HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 496 (1971) ' .: ,- .-, .- _. ~-, :'~ ...... ' ': ' ORDINANCE .NO. 496 ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PREZONING PROPERTY OF TREE HAVEN ASSOCIATES ON ~ 5. APPLICATION NO. P.Z. 70-123. 5 The City Council ~Of the City 0f 'TU'~tin California 6 'does hereby ordain as follows :.._ 1, The City CoudCil finds and determineS: 8 a) That pre~Oning procedures were .regularly initiate~ for the prezoning of the property describ~. in. Exhibit "A" attached hereto and ~0 incorporated herein by this reference. 1~ b) That the ~Planning Co~ission reco~ended in favor of Csaid prezoning after p~lic hearing 'IZ duly cal~ed, noticed and held; c) That said property should be 'prezoned as hereinaf~er 'provided, 14 2, The subject ~roperty is hereby prezoned to ~e '15 .... PD (Planned ~evelopment) District, effective UOOn ' annexation t~ ~e City of Tustin. ' '17 PASSED ~D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of ~e City 18 Council of the City of Tust~n, held on the 4th day of January, 1971. Z0 23 ~ /~ ~YOR 24 ATTEST: 25 26 ~ 27 Ty C~ 28 29 30 32 EXHIBIT "A" · l PARCET. ]: 2. A portion of tile south one half of Lot 15 in Block B of the A. B. 3 Chapman Tract in the untncorporated territory of Orange County, California ,., 4 as shown o~ a map thereof recorded in B~ok 10Z, Page 15 of MIscellaneous 5 Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county, described as 6 ~ follow s: 8 Beginning at a point in the centerline of Yorba Street which bears -- 9 North 0° 04' 00" East 250.01 feet from the centerline intersection of Yorba 10 Street and 17th Street, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 11 thence continuing along the centerline of Yorba Street, North 0°04' 00" East 12 426.61 feet to the northwest corner of said south one-half of Lot 15; thence along the north line of the so~a,t,h one-half of Lot 15, North 89° 33' 32 East 14 905.15 feet to a point in the west line of the Orange County Flood Control 15 16 District right-of-way, being a line parallel with and 25.00 feet west of the west line of the east 6 acres of the south one-half of said. Lot 15; thence 18 along said west line South 0° 04'~37'' East 422.34 feet; thence South 88° 51' 00 19 West 27t.14 feet: thence North 1° 09' 00" West 1.8.94 feet: thence South 20 1° 09' 00" East 40.57 feet; thence South 88°'5F oo"w.~est 147.18 feet to tr beginning of a tangent curve concave to the south; thence westerly along said 22 curve having 'a radius of 21.78 feet, through a central 'angle of 37° .1~' 17", 23 24 an arc length of.14.17 feet to the. beginning of a reverse curve concave to 25 the north, a radial line through said beginning bears South 38° 25' 17" east: 26 thence westerly. along said curve having a radius of 46.78 feet through a 27 central angle of 37° t6' 17", an arc length of 30.43 feet to the easterly 28 prolongation of the north line of the land des -eribed' in deed to Welter Henry 29 OPP, et ux, recorded D. ece~ber 29,196,1 in Book 5960, Page 775, Official 80 Records; thence along said line South 88° 51' 00<~, WeSt 269.47 feet; then,ca ~t~. South 89°-30' 00""West !76.93 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ................... - -. ., ,, · .'. \'. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Cler~ and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly introduced and read at a reguiar meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of Januar~ , 19 71 , and was given its second read'~ng and duly passed and a~dopted'at aregular meeting held on the _ 18th day of Ja. nuar~. ~ , 19.71 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: COCO, ~C. MILLER, MARSTERS, L. MILLER, OSTER NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONEi.! ABSENT: COUNCIIMEN: NONE~= .- C t Of Tustin, California 'k