HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 QUARTERLY INV. RPT. 07-15-02 NO. 11 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JULY 15, 2002 355-50 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: G. W. JEFFRIES, CITY TREASURER SUBJECT: QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT SUMMARY: Government Code Section 53646 requires that the Treasurer make an Investment Report to the City Council at least quarterly showing balances by authorized investment and certifying its compliance with the adopted Investment Policy. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION: In compliance with Government Code Section 53646, the attached Investment Report for the quarter ending June 30, 2002 is rendered. ~;ff~. . d ~ GWJ:ts Attachment GWJ:QuartedylnvestmentReportJune2002.doc CITY OF TUSTIN INVESTMENT REPORT Quarter Ending June 30~ 2002 Treasury Bills/No~es Cash with Fiscal PAR VALUE N/A N/A QUARTER END~ (Uneu~t~) Allaemble Origlnoi Cu~ent Cun.errt Po,.tkm of Pu~gmm Book Mm-kef Pm.tfelio Total Vgdu~ Vol,- Cue~ent 218.21 3.60%~ 1.78%j Cemh m~th FI~I Agent~ are the ~ and Cmmtn~tJon ~ held by Tn~e~ foe ve~ou~ City m~l RDA baml ~ Investment o~tion~ ar~ limited to ~ dtxci~cally permitted by bond ciocuflmTtL To~l Crly f~md, av~labc- fro- effective active mmmgement me: $75~13,617 C'"Z TY OF T'US TZN _TNVES TIHEN T REPOR T O) ZNVESTMENT 5¢HEDL,'LE AS OF'. ,Tune 30, 2002 DESCI~TP I'Z ON-L.ZJ~T TS YIELD TO PURCHASE COUPO~ MATUI~TY DATE ll01-Tlme Deposit~No Limit Curr~ Torah: Cuerent Totals: Cue~ent Totals: Cu~ent Torah: Cur~nt Totals: Current Totals: 07/31/02 0~/31/02 09/30/02 IO/31/02 1//30/02 12/31/O2 01/31/03 02/28/03 03/31/03 04/30/03 O5/31/03 06/30/03 O7/31/03 06/31;03 09/30/03 10/31/03 12/31/03 01/31/04 03/31/O4 04/30/04 0~/31/04 Current T~aI~: ¢og~-lO01 (Inc[ud~ Ovemkjht .~) ~ with FhK~I Agents-'93 W~l'm" ¢OP's N/A ~apo~ts ~i~ Fiscal Agem,s-,Asse~. bi~'. I~A D~ ~ F*mc~J Agefltf-Ce. WkJ~ Fin Auth. N/A Ce~t wtttl TCA Tr,ugme l.oo% I:)elx~t~ ~ith Fiscal Agent~-Tex AIIocetk~ Bom~ Iq/A ~ Agency ?.m, estmem' Fmd-1102 2.76% (~) (lo) (7) (lO) 01) TOTAL C'~TY ZNVESTMENT5 PERF~kICE A~cASU~F.~RdT: Wekj~ted Ave~o~e Poetfolio Life Wekjhted Ave~xj~ Poeffol~ Cm~eflt 6 (3) OR/E, ZNAL PURCHASE PRZCE Cu~nt Totg: I 21~.21 3.60% 1.7~% VALUE I so I (;} I ~o I VALUE I '0~% $2.999,110 $1.ge7,~eo $1,996,460 SLO97,MO $1,999,620 $1.997,740 SI,998,069 $1.09S,280 $1.997,G00 $1,9~7.700 $1,99~,4o0 $1,998.~03 SI,996,94O $1,999~0 ~6.951,M7 50.82% $47,587,840 $4,529,062 $1,0~.,24~ $13/483,795 $254,142 $267,444 $2,115,304 $23,732,968 49.18% $9Z,386,647 $4.529,O62 $13,483,795 $254,142 $267,444 SZ,t15,304 $23,751,573 $45,453,665 $93~41,500 (1) PAR VALUE i~ t~ full vd,- of fl~ ~.:~Ity I~fo~¢ my discount o~ pr~mlu~ I~ paid ~TZ(3N4/MZT$ ~ the vmious authorized ~s ~ documented In the m0et current adapted inv,Jtment pol~-y md the dim,chi, pePcentmj~ of toed pm-tfol~ pe~ investment typt OrigiMI Purchan Pric~ is tim amot~ paid f~ a ncuritt~ I,~ my discot~ plus my p,,taitm. Vd.- I. oekj{nd co~t of .ecuritks ~ ~ of ~ payn~nts, net of morflz~l peealum~/dL_-cc,-__-tts. Cur~nt Market Value i, the pek~ at ~qich .{mllar secur4ties are curr~tly l~adin9. Cureent mm~t values are peevid~d by Bank of AmerCca and Bank of IqeJ, Yoek on all m~aHties Imtld In ~n9 foe tim. City ~ RDX. t)ifferenc~, in (7) ...~,cur,il, k~ I'~ld in Tr.mt' i~ Fundi~j AD.~cn~t I~t~n tt~ City of Turin grad ~ Feethill/E~rl'm,n ~) Emminpallm~efte~n~omwmatlm~ Ixti ~ to~fiet {xmkottivilychm. ge{. AIIowmmc~i~ Included in the Ave~je Yield eelculatlo~ ]~e cadq ~ inclu~ aflmuuts 'n.ept' fram recount foe wm-Hght Investment~ (11) ! certify that 11mis ~pm-t ~eflects all CIIy and RBA peeled investmentt ~ne inveatmems ~.prennted In ~ e~et ar~ In c~tf~-mity ~ilh trw aJrrent adopted investment po~ of the ~ity of Tu~it The .,rket valu.~ ~p,e,tnted in fbi, ~.pert ~ The inv~tment p~gr~m heroin m F.-~'~e~ m~f~ent c~h fkm liquldi~ to meet the mxt six (6) mon~m e~timated expendituee~ This ~'l~.~m~m' Is .// e.w. //