HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 398 (1968) 1 ORDINANCE NO. 398 .-~ 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOR- 5 NIA, REZONING ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 68-171 OF LATHAM AND WATKINS · ~"' ."" ' The: City council: of the city of 'TUstin, California, doe · 5 ordain as follows: 6 -- 1) The City Council finds and deterniines as follows: V a) That a proper application (No. Z.C. 68-171) was '8 filed on behalf of Latham and Watkins to rezone property described in Exhibit A attached hereto 9 to the R-3 (multiple residential) zone. 10 b) That the Planning Commission recommended said rezoning after public hearing duly called, noti~ 11 and held. .1~ c) That the City Council duly called, noticed and held a meeting on said application. 13 d) That said property should be rezoned. 2) The City Council hereby fezones said property to th, 15 R-3 (multiple residential) zone, and the zoning map of the City of · t6 Tustin, California, is amended accordingly. 17 PASSED ~qD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Cou~ 18 held on the 20th day of May, 1968. ATTE ST: 25 ~~~ERK 26 27 28 29 30 32 JGR:pw 4-22-68 .:..-'...,! ;..:. ,..:. ..... ..... --... · ." .~;'~'-~'.". Th'at por~J. on o£ I~ot rig" of ~:he St.a~Eord and Tim'tj-n TraCt: in thO c~':y · "~"~:" oE Tusti~ co,cm'ty oE Ora:~ge~ state oE Calj.~ornia, per ~tap recorded ' ':' :~).~.:%T-..7::";. $.~x book 2 page 0~8 oE l.l~scellanoous I~:ords ~.~ the o-~ice of tim : .... -. :,.,.. ;..;;. ..,'corntry recorder o~ Ioos A~ge~.os Cou,ty~ CnlirOx-nla dosorS. bed as -. · .'.-;~/~,'.?:. ~ ~ollox~s: . '-'-' ~":~""':'~" "L" tidenee North 0~ · ..-;:..~..;~:,<' Be~:inni~g at the sgut. h~est corner o~ s:~id Lot · ' 1 feet alerts saJ. d i'(est lj. neto a l.j. no parallel :, l'.l',.:'.:~ ;2: I.l{,rtherly 175 00 foot (Measured along said. i~'ester].y line and its ::.:.9"..'i'.'."' N 55' 45" East 200.00 foot alo~g saJ. d pa'rallel 1.~;~o to a line' :, 7;.?~':2. parallot ~.ti~:h said i'/nst line; tl.~v~tcc South 0~ 46' 1S" En.s~ 15].,69 · '~. 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Titat portio~ o~ I:ot: "I," o~ the St.a~ord and Yustt. n Tract:. t.n l:ho .:~,~.~.,.;:'c}.t)r of Ttt5~tl~, c~unt}r of Orange, state of California, per map - ..-. x'ec, ordod in book ~' l~age 618 of }fj. scej. lanc ous Records in the off3. co -- "::"-" of the colrely recorder of Los lingoleg Coun'cy~ Californj.~ .doscril~ed -: :.:-".~":'fBeginnl~g at' the Southwes~ corner of sal. d Lot "L':; thence l.lor~h 0 · ;' '46' 1S" l./est 1S1 89 feet alon~, said west line to a poi. nt on a · ': ,.line parallel wi~h and ~tortherl7 17S 00 feat (~easured along saS. d . ..:; , ::..::....::.I~est 3.~.Ito .and J.~s Southerly proloagatioa) frohn the cen~er line · '..- · I~cFadde~ Avenue said point bei:~g the true poin~ of bcgin~:j.n,; ' -'.:.' "'thence iiorth 88g SS' ' · ' -45' JZasc 200.00 feet along said para3-D.el line to a ~' "'.: line 'parallel ~ti~h sai. d ~lest line-; thence Sou~h 0~ 46' ].5" .Eas~ .: '... IS1.6D feet. alo~xg saj. d para].lel line to the South line of' said "' ':".: ltorth 88° 5''" iS" Jiast 318,65 feet a].o~tg said Sotlt}l line to ~ho ~ ~.' li~te of tim land described' i~t the Beed to Leo Ilaudi. no, et ,.. recorded Jmmary 28 ~ 1963 in book 6,!09 page 549 of OffS. cj. al' "'::'.7' '.~ l~ccords in ~he office of the county rc~ordor' o~ said Orange .- , · Cou;t~),; tl~e~tce North 0° 42~ 2a" l'[esz 478.36 feet along said -.- ,...:h'est line to ~he Agreedneat line described in tha~ cer~ai.n .. .-- "' ,. . ins~rm'.mn~ recorded April 10, 1947 tn book 1'480, page S00 of " .'..:" said-Official Records; thence Souzh 88° SS~ 45s' l'$est S!9,~-8 'fe~'c alon,, saint AgreeTaen~ 1,}_no to ~he l~'osl; line. of sttid ,~'-27~:-.uI,';; thence9 Soutt~ 0°/~6s iS' Eas~ 327 00 fe{t~ along '.sai. d . -.. -.· :-,. ., .. -..... . ..............::.. --.....- -. . .. ~- . :' · '~2', .; & ......... : .................. ,-. , .- ~ ' ' "" - -, _ - 4 '.. , ?: ~ "' . ' :' ' .' ;, "- -3- - . -'- ;~. - . · .... : - .. · :": ~' ' .' ' ' '~ ' ~ ' 1 : .. . , a -. · _ .~ .... :' ,' ' ,- r ." '. ,' ', · ~ :~ ,~ t . :. -.-:.. ~ : , . .. ...- ., ~ ,- .; .:. . ... -- · .' j'. STATE..0F CALIFORNIA) - -. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS "' CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City'Council of %hi City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 3~ .... was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day' of _ May , 1968, and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of May 1968, by the following vote: .... ' AYES: COUNCILMEN COCO, MACK, KLINGELHOFER, MILLF, R, MARSTERS NOES: COUNCILMEN NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE