AGENDA REPORT Ree e eld. m
City Manager ' ` "V
Finance Director
Approval of Amendment of No. 3 to the Consultant Services Agreement will authorize additional
geotechnical design services for completion of the Master Plan of the Tustin Legacy Community
Park as result of additional requirements from the Department of the Navy and Department of
Toxic Substances Control placed on the project subsequent to approval of Amendment No. 2.
(CIP NO. 20043)
It is recommended that the City Council approve Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Services
Agreement (CSA) with Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc. ("MIG") for the provision of additional
geotechnical design services for the Master Pan of the Tustin Legacy Community Park, subject to
any non-substantive modifications as may be determined necessary by the City Attorney and
authorize the City Manager and/or Assistant City Manager to execute the document on behalf of
the City.
The additional geotechnical design services will be compensated based upon a signed task order
for each task per the cost estimates identified in the Scope of Services, with a not to exceed
contract amount of $9,500.00. There are sufficient funds budgeted and appropriated in the Fiscal
Year 2010-2011 Capital Improvement Program No. 20034 for the completion of the Master Plan for
the Tustin Legacy Community Park as identified in the Consultant's Scope of Services and
services would be charged to CIP project account 20043.
Amendment No. 2 to the Consultant Services Agreement with MIG was executed on September
23, 2010 to provide Geotechnical Design Services necessary to complete the Master Plan for the
Tustin Legacy Community Park. The approved services for this previous amendment included:
project set-up and coordination, field exploration, percolation testing, laboratory testing, data
analysis and report preparation necessary to provide recommendations for ultimate park design as
Amendment No. 3 to Consultant Services Agreement
Geotechnical Design Services Tustin Legacy
October 18, 2011
Page 2
it pertained to grading and construction. The site of the future Tustin Legacy Community Park is
currently leased from the Department of the Navy (Navy) pursuant to a Lease in Furtherance of
Conveyance (LIFOC) between the United States of America and City of Tustin, dated June 16,
2004, until such time as the property is conveyed to the City of Tustin. Pursuant to conditions of
the LIFOC, the City submitted the required Project Environmental Review Form (PERF) requesting
approval from the Navy and applicable regulatory agencies to conduct the necessary subsurface
activities. While the Navy after months of review approved the PERF for the activities, they did
include specific conditions of approval that require certain additional tasks to be completed by the
In review of the Navy's PERF conditions of approval, staff have determined that certain additional
tasks requested by the Navy could be completed by staff (e.g. preparation of a Health and Safety
Plan, preparation and submittal of required permits from Orange County Health Care Agency, etc);
however, additional field exploration, laboratory testing, and disposal requirements would need to
be addressed by the geotechnical consultant. The City requested and received a supplemental
proposal to the original proposal from MIG's geotechnical sub-consultant. As detailed in the
attached Amendment No. 3, additional work items have been added to Task II related to field
exploration in an amount not to exceed $4,840 and to Task IV related to laboratory testing in an
amount not to exceed $1,210. An optional task related to potential disposal of investigation
derived waste has also been added with an estimated disposal cost of $3,450, in the event that
any waste disposal is necessitated as result of geotechnical drilling. i
Christine A. Shingleton avid ilson
Assistant City Manage D or of Parks and Recreation
Attachment: Amendment No. 3 to Consultant Services Agreement
("Amendment No. 3") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a
municipal corporation ("CITY") and Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc., a California
Corporation ("Consultant").
On February, 17, 2004 the City of Tustin ("City") and Purkiss Rose RSI
Landscape Architecture, Recreation and Park Planning ("Purkiss Rose") entered
into a Consultant Services Agreement ("Original Agreement") to furnish
necessary design services for the MCAS Tustin Legacy Park Phase 1 Master
2. In 2006, Purkiss Rose RSI was acquired by Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc.,
("Consultant"). Prior to this acquisition, Purkiss Rose had completed
approximately 60 percent of the work on the MCAS Tustin legacy Park Phase 1
Master Plan.
3. On February 25, 2010, the City subsequently approved Amendment No. 1 to the
Agreement authorizing through an Assignment and Assumption of Purkiss Rose
obligations under the Consultant Services Agreement to Moore lacofano
Goltsman, Inc. to complete the Tustin Legacy Master Plan, subject to a number
of amendments to the Original Agreement. This included the provisions of all
services necessary to complete the remaining 40 percent of the work on the
Tustin Legacy Park Master Plan. On September 23, 2010, the City subsequently
approved Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement to authorize the provision of
Geotechnical Design Services. The Original Agreement and Amendments No. 1
and 2 are collectively referred to as the "Original Agreement".
4. Pursuant to Sections 1.6 and 2.3 of the Consultant Services Agreement, any
change in the work requested by the City requires execution of an amendment to
the Agreement. As a result of additional requirements from the Department of
the Navy and Department of Toxic Substances Control placed on the project
pursuant to "Project Environmental Review Form T-015" subsequent to approval
of Amendment No. 2, the Consultant has agreed to provide the additional
services to further support the Geotechnical Investigation and Report of the
Tustin Legacy Community Park Site as described in Exhibit "A" and "B" attached
5. The City and Consultant desire to amend the Original Agreement to authorize an
additional Scope of Services.
NOW, THEREFORE, based on the promises and mutual covenants herein, the
parties agree as follows:
1. Section 1: ("Scope of Services") of the Agreement is hereby amended to add:
"Provide Additional Geotechnica/ Design Services required by the Department of
the Navy and Department of Toxic Substances Control per "Project
Environmental Review Form (PERF) T015" resulting in the addition of the
following services: Task ll -Additional Field Exploration; Task /V -Additional
Laboratory Testing; and Potential Disposal of Investigation Derived Waste as
more speci~ca/ly described in Exhibits "A" and "8" to Amendment No. 3, attached
hereto and incorporated by reference.
2. Section 4: ("Compensation of Consultant") of the Agreement is hereby amended
to add:
"For the services rendered pursuant to Amendment No. 3, the Consultant shall
be compensated and/or reimbursed based on time and materials an amount not
to exceed $9, 440.'
• $4, 840 for Additional work for Task ll described in Exhibits "A" and "8" of
Amendment No. 3; and,
• $1, 210 for Additional work for Task / V described in Exhibits "A" and "8" of
Amendment No. 3; and,
• $3, 450 for the Optional Task of Potential Disposal of Investigation Derived
Waste as a result of completing all Tasks in Exhibits "A" and "8" of
Amendment No. 2 and Amendment No. 3.
The maximum hourly rates and miscellaneous billable costs for the additional
Scope of Work identified in herein shall be limited and shall not exceed billing
rates for time and materials identified in Exhibit C of Amendment No. 3, the
Schedule of Fees, plus a 10% reimbursable indirect mark-up for administration of
the Geotechnical Design Services, attached hereto and incorporated by
reference; provided in any event that all billings shall not exceed the amounts for
each task identified herein. "
3. Section 3: ("Schedule of Performance") of the Agreement is hereby amended to
"All work associated with fhe Additional Geotechnical Design Services shall
continue to be completed in accordance with the Schedule of Performance
attached as Exhibit D of Amendment No. 2, also attached hereto as Exhibit D of
Amendment 3 and incorporated by reference."
4. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Original
Agreement and all the attachments and exhibits thereto shall remain in full force
and effect and are not modified by this Amendment No. 3.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment No. 3 to be
effective as of the dates stated below:
David Kendig, City Attorney
Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc.,
a California Corporation
Steve Lang, A. S. L.A
Landscape Architect #1771
Other Authorized Corporate
City of Tustin
William A. Huston
Interim City Manager
Exhibit A
Additional Scope of Work for Geotechnica/ Services
Task II: Field Exploration
Borings in the southern portion of the site (B-9, B-12, B-13, B-14, and B-15) may encounter
VOC-impacted soils. Field personnel for those will have appropriate hazardous materials
training as required by OSHA and will utilize appropriate personal protective equipment,
anticipated to consist of impermeable disposable gloves. Air monitoring will be conducted in the
breathing zone during drilling operations with a flame ionization detector (FID). If chlorinated
compounds are detected in excess of the 50 ppm OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for
1,2,3TCP, work will be suspended for 5 minutes and a retest will be done. If chlorinated
compound concentrations in the breathing zone remain above 50 ppm, drilling will be stopped
and the boring backfilled. A separate proposal and work plan will be prepared and submitted for
work in soils producing high VOC concentrations in the breathing zone.
All drill auger and sampling equipment will be decontaminated by pressure washing following
each boring in the environmental investigation area (B-9, B-12, B-13, B-14, B-15).
Decontamination fluids will be contained. All soil cuttings and groundwater from borings 8-9, 8-
12, 8-13, 8-14, and 8-15, and all decontamination fluids will be contained in labeled drums and
retained onsite temporarily. Samples will be collected from the drums and submitted for
laboratory analysis for VOCs and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH).
Borings not encountering groundwater, and not within the environmental remediation area, will
be backfilled with native soils in five-foot lifts and compacted using a tamping foot. Borings
encountering groundwater or within the environmental remediation area (68, B-9, B-11, B-12, B-
13, B-14, B-15) will be backfilled with concrete/bentonite grout to within approximately 2 feet of
ground surface. The upper 2 feet will be backfilled with soil from the immediate surrounding
Task IV: Laboratory Testin
In addition to the geotechnical laboratory testing outlined in our previous proposal, a limited
amount of environmental laboratory analysis will be conducted. Up to 5 soil and 1 water sample
will be collected from the drummed investigation derived waste and submitted for the following
• Total petroleum hydrocarbons -full scan (EPA Method 8015)
• Volatile organic compounds plus oxygenates (EPA Method 82608)
Optional Task: Potential Disposal of Investigation Derived Waste
Based on the laboratory analytical results, if deemed necessary, a separate proposal will be
prepared for proper disposal of the investigation-derived waste.
Exhibit B
Consultant's Proposal
M O O R f I A C O F A N O G O L T S M A N I N C.
NAME: Tustin Lesacy Park II DATE: October 12, 2011
LOCATION: Tustin Legacy Community Park JOB # 5252.00
CLIENT: City of Tustin
ADDRESS: 300 Centennial Wav REQUEST # 3 -Revised
Tustin, CA 92780
MIG hereby requests authorization to proceed with additional services as based on the following
Scope of Services:
Geotechinical Investigation Report for Tustin Legacy Community Park with items requested
by Naw PERF. Services to be provided as outlined in the attached proposal and MIG
coordination of services.
Change in Fee:
Original Fee: $ 32,060.00
Previous Additional Services Requests: $ 26,860.00
Current Adjusted Fee: $ 58.920.00
Current Additional Services Request: $ 9,500.00
New Adjusted Fee: $ 68,420.00
Schedule: pro erg ssive payments
MIG,Inc. City of Tustin
~~ ` '
Steve Lang, Principal
Date: 10/12/11
OMain Office:
800 Hearst Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94710
~MIG Fullerton:
109 W. Union Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832
OMIG Davis:
613 G Street, Davis, CA 95616
OMIG Pasadena:
169 N. Marengo Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101-1703
OMIG Portland:
815 SW 2nd Avenue, #200, Portland, OR 97204-3022
OMIG Eugene:
199 E. 5th Avenue, Suite 33, Eugene, OR 97401
~~ Converse Consultants
,`~ Geotechnlcal Engineering, Environmental & Groundwater Science, Inspection & Testing Services
July 28, 2011
(revised October 11, 2011 }
Mr. Robert Echavarria
Project Manager
109 W. Union
Fullerton, CA 92832
25-Acxe Community Park
Northwest of Valencia Avenue and Severyns Road
City of Tustin, Orange County, Catifomia
Converse Project No. 10-32-130-00
Dear Mr. Echavarria:
Converse Consultants (Converse) previously submitted a proposal dated September
20, 2010 to prepare a geotechnical investigation report for the above referenced
Community Park project. At your request, we are submitting this revised supplemental
proposal for various additional services to be provided during the proposed
The southern portion of the project area is located within an area currently undergoing
groundwater remediation for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including 1,2,3-
trichloropropane (TCP}. Six groundwater wells and associated piping and equipment
are located within the area of the geotechnical investigation. Groundwater and soil in
this area are potentially impacted by VOCs. The scope of this proposal is based on
comments by the City of Tustin and the Department of the Navy Base Realignment and
Closure Program Management Office, transmitted to us by you via email on various
dates, which primarily relate to the environmental conditions and equipment at the site.
Based on our understanding of the project, the following supplemental scope of work is
proposed in addition to the scope of work included in our previous proposal: '
Task I: Project Set-up and Coordination
The following tasks will be performed by others during the set-up phase of the project:
• Prepare and submit asite-specific health and safety plan for the geotechnical
,A ,.,..,_ 10391 Corporate Drive, Redlands, Ca~lomia 92374
fill r-.,.~ Telephone: (909) 796-0544 • Facsimile: (909) 796.7675 • e-mail: redlands~converseconsuttanls com
Supplemental Proposal For Additional Services During Geotechnical Investigation
25-Acre Community Paris
City of TusBn, California
July 28, 2011
(revised C+ctober 11, 2011)
. Page 2
Apply for well permits from the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) for
borings anticipated to encounter groundwater {B-8, B-9, B-11, B-12, B-13, and B-14)
Attend a site walk with Navy personnel
Place concrete k-rail around the six existing weEls per Navy requirements
Task II: Field Exaloration
Our previously proposed investigation includes 15 soil borings. Borings in the southern
portion of the site (B-9, B-12, B-13, B-14, 8-15} may encounter VOC-impacted soils. Field
personnel for those will have appropriate hazardous materials training as required by
OSHA and will utilize appropriate personal protective equipment, anticipated to consist of
impermeable disposable gloves. Air monitoring will be conducted in the breathing zone
during drilling operations with a flame ionization detector (FID). If chlorinated compounds
are detected in excess of the 50 ppm OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for 1,2,3-
TCP, work will be suspended for 5 minutes and a retest will be done. ff chlorinated
compound concentrations in the breathing zone remain above 50 ppm, drilling will be
stopped and the boring backfilled. ~A separate proposal and work plan will be prepared
and submitted for work 1n soils producing high VOC concentrations in the breathing zone.
All drill auger and sampling equipment will be decontaminated by pressure washing
following each boring in the environmental investigation area (B-9, B-12, B-13, B-14,.B-
15}. Decontamination fluids will be contained.
All soil cuttings and groundwater from borings B-9, B-12, B-13, 8-14, and B-15, and all
decontamination fluids will be contained in labeled drums and retained onsite temporarily.
Samples will be collected from the drums and submitted for laboratory analysis for VOCs
and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). Based on the laboratory analytical results, a
separate proposal will be prepared for proper disposal of the investigation-derived waste.
Borings not encountering groundwater, and not within the environmental remediation
area, will be backfilled with native soils in five-foot lifts and compacted using a tamping
foot. Borings encountering groundwater or within the environmental remediation area (B-
8, B-9, B-11, B-12, B-13, B-14, B-15} will be backfilled with concrete/bentonite grout to
within approximately 2 feet of ground surface. The upper 2 feet will be backfilled with soil
from the immediate surrounding area.
Task 111: Percolation Testino
No additional services are proposed for this task.
Task IV: Laboratory Testins>t
In addition to the geotechnical laboratory testing outlined in our previous proposal, a
limited amount of environmental laboratory analysis will be conducted. Up to 5 soil and
Converse Consultants
N:110-32-130-01 MIG Tustin 25-ac Community Park110130~ro5.doc
Supplemental Proposal For Additional Services During Geotechnical investigation
25-Acre Community Parts
City of Tustin, California
July 28, 2011
(revised October 11, 2011)
Page 3
1 water sample will be collected from the drummed investigation derived waste and
submitted for the following analyses:
• Total petroleum hydrocarbons -full scan (EPA Method 8015)
• Volatile organic compounds plus oxygenates (EPA Method 82606)
Task V: Data Anal sis and Re ort Pre aration
No additional services are proposed for this task.
Exhibit C
Schedule of Fees
Schedule of Fees
It is the objective of Converse Consukants to provide its Giants wits quality professional and technical services and a ooMinuing source of
prolessanal advice and opinions. Services will be performed in a manner consistent wkh that level of cars and skip ordinarily exercised by
members of the profession currently pradidng in the same locality under similar conditlons. This fee sd'tedule is valid J
through anuary 31,2011.
Hourly Charges for Personnel
Staff assignments wilt depend on personnel availability, job complexity, project site location and experience level required to satisfy the technical
requirements of !fie project and to meet the prevailing standard of professional care.
Field Technical Services
Constn~ction Inspector - ACUICBO and/or OSA certified (concrete, post-tension, masonry, stnxkural steel, fireproofing,
inductee concrete t>atdl plats and local steel fabrication inspectlons) ~
Non-Oestnictlve Testing Inspector (ultrasonic. magnetic particle, dye Penetrant, Skidmore, pull testing, torque testlng,
Schmidt hammer, and pad~orreter) 75
SoNs Technician (soA, base, asphalt concrete, and moisture emission testing) 70
Senior Soils Tedmkian ~
Supervisory Sills Technican 85
Sample Pick-up ~
Professional Services (Field and Offlu)
Stag Professional S80
Senior Staff Professional ~
Project Professional 10S
Project Manager 115
Senior Professional 135
Principal Professional 1 ~
PrincipalslConsuftants 1 ~
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory Technician ~
(Unit prices for routlne tests quoted upon request: see Geotechnical Laboratory Testing and Materials Testlng Services
Schedules of Fees)
Office Support
ClerlrallWord Processing S80
CAD Operator/Draftlng Manager 80
An overtime dtarge of 50 percent of the above hourly rates (excluding Professional Services) wiN be added for tlms in excess of eight hours per
day and for aN time an Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. An overtime charge of 100 percent of the above hourly rates (exdudirg Professional
Services) wiN be Gouged on Sunday if hours worked was seven contlnuous eight hours per day in one work week, not counting vacation or skk
leave within the week. Travel tlma to and from the job eke wiN be charyed at the hou-1y rates for Crs appropriate personnel.
1. t=xplorarion expenses (drilling, trenching, etc.) are charged at cost pkis fiRsen percent
2. Travel and subsistence expenses (transportation, room and tx~ard, etc.) for Individuals on projects requiring travel and/or living away
from a prirrdpal ofitce ere diargsd at cost plus flrteen percent
3. Automobile and tnxk expenses are charged at cost plus fifteen percent (rentals) or at a rate of fifty-five cents per mile for corr,pany-
owned vehidea traveling between prindpal office and project.
4. OtlierDut-of-pocket direct project expenses (aerial photos, kmg~lstance telephone calls. t,~ermita. outside Printlng services. tests. etC. )
are charged at cost plus fifteen percent.
1. Invoices wiN be submitted to the Client on a mouthy basis, and a final biN witl be submitted upon completlon of services.
2. Payment is due upon presentation of invoice and ap~at-due thirty days from invofoe date. In the even) Clent fails to make any payment
to Converse when due, Converse may immediately cease work hereunder untU said payment, together with a service d,arge at the rate
of eighteen percent per annum (tart not exceeding the maximum allowed by law) from the due date, has been received. Further,
Converse may at its sole option and discrstbn refuse to perform any further work irrespecWe of payment hom Clent in the event CNent
fails to pay Converse for services when said payments are due.
3. Client shall pay attorneys' fees or other costs tutored in collecting any delinquent amount.
General Conditions
The terms and provisions of the Converse General Condiitieons are incorporated into this tee schedub as though set forth in lull. If a copy of the
General Conditions does not accomperry this lee schedule, Client should request a Dopy from this office.
Convrarse Conwltsnts P2010
Schedule of Fees
Geotechnlcal Laboratory Testing
Compensation for laboratory testing services will be made in accordance with this fee sdtedule. Costs of tests not on this schedule will be by
quote and/or in accordance with our current hourly fee schedule. The rates are based on non-contaminated soil. A surcharge will be
charged for handling contaminated material, which will be determined based on the project.
Visual Classification, ASTM 02488 .....................................8.00
Engineering Classification, ASTM D2487 ................. .........15.00
Moisture Content
• Moisture Content & Dry (Bulk) Density,
ASTM 02218 & 02937 .................................... .........15.00
• Moisture Content, ASTM D2216 ........................ .........10.00
Shrinkage Limit, ASTM D427 ................................... .........85.00
Atterberg Limits, ASTM D4318
• Several pants .................................................... .........80.00
• One pant ........................................................... .........40.00
Partide Size Analysis, ASTM D422
• Fine Sieve (From +ak200 to #4) .......................... .........80.00
• Coarse Sieve (From +#200 to 3 in) ................... .........80.00
• Hydrometer ........................................................ .........85.00
Percent Passing N200 Sieve, ASTM D1140 ............. .........45.00
Specific Gravity
• Fine (passing #4 sieve). ASTM 0854 ................. ........ 70.00
• Coarse (retained on #4 sieve), ASTM C127 ....... ........70.00
Sand Equivalent Test ................................................ ........ 75.00
Double Hydrometer Dispersion, ASTM D4221 .......... ......150.00
8 Load Inrx+ements ........................................................
Additional load increment .................................................. .
Time-Ratio, Per load increment ......................................... 60.00
Single Pant (calapse test) ................................................ 60.00
Single Load Swell, ASTM D4548
^ Ring Sample, Field Moisture ...................................... 65.00
• Ring Sample, Air Dried ............................................... 85.00
Remolded Sampb, Per spedmen ..................................... 45.00
Expansion Index Test. UBC 29-2/ASTM D4829 ................ B0.00
Constant Head, ASTM D2434 ......................................... 250.00
Falling Head Flexible Wall. ASTM 05084 ....................... 300.00
Triaxial Permesbillty, EPA 9100 ...................................... 350.00
Remolded Specimen, Per specimen ..................................50.00
Corrosivity (pH, resistivity, sulfates. chkxides) ................ 150.00
Organic Content. ASTM D2974 ......................................... 85.00
Standard Proctor Compaction, ASTM D698 or ASTM D1557-91
^ Method A or B ..........................................................120.00
• Method C (6-inch mold) ............................................130.00
California Impact Method (Caltrans 218) .........................200.00
R-value, ASTM D2844 ....................... ........................240.00
California Bearing Ratio (CBR), ASTM D1883
• 1 pant ......................................................................125.00
• 3 print ...................................................................... 325.00
Relative Density
• 0.1 cubic toot mdd ................................................... 200.00
^ 0.5 cubic foot mold ................................................... 300.00
Torvane/Podcet Penetrometer ...........................................20.00
Direct Shear (per pant)
• Ouick Test ................................................................ ..60.00
• Consaidated • Drained (granular sal)
ASTM D3080 .......................................................... 140.00
• Consdidated -Drained (fine grained sal),
ASTM D3080 .......................................................... 200.00
• Consaidated - Undrained (tine grained) ................... 120.00
• Residual Strength, per Cycle .................................... ..45.00
• Remdded Specimens, per specimen ....................... ..45.00
Unconfined Compression. ASTM 2168 .............................75.00
Unconsolidated - Undrained, ASTM D2850 .....................110.00
Consaidated - Undrained (per point) .............................. 700.00
Consaidated -Drained (per point) .................................. 700.00
With Pore Pressure Measurement, per load ....................150.00
Remoded Spedmens, per specimen ................................45.00
Condltlons: uerit rsta prssenbd on This fee ectrsduia an far rorrOitNy perramed
9soNcMical laboratory Isla. Ntarterous oMer earth nwMrial physical Mab can be
peeromred h ow peobGtrrial laboralorla, hdudlrp rode case, soi osmeM and sos
Ihre rnixlure test. Teab nd Nated can be enrotad Won rogues. This tae adredub
is veYd fhrprph Jarrrary 31, 2011.
Prkp aro based on rite aswmptlon that ampiee aro uncontamirtatadsnd do rat
contain heavy metals, adds. ardrwgerr andlor vabtlle orgWes wtNch can be
measurod by an oegartk vapor anayaar ar phobtorrlZation delacbr ~ a
conantraUon greaMr than 50 partspeanrllion (pprrt). tarotad Oeswp teas are
bawd an tM asunptlon tlta no ProlselM doMtip w11 be eeariad b handle
:tea. n Level o proleetlve abewp wiw be requied dwip h.,,ai,q of s.nwt..
(as dellrNd h the Federal CFR Part 1910.120). Mren a 40% hcraae h tees
prsaerkW h this adndub ww b. appeal. Laval c prolsctlva drttlritg wiM b. a tro%
hexeaae h bee. Converse w11 not hands sarttpln Ihat repWro littler Level B a
Level A prolacUon h ov peoMefrMeal IaDorabrba, CarMarnlnabd samples wit De
roturned b the cMrd. lhrcarttamina0ad sarttplee wit De dbposad of 30 days atOsr
proantaYon d na reeulb. The eNeeu mua dbdoee Mrs soya d samples.
Sampiee h>porNd ham out at state wit be 4teirrabd a11e- Oastip, h aocadarra
wdh requierrterMS d the thtlbd SbMe Oepartrrrnt of AgrlarMure. SaM samples
obtahed withh Ure SOats d CaIlbrWa axrently daeipnaMd gwranYne areas wi aho
t» hdn«.lw h aaordana wflh the eaquiarnent of Cn State of Ca4lornia,
Dspartrrtant or Food and Agrlerrlbw. DMeion erl Pont Ineustry. Pea Exclusion. A
55.00 itcharalbn tae wiM be added b each serrlpla Mnt b rogried b be hdneralW
in accordance with Sbta and Federal law.
Tsareaub reptrYip plot wM be presented h a pubhhable format penerabd linen
~br propeaetts• OUmevMse, raw lea n1arlDefa wiM be Proeented. A nWrirarrn
laborabry tee d 550.00 wir be dwgw b present and maY Oat raurNs. Beyond a»
standard u. S. MaY deiMrp, spadaYud trartsrrtilhl will De charged at addltlonal cos
(e.g., Federal Fxpegs. UPS, ate.). GeoladrNcN festip does not IrxMrde
enghseelrq andlor g.obgk review and anMysls. Typical Wm-around /or
9eO ~abrY Oatlrp b two wMks (or roughly tan warking days). To
expedNe Oat hrrn~arourtd b Ilva woArhg days. a 50X haeeq h Mia bas h this
schedule wiM be applbd. Many peoNdnkal Owls rpuia at Naa ane week b
psrbrm h acoordarta with tM ASTM or other starWard spedlleetlons. Fees
peesenlW h tl>rs sdtedWe for rebtlvey undi.b.e.d dies shear. eonsoNdatbn or
axPanskn t~arre tests aro based on the asstatrptlon drat 22dndFdiamebr
(z.41 tiind+ Inside dianralar) base rhg samples wIN ba provided b Cn geobdutkal
~a~Y br ~9• Ranalded spednrerts wilt be oompactad h standard 2.Shch
~~~ ~ Dress ripe IordYad shear. oonsoMdatlon and e~ansion Pressure
Pe~Md h Ihb sN»drrb era basal ext tl» asstarrpfion that d+a
disnt wrl delver samples b ow labaralory at ra additional cost b Converse.
Invokes wW be Issued montNy and aro payabN on -eaipt unias ati»rveies agreed
Won. Inbrsa d 1.3% par month (but not exasdhg tlw nraxinwn slowed by law)
wit be payable on eery arnourtt not DMd witlrh dally days; Wymsnt titeraafbr b be
applied lra b awtred hMroa and then b the Pdr+dDM unpaid anwrrrN. TM CIteM
stunt DaY ~Y altarneys' bee ar otlwr cosh haured h coMectlnp any delixlueM
Conwraa Consutiants GLT2010
Exhibit D
Schedule of Pen`ormance
Consultant shall initiate the work outlined in the Proposal (Exhibit B) under this Agreement
within six (6) days of receipt of a Notice to Proceed, and shall complete all work outlined in
the Proposal within thirty (30) days of receiving Notice to Proceed on Task II from the City.