HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 33431 RESOLUTION NO. 3343 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE 94- 004 TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION AND THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, INCLUDING TEXTURAL AND. STATISTICAL SUMMARY REVISIONS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN The Planning Commission Of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I · The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A· That an application has been filed by The Irvine Company, requesting approval of Zone Change 94-004 to change the zoning and the East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Plan on certain properties within the East Tustin Specific Plan area, including textual and statistical summary revisions to the East Tustin Specific Plan. Be That a public hearing was duly notice, called and held on said application by the Planning Commission on March 13, 1995 and continued to March 27, 1995. C· That an Environmental Impact Report EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently approved supplements and addend~, for the East Tustin Specific Plan has been certified with Addendum No. 5 in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project. De Proposed Zone Change 94-004 would be consistent with good land use design placing higher density residential products adjacent to major arterials minimizing traffic and noise impacts. E· Proposed Zone' Change 94-004 would be consistent with the policies of the General Plan Land Use and Housing Elements with balanced land uses and not precluding owner occupied dwellings. Resolution No. 3343 Page 2 II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Zone Change 94-004 as follows: ae The Zoning Designation on the City's Zoning Map shall be changed as follows: · Parcel 2 of Parcel .Map 88-315 shall be changed from Planned Community Community. Facility (PCCF) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto. · A portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road along the entire Tustin Ranch Road street frontage and includes approximately 19 acres shall be changed from Planned Community Commercial (PCC) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. Be The East Tustin Land Use Plan shall be changed as follows: · A portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road along the entire Tustin Ranch Road street frontage and includes approximately 19 acres shall be changed from General Commercial (GC)' to Medium High Density (MH) as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto. · The underlying land use designation related to the Elementary School designation located on Lot 6 of Tract 12870 shall be Medium Low Density (ML) as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto. · Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 shall be changed from High School (HS) to Medium High Density (MH), Medium Low .Density (ML) and Neighborhood Park (NP) as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto. C. The East Tustin Specific Plan document shall be changed to read as shown in Exhibit D attached hereto. DJ The changes to the City's Zoning Map and the East Tustin Specific Plan identified in 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 3343 Page 3 subsections A, B and C above are contingent upon City Council approval of the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement and General Plan Amendment 94-001. III. In order to implement the above changes, the applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department the following materials within 30 days of final approval by the City Council: A, Twenty (20) copies and one (1) reproducible copy of the East Tustin. Specific Plan with revisions required in Sections II.B and II.C above. B, Twenty (20) copies and one (1) reproducible copy of a large scale Land Use Plan of the East Tustin Specific Plan with revisions required in Section II.B above. An executed Development Agreement to be recorded on the property as approved by the city council and City Attorney. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 27th day of March, 1995. Recording Secretary ~Chairp~rson STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, BARBARA REYES, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3343 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 27th day of March, 1995. Recording Secretary IRVINE SITE EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PC COMMUNITY FACILITY PROPOSED DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 88-315 A.P.~': 500-221-02 A.P.~': 500-221.-03 :ITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ZC 94-004 EXHIBIT A Figure 1-5 ! EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PC COMMERCIAL PROPOSED DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL. PC COMMERCIAL 3t 27 of Tract 13627 A.P. 502-452-01 JRCE: CITY OF TUSTIN · EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ZC 94-004 EXHIBIT B Figure 1-6 ', .t ' ~ REFER TO FIGURE 1-4 & 1-6 ~ "' REFER TO E FIC-,URE 1-$ EAST · · LEGEND COMI~ER CI AL/B.t.~II4E SS : TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN & LOCATION MAP ZONECHANGE 94-004'°-" '-~ EXHIBIT C ' L~ ZONE CHANGE 94-004 EXHIBIT D EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT REVISIONS .'~ 2.1 Land Use (ETSP Paqes 2-1 throuqh 2-4) The Land Use Plan, illustrated in Exhibit C, incorporates the planning 'goals and objectives in designating a variety of residential and non-residential land uses circumscribed and linked by an appropriate arterial circulation system. Each of the parcels within the plan having a specific land use designation is referred to as a "land use area". These areas have been aggregated into 12 easily identifiable zones called "Sectors". The sector boundaries are defined by major roadways and topographical features; each sector contains one or more land use area. Table 2.1 summarizes the land use statistics. More detailed statistics for each sector are provided in t-he Section 2.14. Gross acres have been used for computing acreages and residential densities on the following tables. Gross acres include all land within a sector or'land use area exclusive of arterial street rights-of-way. . . Table 2.1 Statistical Summary Land Use Desiqnation Acreaqe Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medium Low (up to 10. du/ac) Medium (up to 18 dc/ac) Medium-High (up to 25 dc/ac) Qpen space Priva~i'iiii~'~'r~kS ::i:.ili::ii~i:'i~.~. ~'.:..::=:..i: ;=::i'. :=. ... .".~:. .= : ::. '.:: .... -:... :: ...:=::~ '.: Community Parks 4-~ ~'6 Golf Course ~ .~58 Commercial/Business Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Mixed Use 121 ' Institutional Elementary Schools* Intermediate Schools ~,, School 3'0 Other Uses Roads (arterial and major only ~* ~) I01 i3.1 ::.: ...... ZONE CHANGE 94-004 EXHIBIT D Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 2 ~ $i Acreage for all roads other than arterial and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land ~Use Plan designates five residential categories, each of w~ich has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the. following: land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area. For any residential subdivision map the maximum density range cannot be exceeded for a particular land use area. Lower densities will be permitted in any area. The boundaries and acreages of the land use areas shown on the Land Use Plan are approximate and will be precisely determined in the ~u~ure when subdivision Maps are reviewed. The land use areas described within each sector are subject to the policies specific to a given sector. These policies are outlines in Section 2.14. The total number of dwelling units for the overall Specific Plan Area may not exceed 7950 units. However, if the total allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unbuilt units may be transferred to the Specific Plan Area in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs.- The total number of dwelling units in each Sector may not exceed the figures specified Table 2.4. If a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then · a transfer of units will be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan Area. These transfers will be closely monitored. When proposing unit transfers, compatibility with adjacent land uses areas must be considered. Specific requirements for allowing unit transfers and maximum unit increases in Sectors are outlined in the Development Standards in Section 3.0. Also, in Section 3.0 there.are more definitive standards for development of each residential density category. Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast corner of the site, in Sector 12 between. Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70-acre commercial center and hotcl/mctcl will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 3 It .also creates the opportunity for development to respond to. future changes in economic, and market forces..The Development- Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land Use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non-residential uses such as: (1). Schools, (2) Parks, (3)- Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land Use Designations. These are summarized in the following table: Table 2.2 Land Uses Inteqral to the LUP Institutional' Use Quantity Approximate Total Acreaqe Intermediate School Community Park Golf Course Commercial/Business Use General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial ~ 12 1~v 13 Table 2.3 Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional Use Ouantity Approximate Total Acreaqe Elementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks The exact number, location and size of private neighborhood parks will be established with subdivision maps. r-..'.~..~: ................. ~ivc one" junior', high "schooi::::'" ... several elementary school sites are to be distributed .... thr6~'g'h:6~t t~l'~":" S i~)~ it cific Plan area, -~ ....... , .......................,. or ~. ~cur tee other neighborhood parks are geherally located in various seC~0'rs of the Plan. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 4 Three (3) community parks are more specifically located; they include a~eigh~- ~!'i.i~{'i~n'~ acre site near the junior high school, a 20-acre site, and"'~':~"{-5'-".~'?.~-acre site incorporating a knoll situated south of Portola Parkw~:~::i Elementary and Intermediate schools and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on the Land Use Plan. The specific sizes, locations and numbers of these facilities will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 2.8. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 5 2,10 Schools (ETSP Pages 2-~3 and .. The Specific Plan area is within the boundaries of the Tustin Unified School District, The school district expects that the completion of the development in the East Tustin Specific Plan Area will require new facilities as well as the use of some of the existing facilities. The Specific. Plan symbolically identifies a maximum number of school sites to serve the largest estimated population growth, These schools have all been generally located in areas that are central to estimated student population growth. One intermediate school site has been identified for the Specific Plan area. ~his ~A~..~,,,,,..,. ""'",,,.,.., '-,,,.,.,, .... ..,.,." "-'",..,.,. ---long Pc~c-~ ~ Canyen WaehT--a4-j~ccnt tc tq~e ~' - higb~ ' h~ll~idc --c- Onc sc.hcol -:tc .~a~ ~ ..... rcDcrvcd ~ .......... f I-v" n .......... , · , The ultimate requirement for the precise number of schools is based on the number of students that are to be generated from the residential areas within the Specific Plan area. The demand for schools may vary depending on the actual type and number of units built in each land use category. The size of school sites may vary depending on specific school district needs and joint school/park programs. Also phasing and precise locations of sites are dependent on timing of development and more precise planning within sectors. The number, location, and size of schools illustrated 'symbolically on the~-~f-~c"-~-' ' ~" ................ ........ ~~ .La'~{'d:(i]uS'~':.>Pl'~' should be considered as a general guide, subject As development plans are prepared for each sector the land owner and school district will make specific provision for school facilities. These provisions should be accomplished prior to final · development. The actual size and number of sites may cause an adjustment to acreage within the land use areas. If any school that is shown on the Land Use Plan is not needed or if the site acreage is less than estimated then the 'acreage that has been allocated to the school site will be reallocated to the underlying residential use. However, the maximum number of units pe~itted within the sector where the acreage adjustment is made will not be changed except as provided in Section 3.0. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 6 Acreage ETSP Paqes 2-25 and 2-25 Table 2.4 Statistical Analysis Land Use Maximum Density Total Allowable Units SECTOR i 125 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Subtotal. 125 SECTOR 2 74 Estate Density Residential ~ 5"~: Low Density Residential ~ ~'8 ........ Medium Low Dens. it.y Residential ~ .'..4...1.'I Medium Density Residential ~ ~"~' ** Junior High School G'"'9 ........ ~ * .............. C6mmd"h'it'~'" P~'~)~ .............. ~ D 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac**** Subtotal 271 266 ;.:-:..v.... SECTOR 3 6 .:i'2. Low Density Residential o .8. i1'0.i ** Elementary School 5 du/ac Subtotal 17 .2'2 ':'.~w.' SECTOR 4 · Estate Density Residential ' 64F 61: _.+ 2 du/ac Subtotal ~..~ ~ o :1'12 SECTOR 5 98 18 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 177 100_+ · .....v... · Subtotal 116 SECTOR 6 ~.~ 12 General' commercial -.. 219 _+ Subtotal 31 399±. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 7 SECTOR 7 97 Medium Density Residential ~+6 i~:.i~':'~' Medium High Density Residential o 10 ,:¢;~ ...... ~ Elementary School :. '.~.:.f' · · .'..:.:~.:: ::.::::.::~.:.'.~: ~k ~.:,~'~.:.~.~ .:. q.: ~: · ~.~.: ~2g ~..7:: ~* Community Park · ..:;....:::.....~ ~ .'~8 Golf Course 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Subtotal ~ .A'T~6 .:~.~::: SECTOR 8 77 26 o 10 '** Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School 4 du/ac ~+9 18 du/ac ~ Subtotal..""7 ~'.1'3' SECTOR 9 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 4'65:_+ ;~:;...;.;.g.;..: Subtotal 39 SECTOR 10 46 .. Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 5 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal' 71 SECTOR 11 ~6 ~.?.. Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac % 8' ** Neighborhood Park 10 ~'~ Neighborhood Commercial ~ .~; ..~. Subtotal 177 SECTOR 12 121 Mixed Use Subtotal 121 7,950*** Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 8 Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a..sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area.. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 9f. Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. o This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land uses acreage allocations in this sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or park currently designated for this sector is not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 9 Sector 2 (ETSP Pages 2-28 and 2-29).' This sector consists of approximately ~?~ ~'~'~ acres and extends from the northernmost tip of the site south f~'""the proposed future road. The sector is bounded on the west by the crest of the north/south Peters Canyon ridge, Peters Canyon Wash, and Lower Lake Drive; on the north and east by the City boundary; and on the south by the Future Road. The land beyond the eastern edge of the Sector is in the C6unty's jurisdiction and is currently planted with orchards. The Sector encompasses a broad valley which contains the west tributary of Peters Canyon Wash. Much of the valley is relatively flat. This sector is planned to include a variety'of land uses. The residential uses will range from the estate density to medium ~i~h density. Estate density residen%igl is located in the western and northern hillsides; low density is located in the upper valley and on a-low knoll extending south from the north/south ridge; medium low and medium density occur in the central and upper portions of the valley; and medium ~i~h ~ density is located at the southerly end of the valley adjacen~ ....... ~'0 the Future Road. These various residential densities have been organized relative to the topography access and visibility from existing development to the · west. Also. ~n~.~,-~- ~... ~ - th~s~~,~--~- .~- a.~-e-l-eme~ ' thc northcrn cna of t~c vallcy. An'intermediate school has been sited along Peters 'Canyon Wash. The precise location and size of ~- ''-~"~'~"" ~hiS'<[~f~Ci'i~.t~ shall be dete~ined as described in Subsection 2.10 ':~f ......... ~"i"~ ......... S'~cific Pla- '- -=-~ ~.~'?~i'~'~-acre community par~ is planned jus~ sou~h o~ ~he int~r~di=t~'~'"e'l'em~'~'~ ~rail and Cla~'"'I'~'Bi~ay are planned in proximity ~o Peters Canyon · Wash re~lec~in~ Orange County ~eneral Plan. The following policies apply to Sector 2: Al The maximum number of units permitted within this sector are as shown on Table 2.4. S. Policies and guidelines related to the Hillside District apply to the portions of this sector that are located within the Hillside District. See Subsection 2.13. C. In order to minimize the impacts of landform modifications and grading within the Hillside District, in areas designated for estate density, housing may be clustered. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 10 De G · H. Concurrent with submission of the sector subdivision as required under Subsection 1.5, the precise location of the E1 Modena Fault shall be determined through a detailed geological investigation conducted by the landowner and appropriate building setbacks should be established in conformance with current State Standards. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the subdivision map of this sector (refer to Subsection 1.5), a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for review by the Director of Community Development, refer to Subsection 2.12 Implementation, for specific requirements. Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the treatment of Peters Canyon Wash (Exhibit L) should retain a natural appearance by (1) m~imizing concrete channelization such as vertical-walled concrete channel, or trapezoidal soil cement; (2) retaining or replanting indigenous vegetation along the drainage course; and/or (3) locating the drainage course within open space areas. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the subdivision map of this Sector, a conceptual design of Peters Canyon Wash for the portion that occurs within .this Sector, shall also be submitted for approval by the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer. This conceptual design shall illustrate the basic design concept for improvements to the wash including a proposed location for the regional riding/hiking and bicycle trail. Objectives for the character of Peters Canyon Wash are included in Subsection 2.13, Drainage Guidelines. The City of Tustin and the Tustin Unified School District should attempt to locate both the proposed community park and the proposed intermediate school adjacent to Peters Canyon Wash trail and within the main viewshed of the existing community to the west, so as to minimize visual impacts. The maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be limited to ten dwelling units per gross acre. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 11 Sector 6: IETSP Pa_qes 2-36) This triangular configured sector contains 31 acres of flatland and has the potential to be circumscribed by arterial roadways. It is situated along the ' eastern edge of the site, bounded by the proposed Future Road extension on the west, Portola Parkway on the' south and the Specific Plan boundary on the east. Ail 3~ acrcs ~{$~'~'~'~:i~!~!~i~%~'~"~' in the ~i~'~h'~'~'~.ii!iiii~'~'~i"6'~'i!!i!ii~fi!~ii?~'~'~. sector are to be ~:~'%~;~:'~'~'":'"'~':S'~ 'a var i et~'" ~'f'"'"~'6'~'~"~'~ i"'"~':6~'6"~'~i'~':~':~'~es. ~ ~-~ 4 ..... ~ ........ = ~~ f~r t~i~ ~-~- Medium high density residential development is planned for the remainder of this sector o ~..' ~-l~.' :~..::... ~.:¢4~<~.&~...:~,...:.:. :...:.. ;.::: :.:...~..........:-: ..:-.... ' The following policies apply to Sector 6: In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. ~ ~. Concurrent with a Subdivision Map.submittal for any portion of ~.:..: this Sector, a Conceptual Site Plan shall also be submitted for the entire sector as identified in Section 2.14.1. Concurrent with the submission of the Sector Subdivision Map as required under Section 1.5, the precise location of the E1 Modena Fault will be determined by a detailed geological investigation conducted by the landowner and appropriate building setbacks should be established in conformance with current State Standards. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 12 Sector 8 _{ETSP Paqes 2-39 and 2-40) This sector consists of 217 ~:~'f~ acres and is virtually flat. It is situated adjacent to the eX'i'~ing community on the west, and is bounded by the La Colina extension on the south, the Future Road extension on the east and the Racquet Hill Drive extension on the north. Most of the sector has been designated for low density residential development along the western boundary so as to be compatible with the adjacent residential development. Approximately 26 acres along Future Road have been allocated for Medium Density Residential. Also planned for this area is an elementary school, the precise location and size will be determined as identified in Subsection The following polices apply to Sector 8: ae The maximum number of units permitted within this sector are as shown on Table 2.4. Bo Residential development within this sector shall be subject to the following requirements to maintain compatibility with residential areas located immediately adjacent and to the west of the sector. · Residential development that adjoins the existing homes of the specific plan boundary and includes the first row of residential lots will be limited to single story structures. In all remaining low density designated areas of Sector 8, residential units shall be restricted to a maximum height of two stories. · Residential development that adjoins the existing homes of the specific plan boundary and includes the first row of residential lots will have a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. In all remaining areas of Sector 8, the regulations and standards of the low density land use areas will apply. · The use of cluster development as described in Section 3.6.3 C of the specific plan will not be permitted in low density land use areas in Sector 8. Cluster development will be allowed in medium density land use areas. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 13 Ce De E· · Within the low density designation, the maximum allowable dwelling units per'gross acre has been. defined as .5.0. Within Sector 8, this standard will be limited to 4.0. dwelling units per gross acre maximum, in lieu of the 5.0 standard..Additionally, no units may be transferred into Sector 8 for low density, which is shown in Table 2.4 and the East Tustin Statistical analysis in Section 3.0 as 349 units. There is no limitation on transferring dwelling units out of Sector 8 into another sector, in accordance with Specific Plan requirements. If a school is to be located within this sector it shall be located to conveniently serve the students residing in the new community and be designed to minimize visual and noise impacts to existing adjacent residential areas on the west. · If 'feasible, a school ~h'ould not be located immediately adjacent to' existing residential lots which occur along the west boundary of this sector. · If it is necessary to locate a school immediately adjacent to existing residential lots then outdoor playground areas should be visually buffered or located away: from those residential lots. No direct access for any of the schools shall be taken off of Future Road. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer, to Section 2.12 Implementation, for specific requirements. The distance between the edge of the western right-of-way of the "Future Road" and the closest point of the foundation of the closest residence of Pavillion/Saltair shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet plus or minus 100 feet measured on a horizontal plane. The noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the Specific Plan area shall be further mitigated by a continuous noise barrier consisting of a combination of berm, soundwall, and residences adjacent to the Future Road. This requirement for a continuous noise barrier applies along the western side of Future Road adjacent to the medium.density'residential development in Sector 8 and the low density development in between. The noise barrier line-of-sight from the residences along Saltair and Pavillion Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 14 F® to vehicles traveling along the Future Road behind such noise barrier. In .addition, in designing and orienting the residences in the two medium-density residential areas in Sector 8 and the low-density development in between, the developer shall, to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with other sound planning practices, construct multi-story structures which further mitigate the noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the Specific Plan. A design goal impact of 55 or less CNEL for the existing residences at the foundation is hereby established. At such time that further noise analysis is done in this area (at the Tentative Tract stage), this analysis will model the projected CNEL level at these existing residences to confirm that the noise of level of 55 CNEL will be met. It is the explicit intent ~ the East Tustin ~'~'~'i'f'i~ Plan that La Colina Road in the Specific Plan area c0h~'~Cf'-'"to the existing La colina Road and to the major arterial known as "Future Road." this road shall consist of a four lane residential street, and should be incrementally improved, beginning with a two lane road. The roadway should not exceed a total right-of-way of 80 feet, and the first two lanes should be built at the edge of the right-of-way, with a raised landscape median making up the rest of the potential right-of- way. The precise alignment of La Colina Road will be determined at the Tentative Tract stage. The City and County will prepare a joint' study, examining the impacts and mitigation measures of the connection, and recommending specific measures to deter through traffic. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 15 Sector 11 (ETSp Paqes 2-43 ) This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is bounded by the Future Road alignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford R~ad on the east, and Bryan Avenue on the south. Several land uses are proposed within this sector. The residential . ~,'.:.~--: ..-,~,......~..:.~:.:. :.: ·........ ..................: uses include ~e~Ium~i~?Iow and medium density which ~s are to be located in th~'"':'~:5~':~:~':~'~~ quadrant of the sector. Medium high residential development is' to be situated along the eastern .~nd"!~ii'~'~'~th'~'~'~ boundary of the site encompassing the entire area bet{$~'='"'B~"~"~"'"'A'%enue and Irvine Boulevard. .. Dc ..... f I~vinc ~ulcv=r~ cxtcn=fon. At the northeast covnDr of the sector, a 10 ~'3-acre neighborhood commercial site has been Planned at the inter~'~Ction of I~ine Boulevard and Myford Road, an important entry point into the City from the east. '- ~ .... ~ ..... ~- lc~-~ ~ ..... ~~ nc ' ' ~igh rc-i~cntial ..... I~ A o ...: ..:. neighborhood parks kas h'~e been generally located in the area of the ~'~di~":.i'0W'..:"'and medi"~'~ ...... density residential development. The preci"~'~ ........ l'0'6'a~i6ms ........ 0f t~ these parks ~ are to be determined as described in Sub~ection 2.8 ..... 0f'"'this Specific Plan. The following polices apply to Sector 11: a. The maximum number of residential units permitted in thi~ sector are as shown on Table 2.4. · B. In addition .to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. Co A buffer for the E1 Modena channel shall be provided. The methods for buffering shall include but not be limited to fencing and landscaping. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 16 Acreage ~TSP Paqe$ 3-13 and 3-14 EAST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Land Use Maximum Density Total Allowable Units SECTOR I 125 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Subtotal 125 SECTOR 2 74 Estate Density Residential ~ ~5'i' Low Density Residential 64) ~'81 ...........Medium Low Density Residential ~~ ~··~' Medium Density 'R~sidential ~.:.:.....:. · ~ 2"~ ** Junior High School ~':~]~]'~ ;':?~?~;~.~/'~.~.. ~...'~ :.:: ~.?N'e:i g hb"8 ~h 00~".;':P a 9 k ~":"'~"~"~'*"" "c0mm~'~'i'~'~"'"f~"gk ....... 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac**** Subtotal-~.~ 266 SECTOR 3 6 T2 Low Density Residential o ~ ~10 ** Elementary School :1,559 + 5 du/ac Subtotal ~ ~ 22. SECTOR 4 · lis 112 Estate Density Residential ~ 61 _+ 2 du/ac Subtotal~""° 1'12 SECTOR 5 98 18 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 177 100_+ Subtotal 116 SECTOR 6 '19 ":.i'~;'. ... Medi'um'High~Density Residential· · ... . . . . 31 12 General Commercial 2 5 du/...a......c 219 _+ Subtotal 31 399± Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 17 SECTOR 7 97 Medium Density Residential ~ ~ii'0' Medium High Density Residential o 10 ~''~ ........ Elementary School ~ ~58 Golf Course .+:+;....;; :;..:: 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Subtotal +~6 .".4'1161 · :...:.:.:v: ;.:.;~ SECTOR 8 77 26 o 10 ** Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School · · 4 du/ac ~+9 18 du/ac .233 SECTOR 9 39 Low Density Residential 5~r2 ~65.± ~+~.: 5 du/ac Subtotal 39 SECTOR ~0 46 Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elcmcntary School 5 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal 71 SECTOR 11 i~'?:iii??i]ii~'i]i';i?ii.~i]ii!iii.ii?i];:ii'~i~:'il· ~d'i~"i'i' ~W'.ii. D~ ~'~'i'ty.~ i.~ ~ i d~'~ ia i"!'i;: :. ?i.?..... ~ o :'.'..d~/~ · ~'~:~;~"~'::<~::~*'~:::::'~:':"M~'di'~'~'"De'~'~'i'~9"Re~identi'Ai ........... ' ............. ' ......... '"'l~':':'d~/~'6 ~6 ~.~ Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac ~ B ** Neighborhood Park I0 ~3' Neighborhood Commercial Subtotal 177 SECTOR 12 121 Mixed Use Subtotal 121 7,950.** Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 18 Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the' review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established 'in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) · · dwelling units per acre. o This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land uses acreage allocations in this sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable 'Units assumes that if a school and/or park currently designated for this sector is not built in this sector and that the. acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes' construction of the total allowable sector units and such.unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit D Page 19 Ce District (ETSP Paqe · ~. Residential Off-Street Parking Number of Spaces Requi red 3-47) ......... ':':: .'.',',': ..... .............:,~c.~,,,~;.:,;,.;,;.:,:,:.:. · ..,................. ' · ...... r ~ t ._. Guest Spaces Covered _r__ ,.' · ~- Ass i gned Guest/ Pro~]'~led ............ Spaces/Uni t Unass i gned O~':'~'~"~'et~ t · .;~....~.:-,..~,........ Estate .3.; ~., 2 Car Garage Lo._~ 2 per unit 0% 1. Sector 8, 9, 10 2 2 Car Garage 2 per unit 0% 2. Sector 2 2 2 Car Garage 2 per unit 0 ... Medium Low 2 2 Car Garage ~ ~ per unit Medium & Hedium High 1. Detached 2 2 Car Garage 1 ~ per unit 50% Attached Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Carport (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) & Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) MuLtiple FamiLy (apartments) Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Carport (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 ~ Carport (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) & Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) &. Patio Homes(2) 1-3 Bedrooms 2.0 2 Car Garage ~75 ,,~ per unit 50% ~ Bedrooms 2.5 2 Car Garage 1 ,~ per unit 50% (1) (2) Attached single family and nuitipte fami&ydevelopments shall provide a mini~J~ of :"5 ~ per unit open unassigned parking spaces for ~ or more dwelling units, if a two ca~"encLosed private garage is provided, a guest parking standard of .75 ~4 open urmssigned spaces per unit shat[ apply. " Required guest parking for Patio Home preducts ~st be located within · 200 foot radius measured from the nearest building frontage facing a street, drive or court of the des'igrmted unit which the parking space is intencled to serve.