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A Discussion of the Intent, Application, and Practice of
California Land Use and Planning Law Governing
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Nonconforming Structures,,
Uses and Lots
September 2011
City of Tustin Community Development Department
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Table of Contents
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
PURPOSEI ......................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTIONI............................................................................................................... 3
WHAT IS NONCONFORMING? I......................................................................................... 4
WHAT IS NOT NONCONFORMING? I................................................................................. 8
HOW ARE NONCONFORMING PROVISIONS APPLIED? I ................................................... 18
ACTUAL CASE EXAMPLE I................................................................................................ 24
CONCLUSIONI................................................................................................................ 27
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Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Nonconforming Structures,,
Uses and Lots
On March 1, 2011, the Tustin City Council directed Community Development Department staff to draft a
code amendment to provide clarity, provide consistency with prior practice, and reduce ambiguity of the
term "nonconforming" throughout the Tustin City Code (TCC).
This document is intended to discuss the intent and practice of California Land Use and Planning Law
governing nonconforming structures, uses and lots. Issues discussed in this report include:
• An analysis of the concept of nonconforming structures, uses, and lots.
• What is considered nonconforming?
• What is not considered nonconforming?
• How are non -conforming regulations applied?
• Enlargement, repair, and destruction of nonconformities.
• How illegal structures, uses, and lots are identified and addressed.
• Actual case example.
• Conclusion.
One interest of community zoning/planning is to establish and control land use. The legal basis for all land
use regulation is the police power of a city to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.
The City of Tustin has adopted codes and land use regulations to confine buildings and land uses to certain
locations to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens, and to shape the physical layout and
appearance of the community including site planning and urban design. The Building Code, Zoning Code
and Subdivision Ordinance are the primary regulatory tools used to accomplish these goals. Staff takes
great care when preparing new ordinances for Planning Commission and City Council consideration to
minimize the creation of nonconformities. However, as the community's vision for its built environment
continues to evolve and change, revision of the City's regulations (use requirements, setbacks, height
limitations, etc.) will inevitably result in the creation of nonconforming structures, uses or lots.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
To ensure that a community's adopted vision and goals are fully accomplished over time, regulatory
provisions are put in place to require nonconforming structures, uses, or lots to be made conforming or
ensure their replacement over time. Any change in a structure, use, or lot that gives permanency to, or
expands the nonconformity would not be consistent with this purpose and are typically prohibited. In most
cases, nonconformities are allowed to continue unaltered (structures may be repaired within certain limits)
until the end of their economic life when they would eventually be replaced with a conforming structure,
use or lot.
Nonconforming structures, uses and lots are relatively commonplace, but the concept may not be
completely understood. One might picture a dusty, old brick -making business, surrounded by single family
homes, that long predates its current residential zoning; or, an old church that appears to be too close to a
street property line because the City widened the right-of-way some time in the past and eliminated a
portion of the property's front yard.
The Zoning Code identifies development limitations associated with various Districts identified on the City's
Zoning Maps that establish uniform building setbacks, height limitations, parking requirements, minimum
lot sizes, identify allowed uses, etc. Zoning rules change or are updated over time to guide, control and
regulate future development.
A legal nonconforming structure, use or lot is
caused by a governmental action that changes
the Zoning Code, the Zoning Map, or the
Subdivision Ordinance. All legal nonconforming
structures, uses or lots were lawfully established
under the codes at the time, but due to the
adoption of a new ordinance, regulation, or map
revision, the property no longer conforms to the
Nonconforming Structure, use, or lot — A
nonconforming structure, use, or lot has been
lawfully established in the past but no longer
meets the current code requirements (i.e.
setback, height, parking, use, lot size, etc.)
policies and standards of the code in which the property resides.' Legal nonconforming is sometimes
referred to with the term "grandfathered." Z
As a general rule, nonconforming regulations presume that a nonconformity is detrimental to the public
interest (health, safety, morals or welfare), and that the nonconformity needs to be brought into
' Curtin's California Land Use and Planning Law, Cecily Talbert Barclay, Solano Press Books, 2011, Guide to California
Planning, William Fulton and Paul Shigley, Solano Press Books, 2005, Eastman's California Land Use and Municipal Law,
John Eastman, 2006, A Planner's Dictionary, Edited by Michael Davidson and Fay Dolnick, American Planning Association,
2 Note: Under the Building Code, a lawfully constructed building is not affected by subsequent Building Code updates that
may occur in future years. However, when an addition/alteration is proposed to a lawfully constructed older building, the
addition/alteration would be required to meet current Building Code requirements and some existing building components
(e.g. fire sprinklers, electrical panels, energy features, etc.) would be required to be upgraded at the time of permit issuance to
current standards.
Nonconforming Structures, € ses and Lots
conformance with the current code at some point in time. For example, a community that finds that an
existing code allows structures to be built too tall may adopt a code amendment to lower the height limit of
new construction. The code looks to the future and assumes that existing, lawfully established
nonconforming buildings that exceed the new height limit may continue to exist but will be brought into
conformance or eliminated overtime.
Nonconforming Structures – In regards to the built environment of a community, the Zoning Code
implements the City's General Plan and translates the goals and principles of that Plan to parcel -specific
regulations intended to guide or restrict development to the overall aesthetic vision of the community. To
accomplish this vision, the Zoning Code identifies building limitations and design requirements that restrict
the height, setback, design, parking, etc. to ensure that all buildings proposed within a particular Zoning
District are similar in bulk, scale and purpose.
A nonconforming structure is a lawful structure existing on the effective date of a new zoning restriction
that has continued since that time without conformance to the ordinance. Again, a new zoning ordinance
anticipates that a nonconforming structure will be eliminated over time and replaced with a conforming
Nonconforming Structure – In the example at
right, the street setback was changed to
require more open space adjacent to a street
after the house was lawfully constructed.
2011 Front
1927 Front—I�
Nonconforming Structure – In the example
at left, this garage was built to accommodate
one car before the adoption of the current
zoning requirement for a two car garage.
Page 5
Nonconforming Uses - The Zoning Code identifies
the types of land uses that a community desires to
be permitted, conditionally permitted, or prohibited
within certain Districts identified on the City's Zoning
Map. A nonconforming use describes a lawful use
existing on the effective date of a new zoning
restriction that has continued since that time
without conformance to the ordinance. Again, a
new zoning ordinance anticipates that
nonconforming uses will be eliminated over time and
replaced with conforming uses.
Nonconforming Use - In the example at right,
a single family residential use is a use that is
nonconforming to current downtown
retail/office zoning.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Nonconforming Lots - The Zoning Code and
Subdivision Ordinance establishes minimum lot sizes
for construction of a building. Some properties have
developed prior to the establishment of these code
restrictions. A nonconforming lot describes a lawful
lot existing on the effective date of a new zoning or
subdivision requirement that has continued since
that time without conformance to the ordinance.
Again, a new ordinance anticipates that
nonconforming lots will be eliminated over time
(possibly combined with an adjacent lot) and
eventually made conforming.
Nonconforming Lot - In the example at left, a
nonconforming lot has been developed into a
single family use.
Page 6
e 3
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Nonconforming Lots - The Zoning Code and
Subdivision Ordinance establishes minimum lot sizes
for construction of a building. Some properties have
developed prior to the establishment of these code
restrictions. A nonconforming lot describes a lawful
lot existing on the effective date of a new zoning or
subdivision requirement that has continued since
that time without conformance to the ordinance.
Again, a new ordinance anticipates that
nonconforming lots will be eliminated over time
(possibly combined with an adjacent lot) and
eventually made conforming.
Nonconforming Lot - In the example at left, a
nonconforming lot has been developed into a
single family use.
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Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Page 7
Nonconforming structures, uses, and lots are not always
old. Sometimes nonconforming structures are new.
There are recent examples of community actions aimed
at correcting modern zoning situations. Specifically,
when a community determines that the current code
does not adequately protect the health, safety, morals
and welfare of the community, the community may
determine that the current code should be modified.
Community's can occasionally change their minds about
how a community should be developed.
In the example at right, community concern
after a tall residential building was approved
could convince community leaders to enact
a zoning code amendment limiting all future
construction to 4 -stories, the historic height
limit of the existing neighborhood's built
environment. Should this occur, the new,
lawfully established high-rise building would
be made nonconforming.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
There are certain instances when an existing structure, use or lot is out of conformance with the adopted
code but is not considered to be nonconforming. Public right-of-way takings, adaptive reuse of historic
structures, illegal structures/alterations, illegal uses, and illegal lots are examples of these circumstances
that are examined in more detail below.
Right -of -Way Takings — Periodically, a
community may take actions that widen or
improve public right-of-ways. [Pictured at right,
the "Nisson House" front yard was eliminated by
the widening of Red Hill Avenue]. Staff attempts
to ensure that such "takings" will have little
impact upon a lawfully established structure, use,
or lot. Although right-of-way takings occur
through an action by a governmental agency
similar to the adoption of a more restrictive
zoning code regulation, the code mandates that
structures or lots made nonconforming (e.g.
Page 8
setback, lot size, parking, etc.) as a result of the
acquisition of public right-of-way be considered
conforming unless determined to be a nuisance or
threat to health.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Although legal in status, lots left as remnant Freeway
parcels by a right-of-way taking are often
unbuildable pursuant to the Zoning Code due to
their small size, location or other constraints.
Residential, commercial or industrial buildings t
affected by a right-of-way taking that are New Offramp
considered conforming may be altered or added to
� Remnant
without restriction. Remnant (undersized or 1I Parcel
inaccessible) parcels are sometimes problematic
when acquired by misled or uninformed owners
who erroneously believe a small remnant parcel to be developable.
Adaptive Reuse of Historic Structures — The City of Tustin's codes allow some expansion/alteration of a
nonconforming, qualified historic structure (discussed later in this article). The City also supports adaptive
reuse of historic structures. Sometimes, a community's vision for the use of an area or the built
environment can change. For example, a zone change from residential to commercial use may leave
behind older buildings that may not appear to be consistent with the planned use of the area. Market
pressures can result in many old buildings being torn down, altered, or replaced with buildings that are
more supportive of the planned commercial use. Remember, the elimination of nonconforming buildings is
a goal of the community's new vision for the neighborhood and a requirement of new zoning regulations.
Adaptive reuse preserves the important
physical attributes of a historic resource for
future generations to appreciate by adapting
e it to purposes other than what the building
was originally designed for (e.g., conversion
a ' = of a historic sardine cannery into a museum,
" . l or a historic single family home into a
teahouse use — such as the McCharles House
shown at left). Generally, adaptive reuse
converts a use (single family house) that is
nonconforming because of its location
(commercial zone) into a conforming use
42 (restaurant). A lawfully established adaptive
reuse may require an owner to make
potential Building Code upgrades, and is
i considered conforming under the code. The
�- -- _ - - McCharles Tea House (left) is an example of
an adaptive reuse success story in Tustin. It was originally built as a single family house in 1899, and was
converted to a commercial teahouse use in 1985. The owner and City staff were able to utilize the
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
California Historic Building Code to grant certain allowances (the Teahouse does not fully comply with
zoning and building code standards) to ensure that the architectural design of this important historic
resource was preserved for future generations while at the same time extending its economic life as a
commercial building.
Structures Where Exceptions Have Been Granted - Variances and conditional use permits are methods by
which a property owner may seek and obtain relief from the strict stipulations of a zoning code
requirement. The allowances granted by a variance or use permit runs with the land, which means that
subsequent owners may enjoy the benefits granted by the variance or conditional use permit as long as the
stipulations or conditions of approval are met. Although variances may not be granted to authorize a use
that is not otherwise allowed by the adopted zoning regulations, deviations from zoning regulations
governing lot size, setback, height, parking, etc. may be granted, typically because the property experiences
some hardship that prevents it from enjoying the same rights as other similar properties. Similarly,
conditional use permits are utilized to authorize special development regulations that apply to the
Once granted, the variations in setback, parking, height, etc. are not considered to be nonconforming, but
are recognized as conforming. Remember, a nonconforming structure, use, or lot lawfully existed prior to a
change in a code. A structure developed utilizing a variance or conditional use permit differs from a
nonconforming structure in that the variation occurred lawfully after the adoption of the code.
Code Exceptions - In the example at right, a
railroad water tower was lawfully converted
to a residence through discretionary
approvals such as a variance and/or
conditional use permit, exempting the
structure from various zoning regulations
(height, setback, etc.). (Adaptive reuse of
historic buildings is discussed later in this
report). Note: the structure is not
considered nonconforming since the
exceptions were lawfully established after
the adoption of the code, not prior to.
Page 10
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Structures Approved But Never Built - Approva I _
of a project proposal prior to a code amendment
does not guarantee legal nonconforming status.
Sometimes a code amendment isro osed while x> '
projects are "on the drawing board." Projects -
may be in plan check or be issued permits during
the time an amendment is proposed, adopted- '
and made effective. In most cases when a codec
amendment is adopted, projects in plan check or
that have been issued a valid permit may
continue to be implemented consistent with theh
previous code (some exceptions exist pertaining -
to urgency ordinances and urgent life -safety building code amendments) .3 However, the right to execute a
project using a prior code typically expires when projects are not built in a timely manner, and when
permits or plan checks are allowed to expire. An adopted moratorium can prevent the issuance of
additional building permits to ensure that future development is consistent with a new code.
Again, a structure, use, or lot must be lawfully established (in place and given final City approval), and be
later found to be inconsistent with a newer, adopted zoning regulation to be considered nonconforming.
Illegal Structures, Uses, or Lots - A structure, use or lot that is out of conformance with the adopted code is
not considered to be nonconforming when it has been illegally established. An illegal structure, use, or lot
is caused by the actions of a past or current .
owner, tenant or property manager, and nota
governmental action.4 Because the structure,#
use or lot was not lawfully established, it is
ineligible to utilize the responsibilities or r`
privileges afforded to a lawfully established
nonconforming structure, use, or lot.
Specifically, illegal structures, uses or lots may
not remain in their current state indefinitely, but
are required to be brought into immediate
compliance with current code standards. Illegal _- -
nonconformities can pose life -safety concerns to
the property owner, neighbors and to others,
including safety personnel such as fire and police
3 Stubblefield Construction v. City of San Bernardino — 32 Cal. App. Wh 687, 38 Cal. Rptr. 2d 413 (1995) — The California
Court of Appeals determined that the City followed proper procedures in adopting a moratorium and revising the zoning
requirements prior to an apartment developer obtaining the required permit approvals.
4 United States v. Monsanto Company — 858 F. 2d 160, 28 ERC 1177, 57 USLW 2170, 19 Envtl. (1988) — The case involved
determining responsibility for environmental contamination left by a lessee of a property owned by the Monsanto Company.
The United States Court of Appeal (4`h Circuit) ruled that an owner is responsible for the actions of a tenant and stated it did
"not sanction such willful or negligent blindness on the part of absentee owners."
u2 1
respondents. The following discussion further describes illegal structures, uses, and lots
• Illegal Structure —An illegal structure, sometimes referred to as a "bootlegged structure," is a building
constructed without permission of the City and without required plan check or building inspector
oversight. Depending upon the expertise of the builder, an illegal structure may or may not meet the
adopted code requirements (e.g. the Zoning Code, Building Code, etc.). Examples of illegal structures
include room additions, converted garage apartments, signs erected without authorization, structural
modification of the interior of an existing building without authorization, etc.
A Los Angeles City Council panel refected a
proposal Tuesday to legalize some of the
city's 50,000 to 100,000 bootleg garage
dwellings, opting instead to crack down on
landlords who rent out the illegally converted
living spaces.
In response to eight deaths in three months
from fires in converted garages, a joint
council committee proposed making it a
misdemeanor to rent out such
accommodations. The penalty would be a
$1,000 fine.
Dennis Cassity's beach house is a modest
place, really. OK, so it's a garage. But such a
cozy garage! Tiled bathroom, kitchenette - and
all for about $100 a month less than the
cheapest apartment In town.
"Of course, I knew it was illegal," the 40 -year-
old computer repairman chuckled, recalling
the day he found his Hermosa Beach
apartment. A was born and raised on the
beach. I know a bootleg (apartment) when I
see one." No matter. Cassity took the place
When an illegal structure is constructed in noncompliance with the City's zoning requirements (i.e.
setback, height, use, etc), the building is not considered nonconforming. When an illegal structure is
discovered, an owner would be required by staff to submit plans showing that the building meets
current Zoning and Building Code requirements, obtain a permit, and pass building inspections to
legalize the illegal structure.
Even a structure erected with a City -issued permit could later be determined illegal if for instance a City
official were to have mistakenly allowed the structure to be constructed in violation of the codes
When discovered, false statements, errors and/or omissions made by the applicant, owner, architect,
etc., can result in a structure, use, or lot being reclassified as illegal. Hypothetical example; an
architect's plans approved by the City indicates that a proposed structure is legally set back from a
property line. After a permit is issued and construction begun, a building inspector notes on the job site
5 Horwitz v. City of Los Angeles, No. B172053, 04 C.D.O.S. 11002 (2005) — an appellant court ordered the City of Los
Angeles to revoke all building permits and the certificate of occupancy issued in error for building additions to a single
family home. "Just as the city has no discretion to deny a building permit when an applicant has complied with all applicable
ordinances, the city has no discretion to issue a permit in the absence of compliance."
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
COMPTON Citing what officials call a
zero -tolerance policy on safety code
violations, code enforcement officers here are
cracking down on illegal garage conversions.
These conversions, in which areas for
automobile storage are modified into living
spaces, are "a major problem," said City
Manager Charles Evans. "Our problem is that
many of our garages are converted illegally
and they don't meet the health and safety
requirements. And they pose a danger and a
safety hazard to the people who occupy
"From the outside„ a lot of these conversions
look like they are garages but on the inside
there is a wall," said Deputy Fire Chief
Marcel Melanson. He said the lack of a proper
exit endangers both residents and the fire
fighters who might be called on to rescue
them. "It definitely poses a danger to our fire
fighters when they are working in that type of
December 15, 2010 1 PAUL EAKINS I LONG BE.XCH
Tuesday's City Council meeting had an
emotional moment, when three sisters who
were killed in a fire in an illegally converted
garage were remembered.
Family and friends of the sisters,. Jasmine,
Jocelyn and Stephanie Aviles, were at the
meeting, where the council unanimously
voted to name a section of Long Beach's
municipal code that addresses illegal garage
conversions after the girls. The ordinance will
be known as "Aviles Law."
Following the Dec. 14, 2007, fire, the city
cracked down on illegal conversions. Fire
officials said Tuesday that since 2007 Long
Beach has cited more than 550 illegal
conversions with fines totaling almost
Page 13
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
that the building is not set back as indicated on the approved plans. In fact, the structure is observed to
project over the side property line into a neighbor's yard. Regardless of who is responsible for the error
(e.g. the owner's architect, a City plan checker, etc.), and regardless of the fact that a building permit
was issued, the building is illegally projecting over a property line and must be corrected immediately.
In addition, illegal additions to a lawfully established nonconforming structure or use often results in
the loss of a structure's nonconforming status. As noted previously, a nonconforming structure, use or
lot may continue indefinitely but may not be enlarged, modified, etc. When a nonconforming structure
or use is expanded illegally, it loses its right to continue indefinitely and must be brought into full
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
conformance with the code.b In some cases, a legal nonconforming status can be reestablished if the
illegal modification is removed.
Self-imposed hardships are not a finding to support Planning Commission issuance of a Variance to
allow an illegal structure to violate a Zoning Code requirement, so it is typical for an owner of an
illegally established structure to either modify it to meet the Zoning and Building Codes or have it
removed. An agency can actually abuse its discretion by granting a building permit in an attempt to
legitimize an illegal nonconformity' [see also Footnote 8, City and County of San Francisco v. Board of
Permit Appeals, 207 Cal. App. 4th 687, 38 Cal. Rptr. 2d 413 (1995)].
Again, the purpose of nonconforming regulations is to
eventually eliminate nonconformities. Selective
enforcement can jeopardize the City's fair application of
the code in the eyes of a court.
A Main Street house fire has displaced eight
people from their three apartments.
The cause of the blaze, which started in the
northwest corner of the basement, is an
overloaded circuit. Beck said the tenants had
an air conditioning unit, TV and other things
plugged into the same circuit.
Displaced from Sunday's fire were one
couple, three friends who lived together and a
mother and her two young sons.
The house, built in the early 1900s...
What about illegal older Buildings? - One might think that
because a particular structure or use has been around for a long period of time that it i6 obviously
nonconforming or "grandfathered," or that because a structure is old that an owner should be allowed
to continue to preserve it and use it "as is." This idea is not consistent with the concept of adaptive
reuse, which presumes that the owner of the property has legally obtained the proper permits and that
the building was adapted (upgraded to meet applicable Building Codes). It is also not consistent with
the goal that nonconforming structures, uses and lots be eventually made to conform. Illegal additions
(even old ones) may detract from the social, cultural or historical significance of an important historic
6 Goat Hill Tavern v. City of Costa Mesa, 6 Cal. App. 0 1519, 8 Cal. Rptr. 2d 385 (1992) –The California Court of Appeals
found that the City of Costa Mesa could not require the abandonment of a tavern after the expiration of a conditional use
permit authorizing a game room in the tavern. The court ruled that the City could have required elimination of the game
room but not the termination of a business that had operated legally for 35 years.
Stolman v. City of Los Angeles, No. B164169, 04 C.D.O.S. 30, 2004 DJDAR 22 (2004), an appellate court overturned the
City of Los Angeles's approval of a variance that allowed the expansion of a nonconforming use. The court determined that a
proposal to expand a gas station located in a residential zone did not meet the city's criteria for a variance; there was no
evidence that imposing existing zoning requirements would create a hardship for the landowner or business owner — a
requirement for a variance.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
resource. Most importantly, old structures or uses must be lawfully established to ensure that they do
not pose a hazard to occupants or the community.
What about older buildings where no permits can be
found? - Many structures within the City of Tustin are
old and permits may not be on file with the Community
Development Department. An absence of proper legal
documentation does not automatically result in a City
determination that a structure, use or lot is legal or
illegal. Tustin staff routinely works with affected
property owners and various public agencies (Water
Department, County Assessor, etc.) to review official
and unofficial documentation to establish whether a
structure, use or lot is legal or illegal prior to requesting
a property owner to pursue any corrective action (see
How Illegal Structures, Uses and Lots Are Identified and
Addressed below). If an older structure is determined to
be lawfully established, information would be added to
City records documenting the fact in order to create a
record for reference by future staff and property
owners, and the matter would be closed. Based
upon the whole record, if City staff concludes that
a structure appears to be illegal, the property
owner is requested to immediately correct the
In fact, many permits are issued where no
permits exist for older structures when it is clear
that the construction was conventional and
sound construction practices were employed
consistent with the Building Code adopted at the
February 28, 2011 1 FRANK MICKADEIT I ORANGE
How many so called "granny flats" and "spare
bedrooms are actually converted garages like
the one in Costa Mesa where 17 -year-old
Luke Upton died Thursday morning?
"This is all over Costa Mesa," says
Councilman Jim Righeimer, who went out to
the scene with city fire and building officials
on Saturday. "Staff is very good (about
enforcing building codes) when they know
about it, but you have so many people in the
community turning a blind eye."
Illegal additions can be very damaging to historic structures since the original (and historically
important) character and integrity of house can be lost or significantly harmed. Illegal improvements
are often out of historical context, and are inappropriate for the style and period of the historic
structure. Oftentimes, the historic integrity, character and context of the historic structure can only be
restored through the removal of the illegal additions.
Illegal use - The regulation and enforcement of land use regulations is important in preventing
potential life -safety conflicts between land uses and ensures the health, safety and welfare of the
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
community. Illegal uses occur when an owner, tenant,
etc. illegally introduces a land use to a site that is not 3 ARRESTED IN CULTIVATING
presently zoned for such a use.8 Examples of illegal HASHISH AFTER GARAGE
uses include: FIRE
• Residential garage converted to an apartment
without permits.
• Attic or basements converted to an apartment
without permits.
• Introduction of an auto repair business in a single
family zone.
• Creating a rooming house out of a single family
• A sexually oriented business without permit
• An industrial building used as a residence.
• Occupancy of a structure that intensifies the use of
the property without upgrades required by the
Building Code to accommodate such intensification.
Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 By Ken Wall and Marc Katz
Staff Wnters
DAYTON -- Two people were killed during
a robbery at a Germantown Road residence
early Sunday morning, according to police.
"The residence was set up as a boot joint,.
which is an after-hours illegal liquor
SANTA ANA Two men and a woman
suspected of cultivating hashish were arrested
after officers responded to a suspicious fire at
a home in Santa Ana Monday night, police
Firefighters responding to a blaze to the
garage of a residence ...suspected that the
garage was being used as a
methamphetamine lab but later realized that
the men were using the equipment to extract
hashish from marijuana...
A lawfully established structure is constructed to support a specific intended use. Illegal uses pose
serious safety risks to occupants and safety personnel by ignoring the requirement to install Building
and Fire Code upgrades prior to such use. Illegal uses also can negatively impact community services
(i.e. overcrowding and excessive street parking, classroom size, park use, water and sewer service, etc.),
negatively impacting the overall quality of life of an affected neighborhood. The introduction of illegal
uses can have a deleterious secondary effect upon sensitive uses and persons.
s City and County of San Francisco v. Board of Permit Appeals, 207 Cal. App. 3d 1099, 255 Cal. Rptr. 307 (1989), The
Board of Permit Appeals overruled a zoning administrator's denial of a permit to allow an owner to retain an existing, illegal
unit on a property zoned for single -dwelling use. The unit appeared to have been added over a period of years spanning 1926
and 1938, with a resulting financial benefit accrued to several subsequent property owners. The Board of Appeals partially
based its decision on verbal testimony offered by neighbors but no reliable physical evidence was presented. The Court of
Appeals of California reversed the Board of Permit Appeals decision and upheld the City/County determination that the unit
was illegal.
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Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Once identified, property owners are required to
eliminate the violation. While owners have the
option of applying for a zone change, the
Planning Commission and City Council would be
required to consider the effect of introducing the
new land use into the property's zoning
designation throughout the City, since spot
zoning (applying a zoning regulation to only one
site) is specifically prohibited by State law.
® Illegal lot — Illegal lots occur when a property owner
illegally deeds or otherwise conveys a portion of a legal lot
to another party without complying with the State
Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Code.
Illegal lots occur infrequently, but modern examples do
occur. There are recent cases where real estate agents,
escrow agents and others conspired to sell apartment units
to unsuspecting buyers as condominiums. Such
unscrupulous behavior typically results in prison sentences
for guilty sellers.
A Colorado native with dreams of living
simply on a piece of rural land is instead
living in a nightmare of financial
complications because Larimer County
says he purchased an illegal lot.
Very old lots established prior to the enactment of modern -
subdivision laws are also sometimes considered illegal.9 Very few options exist for property owners of
an illegal lot, but City staff and the City Attorney would work with citizen -victims to resolve the matter if
Since most $tructures, uses and lots in a city conform to the code, the application of nonconforming
regulations occur infrequently. For most cases, nonconformities are allowed to continue until the end of
their economic life when they are voluntarily replaced with a conforming structure, use or lot.10 Although
the adoption of new regulations does not typically include a requirement for an immediate discontinuance
9 Gardner v. County of Sonoma, No. S102249, 03 C.D.O.S. 2003 DJDAR 1429 (2003) - The California Supreme Court
clarified that maps recorded prior to 1893 do not create legal, developable lots for today's purposes. And the court at least
hinted that maps recorded between 1893 and 1929 might not be valid unless a city or county somehow exercised discretion in
approving the map.
City of Los Angeles v. Gage, 127 Cal. App. 2d 442, 453 (1954) — an appeals court ruled that it "is generally held that a
zoning ordinance may not operate to immediately suppress or remove from a particular district an otherwise lawful business
or use already established therein." The court also ruled that a City may establish shorter timeframes for the nonconformity
to be removed.
Page 18
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
of an otherwise lawfully established structure, use or lot,11 a new zoning ordinance may compel the
elimination of a nonconformity over a reasonable period of time through the establishment of an
amortization period or "sunset clause" allowing the owner the opportunity to recoup some portion of his or
her investment in the structure, use, or lot prior to the structure, use or lot being terminated.12 For some
communities, the quick elimination of a certain type of legal nonconformity is a high priority, and a shorter
amortization period is established to facilitate quicker compliance (e.g. elimination of improperly zoned
adult businesses, or removal of billboard signage, etc. ).13
• Enlargement, Repair, and Destruction of
Nonconformities -Any change in a nonconforming
structure, use or lot that could extend the economic
life, give permanency to, or expand the
nonconformity would not be consistent with the
community's overall purpose and goal of eventually
eliminating all nonconformities.14
Nonconforming structures may not be enlarged
or altered unless the alteration brings the
property into conformance. 15 Again, the point of
the nonconforming provisions is to protect a property right of an existing structure while preventing
an extension of the economic life of the nonconforming structure, so that it is eventually replaced
with a conforming structure.
Because the Zoning Code has changed over time, some older structures are nonconforming. If
strictly applied, the City's nonconforming regulations would discourage the expansion or alteration
of historic resources, indirectly influencing some owners to possibly seek their demolition and
replacement. The City of Tustin has an ongoing interest in supporting the preservation of important
historic resources. Consequently, the Tustin City Code provides an exception for recognized
nonconforming historic structures (structures listed on the City's Cultural Resources Survey) to
support the community's goal to extend the economic life of these important historic resources
Allowing some modernization of historic structures encourages the preservation of the property to
'r City of Los Angeles v. Wolfe, 6 Cal. 3d 326, 337 (1971) - the State Supreme Court ruled that "enforced relinquishment is
'Z National Advertising Company v. County of Monterrey, - the State Supreme Court ruled that City -established amortization
periods were an acceptable means of eliminating nonconformities within a "reasonable time."
13 Baby Tam v. City of Las Vegas, 247 F.3d 1003 (9" Cir. 200 1) - The United States Court of Appeals determined that an
adult bookstore was required to comply with the City of Las Vegas' zoning and licensing requirements even though the
bookstore was established prior to the adoption of the City's requirements for the business.
14 Dienelt v. County of Monterrey, 113 Cal. App. 2d 128, 131 (1952) - an appeals court ruled that a City may restrict the
extent of additions to a nonconforming structure.
15 County of San Diego v. McClurken, 37 Cal. 2d 128, 131 (1952) - an appeals court ruled that a City ordinance that did not
permit the enlargement of nonconforming use was lawful and consistent with the intent to gradually eliminate
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
be much more attractive, especially given the market trend for larger homes, businesses, etc. The
current Code provisions/exceptions are as follows:
❖ TCC Section 9264b of the Tustin City Code allows recognized historic residential properties to
propose additions or alterations without being required to be brought fully into compliance
with the requirement for a two -car garage when it can be shown that insufficient space is
available on the site.
•3 TCC Section 9271p allows building additions to recognized historic residential structures to
continue the same setback as the historic structure.
Ib�v ad�tlon (Lear setback AddNons to Rear setback
area Idatork area
proposedto `homesean
Typical rneetaarent ucnescan Historic
:e UIF I histtak noncon-
N®R at
noncon- requbemeid
forming sMeYudt I __ setbacks a forming
ormin g uon<enda� i
building akle yaFd building
setback pi setback
addition addition
Interior aide a Interior aide m
setback am o setback area �.
Front Front
setback area setback area
Side wspt sidewalk
Street Street
• Nonconforming structures may be repaired, but extensive repairs are typically not allowed -
For example, a nonconforming structure would be required to be made conforming if it is ever
accidentally destroyed by fire, earthquake, etc.16 Most nonconforming codes include a threshold
that triggers the need for a nonconformity to become more conforming at the time of a proposed
repair or destruction .17 For Tustin, a nonconforming structure may be repaired, or replaced as long
as the improvements do not exceed 50% of the building's assessed valuation, as shown on the
16 Ricciardi v. County of Los Angeles, 115 Cal. App. 2d 569, 576-577 (1953) — an appeals court ruled that a City ordinance
may restrict the extent of repairs to a nonconforming structure.
17 Hansen Brothers Enterprises v. Nevada County, 12 Cal. 0 533, 48 Cal. Rptr. 2d 778 (1996) — The California Court of
Appeals determined that a mining company had a vested right to continue to engage in surface mining activity as a
nonconforming use under a zoning ordinance.
Page 20
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and tots
County Assessor tax roll.18 When it can be
shown that the cost of repairing a
nonconforming structure destroyed is
more than 50% of its assessed value, the
structure must be made conforming.
However, California Government Code
Section 65852.25(a) exempts multifamily
residential dwellings destroyed by fire and
Government Code Section 43007 partially
compensates an owner for the destruction
and subsequent removal of a
nonconforming structure by allowing
property tax relief to owners of a
destroyed property that cannot be rebuilt
because of zoning prohibitions. Again, the point of the requirement is to prevent an extension of
the economic life of a nonconforming structure, until such time that it would eventually be replaced
with a conforming structure.
A legal nonconforming use maybe replaced by the same or similar nonconforming use. When
structural alterations are proposed to a building containing a nonconforming use, the
nonconforming use must be replaced with a conforming use. If a nonconforming use is ever
replaced with a conforming use, the nonconforming use may never be reestablished at the site,
accomplishing the goal of gradual eliminat
requirement is to prevent an extension
of the economic life of a nonconforming
use, so that it is eventually replaced with
a conforming use.
Legal non -conforming uses may be
considered abandoned. Absent any
specific amortization period, the courts
have ruled a use that has been
discontinued for seven years is evidence
by itself of the owner's intent to
abandon the use.19 However, the City's
nonconforming regulations state that a
18 Manhatten Sepulveda v. City of Manhatten Beach, 22 Cal. App. 0 865 (1994) — The California Court of Appeals
determined that the 50% rule should be defined as the fair market value of the structure at the time of the fire, not 50% of the
cost for replacement of the structure.
19 Stokes v. Board of Permit Appeals, 52 Cal. App. 4" 1348, 61 Cal. Rptr. 2d 181 (1997) — The California Court of Appeals
determined that the owner of a business had voluntarily abandoned the use of a property and subsequently lost any vested
right to the nonconformity.
Page 21
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
nonconforming use that ceases to operate for a period of one (1) year or more, or is changed to be
a conforming use, is considered abandoned and may not be reestablished at the location. Vacant
structures or lots are not restricted in this manner.
Illegal structures, uses and lots come to the attention of City staff in a number of ways. The most common
method is when a property owner approaches staff to propose an alteration of or addition to an existing
structure (this includes when an owner desires to rebuild a structure damaged in a disaster). Another is
when a real estate professional, mortgage lender, or prospective buyer contacts the City and requests
documentation that room additions, etc. have been added legally. Another is when a property owner is
seeking Mills Act property tax relief for a historic property and invites staff to the site.
Illegal structures, uses and lots also come to the attention of the City's Code enforcement staff through
complaints. Except for proactive neighborhood improvement efforts conducted in cooperation with the
Tustin Police Department, City code enforcement is nearly always performed on a complaint basis only.
Potentially unauthorized structures, uses or lots are brought to the attention of code enforcement staff
through complaints and referrals from the following sources:
• Neighbor complaints
• Orange County Fire Authority or other County agency staff
• Tustin Police Department referral
• City plan check or building inspectors
• OC Health Department
• City Business License staff
• County fictitious business name clerk
• Real estate professionals including requests
by lending institutions
• The property's owners
• Tenants
• Utility providers
• Code Enforcement
• Staff inspection following fires and other
• Others
When a potentially unauthorized structure, use or lot is identified, staff will confirm that the concern exists
by visiting the site or by viewing plans, aerial photographs, etc. If a violation appears to exist at the site,
staff will perform much more exhaustive research into the history of the potentially unauthorized structure,
use or lot, to attempt to determine when it was added to the site, and whether it was lawfully established.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
Staff often considers the following when attempting to develop a "whole record" by which to determine
whether a potentially unauthorized structure, use or lot is legal or illegal:
• Building permits, Occupancy Permit, Variances, or other official records.
• County Tax Assessor records
• Property Title Reports and/or Record of Deed
• Historic photographs, � __ _
• Historic phone books ..
•Water billing records 4 �`° Single family residence 4 IlUni
legal ts
• Sewer connection records
• Other utility recordsa-
(electrical, gas, etc.) 4
• Business license records
• Historic newspaper records s
• Historic surveys or registers
• Historic Sanborn fire
insurance maps
• Subdivision maps
• Written histories/letters
from prior owners, residents, etc.
• Other evidence presented by the owner and/or occupants
• Other documents as may be available
• Physical inspection of the construction methodology, materials, etc. to determine whether the
structure complied with building codes at the time of construction (see discussion below).
• As needed, request an independent licensed/qualified architect experienced to perform a site
City staff will always assist an owner in
reviewing City records when available. In
some cases, an owner may have additional
official or unofficial records that may assist
City staff in determining whether a
particular structure, use or lot is or is legal.
If, at the conclusion of staff review, the
potentially unauthorized structure is
determined to be lawfully established,
pertinent information would be added to
the City's records documenting that fact,
and the matter would be closed. However,
if staff review concludes that a structure,
use or lot appears to be illegal, cannot be
Page 23
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
permitted, has not been constructed using conventional construction methods, etc., the property owner
will be officially requested to correct the concern.
When informed by staff that an addition/alteration appears to be illegal, an owner will often pursue the
matter further. Sometimes an owner will request another inspection of a potentially unauthorized
structure by a City building inspector to ascertain whether the potentially unauthorized building
improvements were done consistent with the Building Code adopted at the time of construction. A building
inspector would typically visit the site to observe major life/safety related discrepancies in the
workmanship and materials used to determine whether the work would have been in compliance with the
Building Code requirements adopted at the time that the improvements were made (e.g. the addition did
not have a foundation; electrical, water, sewer and gas installation was hazardous; required fire separation
between units or floors was not installed, etc.). Note: a structure built consistent with the Building Code
adopted at the time is evidence, considered with the whole record that a structure may have been lawfully
established at the time. Again, compliance with the Building Code means that the person constructing the
structure was knowledgeable of the Building Code, not that the structure was built legally. However, it is
more likely that the opposite would occur, e.g. City inspection of a potentially unauthorized structure could
result in the identification of tell-tale Building Code inconsistencies/violations that prove beyond a doubt
that the structure was illegally constructed. Based upon a staff survey of the 34 Orange County cities, it is
standard practice to use such inspection/investigative routines.
Current owners of the property may not have personally caused the illegal structure to be built. In fact, the
owner may have purchased the property with an understanding that the property was legal. However, the
current property owner bears full responsibility for establishing that their structure, use or lot is lawfully
established. In response to the City's request to correct an illegal structure, some owners work with staff
to legalize it "after the fact." Others may work with staff to remove the illegal structure. Under California
law, affected owners may have legal recourse against a prior owner, real estate agent, or property title
company for a failure to disclose the potentially illegal nature of a -structure or addition.
The following facts have been taken from current
or past code enforcement cases to illustrate the
research and records review methodology currently
utilized by Community Development Department
staff in order to determine the legality of
potentially unauthorized structures, uses or lots.
The information discussed below is true, but does
not pertain to any one particular property in order
to preserve the Planning Commission's objectivity
in considering any future code enforcement case
Page 24
Nonconforming reforming Structures, Uses and Lots
• Staff receives a complaint that an Illegal apartment is alleged to have been added to the rear of a
single family home.
o Permit records are researched by staff. Recent re -roof permit issued for single family house,
inspected and given final approval. City inspector did not raise a concern at this time.
0 Sewer permit records researched. Connection authorized in 1962 for a single family residence.
o Water billing records researched. Water billing is based upon the number of units requested
identified on the site by the owner/applicant. Water bill indicates five units served on the site.
• Planning records researched. Property owner applied for zone change in 1968 from R-1 to R-3 to
allow five units on the property. Planning Commission denied the request; property owner
appealed to City Council; City Council denied the appeal stating that the property should continue
to be used as a single family residence.
• Deed and property title researched. Property identified as single family residence.
• Building identified on the City's 2003 Cultural Resources Survey as a significant Craftsman style
residence built in 1922. Survey indicates single family home in front and garage at rear of property
converted to living quarters. Note: the Cultural Resources Survey was prepared by a City consultant
that performed the survey from the public sidewalk only. No physical on-site inspections were
conducted at that time.
• Business license records researched. Property owner does not hold a City Business License required
for multifamily properties totaling four units or more.
• Current property tax information reviewed. Property owner is paying property tax on
improvements described as "multifamily" with three units.
• Code enforcement performs a
cursory inspection of the property
with the permission of the property
owner. Eight units exist at the site.
Original single family house exists at
the front of the property that is
divided into four units. A detached
garage is at the rear of the property
that has been converted into two
residential units. Two additional unit
appears to be an illegally converted
patio enclosure (the exterior walls
Page 25
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
are thin and light is visible from the interior rooms between the bottom of the walls and the
concrete floor —the rooms appear to have no foundation). One of the units has a dirtfloor. An
additional shed -unit (unit #9) is currently being constructed (the source of the current complaint) at
the rear of the converted patio enclosure unit that extends to the rear wall, illegally within the side
and rear setback. Electricity is provided to the new unit via an orange electrical cord draped across
the roof of the unit. Children are observed playing in the area. Two of the existing units have no
toilet, shower facilities, or kitchen. No covered parking is provided anywhere on site — residents
park on a dirt portion of the lot, or the public street. Laundry room has been illegally added to
garage structure.
A building inspector inspects the
structures to determine whether the
buildings were built in compliance
with the code adopted at the time of
construction. Some units have
bedrooms without windows,
presenting Building Code light and
ventilation concerns and fire safety
violations since these rooms have no
second means of exit during a fire
emergency. The foundation and
exterior walls appear to be failing.
interior support beams may be clear
inconsistencies in workmanship,
methods, materials, etc. are noted as clearly in violation of the State Building Code. City inspector
determines that all additions to the original single family home were illegally added and that they
are potentially unsafe to the occupants and surrounding properties.
Original complainant is questioned by staff. Complainant indicates that five units have existed on
the property since 1959, but that the owner was "a good neighbor" so complainant didn't want to
cause problems. Original owner sold property last year and retired out of state. Complainant heard
new owner adding the additional unit #9 at the rear of the property so complaint was filed.
Again, once the structure is determined to have been illegally established, and the construction
methodology, materials or workmanship are not consistent with the requirements of the Building Code in
effect at the time of construction, the owner would be required to correct the violation. Upgrades may be
determined necessary to support the safe use of an illegally established nonconforming structure. The
owner would be required to submit plans and documentation to make the nonconforming structure safe
for habitation or occupancy for the intended use. This documentation is typically in the form of reports or
plans prepared and certified by a licensed building design professional (e.g. architect, structural engineer,
etc.). Compliance with zoning requirements may also be required.
The California Building Code mandates that health and
safety issues associated with the illegal use of the
structure be corrected. Left uncorrected, the violations
could pose legal liabilities upon the City or more
importantly would leave the building's occupants and
surrounding residents or businesses at significant risk.
Thus, the property owner must provide sufficient
documentation as determined by the Director of
Community Development and Building Official to
determine that an illegal structure is safe for habitation
or occupancy for the intended or modified use (as may
be approved by the City) as previously described above.
A similar approach is utilized in researching potentially
unauthorized uses or lots. Along with the property
owner, staff would perform significant research that can
include business license and/or property tax
information, business transaction receipts, utility
statements, dated historic and aerial photographs, even
historic telephone books can be used to establish a
history of a use or lot.
Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots
All legal nonconforming structures, uses or lots were lawfully established under the codes at the time, but
due to the adoption of a new ordinance or map revision, the property no longer conforms to the policies
and standards of the code in which the property resides. A structure, use or lot that is out of conformance
with the adopted code is not considered to be nonconforming when it has been illegally established.
The spirit of the City's nonconforming provisions is to allow nonconformities to continue to exist, but not
increase. With the exception of qualified historic resources, intensification or expansion of an existing
nonconforming use is not permitted, and is even discouraged. The legal basis for all land use regulation is
the police power of a city to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. And, the legality of
City enforcement of these provisions has been tested and proven in court. Zoning laws look to the future
to ensure that all nonconformities are eventually brought into conformance or replaced. Any change in the
premises which tends to give permanency to or expands the nonconformance would not be consistent with
this purpose.