HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 516 (1971) ORDINANCE NO 516
4 The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, dl~
hereby ordain that the Tustin City Code is hereby-amended as
1. Article III, "ElectricalCode",of Chapter 6, is
8 hereby amended to read as follows:
9 Article III- Electrical Code
10. Sec. 6-4 Adopted .
There is hereby adoptedby the City Council of the City
11 of Tustin, California for the purpose of prescribing regulations
for the installation, use and maintenance of electrical conductors
12 and equipment that certain code known as the National Electrical
Code, 1968 Edition, including the appendix thereto, except such
13 portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended, of
~odeinot less than three (3) copies have been made and are now
14 filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin and
the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set
~ 15 forth at l'ength herein.
~6 Sec. 6-4.1 Amendments, Additions ~nd Deletions
17 The 1968 Edition of the National Electrical Code is
~ 18 hereby amended as follows: - .
Section 90.6 Deleted
Section 90.6 is hereby amended by'deleting same.
Section 90.7 Amended
Section 90.7 is hereby amended to ~ead as follows:
Section 90.7 Enforcement. The Building Official shall
24 of equipment and materials, and for granting the special permissi~
contemplated in a number of the rules.
Section 90.11 Added
Article 90 is hereby amended by adding Section 90.11
to read as follows:
28 Section 90.11 Issuance of Permits. It shall be the
duty of the Building Official to issue permits for electrical
installations and wiring under the provisions of this code when-
ever the applicant for such permit shall have complied with all
30 the requirements hereof°
I Section 90.12 Added
~ Article 90 is hereby amended by adding Section 90.12
F'~ to Iread as follows:
Section 90.12. Permits. No electrical equipment shall
4 beinstalled nor electrical work performed within or on any
building, structureor premises in the incorporated area of the
5 City of Tustin publicly or privately owned, nor shall any altera-
tion or addition be made in any such existing equipment without
6 securing a permit thez'efor, before such work is commenced, from
the Building Official except as provided in this Article and
V except that no permit will be required to execute any of'the
following classes of electrical work:
(a) Minor repair work, the replacement of lamps or
9 the connection of portable electrical equipment to suitable
· permanently installed receptacles.
(b) Installations used by electrical supply, railway
11 or communication utilities in the exercise of their function as
a utiIlity, and work located primarily. in a public way.
(c) The installation, alteration or repair of electrical
13 equipment installed~;by or for an electrical supply agency for the
use of such agency in the generation, transmission, distribution
14 or metering of electricity
"~ 18 Section 90 13 Added
I -
16 Article 90 of said National Electrical Code is hereby
amended by adding Section 90.13 to read as follows:
Section 90.13. Permit Application. Application for a
18' permit to perform the work shall be made in writing to the Depart-
men~ of Building and Safety describing said work. Plans, ca!cu-
19 lations of load for service, feeders and branch circuits, specifi-
cations and schedules may be required to determine whether the
SO installation as described will be in conformity with the require-
merits of this code. If it is found that the installation as
~1 described will conform with all legal requirements, and if the
applicant has complied with the provisions of this code, a permit
~ for such installation shall be issued. No deviation may be made
from' the installation described in the permit and plan without
~3 the written approval of the Building Official.
Section 90.14 Added
Article 90 of said National Electrical Code is hereby
amended by adding Section 90.14.to read as follows:
Section 90.14. Annual Permits. In lieu of an individual
~ ~7 electric permit for each installation or alteration on commercial
· or industrialbuildings, an annual permit may be issued to any
~[ ~8 person, firm or corporation for the purpose of installing,
and maintaining electrical wiring or equipment in or on buildings
29 or premises owned or occupied by the applicant for such permit.
The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing to
30 the Department of Building and Safety, and shall contain descrip-
tion of the premises on which the work is to be done under the
31 permit. Within fifteen (15) days following the end of each
calendar month, the person, firm or corporation to which an annual
3~ permit has been issued shall transmit to the Department of Build-
~ng and Safety a duplicate copy of the record of electrical work
,.:-:. done.
I Section 90.15.Added
Article 90 of said National Electrical Code is hereby
amended by adding Section 90.15 to read aS follows:
Section 90.15. Fees
](a) The fees required in this Section must be paid to
8 the Building Official for each electrical installation for which
a permit is required by this code.
(b) No permit shall be issued to any person, firm, or
V corporation unless all fees for permits or additions to permits
are paid in full.
(c) Failure to take out a permit and to pay fees therefo
9 before commencing work shall be deemed evidence of violation of
the provisions of this code. Double the amount of permit fees
10 shall be assessed for work commenced before a permit is issued.
11 (d) Whenever any work for which a permit is required
under the provisions of this code has been commenced without
12 the authorization of such permit, a special investigation may
be required before a permit will be issued for such work. In
13 addition to the regular permit fee and any penalty fee, the said
investigation fee which may becollected is as follows:
14 ~
When the Permit Fee is: Investigation Fee ~
15 $10 00 or less $10 00
· eeeweemeeeeeeee~eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ·
MOre than $10.00 ............................ $25.00
(e) Every permit issued by the Director of Building
lV and Safety under the provisions of this code shall expire by
limitation and become null and void if the work authorized by
18 such permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days from the
date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit
19 is suspended or abandoned at any =time after the work is commenced
for a period of 120 days. Before such work can be recommenced a
20 new permit shall be first obtained to do so and the fee therefor
shall be one-half the amount required for an original permit for
21 such work and provided.further that such suspension or abandon-
ment has not exceeded one year.
(f) Fees. A fee for each Electrical Permit shall be
23 paid to the Building Official as set forth by resolution of the
City Council.
Section90.16 Added
Section 90.16 is hereby added to read as follows:-
Section 90.16 Violations and Penalties is hereby
amended to read as follows:
28 Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this code shallbe deBmed guilty of a misdemeanor
29 and each such person shall be.deemed guilty of a separate offense
for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
30 violation of any provisions of this code is committed, continued,
or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such
31 person shall be punishable as for a violation of the Code of the
City of Tustin.
Section 110.1 Amended
I Section 110.1 is hereby amended to 'lead as follows:
~ Section'll0.~l Scope. This Article provides the
..~ ~ general requirements for electrical installations.
Re.located buildings or structures shall conform to the
4 minimum standards as required in this code for new building
Sectionll0.7 Amended
Section 110.7 is hereby amended to read:
Section ll0.T. Conductors. Conductors normally used
8 to carry current shall be of copper except that, in other than
Group H or I occupancies, conductors in sizes #1 A.W.G. and
9 larger may be of aluminum when terminating in approved "Hi-Press"
type connectors hydraulically applied.
Section 110.8 Amended
Sectionll0.8 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 110.8. Wiring Methods. Only wiring methods
1~ recognized as suitable are included in this code. ~he recognized
methods ofwir. ingmay,be installed in any type of building or
14 occupancy except as otherwise provided in this code.
?_ 15 a) Single Family and Duplex Dwellings and Accessory
16~! Buildings..Non-metallic sheathed cable (romes) may only be used
for single familyor duplex dwellings and accessory buildings as
lV per section 336.'3 (a).
b) Garages and Carports. Garages ana/or carports
18 ~hall be wired as per Section 512.4 as amended; said wiring, if
19 exposed, shall be in approved raceway.
c) Commercial, Industrial and Apartment BuildingS.
20 Electric wiring installed in or on structures identified by the
Uniform Building Codel'under A to H occupancies, inclusive, shall
21 be wired with ,a raceway approved for the purpose.
Section 210.1 Amended
Section 210.1 -is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 210.1. Scope. The provisions of this section
shall apply to branch circuits supplying lighting or appliance
loads or combinations of such loads. Where motors, or motor-
operated appliances, are connectied to any circuit supplying
lighting or other appliance loads, the provisions of both this
section and Section 430 shall. apply. Section 430 shall apply
where branch circuit supplies only motor loads
(a) AccessOry uses or other buildings, signs, etc.,
separately located on the same lot or premises shall]have
connecting conductors run underground.
30 (b)' Where spare circuit protective devices is
provided or space for future circuit protective devices is
31 providedon the buss in any flush or simi-flush mounted panel,
then raceways of sufficient capacityto'permit utilization of
I such spares or spaces shall be provided to an approved
accessible location. Such accessible location is defined as
follows: Where sufficient attic space is available or under-
floor space is available, a raceway shall terminate conveniently__
for future.use in each such space. Where this' condition does
not exist, then such terminations shall be approved by the
4 Director of Building and Safety.
5 (c) 220 volt circuits shall be wired in metal 'raceways,
the size of said raceway to be determined by the number and size
6 of the conductors to be used.
V Section 210.22 Amended
8 Section 210.22 is hereby amended toread as follows:
9 Section 210.2~. Receptacle Outlets Required.
10 (a) General. Where portable cords are used, receptacle
outlets shall be installed except where the attachment of cords
11 by other means is specifically permitted.
1~ (b) Dwelling Type Occupancies. In every kitchen~
family room, dining room, breakfast room, living room, parlor,. :
13 library, den, sunroom, recreation room, bedroom and uncompleted
rooms or areas suitable for future use or occupancy, receptacle
14 outlets shall be installed so that,no point along a counter top
work space or a wall space is more than six (6) feet measured
15 horizontally along the wall or floor line from an outlet in
that space.. Spans across sink top~, stove tops, etc., are
16 expected. 'Such space shall mean any space two (2) feet wide
or greater and shall include island counter top work space,
17 sliding panels in exterior walls, partial height walls and
built-in room dividers. The receptacle outlets shall, insofar
18 as practicable, be spaced equal distances apart. -~.-
19 Receptacle outlets in the floor shall not'becounted "~
as part of the required number of receptacle outlets unless
Z0 located within twenty-four (24) inches of the wall. At least
one receptacle outlet shall be installed forthe laundry. As
Z1 limited elsewhere in this code, a maximum of twelve (12)
receptacle outlets may be installed on a twenty (20) amp branch
22 circuit.
Outlets in other sections of the dwelling for special
appliances such as laundry equipment shall be placed within six
(6) feet of the intended location of the appliance.
(c) Guest rooms in hotels, motels, and similar
occupancies shall have receptacles installed in accordance
with Section 210.22 (b).
(d) Minimum Wire Size. For the supplyof current to
general appliance and convenience receptacle circuits, no con-
ductor smaller than No. 12 AWG shall be installed. No convenienc
receptacle or appliance receptacle shall be installed or operated
on a general lighting branch circuit at any time in any occupancy.
30 EXCEPTION: As permitt6d bySection 210.26 (b), amended.
31 (e) At least one receptacle shall be installed.in rooms
containing one or more wash basins or lavatories.
i Inmultiple occupancy building, each occupany shall
have access to his disconnecting means. A multiple occupancy
~ 'building having individual occupancy above the second floor
shall have service equipment grouped in a common accessible
~ place, the disconnecting means consisting of not more than
six switches or six circuit breakers. Multiple occupancy
4 buildings that do not have individual occupancy above the second
floor may have service conductors run to each occupancy in
5 accordance with Section 230.2, Exception No. 3 and each'such
service may have not more than six switches or circuit breakers.
(c) ApproVal. The disconnecting means shall be .of
a. type approved for service equipment and for prevailing condition
8 (d) Types Permitted. The disconnecting means for
u~grounded conductors shall consist of'either:
(t) A manually operable switch or ciruuit breaker
10 equipped with a handle or other suitable operating means positivel
identified and marked for mechanical operation by hand.
(2) An electrically operated switch or circuit breaker
12 provided the switch or circuit breaker can be opened by hand in
event of a f~ilure of the power supply and the open and closed
13 positions are clearly indicated to the operator.
14 (e) Externally Operahie. An enclosed service switch
or circuit breaker shall be externally operahie.
(f) Indicating. The disgonnecting means shall plainly
~ 16 indicate whether it is in the open or closed position.
lV (h) Simultaneous Openings. The disconnecting means
shall simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded conductors, except
18 for 3-wire direct-current or single-phase circuits or multiwire
circuits that do not supply polyphas'~ motors. (See Sec. 200.5(a).
(i) Disconnection of Grounded Conductor. Where the
20 switch or circuit breaker does not interrupt the grounded
conductor other means shall be provided in the service cabinet
Z1 or on the switchboard for disconnecting the grounded conductor
from the interior,wiring.
Section 230.71 Amended
Section 230.71 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 230.71. Rating of Service Equipment.
(a) The service equipment shall have a rating of not
~6 .lessthanthe load to be carried determined in accordance with
Article 220. The service disconnecting means shall have a rating
~-- 2~ :of:.not less than 60 amperes except:
~8 EXCEPTION NO. 1. For single family residences having a
floor area of 1,000 square feet or over, or an initial load of
29 10 K.W. or more, computed in accordance with Section 220.4, the
service equipment and feeder capacity shall have a rating of not
30 less than 100 amperes, 230 volt, 3 wire.
I Section 210.26 Added
~ Section. 210.26 is=hereby added to read as follows:
3 Section 210.26. Lighting Outlets.
4 (a) Each single family dwelling and each occupancy of
a multi-family dwelling shall have not less than one general
5 lighting branch circuit with~a maximum of twelve (12) lighting
outlets per circuit installed; minimum wire size shall be No. 14
6 AWG. Such light outlets shall notbe on convenience or appliance
(b) Lighting fixtures need not be provided in living
8 room, dens, family rooms or bedrooms where one or more split
r~ceptacle outlets are provided to a room and the upper half of
9 said receptacle is supplied by the lighting branch circuit and
controlled by a wall switch adjacent to an entry or door to the
10 room, and the lower halfj. is supplied by the convenience branch
circuit. I ·
NOTE: The intent of the above is to provide alighting
12 and convenience branch circuit to each room.
.13 (c) Entrance doorways providing'access to the premises
from the exterior shall be proTided with exterior illumination
14 suitably located. The illuminating source shall be controlled by
an interior switch conveniently located near the doorways.
NOTE: Theintent of the above is not to provide a
16 light and switch at every door but' only to provide adequate
illumination for normal egress and ingress doors.
Section 230.44 Amended
19 Section 230.44 is hereby amended to read as follows:.
Section-230.44. Wiring Methods. Service-entrance
conductors extending along the'exterior or entering buildings or
other structures shall be enclosed in rigid conduit, or, for
circuits not exceeding 600 volts, in wireways, auxiliary gutter,
or as bussways.
Section 230.70 Amended
Section 230.70 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 230.70. General
(a) Disconnection from Service Conductors. A single
fusible switch or automatic circuit breaker shallbe provided to
disconnect all ungrounded conductors supplying each separately
metered occupancy.
~8 (b) Location. The disconnecting means shall
located at a readily accessible point nearest to the entrance of
29 ~the conductors, either inside or outside the building or structur
Sufficient access and working space shall be provided about the
30 disconnecting means.
I EXCEPTION NO. 2. For installations consisting of not
more than two 2-wire branch circuits a service equipment of
2 30-ampere minimum rating may be used.
~ Section 230.90 Amended
4 Section 230.90 is hereby amended to read as follows:
5 Section 230.90. Where Required. Each ungrounded service
entrance conductor shall have overcurrent protection.
(a) Ungro~nded Conductor. Such protection shall be
V provided by an overcurrent device in series with each ungrounded
service conductor, having a rating or setting not higher than the
8 allowable ampacity of the conductor, except as follows:
9 EXCEPTION NO.~I. For motor-starting currents, ratings
in conformity with Sections 430.52, 430.62, or 430.63 may be used.
EXCEPTION NO. 2. Fuses and circuit breakers may have a
11 rating or setting in conformity with Section 240.5(a), Exceptions
No. 1 and' 2, also Section 240.5 (b).
EXCEPTION NO. 3. Not more than six circuit breakers or
13 six sets of fuses may serve as the overcurrent device.
14 EXCEPTION NO. 4. In a multiple occupancy building each
occupant shall have access to his overcurrent protective devices.
15 A multiple occupancy building having individual occupancy above
the second floor shall have service equipment grouped in a common
16 accessible place, the overcurrent p=otection consisting of not
more than six circuit breakers or six sets of fuses. Multiple
lV occupancy buildings that do not have individual occupancy and
each such service may have not more than six circuit breakers or
18 SiX sets of fuses.
19 (b) Not in grounded Conductor. No overcurrent device
shall be inserted in a grounded service conductor except a circuit
20 breaker which simultaneously opens all conductors of the circuit.
21 (c) I~.More Than One Building. In a property comprising
more than one building under single management, the ungrounded
2~ conductors supplying each building served shall be protected by
overcurrent devices, which may be located in the building served
23 or in another building on the same property, provided they are
a&cessible to the occupants of the building .served.
Section 240.16 Amended
Section 240.16 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 240.16. Location in Premises. Overcurrent
devices shall be located where they will be:
28 (a) Readily 'accessible, except as provided in Section
230.91 and Section 230.92 for ser.vice equipment and Section 364.11
29 for bussways.
'30 (b) 'Not exposed to physical damage.
31 (c) Not in the vicinity of easily ignitable materials.
I (d) Branch circuit protective devices shall be'installed
in and for each occupancy.
(e) Branch circuit distribution panels shall not be
3 located in any clothes, linen, or broom closets.
4 EXCEPTION NO. 1. When remodeling existing occupancies
if changed to a different classification as defined by "Table of
5 Groups of Occupancy" in the Uniform Building Code, Then the said
protective devices may be located at one central point. -
EXCEPTION NO. 2. Branch circuit protective devices for
V Single. family residence.
8 NOTE: Nothing contained in this. code shall be deemed
or construed to permit the installation of any electrical device
9 outlet or circuit in any occupancy, the control ofor the protectioI
of which is not accessible to the occupancy at all times and no
10 part of any branch circuit shall supply electrical energy to more
than one occupancy. .
Section 250.57 Amended
Section 250.57 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 250.57, Fixed Equipment..
(a) Metal boxes, cabinets and fittings, or noncurrent-
15 carrying metal parts of'other fixed equipment where metallically
connected to grounded flexible metal raceways and fittings; the
16 grounded armor of ALS, and MI cables; or grounded rigid metal
raceways are ;considered to be grounded by such connections.
Section 250.91 Amended
18 ~.
Section 250.91 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 250.91. Material. (Grounding Conductors),. The
~0 material for the grounding conductors shall be as follows:
~1 (a) For System or Common Grounding Conductor. The
grounding conductor of a wiring system shall be of copper or other
2Z corrosion-resistant material. The conductor may be solidor
stranded, insulated or bare. Except in cases of bus-bars, ,the
23 grounding conductor shall be without joint or splice throughout.
its length. Where the grounding conductor is not of copper, its
Z4 electrical resistance per linear foot shall not exceed that of
the allowable copper conductor for such a purpose.
(b) For Conductor Enclosures and Equipment Only. The
26 grounding conductor for equipment and for conduit and other metal
raceways or enclosures for conductors, may be a conductor of
27 copper or other corrosion-resistan't material, stranded or solid,
insulated or bare, a bus-bar or a rigid metal conduit,-eledtrieat-..
28 metallic tubing or flexible metal conduit and fittings, Types MI
or ALS cable. Under conditions favorable to corrosion, a suitable
29 corrosion-resistant material shall be used. All bloted and
threaded connections at joints and fittings shall be made tight
~0 by the use of the suitable tools.
~1 Section 310.1 Amended ·
~Z Section 310.1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 310.1 General
(a)""The purpose of this Arcticle is to assure that
1 conductors have mechanical strength, insulation, and ampacity
adequate for the particular conditions under which they are to
.~ J be'used.
i!!.,-~ ~ (b) Conductors shall be insulated, except when covered
~t 4 or bare conductors are specifically permitted in this code.
(c) The provisions of this Article are not intended to
' 5 apply to conductors which form an integral part of equipment such
as motors, motor controllers, and the like, or which are provided
~ 6 for elsewhere in this code.
V (d) =Regardless of specific or implied wording elsewher~
in this code, conductors shall not be of aluminum.except
8 permitted by Section 110.7.
9 'Section 334.6 Amended
10 Section 334.6 is hereby amended to read as follows:.
11 Section 334.6. Use. Metal clad cable shall not be
used in new work and shall be limited to th6se applications
~?~ /112 approved by the Building Official when used for remodeling, under
p ' extensions or "fished" runs.
Section 336.3 Amended
section 336.3 is hereby amended to read as follows:
15 " :,"
Section 336.3. use. Non-metallic sheathed cable shall
not be used'for exposed wiring and.shall only be used for concealed
wiring on single family or duplex dwellings as follows:
(a) Type NM.' This type of non-metallic sheathed cable
18 may be installed forcondealed work in normally dry locations.
maybe installedor fished in air voids in masonry block or tile
: 19 walls where such walls are not exposed or subject to excessive
moisture or dampness. Type NM cable shall not be installed where
~0 exposed or corrosive fumes or vapors; nor shall it be enbedded in
masonry or concrete and covered with plaster or similar finish.
(b) Moisture and Corrosion-Resistant Type NMC. This
type of nan-metallic sheathed cable may be installed for concealed
work in dry, moist, damp or corrosive locations, and in outside and
inside walls of masonry block or tile. Where embedded in plaster
or run in shallow chase in ~asonry walls and covered with plaster
within two (2) inches of the finished surface, it shall be protecte
against damage from nails by a cover of corrosion-resistant coated
steel at least 1/16 inch in thickness and 3/4 inch wide'in the
chase or under the final surface finish.
Section 336.6 Deleted "
Section 336.6 is hereby amended by deleting same.
: Section 346.1 Amended
Section 346.1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 346.1 Use. Rigid metal conduit may be used
31 under all atmospheric conditions and occupancies, except that
ferrous raceways and fittings protected from corrosion solely fly
3~ enamel may
i be used only indoors and in .occupancies not subject to severe
corrosiveinfluences. Where practicable-, dissimilar metals in
2 contact anywhere in the system sh~ll be avoided to eliminate the
possibility of galvanic action. {See Section 300.5 for limitation
3 in the use of ferrous raceways and fittings protected from
corrosion solely by enamel.)
Unless made of material judged suitable for thelconditi_.~
5 or unless corrosion protection approved for the condition is provid,
ferrous or non-ferrous metallic conduit, elbows, couplings and
6 fittings shall notbe installed in concrete or in. direct contact
with the earth, or in areas subject to severe corrosive influences.
V Rigid metal conduit installed underground shall be buried a minimum
of one foot under grade levelunless protected by an ~ppr0ved
8 method ...
9 Section 348.1~Amended ' '
10 Section 348.1 is hereby amended to read as follows: -
il Section 348.1. Use. Electrical metallic tubing may be
used for both exposed and concealed work. Electrical metallic
tubing protected from corrosion solely by enamel shall not be used.
Electrical metallic tubing shall not be used: (1) where, during
13 installation or afterwards, it will be subject to severe physigal
damage; (2) for installation underground, in concrete slab on
14 grade, or where exposed to the weather, or excessive moisture.
Where practicable, the use of dissimilar metals throughout the
15 system shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of galvanic
action. (See Section 300.5 for limitation in the use of ferrous
16 raceways and fittings protected from corrosion solely by enamel.)'
lV Section 350.2 Amended '
18 Section 350.2 is hereby amended to read as follows:
19 Section 350.2 Use. Flexible metal conduit shall not be
used: (1) in wet locations; (2) in hoistways, except as~provided
-- - 2( in>Se~tio~>'-~620.21;'~(3) in.storage battery rooms; (4) in any '
hazardous location except as permitted inSection 501.4 (b), 502.4
21 and 503.3; (5) where rubber-covered conductors are exposed to oil,
gasoline; or. other materials having a deteriorating effect on
2Z rubber; (6) for installation underground, exposed to the water,
embedded in masonry, concrete, adobe, plaster or s'imilar finish;
23 not (7) where exposed to physical d~age.
Z4.. Section 350.5 Amended
~5 Section 350.5 isherebyamended to read as follows:
26 Section 350..5~ Grounding, Flexible metal..conduit'may
be used as a grounding means.
Section 410.8 Amended
Section 410.8is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 410.8. 'Fixtures in Clothes Closets.
(a) A fixture in a clothes closet shall be installed:
I (1) On the wall above the closet door, provided the
clearance from the fixture to a storage area where combustible
~ material may bestored within the closet is not less than 18
inches, or
~ (2) On the ceiling or wall over an area which is
unobstructed to the floor, maintaining an 18-inch clearance
~ 4 upward and horizontally from the fixture to a storage area'..-Where
combustible material may be stored.within-the closet
NOTE: A flush recessed fixture equipped with a solid
lens is considered to be outside the closet area.
V (b) Pendants shall not be installed in clothes'closets.
8 (c) All lighting outlets shall be operated by a wall
or door switch (no pullschain lighting fixtures permitted).
Section 410.29 Amended
Section 410.29 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section410.29. Fixture Rating.
(a) All fixtures requiring ballasts or transformers
13 shall be plainly marked with their electrical rating and the
manufacturer's name, trademark, or other suitable means of
14 identification.
15 ........ - (b) The electrical rating shall include the voltage and
frequency, and shall indicate the current rating of the unit
. 16 including the ballast, transformer or auto-transformer.
lV (c) No such equipment shall be installed in which the
power factor is less than 90 percent.
19 Section 422.5 Amended
Z0 Section 422.5 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 422.5. Branch Circuit Ampacity. The provisions
of this section specify sizes of conductors capable of carrying
appliance current without overheating under the conditions specified
(see Article 210). They are not intended to appl~ to conductors
which form an integral part of the appliance.
(a) The branch circuit ampacity of an individual branch
circuit shall no= be less than the marked ampere rating of the
appliance or the marked ampacity rating of an appliance having
combined loads (see Section 422.32).
EXCEPTION NO. 1. For household cooking appliances,
see Table 220.5.
EXCEPTION NO. 2. For motor-operated appliances not
having a marked ampacity rating the branch circuit ampacity shall
be in accordance with Part B or Article 430.
30 EXCEPTION NO. 3. Except as noted in Section 210.23(b),
Exception No. 1, an appliance, other than a motor-operated
31 appliance, which is continuously loaded, the branch circuit ampacit5
shall not be less than 125 percent of the marked rating.
(b) For branch circuits supplying appliances and other
loads, theampacity rating shall be determined in accordance with
Section 210.24.
(c) In every dwelling unit !fixed' appliances, such as
food grinders, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, laundry
tray locations, built-in refrigerators, built-in freezers, furnac~
air conditioners and buklt-in heaters, or any other fixed applian,
with motors 1/4 h.p. or larger shall be on a separate branchcircui.
supplied'by a minimum No. 12 AWG wire. Each dwelling. unit shall
have installed therein an individual food waste grinder branch
circuit. Said circuit shall be supplied withaminimum No. 12 AWG
wire and a 15 ampereindicating. type switch. Said switch shall be
located in the wall adjacent to the sink. Food waste grinder shall
be wired with a minimum of No. 16 AWG 3 wire SPT-3 thermoplastic
hard finish cord or equal and an approved grounding type cord grip
cap must be used. ~ '
Section 424.3 Amended
Section 424.3 ~s hereby amended.to read as follows:
Section 424.3. (a) Br~nch Circuit Requirements. Fixed
heating equipment shall be supplied by branch circuits rated. 15,
20, or 30 amperes. An individual branch circuit may supply any
EXCEPTION: Fixed infra'red heating. equipment may be
supplied from branch circuits rated not more than 50 amperes as
provided in Section 424.23.
(b) Branch Circuit Sizing. Fixed space heating equip-
ment shall be considered as a continuous load for sizing branch
The ampacity of branch circuit conductors supplying fixed
space heating equipment consisting of resistance elements with or
without a motor shall be calculated on the basis of 125 percent of
the total load of the motors and the heaters.
The ampacity of the branch circuit conductors supplying
fixed space heating equipment consisting of mechanical refrlgeratio~
-withor without res. istance units shall be calculated as provided= for
in Section 430.25.
Approved recessed ceiling heaters using not more than
250 watts infra-red lamp may be installed on a lighting branch
circuit by reducing the allowable number of lighting outlets by
two 'for each single 'lamp device used However, not more than two
such devices shall be connected to any one lighting branch circuit.
Any number of multiple lamp and single lamp heaters, the total
wattage not exceeding 1500 watts or the total number of 250 watt
.lamps not exceeding six, may be connected to a separate 20 ampere
branch circuit.
Section 512.4 Added
Section 512.4 is added to read as follows:
Section 512.4. General. Garages or carports accessory
to dwelling units shallbe wired with a minimum of one switched
light outlet, and one receptacle per each two auto statls. ISaid
wiring, if exposed, shall be in approved metal raceways. ,All
wiring to detached accessory buildings shall be run'underground.
I EXCEPTION: In garages or carports accessory to Group H
Occupancy, receptacles may be omitted.
Section 600.1 Amended
Section 600.1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 600.1. Scope. The provisions of this section
5 shall apply to the'installation of conductors and equipment for
electric signs and outline lighting as defined in Section 100. A
5 sign circuit shall be provided and installed to an accessible
location at the front'of all commercial and store buildings
V - ·
Section 600.2 Amended
Section 600.2 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 600.2. Disconnect Required. Each outline
10 lighting installation and each sign of other than the portable
type shall be controlled by an externally operable switch or
11 breaker which will open all ungrounded conductors and shall
1~be suitable for conditions' of installation, such as exposure
to the .weather.
13 ]a) In Sight of Sign. An accessible disconnecting
means consisting of one or more Type S plug fuses, or a suitable
14 switch, shall be installed in or on each fixed sign and in or on
a transformer enclosure of each electric discharge outline lighting
15 system to provide means for disconnecting all ungrounded conductors
--- supplying such equipment ' '
16 '
(b) Control Switch Rating. Switches, flashers, and
17 similar devices controlling ransformers shall be either of a type
approved for the purpose, or have a current rating not less than
18 twice the current rating of the transformers. On alternating-
current circuits, general use alternating-current snap switches
19 may be used to control inductive loads other than motors, not.
exceeding the ampere rating of switch. See Section 380.14.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinf of the City
Council of the ~ity of Tustin held on the 4th day of October 1971.
'"' 28 C~T~CLERK
· , I, '.
COUNTY OF OPJ~NGE ) SS '. .... ' .i .....=
RU~H C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby <-
certify that the whole number of members of the City Council
of-the City of Tustin is five; that the above and fore-
going Ordinance No. 516 was duly and regularly introduced'
" and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held
the 20th day of September ,1971, and was given'-
its second reading ahd duly passed and adopted at a regular
meeting held on the 4th day of October , 1971,
by the following vote: