HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT - CODE AMENDMENT 2011-05~~.c~.~;~®und.
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Tustin City Code Sections 9232a1.(a) and 9271 dd(1) require
approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) prior to operating
an alcoholic beverage sales establishment (for off-site
consumption) in the Retail Commercial (C-1 j Zoning District,
except for businesses with at least 15,000 square feet and the
alcoholic sales area is less than 10% of the gross floor area.
Alcoholic beverage sales establishments that require a
conditional use permit are subject to distance requirements
except for restaurants and specialty stores.
Section 9297 defines "Convenience Store" as any establishment
under fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in size where
food, beverage, magazine and auto related items, or
combination thereof, are sold for off-site consumption.
Walgreens proposes that off-site alcoholic sales establishments with at least
12,000 square feet where the alcoholic sales area is less than ten (10) percent
of gross floor area should be exempt from the conditional use permit
requirement and from the distance requirements to sensitive uses and that
these establishments should not be classified as "Convenience Store."
Tustin City Code Section 9295 authorizes amendments to the Zoning Code
upon recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the City
Council through adoption of an Ordinance.
On October 11, 2011, the Planning Commission considered the item and
recommended that the City Council deny Code Amendment 201 1-05.
On October 18, 2011, the City Council continued the public hearing on the
item to tonight's meeting at the request of Walgreens.
~Icoholic Beverages Sales Regulations
_- i , June 4. 7984 _......_. __
Ord. 912 ~~~u--~~
• Interim Urgency Ordinance
• Moratorium on oil-sale liqurn stoles '.
Ortl. 920 November79. 18114
• Raqulred CUP for all businesses selling alcohol
• Renamed "liquor store" io "alcoholic beveragn sales establishment'
Added definition for "alcoholic beverage sales establishment'
Ord. 981 •- Apul2i7. 1987 _
- ~ • Added definition for "convenieure store"
l: Raqulred CUP for onnvemenco store
Required distance standards lot alconolic beveraye sales establishments
Initiated by"Parents Whn Care-community group concerned with alcoholic beverage
sales nusinesses
Ord.1107 Novemb~rr 76, 7892 - - ~ -
• FOrempted suparmerkets and other large retail stores (min. 75,000 sp, and less than 10 '.
percent Bales area, from CUP and distance requirements
Ord. 1167 January 2, 1996
• Revised distance requiremervs and added some sensitive land uses pesidential, other ~~.
alcoholic beverage sales establishments. church, place of worship, public or private '
schools. park, playgrountl, clinic. hospital, health rare tacitly and convalescent home) ~'
• Established methodology for measuring distance
Ord. 1230 ~ . J~rte iB, 2000 --
Interim Urgency Ordinance
• Amended Planned Community (PC), Planned Community Indusidal (PC-IND), and '
' Specific Plan(SP)zoning drs7dcts in establish distanrs roquiremenla
EuYabiished Planning Commission guidolinesapplicable to all alcoholic beverage sales
• Permanent ordinance was never adopted
Ocd. 1231 Juno 4. 2(Nt1
• Added dehnihnn (ur "!specialty Stoi e'
• Specialty Shies eaempihom distance iegmiemenls. but requiretlb have CUP ',
Walgr~ens Analysis
o Actual impact is potentially greater than analyzed.
o The applicant submitted an analysis of which existing businesses
may benefit from the proposed code amendment. The applicant
eoncluded that two (2) existing businesses, including Walgreens,
would quality and benefit from the cowered square footage
o A larger number of future businesses and tenant spaces may be
eligible thru alcoholic business sales establishing in spaces that
are increased or decreased to 12,000 square feet via tenant
~...,rl.t~W1~e I~~_~~r'l~~'
o The proposed code ~_ '~ C_1 __ ,,,„s,
amendment would apply
citywide and affect the
C-1, C-2, C-3, and CG CG p~'
zoning districts and are
generally located along „V'^
Newport Avenue, EI Irvine Blvtl. ~
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Camino Real, and Red Hill
Avenue at the I
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Impact to Convenience Mores
The proposed code amendment would also affect how the City
addresses convenience stares.
Convenience stores are defined as "any establishment under fifteen
thousand (15,000) square feet in size where food, beverage,
magazine and auto related items, or any combination thereof, are
sold for off-site use and/or consumption:'
The current 15,000 square feet threshold for convenience stores and
alcoholic beverage sales establishments go hand in hand.
Existing supermarkets, groceries stores, large retail stores such as
Ralphs, Vons, Stater Bros., R-Ranch Market, Sprouts, CVS, Rite Aid,
etc. in the City, reveals an average of at least 20,000 square feet.
Public Convenience and Necessity
"Undue concentration" means that the area has any of
the following conditions:
Located within a crime reporting district that has a 20
percent greater number of reported crimes (yearly
compilation by Police Department of reported offenses of
criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated
assault burglary, theft, etc.) than average number of
reported crimes within the City.
The ratio of off-sale retail licenses to population in the
census tract in which the applicant premises is located
exceeds the ratio of off-sale retail licenses to population in
the county in which the applicant premises is located.
Public Con-~enience and T`+Tecessity
Public ~anvenience and Necessity
Walgreens is located within Census Tract 755.6 which has five (5) off-sales
retail licenses with 3,437 population.
Orange County has 1,833 off-sales retail licenses with 3,010,232
Accordingly, Walgreens is located within a census tract that has higher ratio
of off-sale retail licenses to population (0.15) than the County's off-sale
retail licenses to population in the County (0.06). If this request were
approved, the census tract would have 200 percent more licenses than
Notwithstanding with the above, ABC may issue a license if the City
determines that public convenience or necessity would be served by the
issuance of alcoholic beverages license. If the City does not make a
determination, then the ABC may issue the license if the applicant shows
that public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance.
Police Department Input
The City's Police Department has reviewed the proposal and has concluded
that the applicant's store is located in an area that is saturated with
alcoholic beverage sales establishments.
There are 18 alcoholic beverage sales establishments (including on-site and
off-site consumption) within the vicinity. Also, in the immediate area are
schools, churches, and the store is located on one of the City's busiest
Police Department records indicate that there were 14 reported thefts of
alcohol from licensed alcoholic beverage sales establishments during the
past year that occurred in the north portion of the City, 50 percent of which
occurred within the vicinity of the existing Walgreens Pharmacy.
The Police Department has indicated that it would not be in support of the
request for a code amendment and Finding of Public Convenience and
Necessity due to concerns of saturation and crime.
Rnedevelop~ne~~.t ~~~-~~_~~T input
^ The project site is located within the Redevelopment project
^ Redevelopment Agency is concerned that the proposed code
amendment could have far reaching implications on the number
of alcoholic beverage sales establishments and such increases
could contribute to a continuance of depreciated values,
impaired investments and economic maladjustments within the
Redevelopment Project Areas.
^ The proposed code amendment conflicts with strategies that
seek to create well-defined neighborhood centers.
That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 1 1-78 upholding
the Planning Commission's recommendation and denying Code
Amendment 201 1-05