HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 528 (1971) ORDINANCE NO. 528 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PREZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. PZ 71-126 AND AMENDING THE I TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN. 'Upon application of the Planning Commission, the City Council ,-- ~ ordains as follows: 4 1. The City Council finds and determines: 5 a) That proceedings were duly initiated for the amendLinen~. of the Tustin Area General Plan for the area generally. 6 bounded by the Santa Ana Freeway t.o the northeast, ' Myford Road to the southeast, the Santa Fe Railroad V main line and the Moulton Parkway to the southwest, 8 and the Santa Fe Venta Spurline to the northwest. 9 b) That prezoning proceedings have been regularly initiated, said proceedings being numbered PZ 71-126, relative to the property described in Exhibit "A" 10 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refer- 11 ence as though set forth herein in full. 1Z c) That after public hearing duly called, noticed and held the Planning Commission has recommended amend- ment of the Tustin Area General Plan and prezoning 13 of _the aforedescribed property. 14 d) That the City Council has duly called, noticed and -held a public hearing on said amendment and prezoning 15 proceedings. 16 e) That the Tustin Area General Plan should be amended as hereinafter provided; and 17 f) That the subject property should be' prezoned as 18 hereinafter provided. 19 2. The Tustin Area General Plan is hereby amended by the ~0 redesignation of the property lying within the area bounded by the Z1 Santa Ana Freeway to the northeast, Myford Road to the southeast, ~Z the Santa Fe Railroad main line and the Moulton Parkway to the ~3 southwest, and the Santa Fe Venta Spurline to the northwest,- from ~4 Agricultural to residential and Commercial uses of varying categorie Z5 as shown on the map attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B" and the 26 Text, three (3) copies of which are on file in the Office of the Z7 City Clerk, and which is incorporated herein as though set forth in 28 full.. 29 3. The property described in Exhibit "A" attached here to and 50 incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein 51 full is hereby prezoned from the Orange COunty A-1 Agricultural = I and A-R (Agricultural-Resid.ential) Districts, to the Tustin PC 2 (planned Community) District, subject to the following conditions: 3 a) Annexation to the City of Tustin; = 4 b) Submission to the planning Commission of neighbe:~. hood development plans prior to submission of 5 division tract maps, with said neighborhood plans indicating; 6 1) The alignment and standards of major streets ~ and traffic circulation; 8 2) Open space reservations and means of buffering · against adverse environmental factors. 9 3) Location of public facilities, including parks 10 and schools. 11 c) Applications for residential and school building permits shall contain certification that proposed 1Z developments are sound attenuated to an acceptable noise level of below 80 PMdb. 13 14 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City' 15 COuncil of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 20th day of December , 1971 18 ~AYOR 19 ATTE ST: CITY CLERK 28 31 32 JGR:rg 10-27-71 ROURKB R- HOt. BROOK CROCKER-CITIZENB ' BANK BUIt.DING lO0 NORTH BROAOWAY SANTA ALIA, CALIF, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY' OF OPANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin if five; that the above and fore- going Ordinance No. 528 was duly .and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of December , 197 I , and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of December , 197 1 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN COCO, L. MILLER, OSTER NOES: COUNCILMEN C. MILLER ABSENT: COUNCILMEN MARSTERS City7 Cler~ty of ~usti~,'C~ornia EXHIBIT "A" - ~9~-~L ,f~x CITY OF TUSTIN PARCEL That portion of Blocks 45 and 63 of Irvine's Subdivision in the County of Orange, State of California, as per map filed in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: · ' Commencing at the intersection of the Northeasterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway right of way 100.00 feet wide as described in a deed recorded in Book 245, page 223 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California with the Southeasterly line of Lot 188, said Block 63; thence North 49° 20' 40" West 2170.72 feet along said Northeasterly line to ~ the True Point of Beginning, said point being on a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1400.00 feet, a 'radial to said point bears South 51° 39' 08" East; thence NortheaSterly 720.12 feet along said curve through an angle of 29° 28' 17"; thence North 8° 52' 35" East 1949.64 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 2550.00. feet; thence Northeasterly 1414.46 feet along said curve through an angle of 31° 46' 53"; thence North 40° 39' 28'-' East 1494.18 feet to a point on Course No. 66 described in Parcel 1 in a deed to the State of California recorded in Book 4072, page 65, Official Records of Orange County, said point being on the Southwesterly right of way line of the Santa Ana Freeway; thence North 49° 20' 30" West 2590.57 feet along said Course to its Northwesterly terminus; thence North 51o 53' 30" West 827.35 feet along Course No. 67, said Parcel 1 to the Southeasterly line of the 60.00 foot strip of land described in a deed to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway recorded in Book 258, page 383 of Deeds, records of said Orange County; thence North 49° 20' 04" West 60.00 feet to the Northwesterly line of said strip; thence South 40° 39' 56" West 2548.73 feet along said North- west line to an angle point therein; thence ~;outh 40° 42' 24" West 1873.35 feet continuing along said Northwest line to the beginning of a curve therein concave Easterly having a radius of 794.49 feet; thence Southerly 892.46 feet along said curve and Northwesterly line through an angle of 64° 21' 40" to said Northeasterly line of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway first described above.l thence South 49° 20' 40" East 4646.80 feet along said Northeasterly line to the True Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT "A" , F'7 Ordinance No. 528 - Exhibit "B" / " Table of Contents Introduction 1 Section I Statistical Analysis 2 Section II Notes" " ...... 3 Section III General 5 Section IV Low Medium Density Residential Areas 1, 2, 2a, and 3 7 Sub-Section A Uses Permitted 7 Sub-Section B Building Height, 7 Sub-Section C Building Site Area 7 Sub-Section D Building Setbacks from Interior Property Lines 7 Sub-Section E Setback from Streets 8 Sub-Section F Garage Placement 8 Sub-Section G Building Site Coverage 8 Sub-Section H Fences, Hedges and Walls 8 Sub-Section I Trellis 8 Sub-Section, J Off-Street Parking 9 Section V Medium High Density Residential Area 4 10 Sub-Section A Uses Permitted 10 Sub-Section B Building Height 10 Sub-Section A Building Site Area 10 =. Sub-Section B Building Setbacks from Interior Property Lines 11 Sub-Section C Setback from Streets 11 Sub-Section D Garage and Carport Placement 12 Sub-Section E Building Site Coverage 12 Sub-Section F Fences, Hedges and Walls 12 Sub-Section G Trellis 12 Sub-Section H Off-Street Parking 12 Section VI Commercial, Area 5 13 Sub-Section A Uses Permitted 13 Sub-Section B Building Height 13 Sub-Section C Building Setbacks 13 Sub-Section D Landscaping 13 Paragraph 1 Streets 13 Paragraph 2 Interior Property Lines 14 Paragraph 3 Parking Areas 14 Sub-Section E Off-Street Parking 14 Sub-Section F Signs 14 Paragraph 1 Sign Area - General Standard 14 Paragraph 2 Pole Sign 14 Paragraph 3 Wall Sign 15 Paragraph 4 Ground Sign 15 Paragraph 5 Multi-Tenant Directory Sign 15 Paragraph 6 Real Estate Sign 15 Sub-Section G Sign Standards 15 Sub-Section H Trash Collection Areas 16 Page Section VII Community Facilities, All Areas 17 Sub-Section A -Uses Permitted- " 17 Sub-Section B Building Height 17 Sub-Section C Building Setbacks 17 Sub-Section D Off-Street Parking 17 SectiOn VIII Signs 18 Introduction The Walnut Village West PC (Planned Community) District is ~n general conformance with the land use proposals of the Irvine General Plan submitted to the County of Orange for adoption. The regulations of this ordinance have been developed to provide a method whereby property may be classified and used for a variety of residential housing types and densities and other community facilities compatible therewith. The specifications of this district are intended to provide flexibility for both the land use and development standards in planned building groups. SECTION I. Statistical Analysis WALNUT VILLAGE WEST RESIDENTIAL Gross Per T_ZpJ' Area Acres DU/Ac DU* DU: _Population Low Medium Density 1 67 5 335 3.5 1~173 2 21 5 105 3.5 367 2a 88 5 440 3.5 1,540 3 125 5 625 3.5 2~188. SUB TOTAL 301 1,5 05 --2", 268 Medium High , Density 4 72 10.5 756 2.5 ,I,890 SUB TOTAL 72 756 1,890 SUPPORT FACILITIES Gross Type Are,.a. Acres Neighborhood Shopping Center 5 8 "' Unclassified 3a 24 Elementary Schoo_ls 30 Parks 24 SUB TOTAL 8 6 GRAND TOTAL 4 59 2,261 7,158 *Figures shown are computed on the basis of gross acreage and do not take into account deductions for local streets, utilities. - 2 - SECTION il. Notes -' 1. Within the Planned Community area, the continued ,_ use of the land for agricultural purposes and other uses similar in character and all necessary struc- tures and appurtenances shall be permitted 2. Grading will be permitted within the Planned Com- munity outside of an area of immediate development upon the securing of a grading permit. 3. Water within the Planned Community area is proposed to be furnished by the Irvine Ranch Water District, -but may be furnished by any supplier approved by governmental agencies and the property owner. 4. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Com- munity area are proposed to be furnished by'the Irvine Ranch Water District until such time as dis- trict boundaries are amended by governmental action. 5. All areas designated for residential use may be developed at a lower residential density than that indicated for the numbered area without requiring a chapge in the PC (Planned Community) District zoning. 6. Regardless of the provisions of this supplemental text, no construction shall be allowed within the " boundaries of the Planned Community of Walnut Village West except that which complies with all provisions of the adopted City of Tustin Building Code and the various mechanical codes related thereto. 7. In the absence of specific approval by the Planning Commission in conjunction with neighborhood and development plans, the general requirements and enforcement provisions of Ordinance No. 157, as amended, (The Zoning OrdinanCe) ~hall prevail. ° 8. The area identified as 3a is hereby designated as a Planned CommUnity Dis'~rict without classification of precise land use. Development of this area shall be subject to determination of specific land use as authorized by the City Council. 9. Regarding setback requirements for all residential areas as specified in the following text, the Planning Director may, upon submittal of a tentative subdivision map, review said map in view of setbacks - 3 - listed in this ordinance and for sound plannin~ principles and shall either approve, modify, dis- approve the. setbacks shown, or refer the matter to the Planning Commission for a. determination. In the case of modification or disapproval, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Commission for further consideration. -4- SECTION Ill. General ,, As estimated population of 7,1~':p'~s~s is projec'te'a ..... for the Planned Community based upon gross acreage "' figures. This figure has been used for estimating com- munity facilities.- ~chools Following is the number of school children projected to be generated by the development of this area. These figures have been calculated based upon the anticipated ~umber of dwelling units Go be constructed. S.F. S.F. Number of ~ Deta~heE!1/ Attached!1/ Children Elementary (K-e) .75 .50 i,506~~ Junior High (7-8) .20 .20 452 Senior High (9-12) 20 20 452 1.15 .90 2,.~10 !/ These factors are based on statistics and standards experienced by The Irvine Company in similar developments and accepted by the ,, Tustin Elementary School District. Three (3) elementary schools have been provided to meet the requirements for the school children generated by the development of this Planned Community. Recreation Utilizing the adopted City of Tustin Recreation Standard which requires two and one,half (2.5) acres of park and/or recreation area per 1,0'00 population, the Planned Community' area would require a total of approximately eighteen (18) acres of park and open space based upon maximum densities "' allowed by this ordinance° However, actual park acreage to be required shall be determined by the appropriate city agency at such time as tract maps are filed and actual dwelling units and projected population figures are known. Commercial An eight (8) acre neighborhood shopping complex is pro- posed to serve the residents of the Planned Community of Walnut Village West. This center will provide goods and services necessary' to meet the requirements of the community. - 6 - SECTION IV. LoW Medium Density Residential .. Areas 2, 2a, and'3 A. Uses Permitted 1. Single family dwellings, attached and detached. 2. Community and recreational facilities, parks, playgrounds, recreation or open space and green areas, riding, hiking, and bicycle trails and related facilities of a non-commercial nature, subject to the requirements of Section VII of this ordinance. 3. Schools and establishments for the care of pre- school children subject to the requirements of Section VII of this ordinance. 4. Fire stations, subject to the requirements of Section VII of this ordinance. 5. Accessory buildings, structures and uses where related and incidental to a permitted use. - 6. One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease, or hire o.f the particular building, pro- _. petty or premises upon which displayed. B. Building Height Two (2) stories and not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet. '~ Building height shall also be limited by provisions of the City of Tustin Building Code. C. Buildin8 Site Area The minimtnn number'of square feet of land area re- quired for each dwelling unit shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet. D. Building Setbacks from Interior Property Lines When-no interior property line abuts a street the following setbacks shall apply: a. 10 foot minimum from one side.Only, or b. 10 foot aggregate total for both sides, pro- vided that the setback selected shall be the minimum to be maintained 'from the front to the rear property lines. - 7 - E. Setback from Streets ~ . . The following minimum setbacks shall apply to main structures abutting streets. Said setbacks shall be measured from the ultimateright-of-way line. Street Designation Minimum Setback Santa Ana Freeway 20~ Jamboree Road 20' Myford Road 20' Walnut Avenue 20~ Collector 10' Local 10' However, no setback shall be required of any side yard or rear yard surface abutting a street provided no doors, windows or other openings are located on said surface or.surfaces. F. tarage Placement Garages shall conform to the building s~tback requirements above except that when the garage faces the access street, a-setback of five (5) feet may bepermitted. However, if said accessory structure is to be setback a distance exceeding the permitted five (5) feet, a minimum setback of twenty (20)-feet shall be observed. G. Building Site Coverag~ 50 percent maximum. H. Fences.~Hedges'-and Walls A 7~ foot maximum height shall be observed. Also, Section 5.11 (A) paragraphs (3) and (5) of the City of Tustin Zoning Code shall apply to all such appurtenances. I. Trellis Open trellis and beam construction shall.be permit~ ted to attach the garage to the dwelling and may also extend from the dwelling to the property line in the side or rear yard. In side yards, the maximum heightshall be seven and one-half (7~) fee~. These areas shall not be considered in calculating lot area coverage. However, trellis areas shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the remaining open space of a developed lot. - 8 - ' J. Off-Street Parking Parking for residential uses shall be provided in the form of not less than two (2) garage spaces ,-, per dwelling unit. SECTION V. Medium High Density Residential Area A. Uses Permitted 1. All uses listed in Section IV, Low Medium Density Residential subject to the design standards. listed in said sections. 2. Single family dwellings, attached and detached. 3. ConnrLunity and recreational facilities, parks, playgrounds, recreation or open space and green areas, riding, hiking, and bicycle trails and related facilities of a non-commercial nature subject to the requirements of Section VII of this ordinance. ~ 4. Schools and establishments for the'care of pre- school children subject to the_requirements of Section VII of this ordinance. 5. Fire stations subject 'to the requirements o,f_. Section VII of this ordinance. 6. Accessory buildings, structures and uses where related and incidental to a permitted use. 7. One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6) ~square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease, or hire of the particular building, pro- perty or premises upon which displayed. .... B'~' Buildin~ Height. Maximum height for all buildings shall be two stories not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet. Building height shall also be limited by provisi6ns of the City of Tustin Building Code. ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY UNITS A. Building. Site Area To determine density, a minim~ lot area of 1,600 square feet shall be provided for each dwelling unit developed under the attached concept. However, an average area per dwelling unit of 2,400 square feet. shall bemaintained to insure adequate open area is provided. For the purpose of this ordinance, average - 10 - area per dwelling unit shall mean the average of all portions of Area 4 (to include a~eas designated for private parks, recreational and permanent open space) exclusive of areas designated as streets, flood control channels or railroad rights-of-way ,-- divided by the total number of dwelling units. B. Building ~Setbacks from Interior Property Lines All yards - 0 fe~t required. The above standards shall apply only when one of the following conditions prevails: a. Structures which abut a plaza, park, mall or other permanent open green space may abut the common property line and have openings onto such appurtenances. b. Where there are no openings on a given side, that side may be placed on the property line and may abut a structure on an adjoining lot. c. An attached or detached garage or carport may abut a side property line or another'structure, provided.no openings are located on the abutting surfaces. If one of the above conditions does not prevail, a minimum setback of five (5) feet shall be required. Distance between two ~roups - Minimum distance of attached units. between unattached structures to be "' fifteen (15) feet. C. Setback from Streets The following minimum setbacks shall apply to all structures abutting'streets. Said setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate right-of-way line. Street Designation Minimum Setback Santa Ana Freeway 20' Jamboree Road 20' Walnut Avenue 20' Collector 10' Local 10' However, no setback shall be required of any side yard or rear yard surface abutting a street provided - 11 - ..... no 'doors, windows, or other openings are located on said surface or surfaces. D. farage and Carport Placement Garages and carports shall conform to the building setback requirements above except that when the garage or carport faces the access street, a setback of five (5) feet'may be permitted. However, if said accessory structure is to be set back a distance exceeding the permitted five (5) feet, a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet shall be observed. E. Building Site Coverage The total area covered by buildings shall be one hundred (100) percent of any lot, less the required setbacks. For the purpose of this ordinance, covered ~-- areal. shall include all areas under roof but shall not include trellis areas, roof overhangs and covered porches. F. FenceS~ Hedges and Walls 'A.7~ foot maximum height shall be observed. Also, Section 5.11 (A) paragraph (3) and (5) of the City of Tustin Zoning Code shall apply to all such appurtenances. G. Trellis Open trellis and beam construction shall' be permitted to attach the garage or carport tO the dwelling and may also extend from the dwelling to the property line in the side or rear yard. In side yards the maximum height shall be seven and one-half (7~) feet. These areas shall not be considered in calculating lot area coverage, however, trellis areas shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of remaining open space of a developed lot. H. Off-Street Parking Parking for resid'ential uses shall be in the form of not less than two (2) covered spaces per dwelling unit and one additional space per unit for guest parking, - 12 - SECTION VI. Commercial, Area 5 A. Uses Permitted ' ' 1. Retail and service businesses. 2. Administrative and professional offices. 3. Automobile service stations, repair shops, and sales agencies, subject to a use permit. 4. Institutional and governmental facilities. 5. Civic, cultural, commercial recreational, and recreational facilities. 6. Parking lots, structures and facilities. 7. Accessory structures and uses necessary and customarily incidental to permitted uses. .8. Signs identifying Or giving directions to com- munities, uses and facilities on the'Irvine Ranch, sub'ject to the standards contained in Section VIII, Signs of this ordinance. B. Building Height Thirty-five (35) feet maximum. C. Building Setbacks A miniShum twenty (20) foot building setback shall be -- maintained from all property lines with the following exceptions. 1. If the subject site is adjacent to a commercially zoned parcel, no setback shall be required bet- -- ween said parcels.- .... 2. No structure shall be located closer to a resi- dential strucoture on an adjacent site than a distance equal to twice the height of the com- mercial structure. D. Landscaping 1. Streets A minimum of five (5) foot in .depth continuous - 13 - landscape area shall be maintained adjacent'to all street or highway .rights-of-waY except for any perpendicular access drive or pedestrian walkway. Said landscaping shall not exceed three and one-half (3~) feet in height within twen-ty (20) feet of an intersection or access ~ drive." 2. Interior Property Lines A minimum of five (5) foot in depth continuous visual screen shall be maintained adjacent to all interior property lines which abut residen= tial lots. Screening may be provided by means of fences, walls, berms, changes in elevation or plant materials. Where such screening has been provided on the residential side of the property line, this-requirement is' waived. 3. Parking Areas. A minimum of five (5) percent of the total building site shall be devoted to l'andscaping, with a minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of that total to be located within the parking areas. Off-Street ~arking The requirements of the' City of Tustin Zoning Code, as related to individually listed uses, shall apply. 1. Sign Area - General Standard ~ly one (1) single or double faced identifi- cation sign shall be petitted per street front- age for each individual business. No sign shall exceed an area equal to one and one-half (1~) square feet of sign for each one (1) foot of lineal frontage of the building or store. However, no sign shall exceed two hun- dred (200) square feet in area per face. 2. pole One (1) identification pole sign per site will be allowed for the following commercial · business: al Restaurant b. Service Station , 14 - If a pole sign is 'utilized, it shali.be in lieu of other identification signs allowed by ordinance. Pole signs shall be limited to a maximum height of twenty (20) feet and a maximum area of fifty .- (50) square feet per face, .double faced. 3. Wall Sign In no event shall an identification sign placed on a wall comprise more than ten-(10) percent of the area of the elevation upon which the sign is located. Said signs shall be fixture signs. Signs painted directly on the surface of the wall shall not be permitted. 4. Ground Sign An identificatio~ ground sign shall not exceed four (4) feet above grade in vertical height. Also, ground signs In excess of one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area (single face) shall not be erected in the first twenty (20) feet, as measured from the property line, of any streetside setback. However, the above stan- dards shall not apply to the signs listed in Section VIII, Signs of this ordinance. 5. Multi-Tenant Directory Sign " One (1) directory sign listing only the name of the firms or businesses within a site shall be allowed. Said sign shall be limited to a max- imum height of twenty (20) feet. Panels iden- tifying each individual store shall be no larger than one (1) foot in width and five (5) feet in length. This sign shall be in addition to indi- vidual store identification signs allowed. 6. Real Estate Sign A sign, advertising the sale, lease, or hire of the site shall be permitted in addition to the other .signs listed in this section. Said sign shall not exceed a maximum area of thirty-two (32) square feet. G. .Sign Standards 1. Signs visible from the exterior of any building may be lighted, but no signs or any other contrivance shall be devised or constructed so as to rotate~ gyrate, blink or move in any animated fashion. - 15 - ~ 2. Business signs shall be restricted to advertisin'g only the person, firm, company or corporation operating the use conducted on the site or the products produced or sold thereon. 3. A wall sign with the individual letters applied directly shall be measured by a rectangle around the outside of the lettering and/or the pictorial symbol and calculating the area enclosed by such line. 4. All signs attached to the building shall be flush mounted. H. Trash Collecti on Areas All trash collection areas shall be visually screened from access streets, freeways and adjacent property. Said screening shall form a complete opaque screen. ' ' ~. - 16 - SECTION Vii. COmmunity Facilities, All Areas A. Uses Permitted -- The following uses shall be allowed in all land use districts: 1. Parks, playgrounds, recreation or open green areas, riding, hiking and bicycle trails and related facilities. 2. Schools and establishments for the care of pre- school children. 3. Fire stations. 4. Accessory buildings, structures and uses related and incidental to a permitted use. 5. Signs identifying or giving directibns to per- mitted uses and facilities or identifying sites " of future uses and facilities. No sign shall exceed thirty-five (35) square feet in area~ B. Buildins Height -- Fifty (50) feet. " C. Buildins Setbacks T~enty-five (25) feet from all. residential property lines and ten (10) feet from any streetside property line. No building structure shall be located closer to a residential structure on an adjacent site than a distance equal to twice the height of the non- residential building. The height of the non-resi- dential structure above the grade elevation of the residential site shall apply. Any structure which abuts upon a plaza, park, mall, greenbelt or other permanent open space may abut the common property line. D. Off-Street Parking The requirements of the City of Tustin Zoning Code, as applied to similar uses, shall be required. SECTION VIii. Signs . I. - · The following material' represents the sign program for The Irvine Company. It is the product of extensive tech- nical research encompassing the psychological and phy- sical characteristics of the visual communicative arts~ It is an endeavor to both identify and provide for the primary fun_ctions of any sign program; that of product identification; providing data about the product; and informing prospective buyers how and where to purchase that product. "" The manual is not intended as a substitute for detailed engineering knowledge, experience, or judgment. It is intended to provide a quick and graphic representation of those signs to be allowed on Irvine property and under what conditions said signs shall be allowed. It includes such pertinent data as justification for a particular sign, where the sign may be located, how long it may-be erected, and fabrication specifications. ' It-is intended that the following sign criteria be officially adopted or utilized as a policy guideline regu- lating signs on a uniform basis for all company properties. SIGN TYPE 2 FREEWAY PLANNED COMMUNITY TRAVEL DIRECTIONAL SIGN: A sign con- sisring of irvine logo and panels which inform the viewer of the route or direction of travel in order to arrive at Irvine planned communities. POLICY: Shall consist of one, two or three panels maximum, depending upon the number of communities requiring identity at that location. Each panel shall 'display the name of a planned community or significant regional I~and use, and a directional arrow. May be double faced if required. Signs shall be located prior to freeway off ramps. A community shall be identified only on the signs located prior to the primary access road to the community from the freeway. Signs shall contain three panels for aesthetic balance even though some panels may be blank. LOCATION: Only one sign structure shall appear before the entrance to an existing freeway off ramp. This sign shall be located no less than 660 feet and no more than 1320 feet from the point at which the apron starts to widen for the off ramp. LONGEVITY: Each sign panel shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified. in-the text for a planned community request, subject to renewal if new homes are still for sate in the community. COLORS: Green company identity area, white letters, blue panels with white letters and arrows, gray supports. ILLUMINATION: Scotchlite letters and arrows. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 97.5 square feet per sign panel. Total sign area approxi- mately 394 square feet. SIGN TYPE .3 HIGHWAY PLANNED COMMUNITY TRAVEL DIRECTIONAL SIGN: A sign con- sisting of the Irvine logo and panels which inform the viewer o~ the route or direc- tion of travel in order to arrive at Irvine planned communities. POLICY: The sign shall be limited to a maximum of four panels, depending upon "'=~ the number of communities requiring identity at that location. Each panel shall display the name of a planned community or significant regional land use and a directio'nai arrow, only. Each of the panels may be double faced if required. Signs shall be placed only on major and primary roads. Signs may contain four panr.;s for aesthetic balance even though some panels may be blank. LOCATION: Only one such sign structure shall exist within 1320 feet of a major intersection in each direction. The sign may be on either the right or left hand side of the road. LONGEVITY: Each sign panel shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified in the text for a planned community request, subject to renewal if new homes are still for .sale in the community. -:~::', .... COLORS: Green company identity area, white letters, blue panels with white letters and arrows, gray supports. I LLUMI NATION: Scotchlira letters and arrows. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 36.6 square feet per panel. Total sign area approximately 195 square feet. SIGN TYPE 4 INTERSECTION DIRECTIONAL SIGN: A sign consisting of panels which inform the viewer of the route or direction of travel in order to arrive at Irvine planned communities. This sign is designed 1~o augment Reassurance (Type 5) and P.C.T.D. Signs (Types 2 & 3). POLICY: Shall consist of one, two, three, four or five panels maximum depending upon the number of communities requiring identity at a particular intersection. Each panel shah display the name of a planned community or significant regional land use and a directional arrow, only. Each of the panels may be double faced if required. LOCATION: To be used where a motorist's speed is reduced to at least 15 m.p.h. Ideally suited for intersections which require the motorist to make a complete stop, and where directional assistance is required for many communities. Such signs shall be within five miles of the communities they identify, and shall be located along direct routes to a planned community. LONGEVITY: Each sign panel shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified in the text for a planned community request, subject to renewal if new homes are still for sale in the community. COLORS: Blue panels, white letters and arrows, gray supports. ILLUMINATION: Scotchlite letters and arrows. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 4 1/2square feet per panel. Maximum total area 24 square feet. SIGN'TYPE 5 REASSURANCE SIGN: A sign designed to reassure motorists of their direction of travel and distance to Irvine planned communities and points of major interest. POLICY: Such signs-shall be not more than five feet in vertical height or horizontal length exclusive of ground clearance and shall not exceed a total area of 15 square feet. May be double faced if required. LOCATION: Such signs shall be located only along direct routes to the planned community or significant regional land use. They shall be within five miles of the community or land use they identify, and they shall be at least one-half mile from any otheLr reassurance sign identifying the same planned community or regional land LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of five years, subject to renewal if still serving a public need. COLORS: Information panel green with white letters, direction and distance panel blue with white letters, gray supports. I LLUMi NAT ION: Scotchlite letters and background. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 14 square feet. - SIGN TYPE 7 COMMUNITY ENTRY SIGN: A sign which identifies the entry to a development in an !rvine community in which homes are for sale. The sign informs the viewer of the name of the community, the names of the developments in that community and the direction of travel. to reach the model areas. POLICY: Wherever possible shall be used as an on-site sign (within the ~oundaries of the community). Shall be double faced where required. LOCATION: At or near the main entry/ies to the residential community. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified in the text for the planned community. Subject tb renewal if new homes are still for sale in the community. COLORS: !rvine Company identity area green with white letters, community and development area blue with names and arrows wh ire, gray supports. ILLUMINATION: None. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 176square feet. SIGN TYPE 7 COMMUNIT,Y ENTRY SIGN: A sign which identifies the entry to a development in an Irvine community in which homes are for sale. The sign-..informs the viewer of the name of the community, the names of the developments in that community and the direction o~ travel to reach the model areas. POLICY: Wherever possible shall be used as an on-site sign (within the boundaries of " the community). Shall be double faced where required. LOCATION.~ At or near the main entry/ies to the residential community. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of 5 years from the date specified in the text for the planned community. Subject to renewal if new homes are still for sale in the community. COLORS: Irvine Company identity area green with white letters, community and ~":":~';'~ devetopment.-area blue with names and arrows wh ire, gray supports. ILLUMINATION: None. SIGN SUR FACE AREA: 176square feet. SIGN TYPE 8 FUTURE FACILITY SIGN: (For planned communities): A sign which informs the viewer, through symbol and verbal reinforcement, of the type of facility planned for a community. POLICY: The sign shall identify facilities which are planned as a part of a planned community and are to be constructed in the immediate future. General symbols, designed to identify and not to advertise, will represent the same type of facilities in each of the Irvine communities. May be double faced if required. LOCATION: Always installed on the site of the facility and oriented to the nearest street. One sign to be utilized for each street fronting on the site. LONGEVITY: From the time the site has been zoned for the facility until construc- tion is completed or three years, whichever occurs first. ILLUMINATION: None. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 88 square feet maximum (Including 3 "rider" panels), OrdinanCe NO. 528 ,- Exhibit "B" SANTA ' ~NA roOF' · #/ I' :::~E~Efi~FNE~5~i~Si{:X :::::::::::::::::::::::: ==================================== ..................................../ ~E'EE~EEEEEE~EEEEE::::E~EEEE~EE~iEE~E~E :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ============================================ :1 ':EE~E~EE~H~EEE~EESE~EEE~EEEEEE~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LEGEND ~ LOW MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAl' ~ MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ~0. ~ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ COMMERCIAL ~ PARK ~ UNCLASSIFIED PRECISE LAND USE PLAN ~ s~o, so~o'