat¢~
on the Easterly and Westerly sides of Newport Avenue, approximately 250
feet South of Main Street.
Hearing opened at 7:45 P.M.
The Staff report was presented by Mr. Taylor, explaining to the Planning
Commission that the reason for the Zone Change being reheard is because
the public notice was incorrectly worded. Therefore, it was necessary to
re-advertise for this Public Hearing.
A letter was received from Mrs. Joel Lynn Miller, approving of a change of
zone from C-3 to Pr as originally noticed.
Letters of protest were received from Mrs. Eleanor Dorsey of Skyline Realty,
Tustin, and from Mr. Earl V. Buchanan of Los Angeles.
A petition with 34 signatures was filed with the City, protesting the change
of zone from C~3 to Pr Zone.
Mr. Primrose, property owner, asked the Planning Commission the reason for
the change of zone? Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff explained to Mr.
Primrose that an extensive survey has been done in this area with the
County and upon completion of the survey it was found that tha.C-3 zone
was no longer serving a useful function along Newport Avenue and had be-
come detrimental to the continued growth of good commercial development
along Newport .~lvenue in this area.
Speaking against the Proposed Zone Change was ,Mrs. Eleanor Dorsey of S~t~.ne
Realty, Tustin.
Mr. Don Goodnell expressed interest in the survey made by Hahn, Wise
Barber in 1961. He also stated that he saw no reason for the. change of
zone at this time.
.Mr. Haworth explained that there will be a meeting with the County of
Orange on November 4, 1965 to discuss what would be the adequate depth of
c~mmsrc~a% $~in$ on the ~ast side of Newport Avenue.
There being no fu~thsr com~,ents, the 'n:~.aring was declared closed at 8 P.M.
Moved byMarsters, seccnded by Sharp that Resolution No. 806 be passed
and asopted granting UP-65-20£ for a period of one year subject to the
stipulations as outlined in a letter frou the Fire Department and sub-
ject to Mr. Weisel's complying with all these conditions as outlined
within 15 days. Carried by roll call. lyes: Hefner, Sharp, Oster, Mars-
ters. Noes: Halus. Absent: Brand, Bacon.
Mr. Wsisel stated that 15 days would b~ adequate to bring all conditions
1. Service Station Develooment St~ndards.
~r. Haworth explained that the Staff is currently drafting up a report
on Service Station Develooment Standards and stated that this would be
submitted to the Commission at the next regularly scheduled meeting of
the Planning Commission on November 8, 1965.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster that this report be continued until
the next regularly scheduled meeting cf the Planning Commission on Nov-
ember 8, 1965. Carried unanimously.
2. Economic Conference at Dish,Viand Hotel - Thursday, October 28, .1965.
Mr. Haworth announced that the meeting would begin at 1:45 P.M. and would
include dinner.
3. ~orkshop with Countv.
Mr. Haworth announced that there would be a workshop with the County
Planning Commission to be held in their Hearing Room at 7 P.M. on Novem-
ber 4, 1965 to discuss (1) The Southeast Tustin Area and (2) The commer-
cial depth along the ~ast side of Ne~ort Avenue.
Mr. Hefner suggested a previous workshoo prior to the meeting with the
County. A date was set for November 3, 1965 at 7:00 P.M. The workshop
will be held in the Planning Department Building.
1. Cgunt¥..Case - Tentative Tract Man ~6082.
Mr. Taylor presented the information regarding Tentative Tract. Map #6082.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Halus that the Planning Commission write a
~tter to the County of Orange Planning Commission stating that they b ave
-~o082 if the three lots as shown on
no objections to Tentative Tract Map "~
Exhibit 'A" are brought up to City St%ndards which requires a minimum of
7200 square feet per lot.
2. Communtt~v Desi~n Film
Mr. Sharp announced that he has access to a film on ~'Community DesignTM
which is in color and runs 15 minutes. It was suggested that the Planning
Commission meet at 6:50 P.M. on November 8, 1965 prior to the regular meet-
ing of the Planning Commission for viewing.
~. Haworth was aked to make arrangements to use the Fire Department's
16mm sound projector for the November 8th meeting of the Planning Commiss-
Halus suggested that Mr. Gill announce this in his weekly newsletter, in-
viting the City Council and Parks Recreation Members to attend.
Halus commended Mr. Gill for the development of the weekly newsletter.
He feels that this is an asset to the Planning Commission.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oster that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.
Chairman F ~