HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 12-27-65I.
DECEMBER 27, 1965
Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M., by Chairman Hefner.
Present: Commissioners: Hefner, Halus, Marsters, Brand, Sharp.
Absent: Commissioners: Bacon, Oster.
Others Present:
James Rourke, City Attorney
Harry Gill, City Administrator
Edward E. Haworth, Planning Director
James E. Taylor, Planning Technician
Lois A. Ault, Secretary
1. Z.C-65-1~8- CITY CF TU.STIN
To permit a change of zone from C-2 to C-1 on the property located at
Laguna Road and Newport Avenue, City of Tustin.
Hearing opened at 7:37 P.M.
Mr. Haworth of the Planning Department stated that a letter was received
by the Planning Department from Attorney's for the Application, stating
that thoy would be out of town on December 27, 1965 and requested that
the hearing be continued until January 10, 1966.
There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared
closed at 7:~8 P.M.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Brand that ZC-65-1~8 be continued, as requested,
until the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on January
10, 1966. Ayes: Hefner, Marsters, Halus, Sharp, Brand. Noes: None. '.,
Absent: Bacon, Oster. Carried. ~
Hearing opened at 7:39 P.M.
Mr. Haworth presented the Staff Report.
Mr. Charles Greenwood, Developer, spoke regarding parking requirements
in residential zones. Mr. Greenwood presented a letter from Mr. Win-
dolph which presented evidence that similar requirements in other com-
munities for partitioned garages had not been successful.
Mr. Marsters asked if the Police Chief was aware of the new evidence as
presented byMr. Greenwood?
Mr. Haworth stated "not to his knowledge".
There being no further comments, the hearing was declared closed at
7:55 P.M.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Brand that the Ordinance Amending Certain
Sections of Parking Requirements in the Residential Zones be postponed
until the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on Jan-
uary 24, 1966, until such time as the Police Chief has had an opportunity
to review the new evidence as presented by Mr. Greenwood. Ayes: Hefner,
Halus, Marsters, Brand, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon, Oster. Carried.
3. UP-65-2.0.~ ,- FIF. ST SOU..TH?~RN..BAPTIS.T CHURCH
To permit oons%~ct!on o.' ~..~al church complex on property located at
Red Hill Aven:e and S~ Jua.: Streets, City of Tmsttn.
Hearing open:..'- '.
The Staff Report was presented by Mr. Taylor, recommending approval.
Mr. William E. Dean spoke in favor of Application.
There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared
closed at 8:03 P.M.
Mr. Rourke stated that the two applications (UP-65-20~ and V-65-165)
as applied for by this applicant are contingent upon one another.
Mr. Halus expressed approval of application for a Use Permit, subject
to the conditions as outlined by the Staff with the addition of recom-
mendations of the Fire Department.
There being no further comments or objections, hearing was declared
closed at 8:15 P.M.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that Resolution No. 81~ be passed
and adopted granting UP-65-205 for First Southern Baptist Church subject
to the conditions as outlined in the Staff Report and recommendations
made by the Fire Department. Ayes: Hefner, ~alus, Sharp, Marsters,
Brand. Noes: None. Absent: Oster, Bacon. Carried.
To permit a reduction of the required number of off-street parking spaces
to be provided in connection ~ith a proposed church come, lex; ar~ to per-
mit t~ construction of a church steeple to a height of one hundred ten
(110) feet, as opposed to the allowed height of fifty (50) feet.
Hearing opened at 8:19 P.M.
The Staff Report was presented by Mr. Taylor, recommending approval.
Mr. William E. Dean s~oke in favor of Application.
Mr. Davis, Architect, also spoke in favor of application. Mr. Davis
stated that the height of the proposed steeple (110 feet) was necessary
for identification of the church and was designed in relation to the
height and size of the main sanctuary structure.
A letter was received in the Planning Department from ¥~. E. E, Pankey,
confirming a verbal agreement with the Church to allow parking in the
Red Hill Shopping Center, directly across the street from the church.
There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared
closed at 8:30 P.M.
Moved by Brand, seconded by Sharp th. at .R.e.solut. ion No. 81~ be passed and
adopted granting approval of V-65-165 for First Southern Baptist Church
subject to the stipulations that future land acquision as proposed on the
plot plan be designated for use only as paved parking. Ayes: Hefner,
Halus, Sharp, Brand, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon, Oster. Carried.
To permit the construction of new school buildings on the existing B. F.
Beswick School.
Hearing opened at 8:45 P.M.
Staff Report was presented by Mr. Haworth recommending approval.
Mr. Archie Cu~-rie spoke in favor of application.
There being no f~urther comments, the hearing was declared closed at
8:56 P.M.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that _Resclut%gn No. 815 be passed and
adopted granting approval of UP-65-205 for Benjamin F. Beswick School.
Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Brand, ~L%rsters. Sharp. Noes: None. Absent:
Bacon, Oster. Carried.
To permit construction of new school butldir~s on the existing Helen
Estock School.
Hearing opened at 8:57 P.M.
Staff Report was presented by Mr. Haworth, recommending approval.
Mr. Archie Currie spoke in favor of application.
Mr. Henry Badger spoke against subject application, stating that he
could see no reason to locate the multi-purpose building for the Helen
Estock School in the existing landscaped area.
There being no further comments, the hearing was declared closed at
8:58 P.M.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Sharp that .Resolut%on No. 816 be passed
and adopted granting approval of UP-65-206 for Helen Estock School.
Ayes: Hefner, Halus, Brand, Marsters, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent:
Bacon, Oster. Carried.
To permit the construction of new school buildings on the existing San
Juan School Site.
Hearing opened at 8:59 P.M.
Staff Report was presented by Mr. Haworth, recommending approval.
Mr. Archie Currie spoke in favor of Application.
There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared
closed at 8:59 P.M.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Brand that Resolution No. 817 be passed
and adopted granting approval of UP-65-207 for San Juan School. Ayes:
Brand, Marsters, Hefner, Halus, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Bacon, Oster.
1. Saddleb~ck National Bank - Si~u Anneal
Hearing opened at 9:02 P.M.
Mr. Haworth of the Planning Staff explained that the Architectural Com-
mittee met December 17, 1965. The Architectural Committee reviewed the
proposed 28 foot high sign and 60 square foot advertising surface in
relation to the proposed elevations for the new bank building. The Com-
mittee re-affirmed its earlier decision to limit the proposed signs to
20 feet in height and 40 square feet per face.
Mr. Bob Schoeffler, President of Saddleback National Bank appealed to
the Planning Commission for a 28' high pole sign with a maximum of 75
square feet face sign. He explained that the Bank felt this size would
be necessary to identify the building. Mr. Schoeffler stated that the
,~,~sting ordir~nce allows ~ maximum he'"ght of 35 feet and he feels that
· mu,t compete with s~.cb ~:'.~.n~. :; ~sen'~l~ existing on property adjacent
Mr. Halus commented that the bank is now aware of the goals and object-
ives of the Commission in relation to signs in the community. He stated
that the bank could assume the responsibility of a leadership role in
the area of reduced sign size for the commercial district of Tustin by
constructing small, quality signs fortbeir proposed structure.
2. Mr, Finley - (.Trucking Firm), located adjacent to Shakey' s Pizza
Mr. Haworth stated that the Planning Department would like this hearing
to be continued until January 10, 1966 in order that more complete in-
formation may be presented to tb~ Planning Commission. Also, a letter
was received from Wright and Finley, attorney's for subject property,
stating that they would be out of town and requesting that hearing be
continued until January 10, 1966.
Mr. Jerome Kidd, adjacent property owner, spoke against subject use on
this property, stating that tbs new trucking firm was heavier and more
noisy in nature than the previous one.
The Planning Commission directed the Planning Department to request a
letter from the applicant stating bis intent for the use of this prop-
erty. Also, the Planning Staff was asked to make a study on this prop-
erty to assist in determining whether or not the new use was of a
heavier nature.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that Finley Trucking Firm be continued
until th~ Planning Commission Meeting of January 10, 1966. Carried un-
1. Letter from Mr. Rourke to the Plannin~ Commission re~.ardinz "Vebicl~s
.i.n. R~.sidential Zones".
The Planning Commission directed the Planning Staff to report on this sub-
Ject at a later meeting.
2. Tentative Tract ~6134.
Mr. Hawortb presented the Staff Report.
Mr. Don Gilleton, Developer, spoke on behalf of Tentative Tract $6134.
A letter from Chief Hilton of the Fire Department on December 27, 1965
with three recommendations for Tentative Tract ~6134 was discussed by
Mr. Haworth.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Halus that Tentative Tract ~6134 be ap-
proved subject to Item 1 and 3 of the conditions as outlined in Fire
Department letter. Carried unanimously.
1. Tentative Trac.t No. 5913. and No. 5032 ~ .C~.unty
Mr. Hawortb recommended that the Planning Commission submit a letter to
the County of Orange Planning Commission regarding the use of Underground
Utilities for these tracts. Also~ that access off Prospect Ave. be elimina-
ted as it constitutes a hazard.Access should be off Fairhawee Ave.instead.
Moved by Halus, seconded by Brand that the Planning Commission direct a
letter to the Orange County Planning Commission stating that the Tustin
Planning Commission has no objections to approval of Tentative Tract 5913
and 5032 subject to the conditions that the County make a study on Under-
ground Utilities for these two tracts because they are adjacent to the
City of Tustin, that this would be in keeping with the City Council Policy.
Carried unanimously.
2. _CP-1!98 - CountM Case
connection with a~ existing 72 unit planned development in the R-~-~000
PD-3800 Suburban ~sidentAal-Planned Development District,
Mr. Haworth presented the Staff Report, stating that the Planning Staff
would have no objections to tb~ proposed development.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Halus that a letter be submitted to the
County of Orange Planning Commission, stating that the Planning Commiss-
ion, City of Tustin, has no objections to subject request on CP-1198.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Brand stated that he would like to go record stating that he is not
in favor of this request, however, since it is already constructed, he
is willing to go along with the letter to the County at this time. Feels
it is in the wrong area, but that they have done about as well as they
can do with it.
Moved by Sharp, seconded by Brand that the meeting be adjourned. Carried