HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 11-08-65MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION 11-08-65 I. CALL ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. AP ?ROVAL OF [~NUTES Meeting ca!lsd to order a% ?:Do r'-,'-, by ~hauman Hefner. Present: Co:,missioners: Hefner, Brand, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Oster. Absent: Commissioners: Bacon Others Present: Ken Bryant, Representing City Attorney Edward E. E:.r..-;orth, Planning Director J:-:mes E. Taylor, Planning Technician Lois L. Ault~ Secretary Tustln Ei zk S~hoo! Students ¢"~ .... +kat the minutes of October 25, 1965 ~oved by Marsters~ seconded by be approved as mailed. Car:'iem by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Brand, Marsters, Sharp, Oster. Noes: gone. Absent: Bacon. 1. ZC-65-1~$ - CITf OF ...... iUS..z~,,' Initiated by the City of Tustin, to permit a change of zone from C-2 to C-1 on the property located on the Southeast corner of Laguna Road and Newport Avenue, Tustin. Hearing opened at 7:40 P.!~. The Staff Re~ort ".:-'.:s oresonted by Mr. Haworth, recommending that change of zone be changed back to C-1 as originally zoned. ~here being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:41 P.M. Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that RESOLUTION NO. 808 be passed and adopted recommonding to the City Council that ZC-65-148 be approved so as to permit a change of zone from C-2 to C-1. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Brand, Marsters, Sharp, Oster. Noes: None. Absen%: Bacon. 2. V-65-164 ,,,w~.~o ~ .. fT · · - =: ....;~r, ,{ .... CF FA;::E ."'{C:-:F.S INC To permit a reduced front yard setback and a reduced side yard setback in Tract ¢5726, located at 13701 Carroll Way and 17282 Laurie Lane, Tustin. Hearing opened at 7:52 P.M. ~'{r. Taylor presented the Staff Repcrt which could find no hardship for ~Ou a · granting a Variance for ' ~ ~o, reduction in the side yard setback The Staff R~sort recommended approval for Lot 86, a request for a reduc- tion in the front yard setback. Mr. Fred Hus3t spoke in favor of Application. Mr. Halus and ',,'ir. ~-;arsters expressed an approval of the reduction in front yard and side yard setbacks. There heir.;; .'.o further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7;J9 Moved by Oster, se=ended by Brand that R'ESOLUTIC;i NC. 809 be passed and adopted ~ ~ ~ . graf;, ..... ~, V-65-164, subject to the condition that the rear yard of Lot 86 be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. Carrtea by roll call. Hefner, Halu~, Brand, Marsters, Sharp, Oster. .~oes: hone. Absent: Bacon. -1- Moved by Oster, seconded by Halus that Resolution No. 803 be passed and adopted recommending to the City Council that ZC-65-147 be approved so as to permit a change of zone from C-3 to C-1. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Oster, Sharp, Halus, Marsters, Hefner. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Bacon. 2. UP-65-199 - A. R. BUILDERS To permit the establishment of a Planned Residential Development. The Staff report was presented by Mr. Taylor, explaining that Mr. Nisson was in the audience to represent the Applicant. Mr. Art Nisson representing subject application requested continuance of application until November 22 or December 13, 1965. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8:15 P.M. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Marsters that UP-65-199 be continued as re- quested until the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on November 22, 1965. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Halus, Sharp, Marsters, Oster, Hefner. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Bacon. 3. AMENDING SECTIONS OF ~RDIN~JqCE NO. 157. AND 185. PERTAINING.. TO SIGNS: '(C'o~tinu~d 'fro~ 'OCtober. ll, Hearing opened at 8:22 P.M. Staff report was presented by Mr. Taylor stating that the Proposed Sign Ordinance had been revised from suggestions made by the Planning Commiss- ion, Building Department and from so~e of the recommendations submitted by the California Electric Sign Association. Mr. Robert T. Sloan of Pacific Outdoor Advertising Co. submitted a letter to the Planning Commission requesting that the Commission postpone any immediate action on the section regarding billboards and outdoor adver- tising. He suggested that the Commission consider allowing billboards ~ the C-I, C-2, C-3 and M-1 zones subject to a Use PermitApplication. Mr. Ed Cronin of California Electric Sign Company also requested a contin- uance on the Proposed Sign Ordinance for further study. He felt that the Proposed Sign Ordinance is ultra restrictive. He felt that we were mak- ing it impossible for the industry to survive. ~ere being no furt~r comments, the hearing was declared closed at 8:~ P.M. Moved by Halus, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 804 be adopted re- commending to the City Council that ~rdinance No. 157 pertaining to signs be deleted and replaced by the Proposed Sign Ordinance as submitted by the Planning Staff, and that sections of Crdinance No. 183 (Zoning Ordi- nance) pertaining to signs be amended as per the recommendations of the Planning Staff as corrected. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Sharp, Oster, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Brand, Bacon. To permit an addition to the existing pet hospital at the rear portion of the same lot.' Hearing opened at 9:35 P.M. Staff report was presented by Mr. Taylor, recommending approval stattn~ that the Planning Staff feels that the proposed use would be compatible to both the surrounding area and to the existing use on the remaining portion There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 9:36 P.M. -2- Moved by Halus, seconded by Marsters that Resolution No. 804 be passed and adopted granting approval of U~-65-200 as submitted by the Applicant. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Sharp, Oster, Marsters. Absent: Bacon, Brand. Noes: None. To permit a Planned Unit Eevelopment in the PD District. Hearing opened at 9:45 P.M. Staff report was oresented by Mr. Taylor recommending approval, subject to the ten conditions as outlined in the Planning Staff Report and the letter submitted by the Fire Department with eight items listed. Mr. John B. Huntley spoke in favor of subject application. Moved by Oster, seconded by Halus that the Planning Commission go on re- cord as approving the Use Permit only in its entirity. The Flanning Com- mission feels that this property is zoned PD 4500 and should be developed as such, even if it is developed in phases. Further, the Planning Com- mission should go on record as stating they do not approve of leaving out a portion of this property to be developed other than is allowed by the zoning. Mr. Huntley was asked to comment and he stated that he was in agreement with this policy. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 10:00 P.M. Mr. Halus recommended that an additional item be added to the Staff Report stating that garages to be required as submitted for approval by City Council. Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that Resolution No. 805 be passed and adopted granting approval of UP-65-201 subject to the ten (10) conditions as outlined in the Staff Report and that those parking spaces provided for each unit be enclosed garages. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Oster, Marsters. Noes: None. kbsent: Brand, Bacon. Halus would like to go on record commending Mr. Huntley for his cooperation with this body and the Planning Staff in working and making changes, and he feels that this will be an outstanding development in this area. 6. U.P..-.63-Z02 - OAKMCNT SCHOOL To permit the establishment of Private School in the C-2 (Central Commer- cial) District. Hearing opened at 10;15 P.M. Staff report was presented by Mr. Haworth recommending approval of subject application. Mr. Fred Weisel, Jr., owner of Oakmont School, spoke in favor of applica- tion. He submitted a petition in favor of Oakmont School, stating that he has signatures of the adjacent property owners approving of the Oakmont School. He also explained that the children would be transported on buses to and from school. He said that the Tustin War Memorial Building was only a temporary site for his private school. Mr. Marsters expressed his approval of granting Use Permit UP-65-202 for a period of one year. Mrs. Putnam, a teacher at the Oakmont School also spoke in favor of toe application. of the children and was not at all pleased w~th t~ sohoo~ ~v~ng no p~- ~0~d equipment or fenced play area. ~e being no furt~r comments, ~e hea~ng was dechr~ clos~ at 10:55 P.M. IX. ADJOURN The Planning Staff was requested to ask Mr. Gill to prepare a report on the status of Underground Utilities. 4. The Planning Commission ask that the Planning Staff explore the facets of a Use Variance to find out if it would be to our advantage to allow a Use Variance. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Oszer that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Chai~an Secretary -4-