HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03-20-72 CITY COUNCIL .. .. .~ l i , „ ~I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN.._CI27C COUNCIL-,:~.` `- ~~~,: ~ :: •- CALL TO~• ORDER .The mee~.inq was called to order. at. 7:•35 p:m. by Mayor Coco. II. PLEDGE ~F ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION IV. ROLL CALL V.• PUBLIC HEARINGS Led by Mayor Coco. ., Given by Councilman Oster. .. Present: Councilmen: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters*, L. Miller, Oster Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: ,City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke. Asst. City Admin.-Comm. Dev. Ren Fleaqle • "'~~ City Clerk Ruth Poe * Councilman Marsters arrived later in the meetsing (7:52 p.m.): 1. ZC 72-229 PLANNING COMMISSION~INITIATED J =~- Planning Commission initiated rezoning of an approximate 34-acre parcel of land from the R-4 (Suburban Residential) District to the P & I (Public and Institutional) District. Site is bounded by Sycamore on the north," Red Hill on the east, mainline ATSF Railway on the south, and incorporated limits to the west. r-- i . Mr. Flea le outlined the background of this zone ange rom staff reports and described the location. Ma or Coco opened the public portion o~ the hearing' at 7: 1 p.m. There being no comments or objections he closed the public portion of the hearing.. Moved b L. Miller, seconded by Oster that the findings o__the_Plannfng Commission as contained in Resolution No. 1258 be a roved, and the Clty Attorney a irecte to raft the necessary ord- Wa.~: b.FliiiGY WiGYai K\V 4a1a/, 2. PZ 72-133 PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATED Application for prezoning of an approximately 2.54 acre parcel from County E-4 (Small Estates) District to City of Tustin R-1 (Single Family Residential) District for property located approximately 660 feet north of the centerline of Seventeenth Street, with approximately 340 feet frontage on the west side of Prospect Avenue. Hr. Fieagle summarized the background a~sd 1~ooation of this p er zoning action, as reflected in staff reports. L vV w~vii •~i •~V b. \.J 3/20/72 Page 2. Replying to~Councilmen's questions, Mr. FleacZle explained the zoning of surrounding properties, and stated that the plot plan. had not yet been submitted, although the street circulation has been discussed with the applicants, and that units were expected to be marketed at about $40,000. It is anticipated that a consolidated development, including a parcel to the north recently prezoned to R-l, can be achieved, thereby resulting in only" one street cut on Prospect. Ma or Coco•opened the public portion of the hearing at 7 p.m. There being no comments or objections, he closed the public portion of the hearing. Moved by Oster iiiW.VG . r that the as contain , o.... necess Councilman C. Miller stated his opposition to this zone change as we 1 as the change in zone for the parcel to the north (prezoninq approved by Council on 2/22/72) on the basis that the nature of the neighborhood was being changed by downgrading the zoning, and the possibility of annexation did not justify that. Ma or Coco stated that he was also concerned about e aspect of the neighborhood, but pointed out that ` R-1 zoning on both parcels was in conformance with ~ ~ the General Plan and the adopted ultimate boundaries of the City, and that upon annexation, development would be under City controls. The increase in den- sity amounts to only three houses in the entire parcel. He felt that the advantages far outweighed the disadvantages. Above motion carried by 3-1 vote, Councilman C. Miller voting no. Councilman Marsters absent. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 6, 1972,~meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $222,795.56 Moved b C. Miller, seconded b Oster that Consent Ca endar terns 1 and 2 be a roved. Carried unan- usly, Councilman Marsters absent. VII. . ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 538 ~' 1 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City i~.:ti of Tustin, California, PREZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION PZ 72-132 OF GEORGE AND THELMA STOLTE. Property situated on the west side of Prospect Avenue, north of 17th Street and south of Laurie Lane. . ~~~) . . ~~ ~~ COttltCi~ Minut~~s"_...._~'- ._ 3/20/72 Page 3 Moved w. -.No.-5 . ~::V~S .. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION that Ordinance nl~. , Carr ed Title of Ordinance No. 538 read by the secretary. Moved b L. Miller, seconded by Oster that Ordinance No. 538 a adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C.• Mil er, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: ne.~ Absent: Marsters. 1. ORDINANCE NO. 539 An Ordinance,. of_ the City of Tustin, California, .. AMExiDINt~'` THlr ~ TU9T3N CITY CODE RELATIVE TO TBXAT~ON OF VENDING MACHINES AND INTERCITY TRANSPORTATION. Moved by L. Miller, seconded b~ unanimously. . Miller that Lnra by title only. _.__ ._ • - e";:. Title of Ordinance No. 539 read by the secretary. IX. RESQLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 72-17 _ A~Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California; ORDERING THE CANVASS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ~:~ ON THE.IITH DAY OF APRIL, 1972, TO BE MADE _ -&Y THE CITY .CLERK OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. ... ~ ;. Moved b C: ~Mi11er,'seconded b L. Miller that Reso ution No. - e rea tit a on and en ave fur er reading waived and be passed '" and adopted. (Councilman Marsters arrived at 7:52 p.m.) Above motion car'rid.~ Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Niel er, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: _. none. X. OLD - BUSINESS ~ NONE. '•. XI. - • NEW BUSINESS 1. APPROVAL OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTRACT, SPECIFICATIONS AND CALL FOR BID Councilman C. Miller, referring to Section 4726A of the proposed ordinance, stated that the contractor should be required to designate a person approved by the City to act as his representative with authority to act for him when necessary, and that the designated person not be replaced without the approval of the contracting agency. Mr. Rourke suggested that the words "approved 'by • City" be inserted after "persons". Replying to Councilmen's questions concerning Hours of Business (Section 4724), Mr. Blankenshir~ stated ~' .. . J O Council Minutes 3/20/72 Page 4 that contractors have indicated that a 7:00 a.m. starting time is too late, that they have to get in and get out earlier, based on a desire for less . congestion to avoid traffic problems and delays and the presence of trucks on residential streets at times when children are coming home from school. There is no provision in the ordinance for a later starting time on Skturday or Sunday, or one barring i pickup on Sunday. Generally, contractors don't pick up on Saturday or Sunday in residential areas unless there is a holiday or severe weather problems affecting weekday pickup. Se felt that such ex- captions could be covered by the phrase "provided that the City may waive such limitation when nec- essitated by conditions beyond the control of the contractor", which is contained in the opening sentence of Section 4724. Mayor Coco suggested that waiver should be an administrative matter.. Councilman L. Miller stated that the restriction s ould a so apply to commercial collection on Saturday because the main complaint in the past has involved residents near Larwin Square being disturbed by noise from commercial pickup at that location. Mr. Blankenshi felt that this situation would be governed by a urther provision in the same paragraph: . ~~Commercial collections may be allowed out- ' side of the afore-described collection ties -• by the City Administrator provided that the area served and the method of collection used will not disturb residential units in the area." Mr. Rourke suggested a change to read: Co actions shall start at 7:00 a.m. and no collections shall be made between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. nor on Saturday or Sunday." Further down, the sentence starting "Commercial collections ." should be changed to read: • "Collections may be allowed outside the afore-described collection times by the City Administrator provided that the area served and the method of collection used will not disturb residential units in the area." Councilman C. Miller stated that an alternative a ou a inc u e in the formal proposal to indicate the increase, if any, in costs provided ~" the 7:00 a.m. starting time is enforced, and .adopt the ordinance later after bids are submitted `,,, indicating the costs. Mr. Blankensh~~ipp~~suggested that the ordinance be ntro uce a if the Council should later want to accept a contract proposal that differs from the ordinance, the ordinance could be changed. A delay might require adoption of the ordinance as an urgency measure. Mr. Gill suggested that prohibition of collection on Saturdays would involve the necessity for added - ,•,. ' ~ Council Minutes _ ~ ~ 3/20/72 Page 5 equipment and,.crews on weekdays, although~it.could ~. R= ' - ~... ':~:::g.:.ba. prol~bted.~abutting.~cesidential areas.: - .. y. .. .. ... .., - ., '`•~ ~ ~ ~` Councilman Oster also favored introducing the - . ~: ordinance with modifications as set forth by ~- ~---- --- the City Attorney, which prohibited any pickup • on Saturdays or Sundays without a waiver from -~ the City Administrator. Moved by Oster,-seconded by Marsters that a. bid documents be approved as amended by in- clusion of alternate bidding request; b. Ordinance No. 540, as amended (Section 4724, deleting pickup on Saturday and Sunday with the City Administrator having authority to~ waive these restrictions when necessary, and Section 4726, by addition of words "approved by City" after "persons"), have first reading by title only; c. Resolution No. 72-18, with change in line 14 . to provide for bid opening at 11:00 a.m., ' - April 14, 1972, have first reading by title only; and d. that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 72-18 be passed and adopted. -~ Motion carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. Titles of Ordinance No. 540 and Resolution No. 72-18 read by the secretary. XII. . 'OTHER BUSINESS 1. RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC • Mr. Gill stated that the County has requested per- mis- s on to hold a rabies clinic at the Market Basket parking lot in Tustin on June 1, with the cooperation of private veterinarians. The City Fire Department ha$ no objections; Police and Planning Departments concur that the clinic should be conducted on the west side of the parking lot "`• - behind the market as there would be a vacant field . adjacent to the paved area and this would ease any traffic congestion. These clinics had formerly been held in Prentice Park in Santa Ana. Moved b Marsters, seconded b L. Miller that e request to of a rabies vaccination clinic on June 1 in the Market Basket parking lot be approved. Carried unanimously. _ 2. LITTLE LEAGUE REQUESTS •~. Mr_Gill stated that the Little League has requested permission to erect plywood fences with advertising in the First and "C" Street park, and referred to the Recreation Director's March 16 report on the matter which recommended utilization of portable fences rather than temporary fences for the duration of the season. The Parks and Recreation Commission has confirmed this recommendation. J J Mr. Bob Chamberlain, 1372 Kenneth Drive, Tustin, o Tustin National Little League, urged Council approval of the request. Council Minutes 3/20/72 Page 6 Mr. Dick DeSart, 2042 Fallen Leaf Place, Tustin, associated with Tustin National Little League, asked about the Parks and Recreation Commission discussions on this matter, stating that their main concern is maintaining Little League regula- tions. .- . Mr. George Ritsi, Vice Chairman of the Parks an Rec eation Commission, stated that at a workshop meeting held on Saturday, March 18, for the purpose of reviewing park name entries, the Commission reviewed the staff report on the Little League matter in view of its urgency. Following dis- cussion, the•Commission unanimously agreed with • the staff report; they would not like to see the fences erected on a permanent basis for the entire - season, as the park's open space value would be diminished by the presence of the fences during times when the diamonds are not in use. . Mr. Chamberlain disputed parts of Jack Harrison's report, stating that 350 boys would be unable to play baseball if the area is-not fenced in; that their season runs only through June 26; that of 18 leagues in District 30, at least nine have advertising fences; that several parks in the Santa and Orange areas-are no larger than the First and "C" Street park and still accommodate these fences. Mayor Coco stated that while he understood the . necessity of the Little League occupying this park temporarily as a result of unplanned delays :~ in their future location, still this park is the ' first major project under the people's bond election, and it will be watched with great interest :M for its beauty. If fences are mandatory, couldn't they be removable or at least see-through for the ten-week period, without advertising? In reply to this, Mr. Chamberlain stated that . he was not opposed to chain link fences and that, speaking for himself only, he might settle for the chain link fence without advertising. Councilman C. Miller suggested use of see-through w re and wood ences ("snow-fences") such as those • used at Columbus Tustin School, to be left up for the ten-week season. He was against advertising in a public park. Mr. Dick Bannon, 1571 Lanai Way, Tustin, of Tustin National Little League, stated that money is critical, and that they are reluctant to invest funds in fencing at the City park because of~a sizable financial commitment to their permanent installation at the Red Hill/Sycamore School, which is not ready for use this season. Each sign brings in about $50.00 for advertising, and these fences would be around the major league field only. ~ _ A discussion followed during which the actual hours of play during the season were clarified. • Moved by Oster, seconded b Marsters that the reQUest of Tustin Nat onal Little League to install temporary fencing with actvertisinq arouna their major league diamond and "snow-fence" fencing around the other two diamonds at the First and "C" Street park for a ten-week period to June 26, with rgya,o.•as of fences to be accomplished by July 1, ce approved. Carried unanimously. ..ouncil Minutes 3/20/72 Pgae 7 Mayor Coco wanted the record to show that this in iio" way se.~s"`~' precedent for Tustin parks, ,and . • • , `' that~`trie ~~fences""will be removed perman~ei~t~ty" in June of this year. - 3. SANITATION DISTRICT RATE INCREASE .. ~ ~, ~. ~ Mr. Gill referred to a letter from the County Saner tation Districts relative to a proposed --~ increase in fees by Sanitation District 7. • Councilman C.,Miller states that as a result of a -`~ • stu y by the District staff of cost of providing • services to areas potentially developing in higher ' densities than master-planned, it was determined that unless charges are increased for multiple developments, single-family dwellings are actually ` subsidizing sewage treatiflent for multiple develop- ments. It is calculated that equitability can be achieved by increasing connection fees for multiple developments to $250.00 per unit. Mr. • Miller stated that he was in favor of the increase. _ ,.•. Replying to Mayor Coco's questions about the high District tax rate which is more than half the City's general tax rate, although the City provides a full range of services, Councilman C. Miller explained • _ some aspects, and suggested t at the City Engineer could•go over the District's budget and costs if more information is desired. He said that he would relay Council's comments to the District Board of ' Directors. 4. EASEMENT TO TUSTIN WATER WORRS FOR FIRE STATION ~, _ ~ SE I ~ Mr. Gill stated that in exchange for an easement to the Tustin Water~Works to provide service to • the new fire station, the Water Works would install a fire hydrant at no charge to serve the fire station 1 and maintenance yard facilities. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by L. Miller that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the easement agreement with the Tustin Water Works. Carried unanimously. 5. SAMCO - INTERGOVERNMENTAL COUNCIL COMMITTEE QUESTIONNAIRE Ma or Coco asked that each Councilman complete t e questionnaire for Councilmen and Supervisors relative to an intergovernmental council for Orange County, and return it by April 20 to Mayor Don Smith or Orange, Chairman of the Intergovern- mental Council Committee of SAMCO. Stamped envelopes have been prepared for the Councilmen's replies. 6. CITIES SELECTION COMMITTEE BYLAWS Mayor Coco stated that the Cities Selection Committee By aws are on file at City Hall for review; these are scheduled to be voted on by the mayors on • April 13. In addition, the proposed statutory amend- ments relative to the Cities Selection Committee are also on file. r s~-a ,~ 7. COUNTY ZONING 0 Council Minutes 3/20/72 Page 8 The Council discussed the problem of certain uses such as service stations and take-out food establish- ments being permitted by right of zone by the County in areas adjacent to city boundaries. The Council favored communication to the Board of Supervisors - statinq the Council's position on this, and request- ing an amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance to require public hearing and use permits for such uses. After further discussion, the staff was directed to prepare a resolution requesting such an amend- ment to the County Zoning Ordinance; upon its adoption and signature by all five Councilmen, the resolution is to be sent to the League of Cities, Orange County Division, for communication to other Orange County cities. Ma or Coco stated that the Urban Adjacent Areas Tasc Force is looking into such disparities between city and County standards. ' $. RESOLUTION RE: ENFORCEMENT OF BROWN ACT Councilman C. Miller requested that a resolution s1 ar to at o the City of Costa Mesa be drafted urging the State Legislature to govern themselves in conformance with anti-secrecy principles in the conduct of all their business, as provided for under the Brown Act. i - 9. COMMENDATION Councilman L. Miller acknowledged a letter of cow- men anon recte to Police Chief Glenn Sissel by Chief Gourley of the Buena Park Police Depart- went on the outstanding job done by Officer Fred ` Donahue in acting as Coordinator of the Explosive Devices Seminar in cooperation with the Alcoholic, Tobacco, and Firearms Division of the Internal Revenue Service and Santa Ana College. 10. CENTER ISLAND Ma or Coco acknowledged receipt of a letter to e C ty row Mrs. Richard E. Spisak, 13561 Diamond Head Drive, Tustin, commending the.con- struction of center islands and tree planting on Red Hill Avenue between First Street and Bryan Avenue. 11. AGENDA PACKETS FOR PUBLIC Mr. Ral h Welsh, Jr., 1321 East First Street, Tustin, a can i ate or City Council, thanked the Council ~`~' ~ ~ for action taken to provide candidates with backup information related to official meetings. He recommended that such materials, and staff meeting minutes, be made available for public review also. Mayor Coco stated his complete agreement with this suggestion. It was decided that agenda materials relative to c3.ty Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as staff meeting minutes, will be kept avail- able at City Hall and at the Police Department for public perusal. Q ~~~ ~ouncil Minutes 3/20/72 Page 9 XIII: ADJOURNMENT 12. RED HILL FIRE STATION Mr. St Brand, 13102 Woodlawn, Tustin, protested the co~itinued use of the siren at the Red~Hill Fire Station, 13112 S. W. Newport Avenue, a County facility. He asked about the possible discontinuance of the use of the facility entirely.. He had talked to County officials about this with no results. He asked whether a citizens' petition might be effective. Mr: Gill stated that discussions with the County on t~iis subject have been going on for over a year; the City's position is that they would like to serve the entire area, including unincorporated County islands adjacent to City boundaries. Ma or Coco requested that Mr. Gill keep Mr. Brand in ormed of developments, including the appropriate time for a petition, if needed. 13. BICYCLE SAFETY Mr. Brand expressed concern about children riding ~icy~ n the wrong side of the street, facing traffic, rather than keeping to the right side, as required under the State Vehicle Code. There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Coco declared the meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. to a Personnel Session. --, J ITY CLERK