HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 370 (1967) ORDINANCE NO. 370 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING THE TUSTIN TRAFFIC ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF AND TRAFFIC UPON THE STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PLACES IN THE CITY, AND THE USE, PARKING AND CONTROL OF VEHICLES THEREON, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 328 AND ALL ORDINANCES AMENDATORY THEREOF, AND . ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 1964 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM TRAFFIC ORDINANCE OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. The City of Tustin, California, does ordain as follows: SectionI~ 1: All of the provisions of the UNIFORM TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, 1964 Edition, adopted by the League of California Cities, except Sections 10.5, 14. through 14.12, and Sections 1616.1, 1616.2 and 1616.3, are hereby adopted and made a part of this Ordin- ance, as though fully set forth herein. Each section shall bear the number by which it is designated in the UNIFORM TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, 1964 Edition, with the addition of the numerals "34" immediately before each section number. Sec+, ion 2: The fOllowinq Sections are hereby added to the Tustin Traffj c Ordinance. 3410 5 Parking for DemonStrai-?.on, No operator of any vehicl~ shall park said Vehicle upon any street in this City adver[iS~ng or displaying it for sale unless authorized by Resn~-~ior, of the City councn. 34~ 1- 9 Curb P_ark%gg' Fo~ the purpose pf this ~c~.ion a ~rb parking ~pace shall be .~.n area ppen f~'~ lawful p~rking alongside or adjacent to =. nurh, WhiCh area is!not!of sufficient length to per- vehicle arrives at said park- ~n a .urb D~r~ing space, wDose , ing ~3ace p~ior to' any v~i!(cie other than his, and who pro- cee.~s beyond said ~:pace ,i?~=distance not to exceed ten feet, measured at the r~ar bumper, for the purpose of backing his veh~,c].e therein, shall h~]~. the right of way over any per- son d~:~vl.n~, ~r a~rempti~Dq~ ~.o drive any other vehicle dir- ectly into such chrb pa~'~n~' place; and driver of such other vehicle! sha!"l' yie.ii'= e- right of way to the driver aid' p =p 3413.5 Parking of Commercial Vehicles. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle of an unladen weight of 4,000 [%unds or over on any public street, highway, th0r6ughfare or lley in any residential district of the Cit~ of Tustin, aS!defined by the Zoning Ordinance of the Cit~ ~,~ TuStin, for a period of more 'than two (2) consecutiv~ HgUrs, nor i. any part of the City, other than a residential district, f~r more than eight (8) consecu- a) While loadingi ,or unloading property for. such time as reasonably neqes~a~U to c~mplete said work; or b) When suc~}, ~e~ic~e iS a{ked in connection with, anc in a~d of, the '~rf6~nce ~p ~ service to or on a proper~ in the bloc~ in Which su~ yehicle is parked, for a reasonably '~ecesSa~y to ? m~lete such service; provid.-"~d, however, 'chat :~.nere shall be specifically · bns of this section pickup trucks ~ane! trucks, StatiOn wa~pns and limousines; (See Californ e i~Te~Code~Se~ion 390 re weight ratings. la ~ h See Health and Safety Code 18255 regarding parking of Mobilhomes); and provided further, however, that upon a showing of special circumstances the Police Department may grant a special permit for parking for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) consecutive hours. 3416. License re~u~red: Exceptions It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use a bicycle propelled wholly or in part by muscular power upon any of the streets, alleys or public highways,of the City without first obtaining from the Police Department a license therefor; providedr however, that there shall be excepted from the provisions of this chapter bicycles , owned and operated by non-residents of the City which are regularly and duly licensed by any other municipality. 3416.1 Issuance of License: Term. The Police Department shall issue, upon written applica- tion, bicycle licenses for each calendar year, commencing on the first day of January and ending on the thirty- first day of December of each calendar' year. Bicycle licenses, when issued, shall entitle the licenses to operate such bicycle ~6~ which the license has been issued upon all the streets, alleys and public 'highways, exclu- sive of the sidewalks thereof, in the City. '3416.2 License and registration card; police records. The City shall provide each year a license, together with a registration card, having numbers stamped thereon in numerical order, beginning with number 100, and indicat- ' ing the year for which the same are issued. Such license ,shall be suitable for attachment upon the frames of bicycles, and it shall be the duty of the Police Depart-' ment to attach one such license to the frame of each bicycle and to issue a corresponding registration card to the licenses upon the payment of the license fee pro- ' vided for by this chapter. Such license shall remain attached during the existence of'such license. The Police Department shall also keep a record of the date of issue of each license, to whom issued, and the number thereof. 3416.3 Weekly ~eports of persons buying and selling bicycles. All persons engaged in the business of buying secondhand bicycles are hereby required to make a weekly report to the police department!, giving the name and address of the person from whom each bicycle is .purchased, the descrip- tion of each bicycle purchased, the frame number thereof and the number of the license. found thereon, if any. 'All persons engaged in the business of selling new or seCOndhand bicycles are hereby required to make a weekly report to the Police Department, giving a list of all sales made by such dealers, which list shall include the name and 'address of each person to whom sold, the kind of bicycle sold, together with a description and frame number thereof and the number'of ~he license attached therefor' if any. '~ ,. ~ -"'.~..- .. 3416.4 Report of Sale or Transfer of Ownership; Change. of Registration It shall be the duty of every person w o sells or trans- fers ownership of any bicycle to report such sale or transfer by returning to the Police Department the regis- tration card issued to such person as licensee thereof, together with the name and address of the person to whom such bicycle was sold or transferred, and such report shall be made within five days of the date of such sale or transfer. It shall be the duty of the purchaser or transferee of such bicycle to apply for a transfer of registration therefor within five days of the' sale or transfer. 3416.5 Removal, etc., of frame numbers It shall be unlawful 'for. any person to wilfully or mali- ciously remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the number of any. bicycle frame licensed pursuant to this chapter. It shall also be unlawful for any person to remove, des- troy, mutilate or alter any license, seal or registrati~on card during the time in which such license, seal or regis- tration card is operative; provided,however, that noth- ing in this chapter shall prohibit the Police Department from stamping numbers on the frames of bicycles on which no serial number can ~be found, or on which such number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes. · 3416.6 License and transfer Eees. For the first annual license issued pursuant to this chapter, a fee of one dollar shall be pa~d. For each annual renewal of any such license, a fee of fifty cents shall be paid. In cases where a transfer of ownership is made in the manner prescribed by this chapter, the fee for transfer of the license shall be fifty cents. 3416.7 Impoundment of Unlicensed Bicycles In addition to the penalty provided by this Code, the Police Department or any of the members thereof, may impound and retain possession of ahy bicycle operated in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, and retain possession of the same until the license provided for by this chapter is obtained by the owner of such bicycle. Section 3: Any person violating any of the ~rovisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person who shall be convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed ~guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $500.00 or by imprisonment for not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and .imprisonment. Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thisOrdinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed thi~ Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that.one or more of said se~tions, subsections, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutiemal. Section 5: Ordinance No. 328 and Chapter 5 "Bicycles='` being Sections 5-1 through 5-8, inclusive, are hereby repealed, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions - of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person or of any act done in violation of any Ordinance hereby repealed prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 6s The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance, and cause the same to be published in the Tustin News. PASSED AND ADOPTED.at a regular meeting held 'on the 6th day of November , 1967. ST/~TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS ' CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-offlclo Clerk of the -- City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number-of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance was duly. and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the .2~d .day of Octobwr _, 1,9 67 , and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting h,.,, held on the 6th .day of Novem, ber ....... , 19.67.,by the following ,. ~i vote: AYES~ 'COUNCILMEN~ MACK, KLINGELHOFER, COCO, MILLER, RING NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: NONE ! . k; lty of T. stin, .... California