HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 2002 04 155:28 p.m. Council Present: Council Absent: City Clerk: Others Present: None Announced 7:00 p.m. Given Given Council Present: Council Absent: City Clerk: Others Present: None Presented MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APRIL 15, 2002 CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Mayor Jeffery M. Thomas (arrived at 5:40 p.m.), Mayor Pro Tem Tracy Wills Worley, Councilmembers Lou Bone, Mike Doyle and Tony Kawashima None Pamela Stoker (Absent) William A. Huston, City Manager; Lois Jeffrey, City Attorney; Beverley White, Chief Deputy City Clerk; and 0 in the audience. PUBLIC INPUT CLOSED SESSION - Mayor Pro Tem Worley announced the City Council would convene in closed session to confer with the City Attorney regarding pending litigation to which the City is a party: 1. Garcia v. City of Tustin, Case Number 01CC02149 (state court matter); 2. Santa Ana Unified School District, et al. v. City of Tustin, et al., Case Number 01CC02595 (state court matter); and 3. Santa Ana Unified School District, et al. v. City of Tustin, et al., Case Number CV-01-3426 W JR (CTX) (federal court matter). REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Cub Scout Pack 640 INVOCATION - Captain Lee Lescano, Salvation Army Church ROLL CALL Mayor Jeffery M. Thomas, Mayor Pro Tem Tracy Wills Worley, Councilmembers Mike Doyle, Lou Bone and Tony Kawashima None Pamela Stoker William A. Huston, City Manager; Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager; Lois Jeffrey, City Attorney; George Jeffries, City Treasurer; Ron Nault, Director of Finance; Arlene Marks, Director of Human Resources; Tim Serlet, Director of Public Works; Elizabeth Binsack, Director of Community Development; Robert Schoenkopf, Police Captain; Dana Kasdan, Engineering Services Manager; Sam Altowaiji, Field Services Manager; Pat Sanchez, Director of Parks and Recreation; Karen Peterson, Senior Planner; Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner; Justina Willkom, Associate Planner; Beverley White, Chief Deputy City Clerk; and approximately 20 in the audience. CLOSED SESSION REPORT PROCLAMATION - None PRESENTATION - Employee Showcase: Justina Willkom Minutes - City Council April 15, 2002 - Page I Mike Conley Tustin, CA Adopted Resolution No. 02-37 Approved Approved Adopted Resolution No. 02-33 Adopted Resolution No. 02-38 FIRST PUBLIC INPUT Invited the community to the Chamber of Commerce Business Expo on April 25, 2002; and announced that June 5, 2002, would be the Chamber of Commerce's 45th anniversary. PUBLIC HEARING (ITEM 1 ) 1. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN AND PROPOSED USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS Mayor Thomas opened the public hearing at 7:08 p.m. There were no speakers on the subject and the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Worley, seconded by Kawashima, to adopt the following Resolution No. 02-37: RESOLUTION NO. 02-37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ACTION PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 FOR SUBMISSION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS 2 THROUGH 11 ) Item No. 7 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Mayor Pro Tem Worley. It was moved by Doyle, seconded by Worley, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- APRIL 1,2002 REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve the City Council Minutes of April 1, 2002. 3. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $1,286,771.60 and ratify Payroll in the amount of $428,564.34. 4, RESOLUTION NO. 02-33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TUSTIN SENIOR CENTER TENANT IMPROVEMENT, EXTERIOR PAINTING AND COURTYARD LANDSCAPING Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 02-33, approving Plans and Specifications for improvements at the Tustin Area Senior Center (Project No. 2051 ), and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids as recommended by Parks and Recreation Services. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 02-38 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 02-38, authorizing the destruction of police records as permitted by law as Minutes- City Council April 15, 2002- Page 2 640-16 930-20 recommended by the Police Department. 170-40 Received and filed Adopted Resolution No. 02-29 Ratified Approved Adopted Resolution No. 02-36 Adopted Resolution No. 02-34 6. QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT Recommendation: Receive and file as recommended by the City Treasurer. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 02-29- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A REVISED OLD TOWN NON-RESIDENTIAL FEE WAIVER POLICY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 02-29, adopting a revised Old Town Non-residential Fee Waiver Policy as recommended by the Community Development Department. 355-50 9. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA- APRIL 8, 2002 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. 620-10 390-55 Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of April 8, 2002. 10. APPROVAL OF FUNDING FROM THE TUSTIN LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 301- 307 EL CAMINO REAL Recommendation: Appropriate an amount of $7,500 out of the Tustin Lighting District funds, thereby increasing the total amount to $87,500 for the rehabilitation of the commercial property as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency staff. 400- 10 340-60 11. RESOLUTION NO. 02-36 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS AND PAPERS IN THE POSSESSION OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR THE CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY SECTIONS 34090, 34090.5 AND 34090.7 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 02-36, authorizing the destruction of certain City records and papers no longer required as recommended by the Finance Director. 170-40 ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 7. RESOLUTION NO. 02-34- A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION FOR A BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING PROGRAM Mayor Worley questioned whether the details of the recycling program had been determined. Tim Serlet, Director of Public Works, responded that the details had not been worked out but the proposed resolution would allow the City to apply for grant funds. It was moved by Worley, seconded by Bone, to adopt Resolution No. 02-34. Motion carried 5-0. 830-40 Minutes - City Council April 15, 2002 - Page 3 REGULAR BUSINESS ( ITEMS 12 THROUGH 13 ) Adopted Resolution No. 02-12 and approved staff recommendation 12. INVESTMENT OPTIONS It was moved by Worley, seconded by Kawashima, to 1) Adopt the following Resolution No. 02-12, authorizing the deposit and investment of excess funds with the Treasurer of Orange County and 2) Authorize the Mayor and the City Treasurer to sign the Deposit and Investment Agreement to begin deposit process subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors: RESOLUTION NO. 02-12 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF EXCESS FUNDS WITH THE TREASURER OF ORANGE COUNTY Motion carried 5-0. Continued to May 6, 2002 meeting 13. CODE AMENDMENT 02-003 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS ORDINANCE It was moved by Wodey, seconded by Doyle, to continue this item to May 6, 2002. Motion carried 5-0. None SECOND PUBLIC INPUT OTHER BUSINESS TRAFFIC MONITORING Councilmember Doyle requested the Police Department monitor the traffic in front of the post office during the last day of income tax filing. TAX ON SODA Councilmember Doyle announced the state wanted to impose a 2-cent per can tax on soda. ADJOURN MEETING IN MEMORY OF SGT. JIM HEIN Councilmember Doyle requested adjourning the meeting in memory of Sgt. Jim Hein. KITE DAY Councilmember Bone complimented staff on Kite Day at Cedar Grove Park. CITY SLOGANS Councilmember Bone commented on a newspaper article on various city slogans and that the article stated Tustin's slogan was the best. BUDGET WORKSHOPS Councilmember Bone requested separate budget workshops with the Police, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation Departments. Councilmember Kawashima requested more than one budget workshop be held. CASINO NIGHT Councilmember Kawashima reported that the Casino Night fundraiser would be held at the Clifton C. Miller Community Center on April 19, 2002. Minutes- City Council April 15, 2002- Page 4 355-05 390-35 120-90 EMPLOYEE SHOWCASE Councilmember Kawashima congratulated Justina Willkom on being selected as the Employee Showcase recipient; and reported a survey revealed the lack of customer service, courtesy and respect in business, however, he was proud of how City of Tustin employees consistently were professional and courteous to the public. LIBRARY Mayor Pro Tem Worley said the library project was moving forward. SALVATION ARMY Mayor Thomas noted his and Councilmember Bone's attendance at the Salvation Army's new Henley Hall dedication. SPRING EGG HUNT Mayor Thomas stated the Spring Egg Hunt was a great event and requested a separate area for children 12 years and older for future events. CENTENNIAL PARK Mayor Thomas commented on telephone calls he had received from Tustin Meadows residents complaining about the condition of Centennial Park's restrooms. COMMITTEE REPORTS WATER QUALITY PLANNING COMMITTEE Councilmember Bone noted he had been appointed to the Water Quality Planning Committee and said projected water demands by 2020 would be greater than the water supply. ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY (OCFA) Mayor Pro Tem Worley reported the Orange County Fire Authority Board had passed a new retirement package. TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY (TCA) Mayor Pro Tem Worley said the Transportation Corridor Agency was continuing to work on the Foothill South leg of the toll road. ADJOURNMENT- Mayor Thomas adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m. in memory of Sgt. Jim Hein. The next regular meeting of the City Council was scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. JE~~Y I~. THOMAS, MAYOR PAMEI_~ STOKER, ClT'%CLERK Minutes - City Council April 15, 2002 - Page 5