The City Council's confirmation is requested of the three development entities
determined most qualified by the City selected Expert Panel for an approximate 20 acre
property in Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 1 C, for commercial development.
It is recommended that the City Council confirm the top three most qualified
development entities for an approximate 20 acre property in Tustin Legacy Disposition
Package 1 C, identified herein as recommended by the Expert Panel for this Disposition
Package, and authorize staff to move forward with Step 2, including the solicitation of
specific proposals from each development entity.
The Tustin Legacy Disposition Strategy identified the preliminary projected expenditures
likely to be expected related to implementation activities associated with the Disposition
Strategy. Agency staff time and consultant support have been involved in setting up
and supporting Step 1 of the Tustin Legacy developer screening process for Disposition
Package 1 C. In addition, the City Council previously authorized honorariums to those
serving on the Expert Panels, which were budgeted and included in the Redevelopment
Agency's Fiscal Year 2011-2012 budget and which have been identified in the Agency's
Enforceable Obligations Payment Schedule.
The Tustin City Council on April 25, 2011, adopted a revised Tustin Legacy Disposition
Strategy. On July 19, 2011, the Council confirmed an Expert Panel process for the Step
1 developer screening process for Early Opportunity Disposition Packages at Tustin
Legacy based on product type, including the numerical scoring and qualifying criteria to
Agenda Report -Expert Panel Recommendations
For Portion of Disposition Package 1 C
November 1, 2011
Page 2
be.used in interviewing each development entity by each Expert Panel. A copy of the
criteria used in the developer interviews is attached (Attachment 1).
As the Council will recall, the developer selection process is a two-step process for each
Disposition Package. The first step involves a personal interview over sighted by a
panel of City selected experts who screen and recommend to the City Council a
proposed list of the three firms that they believe are most qualified to proceed with a
particular. Disposition Package within the Tustin Legacy project. Based on concurrence
by the City Council of the short listed top three firms, the three most qualified firms for
each individual Disposition Package, or parcel solicitation, will submit a more detailed
proposal and pro forma/business offer to the City in response to specific terms and
conditions identified by the City. After the Step 2 submittals, a technical evaluation team
of City and Agency staff and outside consultants with specific expertise in areas of
development and financing, etc., will review the proposals and provide a
recommendation to the City Council of the preferred developer, including a ranking of
each of the firms based on their responses. Based on these recommendations, the City
Council will then be asked to select the developer for each Disposition Package and
instruct staff to prepare any subsequent Development Agreement and sale documents
for City Council approval.
Staff recently issued a developer solicitation for approximate 25 acres which included
potentially two commercial development sites (Disposition Package 1 C) as shown on
Attachment 1. One site is located to the west of the future Tustin Ranch Road
extension and one site to the east within the potential excess right-of-way Edinger ramp
for the Tustin Ranch Road extension. The most westerly parcel is approximately 20 net
developable acres permitted for commercial uses under the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan.
The Specific Plan was unclear about the land use designation of the excess right-of-way
for the Edinger Ramp which is approximately 5 acres in net size given slope areas for
the Edinger ramp.
Based on responses to the questionnaires sent out to each firm interested firm, 6
development entities qualified to be interviewed for the Disposition Package. Prior to the
interview one of the development entities withdrew (Trammel Crow So Cal
Development, Inc.) and another development entity (Home Depot) did not make the
interview even though the City's Expert Panel was willing to accommodate acall-in
interview for them. The Expert Panel for the site met on October 19th and interviewed
the balance of the eligible development teams.
While there were only four firms interviewed, the Expert Panel felt that there was
adequate strength and experience in the teams that they interviewed and have
Agenda Report -Expert Panel Recommendations
For Portion of Disposition Package 1 C
November 1, 2011
Page 3
recommended three development entities as the most qualified to move to Step 2 in the
City's developer selection process as follows:
Three Firms Recommended as most Qualified
Regency Centers
CJK/Acacia Partners
Marinita Development Company, Inc.
In discussions with the development entities, the Expert Panel also suggested that the
site for proceeding with Step 2 of the process, only include the westerly most 20 acre
portion of Disposition Package 1 C. They also asked that Agency staff pass onto the
City Council their observation that large big box uses would not really be appropriate on
the site.
The remaining firm that was not recommended by the Panel to proceed in the process
was Strata Tustin II. The Panel's reasoning was that although the company submitted
an application, it did not have experience with the size and scale of commercial
development anticipated with this Disposition Package. While Strata II did bring another
firm with them to the interview, the teams had never worked together before and did not
respond adequately to the Expert Panel's questions.
City Council concurrence of the short listed top three firms identified above is now
requested. Each of the three firms noted above would then move to Step 2 in the City's
developer selection process. As recommended by the Panel, staff will also proceed only
on the most westerly portion of Disposition Package 1 C.
Special thanks are extended to members of the Expert Panel that so graciously gave of
their expertise, time and energies in the City's developer selection interview process
• Richard Gollis, The Concord Group;
• Don Moe, Donald E. Moe, Inc.
• Dick Sim, retired Irvine Company
• Richard Ortwein, Focus Real Estate L. P.
• Richard Hunsaker, civil engineer retired;
• Patrick Allen, Langdon Wilson
• Robert McClellan, McClellan & Associates
Agenda Report -Expert Panel Recommendations
For Portion of Disposition Package 1 C
November 1, 2011
Page 4
Staff will be available to respond to any questions from the City Council.
Christine Shingleto
Assistant City Manager
Attachments: 1-Exhibit of Disposition Package 1C
2- Expert Panel Scores of Disposition Package 1 C
3- Background on Top Three Development Entities