HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 AG. LEASING MCAS 07-15-02AGENDA REPORT
NO. 14
MEETING DATE: JULY 15, 2002 150-50
The City Council at a meeting on June 5, 2002 reviewed possible leasing activity at the
former MCAS Tustin. As a follow-up, the purpose of this report is to present to the City
Council a solicitation process and preliminary Business Plan for pursuing interim
agricultural leasing activities on the subject property.
It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to complete and prepare a
Request for Proposal (RFP) for interim agricultural leasing on a portion of the former
MCAS Tustin.
Preliminary Fiscal Impacts are identified in the preliminary business plan that is
attached to this report. Final fiscal impacts of specific leases would be determined in
the future as they are authorized by the City Council.
The City Council at their regular meeting of June 3, 2002 discussed the potential for
interim leasing activities on a portion of the former Marine Corps Air Station, particularly
leasing for interim agricultural uses. Staff agreed to return to the City Council with a
proposed Business Plan and process for soliciting interim agricultural leasing on the
subject property.
While staffs evaluation of the potential for the interim farming on additional acres of the
MCAS Tustin property will continue (and may be impacted by the City's need for
secured property collateral in conjunction with a Letter of Credit pursuant to the SAUSD
Settlement Agreement) approximately 273 acres of the former base property that has
been conveyed to the City could be initially offered by the City as part of a first
solicitation for agricultural leasing. The acreage to be offered is identified in Attachment
I as two individual parcels. Respondents to an RFP solicitation therefore, would be able
to respond with their interest in to one or both parcels. However, staff suggests that
only one RFP be issued.
Based on the City Council's previous direction that any solicitation should be a
competitive process, staff is also preparing a list of those operators previously
expressing an interest in agricultural leasing on the site for distribution of the RFP and
will also send a copy to the local offices a number of agricultural industry organizations,
the Western Growers Association, the United Agribusiness and California Farm Bureau
Based upon additional research staff has completed, the majority of the ground water
wells on the site have been abandoned which will require access to domestic IRWD
water by any potential agricultural lessee. The cost of water would, therefore, be a
significant factor in the type of agricultural crops that could be economically farmed on
the property. The type of crops will also be impacted by the high salt levels on the site.
The lack of available ground water pumping capability on the site will also likely
moderate the anticipated lease rates that might be possible. The lease rates offered at
El Toro ranged on average from $3,400 to $3,700 per gross acre which was primarily
for strawberries and assumed availability of ground water wells. Accordingly, in
preparation of a preliminary Business Plan for agricultural leasing, staff is conservatively
only estimating an average lease rate of $2,500 a gross acre. Provisions of the City's
Memorandum of Agreement with the Navy for the conveyance of property at the former
MCAS Tustin impose certain future restrictions on the City including the need to reinvest
all lease proceeds received by the City back into certain restricted activities on the
property (i.e., infrastructure investment) for a minimum of seven years from the date of
A preliminary Business Plan for agricultural leasing is also attached (Attachment II)
along with an outline of the RFP/Leasing Process and a preliminary time schedule
(Attachment III). As indicated to the City Council on June 3, the City Attorney has asked
that no actual leasing occur on the subject property until a letter of credit is secured
pursuant to the SAUSD Agreement. However, upon direction from the City Council staff
will prepare and distribute an RFP for interim agricultural leasing and proceed with
drafting necessary lease documents.
Christine Shingleton ~
Assistant City Manager
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Attachment II
Preliminary Business Plan
Interim Agricultural Leasing
Former MCAS Tustin
An interim lease will govern all interim agricultural leasing. The initial lease
term will be for two years.
All lease documents will be reviewed and finalized by Kutak Rock, LLP for
compliance with environmental deed obligations in Navy's deeds on the
property and to protect the City's Section 330 environmental indemnification.
The City will not provide utilities to support agricultural uses. Utilities such as
water and electricity will need to be secured independently by any
respondent. No permanent utility easements to agricultural sites will be
All interim leasing activities will be managed by JHTM & Associates,
supervised by City Redevelopment staff. JHTM has been managing most
property management/contractor activities at the former MCAS Tustin for the
last 45 days approximately. JHTM will utilize staff that is currently operating
these activities, with no increase in staffing expected.
Protection of on-site facilities and assets at the former MCAS Tustin is of
critical concern.
In the past, access to the site was available on the weekends. Since the City
has assumed ownership and leasing of the site, a gate guard is only available
for limited hours on the week days.
In the past, the Navy allowed the farm workers to simply walk onto the
property (through the Village, past the Urban Regional Park, etc.). With the
limited security t hat t he City n ow h as o n t he property, t he City could o pen
itself to possible vandalism and theft if this happens again. The City also
previously learned that many of the migrant workers drove to the site, but
didn't have insurance or even a license to drive. When this happened the
City police department recommended to the City's on-site security contractor
that workers be made to park on the outside lot and be picked up and brought
onto the property.
Agricultural farmers also hold very long and early hours requiring independent
access for early morning (5:00 a.m., etc.) work activities.
Agricultural operations will require access to the site to a broader range of
users and necessitate security screening and monitoring. Agricultural
operators will be required to provide their own security to protect agricultural
operations and will also be required to participate in the costs of the guard
gate access and other security services.
Leasing will require legal support for document preparation, review and
approval; Redevelopment project management staff effort, supervision and
oversight; and general City overhead expenses.
Attachment II
Preliminary Business Plan
Projected Annual Operating Income and Expenses
Potential Operating Income2'6
Operating Expenses
JHTM Oversight
Review RFP
Parcel 1
Parcel 2
Kutak Rock/City Attorney
Review RFP~
Lease draft review2
Final lease report and approval2
Insurance review2
Security Contract Contribution
Burns Contract
25% of guard gate costs
100% of guard costs of extended
gate services3
10% of roving patrol costs
10% of equipment/supplies
Redevelopment Staff
Program Manager4
Assistant City Manager4
Clerical typing5
City Overhead (15% of gross expenses)
Net Annual Operating Income
$ 8,000
$ 4,000
$ 5,595
Assumes one RFP
Assumes 2 leases (one 192.8 acre site and one 80.7 acre site)
Assumes Monday-Friday additional gate services from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. and Saturday services
from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Assumes 104 hours at hourly rate plus benefits
Assumes 25 hours typing by Administrative Secretary for RFP and agreements, bill processing
and 75 hours of clerical support to Program Manager and Assistant City Manager plus benefits
Assumes income of $2,500 per acre
Attachment III
Agricultural Leasing
Tentative Request for Proposal/Leasing Process
Task 1.1 Prepare RFP by August 16, 2002
The request for proposal will serve to introduce the property to potential
respondents and will also elicit information needed to judge responses.
The RFP will likely include the following:
Site: A narrative description of the properties including relationship to
Navy remediation program.
Description of Terms/Conditions: A description of the potential terms and
conditions of a ny interim leasing and the general business terms
the City will require.
Selection Process and Criteria: A description of the process timeline and
criteria for selecting the successful respondent.
Submission Requests: The materials and information required of
prospective respondents. Specifically, respondents will be asked to
submit a description of type of agricultural row crops proposed, and
their past experience with agricultural leasing.
Task 1.2 Release RFP by August 19, 2002
Task 1.3 Summarize and Evaluate Responses- September 23, 2002
through October 7, 2002
Following receipt of responses to the RFP, the City will evaluate
Task 1.4 Select Preferred Agricultural Operator(s) - October 7, 2002
The City Council will select the preferred agricultural operator(s) based on
the RFP responses and complete any necessary CEQA environmental
documentation and authorize staff to enter into a Lease Agreement(s).
Task 1.5 Complete and Execute Lease Agreement(s)- November 1,2002
Negotiate and complete Lease Agreement(s) with respondent to obtain all
required insurances.