City Manager
Finance Director
City Council direction is requested in order to cure a homeowner default under the City's
Affordable Housing Program at the Tustin Field I development.
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. At its pleasure, authorize the City Attorney to pursue the City's exercise of its right of
redemption and/or option to purchase the moderate-income unit at 103 Liberty Street, prior to
expiration of the statutory default period (December 5, 2011) or any foreclosure sale of the
subject property (on or about December 25, 2011), and also authorize the Assistant City
Manager to execute any required documents, as may be necessary to implement such action
as recommended by the City Attorney.
2. Authorize any necessary draw-down from the Affordable Housing Default Revolving
Fund to exercise the amount of any Option Purchase Price required under the Affordable
Housing Covenant, Affordable Housing Option Agreement, or any necessary lower amount to
exercise the City's right of redemption under the Reimbursement Agreement for the unit at
103 Liberty Street based on the City Council's direction and the homeowner's response to the
lender's Notice of Default and Election to Sell under the Deed of Trust.
Adequate balances exist in the City's Affordable Housing Default Revolving Fund to
accommodate any direction that the City Council may provide on this matter.
A report from the City Attorney's office is attached summarizing the City's alternatives with
regard to a Notice of Default that has been issued to amoderate-income homeowner at 103
Liberty Street (Tustin Field I development) participating in the City's Affordable Housing
Agenda Report -Notice of Default of Affordable Unit at 103 Liberty Street
October 18, 2011
Page 2
Program. In the event that the subject homeowner is not able to obtain a mortgage
modification with their lender, the City is at risk of losing the affordable unit.
Section 33413 (a) of California Redevelopment Law ("CRL") requires that whenever a
dwelling unit housing a low to moderate income household that is subject to a written
agreement or where financial assistance has been provided by the Agency is destroyed or
removed from the low and moderate income housing market as part of a redevelopment
project, the Agency shall be required to replace the dwelling unit with a replacement dwelling
unit within four years which has an equal or greater number of bedrooms as those removed
at affordable housing costs within the jurisdiction of the Agency. In the case of the subject
affordable unit within the Tustin Field I development, the creation of the affordable unit was
established through the City selling the property at a land value, sufficient enough to permit
the developer to feasibly provide seventy-eight affordable units: twenty-two (22) very-low
income units; twelve (12) low income units; and forty-four (44) moderate income units. The
affordable units are secured by long term covenants fora 45-year period. Since the
affordability accommodation was an Agency requirement, the City and Agency entered into
an Agreement to reimburse the City for the land write-down necessary to support creation of
the affordable unit.
If the City chooses to exercise its Option to purchase the unit as discussed in the City
Attorney's memo, a current calculation indicates the City's exercise of the Option would result
in an Option price of $364,639. However, if the City chooses to exercise the Option to
purchase the unit, the property owner would only receive proceeds from the sale after the
following expenses are deducted from the baseline Option price calculation: the City's
Promissory Note of $210,019; the remaining balance from the first mortgage; the payments in
arrears; and all City Attorney costs associated with this Notice of Default. The property
owner's original loan on May 31, 2005 was for $284,910 and the owner was $16,673.67 in
arrears as of September 2, 2011. After deducting the City's Promissory Note, first mortgage
balance, payments in arrears, and all City Attorney costs from the Option Price, at this time it
is not anticipated that the owner would receive any proceeds from the sale.
There are currently five, three bedroom moderate income units listed for sale in Tustin Field I.
Over the last three months in 2011, there have been several sales for three bedroom homes
in this development that have finalized. Two of these sales were for affordable units while the
others were market rate units. One affordable unit located at 104 Liberty Street sold for
$310,000 on July 29 while the other unit located at 14 Flyers Lane sold for $329,900 on
August 1. Both of these units were comparable in size to the unit located at 103 Liberty
Street. A market rate unit located at 10 Flyers Lane which is approximately 200 square feet
larger than the unit located at 103 Liberty Street sold for $395,000 on September 29. Three
additional market rate units comparable in size to the unit at 103 Liberty Street sold recently.
These units are located at 324 Flyers Lane, 208 Windy Lane, and 172 Zephyr Run. The
property located at 324 Flyers Lane sold for $375,168 on October 7. The property located at
Agenda Report -Notice of Default of Affordable Unit at 103 Liberty Street
October 18, 2011
Page 3
208 Windy Lane sold for $399,000 on October 3. The property located at 172 Zephyr Run
sold for $394,000 on September 30. Additionally, there are several market rate units currently
listed for sale. Two of these units are located at 85 Liberty Street and 125 Liberty Street and
are 559 square feet larger than the unit located at 103 Liberty Street. The unit located at 85
Liberty Street is currently listed for $439,000 while the unit located at 125 Liberty Street is
listed for $399,000.
In the event the City repurchases the unit, the Agency would actively market the property.
Although the Agency does not maintain a waiting list for those interested in purchasing resale
affordable units, a list of affordable units for resale is available on the City's website and the
Agency would work with Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County and other
affordable housing agencies to quickly identify potential moderate income homebuyers.
On February 1, 2011, the City Council approved the establishment of the City's Affordable
Housing Default Revolving Fund by transferring the Agency's Low and Moderate Income
funds into the newly created account (100-00-00-2700). The Fund was established prior to
the passage of AB1X 26 and AB1X 27 and the State Supreme Court's decision to allow
certain provisions of A61X 26 to remain in effect while the Court considers the
constitutionality of A61X 26 and AB1X 27. Those provisions remaining in effect do not allow
the Agency to enter into agreements or acquire real property. However, as a result of the
funds being transferred prior the legislative and court actions, and the City, not the Agency,
potentially acquiring the property, the recommended actions are allowable under current
State Supreme Court orders.
Adequate fund balances currently exist in the City's Affordable Housing Default Revolving
Fund as may be needed to ensure that the unit at 103 Liberty Street is not lost to the City's
affordable housing supply (current balance is approximately $885,200). Given the expected
cost of acquiring new housing, even in today's burdened economic environment, the costs
associated with any exercise of the City's option rights as identified in the City Attorney's
memorandum will be far less than the cost of acquiring and replacing a unit lost to the
affordable housing supply.
Christine A. Shingleton
Assistant City Manager
Attachments: City Attorney's Office Memorandum
Notice of Right of Redemption to Guild Mortgage Company
Cosrn MESA, CA 92626-7670
DIRECT DIAIr (714) 415-1023
DIR1rCT FAX. (714) 415-1123
TO: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager
City of Tustin
FROM: Pram T. Trap, Deputy City Attorney
DATE: October 11, 2011
RE: Notice of Default -Affordable Housing
The City of Tustin ("Tustin") received a Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under
Deed of Trust ("Notice of Default"), recorded on September 6, 2011, related to property located
at 103 Liberty Street in the City of Tustin (the "Property"). The Agency holds a subordinate
Deed of Trust on the Property (the "Second Lien") securing a Promissory Note in the amount of
$210,019.00 in conjunction with an Affordable Housing Covenant (Moderate Income) and
related agreements entered into between the City and the Owners on May 21, 2005.
Pursuant to the City's request, the following written opinion sets forth the City's available
alternatives to preserve the Affordable Housing Covenant and protect the City's financial interest
in the Property.
Description of Defaulted Loan and Related Banking Entities
The Notice of Default was filed by Recontrust Company, N.A. ("Recontrust"), the agent
for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., the nominee of Bank of America (as
successor in interest to Countrywide Home Loans Services). The Owners originally borrowed
$284,981.00 from Countrywide Mortgage Ventures, LLC. This loan is presently serviced by
Bank of America and is secured by a deed of trust (the "First Lien"). According to the Notice of
Default, the Owners were $16,673.67 in arrears as of September 2, 2011, and have failed to pay
the installment of principal, interest and impounds which became due February 1, 2011, and all
subsequent installments of principal, interest and impounds.
Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager
City of Tustin
October 11, 2011
Page 2
Citv's Legal and Contractual Rights
The Property is subject to the Second Lien, a recorded Affordable Housing Covenant
("Covenant"), a recorded Affordable Housing Option Agreement ("Option"), and an unrecorded
Reimbursement Agreement ("Reimbursement") (collectively, "Agreements").
Pursuant to the foregoing Agreements, the City has two alternatives available to preserve
the Covenant and protect its financial interest in the Property:
1. Reinstatement. State law and the Agreements grant to the City the right,
but not the obligation, to reinstate the Owners' delinquent debt and cure the default by making
payment of the outstanding delinquencies and costs to the holder of the First Lien, thereby
preventing a foreclosure sale and transfer of the Property. Pursuant to the Reimbursement
Agreement dated May 21, 2005, the Owners are obligated to reimburse the City for the payment
made to the Lender within thirty (30) days of written demand for payment from the City to the
Owners. (Reimbursement Agreement ("RA"), ¶2.) The Reimbursement is secured by the Second
Lien. (RA, ¶3) Consequently, in the event that the Owners fail to make the reimbursement
payment, the City would have the right to foreclose on the Second Lien and subsequently take
title to the Property.
The City may exercise this "right of reinstatement" at any time until five business days
prior to the date of the foreclosure sale. (Civil Code §2924c) No date of sale may be set until
after the expiration of the statutory default period, which is three months from the recordation
date of the Notice of Default, or on or about December 5, 2011. (Civil Code X2924 (a).) The
cure amount listed on the Notice of Default is $16,673.67, which amount will increase slightly
based on accrued interest to the actual payment date.
2. Option to Purchase. The Agreements also grant the City an option to purchase
the Property upon the occurrence of a default. (Affordable housing Covenant ("Covenant") ¶7,
Affordable Housing Option Agreement ("Option") ¶1.) Receipt of the Notice of Default from
the First Lien constitutes a default. The City must send written notice to the Owners of its
election to exercise the Option. (Option, ¶3.) The Owners would have the right to cure and
revoke the City's exercise of the Option by paying Bank of America the full amount due.
The Option Price the City would need to pay for the Property is the "Affordable Housing
Cost of the Unit for Moderate Income Households" as defined in the Covenant and the California
Health and Safety Code. Within five (5) days after the City has exercised the Option, an escrow
must be opened. The City must deposit into escrow the Second Lien and related Affordable
Housing Promissory Note, the cancellation of which shall serve as payment of a portion of the
purchase price. In order to avoid foreclosure under the First Lien, the City would need to pay off
all amounts due under the First Lien, including all accumulated interest and penalties. It is
unknown at this point whether this amount would exceed the Affordable Housing Cost of the
Unit for Moderate Income Households.
Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager
City of Tustin
October 11, 201 1
Page 3
The City may pursue the Option at any time prior to the foreclosure sale of the Property.
The statutory timeframe leading up to the actual foreclosure sale would include the three-month
period set forth hereinabove together with a twenty (20) day period following Notice of Trustee's
Sale. The earliest a foreclosure sale could take place is on or about December 25, 2011.
In the event the Owners refuse to cooperate with the execution of a Grant Deed to
transfer title, the City has the right to bring an action for specific performance wherein the court
can issue an order directing the Owners to execute the Grant Deed. Since this would delay the
close of escrow, it is not recommended that the City wait to exercise the Option immediately
prior to the Trustee's Sale.
Please advise our office as to which of the above alternatives, if any, the City wishes to
pursue at this time.
Recommended Plan of Action
Although not legally required, it is recommended that a Notice of Right of
Redemption/Reinstatement be sent to Bank of America, Reconstruct Company, and the
Owners immediately in order to ensure preservation of the City's rights.
Our office will attempt to contact the Owners to determine the circumstances leading to
their default, whether they intend to cure to avoid foreclosure, whether they are in the
process of requesting a loan modification and the status of any such request, and the
current amount owed on the First Lien. Our office will also request the Owners'
authorization to obtain information from Bank of America and Reconstruct Company
regarding their loan and the foreclosure action.
Our office will provide additional information as it becomes available and assist City
Staff in its analysis and determination of whether it is necessary to exercise either the
City's right to redemption/reimbursement or the Option.
Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further.
cc: David E. Kendig, Esq.
790381. I
,~ A P r o f e s~ f o n• ~ C o r p a r• i i v n
DIRECT DUI,. (114) 415-1023
DIRECT FAX: (7l4) 415-1123
October i 1, 201 I
Foreclosure Department
400 National Way
Simi Valley, CA 93065
1800 Tapo Canyon Road
Simi Valley, CA 93063
103 Liberty Street
Tustin, CA 92782
Re: Notice of Right of Redemption /Reinstatement
103 Liberty Street, Tustin, CA 92782 ("Property")
APN #: 93526165
TS No. 11-0092815
Title Order No.: 11-0074015
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
This firm represents the City of Tustin ("City"} and the Tustin Community
Redevelopment Agency ("Agency"). The Agency has received a copy of the Notice of Default
and Election to Seli Under Deed of Trust filed in the Office of the County Recorder, County of
Orange on or about September 6, 2011. This shall serve as NOTICE OF RIGHT OF
REDEMPTION/REINSTATEMENT by and from the Agency pursuant to an Affordable
Housing Covenant and Affordable Housing Deed of Trust with Assignment of Rents recorded
against the Property as Document Iv'os. 2005000415643 and 2005000415645, respectively, in the
Office of the County Recorder, County of Orange, on May 31, 2005, copies of which are
enclosed herewith and incorporated herein by this reference. Please be advised that prior to
proceeding with any foreclosure sale, you are required to provide notice and an opportunity to
cure to the Agency. Said notice shall be sent to:
S55 ANTON BOULEVARD, SUITE 1200 ^ COSTA MESA, CA92626-7670 ~ (714) 558-7000 ~ FAX (714) 835-7787
790380 I
Notice of Right of Redemption/Reinstatement
October 11, 2011
Page 2
Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
Attention: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
With a copy to:
Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart
Attention: Ms. Tram T. Tran, Esq.
555 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1200
Costa Mesa, California 92626
Please contact the undersigned at (714) 415-1023 if you have any questions.
A Professional Corporatign
F~._.-~- ~ r-
cc: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager, City of Tustin
David E. Kendig, City Attorney, City of Tustin